


Women's health at your fingertips.

Over ons

Flouria is a digital women’s health company, partnering with organisations who are dedicated to supporting their female employee's health. Our vision is a world where women's health is recognised as a priority and is completely supported in the workplace. By prioritising the well-being of female employees, we help organisations boost morale and increase productivity, whilst preventing unexplained absenteeism, sick leave and turnover. Our digital platform is easily integrated into the daily lives of employees, and our in-house events help to shed light on important - yet often unspoken - women's health topics. Giving your employees access to Flouria is like introducing them to a new best friend who just so happens to be a women's health specialist. Get in touch or visit our website and let's discuss how Flouria can support your organisation!

2-10 medewerkers
Particuliere onderneming
women's health, women's wellbeing, employee wellbeing, healthcare, virtual health, digital health, menstrual health, reproductive health, fertility, pregnancy, postpartum, menopause, neurodiversity, diversity, equity & inclusion, employee benefit en organisational change


Medewerkers van Flouria


  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Flouria, afbeelding

    599 volgers

    Meet our founding team! Bringing a rounded combination of experience from VC, Product Development & Commercial Leadership, Jeanine van Munster, Vlatko Stojkovski and Anna Christie are putting their heads together to better women's healthcare in The Netherlands. Each has their own personal connection to Flouria's mission, making this an exceptionally driven team. 🧡 Flouria is a women’s health platform that provides direct access to a vetted network of certified health specialists via chat, supporting women during every phase of their menstrual & reproductive health. On top of this; ➡️ Our app offers a cycle, fertility, ovulation, and general wellbeing tracker, ➡️ Our medically-vetted comprehensive content library empowers women with crucial health information, and ➡️ As a full-service partner, we work with organisations to help improve their D&I/wellbeing benefits and initiatives We'll be sharing more about our founders, their stories, and the future they are working towards via our newsletter! Join for more exciting updates 📧👇🏽 #womenshealth #dutchfounders #dutchstartup #employeewellbeing #employeebenefits

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    599 volgers

    Zoals altijd slaat Sophie van Gool de spijker op z'n kop. De voorbeelden zijn talloos, en wij hebben de discriminatie aan de lijve kunnen ondervinden met onze zwangere co-founder Anna Christie en zwangere (inmiddels moeder 🧡) Head of Medical Jolijn Huisman. Belangrijk punt uit haar column: "een groot deel zwangerschaps-discriminatie niet als zodanig herkent". Gelukkig praten wij met veel klanten die dit willen veranderen, en daarom bieden wij met Flouria ook het Partner Support programma aan, waarmee we klanten helpen met het zorgen voor een gender-inclusieve cultuur door middel van trainingen, hulp met opstellen van beleid, en inclusieve taal. Laten we ervoor zorgen dat er in de volgende meting wél verandering is opgetreden 💪

    Profiel weergeven voor Sophie van Gool, afbeelding
    Sophie van Gool Sophie van Gool is een influencer

    Columnist FD | Spreker | Boek: 'Waarom vrouwen minder verdienen'

    ‘Jouw zwangerschap is ook een risico voor mij. Stel je krijgt een gehandicapt kind, dan moet je thuisblijven om daarvoor te zorgen. En dan heb ik weer een probleem. Snap je?’ Dat hoorde presentator Roos Moggré van haar werkgever toen ze zwanger was. Bert Huisjes, oprichter van WNL, adviseerde zijn zwangere medewerkers te gaan ‘sporten en afvallen’ als ze wilden terugkeren op televisie. Hij verlengde sommige contracten niet tijdens de zwangerschap, paste functies aan tijdens het verlof, of zorgde ervoor dat iemand tijdelijk uit dienst ging, zo onthulde het AD. Zwangerschapsdiscriminatie is geen ‘horkerig’ gedrag of ‘jarentachtigleiderschap’, maar al dertig jaar bij wet verboden. Huisjes is helaas niet de enige die zich hieraan schuldig blijft maken. Uit onderzoek in 2020 van het College voor de Rechten van de Mens onder 1.150 zwangeren en jonge moeders blijkt dat maar liefst 43% van hen situaties heeft meegemaakt die wijzen op zwangerschapsdiscriminatie. #zwangerschapsdiscriminatie Het Financieele Dagblad Roos Moggré

