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    Flow 結果共36筆

  • LINE Bank survey reveals Taiwanese digital financial trends

    a comprehensive survey on digital financial trends in Taiwan, conducted by LINE Bank, Schroders, and National Chengchi University. Learn about Taiwanese citizens’ investment habits, preferences for stable cash flow over retirement savings, and the rise of digital investing among 20 to 50-year-olds.
    2024/07/12 21:00
  • 楊乃文成金曲大遺珠!10月重返北流開唱 詞窮預告「演出加料」

    2024/07/04 10:40
  • 金曲慶功/楊乃文擦身歌后吐真實心聲 下半年好消息不藏了

    2024/06/30 13:29
  • 金曲35/草東奪最佳華語專輯! A-Lin「揭獎口誤」機智反應曝光

    2024/06/29 23:28
  • 金曲35完整得獎名單/草東沒有派對擒3獎成大贏家 熱狗、孫盛希奪歌王歌后

    2024/06/29 23:15
  • 金曲預測/華語專輯掀「前後浪對決!」 楊乃文搶獎先過裘德這關

    2024/06/29 14:28
  • 金曲35/歌后楊乃文呼聲高!他鐵口直斷「獎不留台灣」 內幕曝光

    2024/06/29 13:48
  • 楊乃文不讓了!金曲入圍8項「全部都想得」 隨身幸運物藏母愛

    金曲歌后楊乃文去年發行個人第八張專輯《Flow》,和伍佰、黃貫中、落日飛車、佛跳牆、傻子與白癡、I Mean Us、JADE、凹與山、守夜人、Crispy脆樂團10組音樂人攜手合作,一舉入圍第35屆金曲獎華語女歌手、華語專輯、年度專輯共8項大獎。
    2024/05/25 20:09
  • 金曲35/楊乃文太猛!搶歌后入圍8項成大贏家 喜喊2字超謙虛

    2024/05/16 15:01
  • 金曲35/死亡組合!華語歌后名單曝光 楊乃文對抗孫盛希

    2024/05/16 13:35
  • Kaohsiung’s proactive steps secure water supply

    Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chi-mai announced that the city’s water situation is stable, with the Gaoping River’s flow rate at 8-9 cubic meters per second, slightly higher than last year. Kaohsiung uses 1.5 million tons of water daily, drawing from various sources including the Jiasian District river dam and Nanhua Reservoir. Drought measures, such as drought-resistant wells and embankments, ensure water supply stability. The Tsengwen Reservoir connection project is set for completion, further securing Kaohsiung’s water resources.
    2024/03/29 16:40
  • Taipei mayor to review Taipei Dome issues after complaints

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an plans to address reported issues at Taipei Dome, including water leakages and unclear signage causing traffic confusion. The recent Yomiuri Giants exhibition game drew criticism from city councilors, prompting proactive investigation by the Taipei City Government. Chiang emphasized the city’s role in assisting and supervising the Build-Operate-Transfer project run by Farglory Group. Farglory Group’s spokesperson acknowledged oversight in fan movement and committed to working with the city government to resolve issues promptly. Chiang highlighted the need for an overall review of Taipei Dome’s operations.
    2024/03/04 16:20
  • Taiwan enjoys warm weather as south winds prevail

    Stay up to date with the latest weather forecast for Taipei and Taiwan. Expect clear skies with brief showers in select areas, as temperatures range from 26 to 32 degrees Celsius. Anticipate stable weather conditions due to an "Anticyclone Reverse Flow System," with potential fog in western regions. Prepare for short-lived rainfall from Thursday to next Tuesday, followed by a surge in cloud cover and cooler temperatures. Keep an eye on the weather reports for the most accurate updates.
    2024/02/20 10:19
  • Hit Fm年度十大專輯出爐!  楊乃文、草東上榜「大黑馬是他」

    Hit Fm年度十大專輯出爐!由Hit Fm聯播網專業DJ群共同嚴選,從2023年整年度發行的華語專輯中,票選出10張最值得推薦的音樂作品,分別是9m88《Sent》、K6劉家凱《太棒了!我一無是處的人生》、LINION《HIDEOUT》、MC HotDog熱狗《髒藝術家》、告五人《帶你飛》、孫盛希《BOOMERANG》、草東沒有派對《瓦合》、楊乃文《Flow》、麋先生《都是浪漫害的》以及壞特 ?te《Way out》。
    2024/02/02 15:53
  • Arc-shaped cloud system mesmerizes early risers in Yushan

    A stunning arc-shaped cloud system appeared in the sky over Yushan, Taiwan on January 7th. Former Central Weather Bureau Director-General Cheng Ming-dean analyzed the cloud system, air flow changes, and the effect of the sun on the scenery. The Central Weather Administration noted cooler temperatures in the morning and evening due to the northeast monsoon, with brief showers expected in certain areas. A cold weather advisory was issued for Hsinchu County, Miaoli County, and Nantou County.
    2024/01/07 15:56
  • Kaohsiung gears up for New Year’s traffic management

    The Transportation Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government (TBKC) has announced plans to regulate traffic around 10 major tourist spots in anticipation of the increased activities expected for the New Year’s holiday season. Measures will be implemented based on the transportation status on the day, with the aim of ensuring smooth traffic flow during the annual New Year’s Eve party in Kaohsiung and the New Year’s Eve fireworks show at Eda World. TBKC has released a guide on Facebook outlining phased road controls, entry routes, and parking plans, while also imposing stricter rules against illegal parking and towing in surrounding areas. To effectively disperse crowds, the Kaohsiung Metro (KRTC), circular light rail (LRT), and railway system will increase their services and operating hours. Residents are advised to check radio broadcasts and real-time online traffic updates before leaving home and are recommended to use public transportation like the metro instead of driving.
    2023/12/26 20:35
  • Tech-driven traffic enforcement expands in Taipei City

