Action Fraud issue new alert warning to look out for unusual messages or phishing emails from hotel accounts using the platform. Those using the platform to book their holidays or accommodation are being warned they could be targeted with emails or messages requesting payments from hotels who have had their account taken over by fraudsters. Between June 2023 and September 2024, Action Fraud received 532 reports from individuals, with a total of £370,000 lost. Insight from Action Fraud reports suggests the individuals were defrauded after receiving unexpected messages and emails from a account belonging to a hotel they had a reservation with, which had been taken over by a criminal. Using this account, the criminals send in-app messages, emails, and WhatsApp messages to customers, deceiving them into making payment and/or requesting credit card details. The specific account takeovers are likely to be the result of a targeted phishing attack against the hotel or accommodation provider, and not’s backend system or infrastructure. How can you protect yourself? and Action Fraud are providing the following advice on how to spot signs of fraud and protect your account: ▪️ No legitimate transaction will ever require a customer to provide their credit card details by phone, email, or text message (including WhatsApp). ▪️ Sometimes a hotel provider will manage their own payment and may reach out to request payment information, like credit card details – before providing any information, always verify the authenticity of communication between yourself and the hotel’s account. ▪️ If you receive any urgent payment requests that require immediate attention, like a booking cancellation, immediately reach out to the Customer Service team via the details on the official website and/or app to confirm. ▪️ Any payment requests that do not match the information in the original booking confirmation should also be double checked and confirmed with Customer Service before proceeding. ▪️ Any messages purporting to be from that contain instructions to follow links and/or open/download files should be treated with caution. ▪️ If you have any doubts about a message, contact directly. Don’t use the numbers or address in the suspicious message and use the details from their official website. If you receive any suspicious emails or text messages, report them by forwarding emails to:, or texts to 7726. If you’ve lost money or provided financial information as a result of any phishing scam, notify your bank immediately and report it to Action Fraud via their website or by calling 0300 123 2040.