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Flouria, afbeelding

    599 volgers

    "𝗠𝘂𝗺 𝗕𝗿𝗮𝗶𝗻" - 𝘆𝗼𝘂'𝘃𝗲 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗯𝗮𝗯𝗹𝘆 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗺 𝗯𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲. The complete blanking of memory, standing by the open fridge and thinking "why am I here again?" New research came a bit closer to finding out how this happens. A study published in Neuroscience News last week, tracked the brain changes of a neuroscientist with 26 MRIs during her pregnancy and after. The study shows a significant decline in gray matter starting in pregnancy, and lasting up until 2 years after birth. This might be an explanation for the memory loss a lot of moms are feeling during pregnancy and during the first years of parenthood. This study is a great addition to the understanding of how the brain changes with parenthood, and can the base for improved care during for instance postpartum depression, where early detection can make a big difference. Yay for science! https://lnkd.in/esZvrqJn

    Pregnancy Dramatically Reshapes the Brain - Neuroscience News

    Pregnancy Dramatically Reshapes the Brain - Neuroscience News


  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Flouria, afbeelding

    599 volgers

    Last week, we were invited by Antler and Google to pitch at their Rising Stars 🌟 event! Antler organised a pretty packed evening, with Ronald Jan Schuurs telling us we need more technical founders in Europe (check, that's why we have Vlatko Stojkovski 👨💻🏆). And a great panel of Clare, Jelle and Sam, who shared their experiences scaling a startup. Thanks Saskia van den Ende and Google for the invite, and your efforts to support the Dutch start-up ecosystem 🫶

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Flouria, afbeelding

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    Did you know we have our office in The Hacker Building on the Herengracht in Amsterdam? Last week our co-founder & CTO Vlatko Stojkovski, had the opportunity to present our platform at the building's quarterly Show & Tell. In front of a (predominantly male) tech audience, he shed light on the challenges surrounding women’s health - an issue that needs more attention in tech. Luckily, many were already well aware of these challenges! At Flouria, we’re proud to be a true tech startup, driven by the belief that we can address women's health in a scalable and affordable way. We’re learning from digital giants like Netflix, Medium, and Revolut to build a platform that truly makes a difference. A big shoutout to Vlatko and our tech team - Damjan Velickovski, Stefan Tasevski, and Kely Christ - for their dedication in making this vision a reality. 🧡 #Startups #TechForGood #WomensHealth #FemTech #HealthTech

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Flouria, afbeelding

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    Almost one third of the 25 new directors at Dutch listed companies this year are women, compared to 13% in 2023. This percentage has never been so high! 🙌 Professor of Corporate Governance Mijntje Lückerath-Rovers says, "This year, there has finally been a breakthrough in the number of female directors appointed. If this continues, the percentage of female directors will automatically increase. This year is truly a record!" Why is this important? Groupthink and tunnel vision are the biggest dangers in the boardroom. With women on the board, companies benefit from multiple perspectives. Furthermore, if companies are not innovative, creative, or inclusive, the younger generation are not interested in working for them. A diverse top management with role models for everyone creates better business operations and and performance. We are huge advocates for this progress and a balanced male-female ratio in top management! Credits: Ton Voermans via AD.nl #WomenInLeadership #DutchWomenInBusiness #DiversityInManagement https://lnkd.in/eXvwck_X

    Een op de drie bestuursfuncties gaat naar vrouwen: ‘Jongeren willen niet werken bij ouderwets bedrijf’

    Een op de drie bestuursfuncties gaat naar vrouwen: ‘Jongeren willen niet werken bij ouderwets bedrijf’


  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Flouria, afbeelding

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    Women make up almost half of the European workforce, yet many face unique and complex health challenges that can affect their productivity and career progression. From cycle issues to menopause, a lack of workplace support can lead to unexplained absenteeism, diminished productivity, and, ultimately, talent loss. We envisage a world where it’s normal to seek support from your workplace during these challenges. Women’s health is not just a personal issue it’s a business imperative. Organisations that support their female employees see improved morale, loyalty, and overall performance. So how do you foster a safer, more supportive culture within your workplace? It starts with baby steps! Every initiative you launch, conversation you start, and bit of awareness you spread helps break the taboo around women’s health. We’d love to hear from you—how is your organisation addressing women’s health challenges? #WomensHealth #WorkplaceWellbeing #EmployeeSupport

