An accomplished React Developer with a solid background in building diverse web applications. Early in my career, I worked in full-stack development with Node.js and Oracle/PostgreSQL
I’m a frontend developer with a solid background and a proven track record of building diverse web applications, including e-commerce platforms and dashboards. Early in my career, I gained valuable experience in full-stack development using Node.js and databases like Oracle and PostgreSQL, giving me a well-rounded understanding of both frontend and backend technologies. Having worked in fast-paced startup environments, I’ve taken projects from concept to launch, often as the sole frontend developer.
Front-end Developer
Front-end Developer
Front-end Developer
Front-end Developer
Front-end Developer
Full-stack Developer
A digital platform for at-home care
Admin Panel for LTH (cannot be fully published online, sorry!)
A digital platform for at-home care (Russian version of the platform, no longer supported)
AI co-pilot for VC
Schedule panel