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    California 結果共97筆

  • NBA/大鎖潛力!皇子布朗尼「2抄3鍋」 湖人夏聯加州賽3戰全敗

    NBA夏季聯賽加州經典賽(California Classic)正在火熱進行當中,而前役因左膝腫脹缺席的「皇子」布朗尼(Bronny James)也於今(11)日復出。儘管湖人此戰最終是以76:80不敵熱火、苦吞加州經典賽3連敗,但布朗尼上陣28分鐘,繳出3分5籃板3助攻、外帶3阻攻2抄截的成績單,仍舊展現了不俗的防守天賦。
    2024/07/11 10:24
  • Taiwanese chain Bafang Yunji to open new subsidiary in Texas

    Bafang Yunji is expanding its U.S. presence with a new Texas subsidiary and a $7.2 million investment, aiming to increase its store count and strengthen operations.
    2024/07/10 10:43
  • 中國男籃震撼教育!對NBA夏聯「2戰輸82分」 球員:打太XX爛

    中國男籃青年軍近日赴美參加NBA加州夏季聯賽(California Classic),繼7日慘敗給國王隊51分後,今(8)日再度遭到震撼教育,以62:93不敵黃蜂,吞下2連敗,兩場比賽總共輸了82分。
    2024/07/08 15:15
  • 加州野火燒掉「56座大安森林公園」 宣布緊急狀態近3萬人急撤

    美國加州北部近日爆發野火災情,截至當地時間3日,延燒面積已達超過3,500英畝以上,約等於56座台北大安森林公園。州長紐森(Gavin Newsom)已宣布火災地區進入緊急狀態,加州森林暨消防廳(California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection)指出,4日已有將近2.8萬人收到避難警告或命令。
    2024/07/05 13:20
  • 喝塑膠瓶裝水患糖尿病風險增? 美研究籲:重新評估化學成分劑量

    美國加州理工州立大學(California Polytechnic State University)一項最新的研究發現「塑膠瓶中的雙酚A(BPA)和第二型糖尿病」具有直接關聯的關鍵證據。研究結果將發布於2024年美國糖尿病協會的科學會議上,並呼籲美國環境保護署(EPA)重新監管、評估食品容器中所含有雙酚A(BPA)的安全限制。
    2024/06/28 12:59
  • 黃仁勳加州理工畢典致詞順便徵才 高喊「我是好老闆歡迎來輝達」

    NVIDIA創辦人黃仁勳14日在加州理工學院(California Institute of Technology)的畢業典禮上致詞,分享創業經歷並鼓勵畢業生面對未來挑戰。他強調,畢業生應堅信自己,並懂得以退為進,所有的痛苦都會讓人成長變強。最後還不忘幫自家公司徵才,強調自己是好老闆,歡迎畢業生到輝達工作,或是找到屬於自己的「輝達」。
    2024/06/15 14:56
  • 哈佛等美國名校招生政策大轉彎 申請入學需提交SAT成績

    哈佛大學(Harvard Univerity)11日宣布,將再次要求申請入學者提交「學術能力評估測試」(SAT)成績,成為最新1所恢復要求提交SAT成績規定的美國名校,此前包括加州理工學院(The California Institute of Technology)、耶魯大學(Yale Univerity)和布朗大學(Brown Univerity)等校皆做出相同決定。
    2024/04/12 16:16
  • 殭屍片真人版!火車事故斷腿飛路邊 美毒蟲竟撿起「啃到見骨」

    2024/03/26 17:01
  • 哈利王子自曝吸毒 川普轟不該享特權:當總統「不排除驅逐」

    現居美國加州(California)的英國哈利王子(Prince Harry),去年在回憶錄《備胎》(Spare)中自爆年輕時吸毒,引發他持美國簽證的質疑;正在打選戰的美國前總統川普(Donald Trump)近日聲稱,若哈利在申請美國簽證時未誠實交代自己的吸毒史,他若選上總統將採取「適當措施」,不排除驅逐出境。
    2024/03/20 11:57
  • FBI拆彈訓練驚傳爆炸意外 16名特種隊員遭炸傷送醫

    美國南加州(Southern California)的聯邦調查局(FBI)訓練設施13日驚傳爆炸意外,造成16名「特種武器和戰術部隊」(SWAT)隊員受傷送醫,其中1人更是出現嚴重腿部傷勢,初步調查顯示爆炸是發生在拆彈小組訓練期間,其餘細節將有待進一步調查才能釐清。
    2024/03/14 15:06
  • Michelle Yeoh shines in Taiwanese jewels at Oscars

    Academy Award-winning actress Michelle Yeoh dazzles at the 96th Academy Awards in Taipei time, presenting in a custom Balenciaga Couture gown and Cindy Chao’s exclusive jewelry. Yeoh, known for her role in "Everything Everywhere All at Once," graces the red carpet as a presenter at the prestigious event held at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles, California.
    2024/03/11 18:11
  • 251公分最高男與62.8公分最矮女「世紀聚首」 鞋子快比她高

    身高 251 公分的土耳其男子蘇丹(Sultan Kosen)是金氏世界紀錄認證的「在世最高男性」,身高僅62.8公分的印度女子喬蒂(Jyoti Amge)則是「在世最矮女性」,兩人2018年獲埃及觀光局邀請,在金字塔前拍下「世紀合照」,震撼照片當時全網瘋傳。近日兩人在美國加州(California)聚首並拍照留念,180公分身高差再度引起討論。
    2024/02/21 15:05
  • 滑雪少女從9公尺高纜車直墜地面 員工拉救援網「沒接到」挨轟