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor Flouria, afbeelding

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    🇪🇺 Rounding up this week in European women's health 🇪🇺   🗞 Amy Fleming's article on 'The end of Menopause' got a lot of people talking. What would the impact of delaying menopause on women's health really be? And how do society's views on menstruation affect women's well-being today? Via: The Guardian   🔬 A University of Liverpool research project has shed new light on preterm premature rupture of the membranes (PPROM), bringing new hope to those whose waters break before 23 weeks of pregnancy. Via: BBC   🔬 A Cambridge study in mice has found that the Mother’s gut microbiome during pregnancy can help shape healthy brain development in her baby. This means providing ‘good bacteria’ (probiotics) to pregnant women could actually improve the growth and development of her baby. Via: Cambridge University Press & Assessment   📚 And, Naomi Watts is writing a book on menopause! Set to release in January, it's not your typical celebrity tell-all. Naomi opens up about her experience approaching early menopause at age 36. This will definitely be on our pre-order list for the Flouria book club. Which piece of #WomensHealth news in Europe caught your eye this week? 👀 📰

  • Flouria heeft dit gerepost

    Profiel weergeven voor Anna Christie, afbeelding

    Flouria - Women's Health Platform & Organisational Support 🩺📱

    Today is 🌈 Rainbow Baby Day 🌈 celebrating pregnancies and babies born after miscarriage or infant loss. For many, the innocence of pregnancy is forever changed after experiencing such a loss. At Flouria, we recognise the anxieties and fears that come with a pregnancy after loss, as well as the current lack of structure and support in many places of work. We believe it's time for this to change! Let's work together to create environments where women feel understood and supported through their grief and fears about future pregnancies. Fostering a culture of empathy and care does not harm your productivity or bottom line. It only enhances it. #RainbowBabyDay #PregnancyAfterLoss #Flouria #OrganisationalChange

  • Flouria heeft dit gerepost

    Profiel weergeven voor Kely Christ, afbeelding

    UX/UI Designer | Product Designer

    🌺 Great to see research advancing in women's health, especially around menstruation and menopause. While extending ovarian function may offer health benefits, it's also essential for women to have the choice. Whether opting to prolong menstruation or focusing on healthy aging, the decision should be individual. At Flouria, we're committed to supporting women in making informed choices about their bodies and well-being. What are your thoughts on this? #WomensHealth #Empowerment #Flouria

    Profiel weergeven voor Maria Carmen Punzi, afbeelding

    PhD Researcher | Menstrual Health & Social Change | Consultant

    🩸 One of the most fascinating parts of doing research on #menstruation and #reproductiverights is realizing the inherent contradictions in how society treats women's bodies. 🩸 On one hand, menstruation and the menstrual cycle are often framed as debilitating, a weakness, making women "unstable" and unfit for certain positions of power, for example. ⛔ On the other, the idea that women and people with menstrual cycles stop ovulating at some point in their lives - entering menopause and therefore not being fertile anymore - causes quite some commotion. 📰 The Guardian's article below covers new research on options to delay menopause and "extend the working life of the ovaries [...], [so that] women may have a better chance of staving off heart disease, dementia, osteoporosis, obesity, diabetes and other conditions that can affect their health". 🔬 One might think: it's about time there is more research on women's health. Yes, absolutely. But the study goes on to specify: “The onset of menopause has profound socioeconomic, quality of life and health implications. The narrow reproductive window adds socioeconomic pressure on women to complete childbearing within a limited timeframe, or preserve their fertility with egg or embryo freezing.” 🥚 So, is it about health or reproduction? 👩🏻⚕️ In the article, consultant Paula Briggs (Liverpool Women's NHS Foundation Trust) reflects on how "there are things about menopause which are really helpful. Not every woman wants to have a bleed every month. Not bleeding [can be] a health benefit. [...] Any symptoms associated with hormonal changes will improve, whether that’s migraine or premenstrual mood disorders". 🧓🏻🧒🏻👶🏻She then goes on to say: "When you’ve got ageing parents, adolescent children, having proper periods again, and worrying about getting pregnant is the last thing people need”. While I agree with her, I also find it interesting that the issue shifts - on both sides - on the effect of the bleeding (or lack thereof) on women's care-taking and fertility, rather than being about their health and wellbeing. Curious to hear whether other people have read the article, and have interpreted it similarly/differently!

    The end of menopause: would women be healthier and happier if they menstruated for ever?

    The end of menopause: would women be healthier and happier if they menstruated for ever?


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