    Taipei City plans to install four more traffic enforcement cameras at intersections starting from January 1, 2024, to maintain traffic order. The new technology will assist in enforcing traffic regulations, including stopping for pedestrians, obeying traffic lights, making proper turns, and following traffic signal directions. Violations captured by the cameras will be penalized under the Road Traffic Management and Penalty Act. Since 2019, Taipei has already installed such cameras in 34 areas, resulting in over a 90% decrease in traffic violations according to the Traffic Division’s data. The introduction of tech-based traffic enforcement aims to reduce violations and ensure smooth traffic flow, with the authorities urging drivers to prioritize traffic safety. These additional installations are expected to contribute to safer road conditions in the city.
    2023/12/26 20:24
  • Taiwan’s media environment attracts global news outlets

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) has highlighted the increase in foreign media presence in the country due to its freedom in the media environment. Currently, there are 82 international media organizations and 174 journalists stationed in Taiwan. MOFA spokesman Jeff Liu emphasized that Taiwan’s open and free society, ranked sixth in internet freedom by Freedom House, is the main attraction for journalists. Taiwan’s freedom of the press, transparent flow of information, rule of law, respect for diverse opinions, and strategic location in the Indo-Pacific region contribute to its appeal as a hub for international media. MOFA is committed to assisting foreign media personnel with entry, residency, settling in, and work-related matters.
    2023/12/19 22:08
  • Kaohsiung Light Rail spurs new left-turn policy at 10 points

    The Transportation Bureau of the Kaohsiung City Government has announced that left turns will be permitted at 10 intersections along the route of the Kaohsiung Circular Light Rail. In order to maintain traffic flow and address concerns from drivers, the bureau has reviewed and assessed traffic regulations. To minimize the impact on through traffic, vehicles will be directed to stay to the right about 50 meters upstream from the intersections. Additionally, changes to signal timing and settings on main roads surrounding the light rail, including Dashun Road, Jiangong Road, Dafeng Road, and Dachang Road, will be implemented. These adjustments aim to respond to actual traffic flow and will be fine-tuned as needed.
    2023/12/18 20:59
  • Sunny skies grace weekend; sporadic rain in Eastern Taiwan

    Stay informed about the changing weather conditions in Taipei. Wu Der-rong, an adjunct associate professor of atmospheric sciences at National Central University, advises dressing warmly due to significant temperature fluctuations between day and night. Layering clothing is important during this period. From Saturday to Monday, expect mostly sunny to cloudy skies with sporadic rainfall in the eastern half of the island. Temperatures will gradually rise and maintain a larger diurnal range. On Tuesday, the northeast monsoon will bring local showers to areas north of Taoyuan and parts of the eastern region, cooling temperatures in northern Taiwan. However, the cold air mass is weak, indicating a limited decrease in temperatures. By Wednesday, the northeast monsoon is expected to weaken, leading to clear skies in western regions and occasional brief showers in the east. Temperatures will rebound. Stay updated with the latest weather reports and be prepared for the changing conditions.
    2023/12/07 09:01
  • Chiang Wan-an gives passing grade to Taipei Dome trial match

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an gave a positive assessment of the trial match held at the Taipei Dome, stating that there is room for improvement and that the citizens will ultimately decide. During a City Council meeting, Councilors Chen Yi-chun and Hung Wan-jen raised concerns about various issues observed during the trial match. These included the absence of surveillance cameras in the underground parking lots, water stains in the lobby, accumulated water underground, disarray among people and YouBike users, water supply problems in the toilets, unremitting water flow in some sinks, the lack of vending machines, and bilingual signage issues. Mayor Chiang promised to demand that the Farglory Group, the construction contractors, address these issues and make improvements. The trial match was conducted to assess the condition and facilities of the long-awaited multi-purpose stadium.
    2023/11/20 13:42
  • 金曲歌后突公開新身分「竟是吸血鬼獵人」 直奔撞球場殺紅眼

    2023/10/12 16:34
  • 朱軒洋不藏了!約超正女星「純抱睡」 竟和楊乃文有關

    2023/09/21 12:34
  • 才推出新輯!楊乃文突求「他們」不要解散 親揭擔憂內幕

    金曲歌后楊乃文推出第8張專輯《Flow》,聯名華語樂壇經典與新銳十組指標音樂人,有伍佰、黃貫中、落日飛車、佛跳牆、傻子與白癡、I Mean Us、JADE、凹與山、守夜人、Crispy脆樂團。Hit Fm聯播網邀她錄製限定節目,與這次合作的音樂人深入暢聊,首集嘉賓邀來搖滾樂團JADE,不過楊乃文發現JADE的兩位成員個性、喜愛曲風大不同,忍不住擔心JADE會解散。
    2023/09/15 19:12
  • 楊乃文壓力大!作怪夢「一群人裸體打疫苗」 求助粉絲全笑了

    金曲歌后楊乃文推出新專輯《Flow》,昨(24)晚在台北Legacy舉辦「Flow Live Concert」演唱會,除了獻唱新歌,她也選唱〈星星堆滿天〉、〈你就是吃定我〉和〈悔過書〉等彩蛋歌,讓歌迷大為驚喜,她也向歌迷小小抱怨,笑說:「你們很開心,但我很辛苦。」
    2023/08/25 14:29
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