    2024/02/01 17:24
  • Keelung partners with UC Berkeley for remote courses

    Keelung City Mayor George Hsieh has announced a collaboration with the University of California, Berkeley to offer a remote course for high school students in Keelung. Out of 249 applicants, 30 students will be selected for the program, which will begin next month. This initiative is part of Hsieh’s plan to promote academic excellence locally and he aims to introduce more courses in 2024 to provide Keelung’s top high schoolers with high-quality international education. The selected students will participate in a course focused on the autonomous vehicle industry, learning programming in Python and various algorithms. Classes will be held twice weekly from February 24 to March 24 at the city hall briefing room. Upon completion, students will receive a certificate of completion from UC Berkeley. This collaboration aims to encourage local education and retain talented students in Keelung.
    2024/01/29 17:08
  • 女滑雪失蹤15小時!竟困半空纜車整夜 「呼救到失聲」險上天國

    2024/01/28 13:28
  • 加州13年前驚見全裸無頭女屍 死者「血被抽乾」身分今揭曉

    2024/01/12 11:08
  • 閃鹿出車禍掉進峽谷 美女子「喝雨水撐4晚」奇蹟獲救

    2024/01/11 12:18
  • Dengue spreads like needle-shared diseases: study

    A pivotal study reveals that dengue fever can rapidly spread through a transmission method similar to needle-sharing in infectious diseases like HBV, HCB, and HIV. The study, conducted by Taiwan’s National Health Research Institutes in collaboration with the Department of Health and Kaohsiung City Government, analyzed the timing of infections during the 2015 outbreak. They found that in 85% of household cases, symptoms occurred within three days of each other, contradicting the previously believed incubation period for virus transmission. Using animal models, researchers confirmed that when mosquitoes bite an infected animal and then promptly bite another, the virus can transfer via the mosquito’s proboscis, bypassing the once-considered essential eight-day extrinsic incubation period. This finding explains the rapid spread of the 2015 dengue epidemic in Taiwan and raises concerns for the recent spike in cases. The study, published in the esteemed journal eBiomedicine, a Lancet subsidiary, in August 2023, also involved international researchers from the University of California, Nagoya University, Tsinghua University, and National Taiwan University.
    2023/12/18 15:25
  • Tsai Ing-wen hosts N. America Taiwan Centers in Taipei

    Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen and Vice President Lai Ching-te welcomed the 2023 Taiwan Centers from North America delegation at the Presidential Office. They expressed gratitude for the expatriates’ support of Taiwan, particularly in its efforts to join international organizations and promote Taiwanese culture abroad. The delegation has played a vital role in fostering exchanges between Taiwan and countries like the United States and Canada. Despite challenges from the pandemic and international tensions, Tsai remarked that Taiwan’s steady policies have fortified its strength, with the island ranking sixth in global competitiveness and third for its entrepreneurial environment. The government remains committed to propelling industrial transformation and pursuing a net-zero transition. The visiting group’s agenda includes tours in Taipei, Changhua, Tainan, and Kaohsiung, with hopes that they will share Taiwan’s progress and achievements with their communities overseas. Notable invitees include Simon Lin, President of the Taiwan Center Foundation/Greater Los Angeles, Su Chun-hwai, President of the Taiwan Center NY, and Huang Mei-hsing, chief of staff of the Taiwanese American Center of Northern California.
    2023/12/06 14:51
  • 性侵14歲女還稱「上帝旨意」 她怒控戀童癖牧師:毀我人生

    2023/12/05 17:34
  • U.S.-China Summit: Tensions and talks over Taiwan, elections

    In a pivotal summit in Woodside, California, Presidents Joe Biden and Xi Jinping discussed escalating U.S.-China tensions, focusing on Taiwan and the upcoming U.S. elections. The meeting, significant for its diplomatic communications, highlighted the ongoing complexities in U.S.-China relations and the looming concerns over Taiwan and election interference.
    2023/11/17 16:50
  • 破紀錄!全身52種植入物 美國「生化女」手臂打電話、測輻射 

    隨著醫療技術日新月異,醫生已將心律調節器、髖關節等物植入病患體內,不過美國加州(California)婦人辛恩(Anastasia Synn)卻在身體植入磁鐵、微晶片等,至今共累積52個植入物,打破金氏世界紀錄,被視為「人類生化人」(human cyborg);如今她不僅可用手臂撥打電話,還可測量輻射值,甚至聽到自己腦中的聲音。
    2023/11/12 15:19
  • 男子讓店員隨選一張彩券 幸運贏得破3億頭獎

    美國加州維塞利亞(Visalia, California)地區日前出現幸運兒,一名叫布倫特(Brent Young)的男子,因為無法自己做出選擇,讓店員幫他隨意挑一張,沒想到這個隨機選擇,竟然讓他贏得1000萬美元(約新台幣3億2348萬元)的頭獎,瞬間晉升為億萬富翁;這個幸運的加油站,也收到得主送出的5萬美元(約新台幣161萬元)大紅包。
    2023/10/20 18:03
  • 白茫一片如下雪!加州多地驚現神秘漂浮物 專家揭真實身份

    2023/10/11 15:48
  • 吳郭魚沒煮熟!女染「這細菌」手腳發黑、腎衰竭 急截肢保命

    美國加州(California)一名婦女日前在當地市場買了一隻吳郭魚,回家未完全煮熟就急著吃下肚,沒過多久四肢、嘴唇便開始發黑,腎臟也逐漸衰竭,就醫後才得知感染創傷弧菌(Vibrio vulnificus ,俗稱海洋弧菌),緊急截肢才保住保命。
    2023/09/17 13:52
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