
Japanese official invites President Tsai to give speech

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2023/10/30 17:49
Last update time:2023/10/30 17:49
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Japanese official invites President Tsai to give speech (Courtesy of Presidential Office) Japanese official invites President Tsai to give speech
Japanese official invites President Tsai to give speech (Courtesy of Presidential Office)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The top Japanese official in Taiwan on Monday (Oct. 30) invited President Tsai Ing-wen to deliver a speech in his home country.

Hiroyasu Izumi, chief representative of the Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association Taipei Office, noted that Tsai, as Taiwan's first female president, has caught the attention of the general public. He anticipates a warm welcome if she were to give a speech in Japan.


The invitation was extended as Tsai awarded Izumi the "Order of Brilliant Star" in recognition of his contributions toward Taiwan-Japan relations, ahead of the conclusion of Izumi's term at the office.

During the award ceremony, Tsai accentuated the progress that Taiwan and Japan have collectively demonstrated to the world over the past four years. 

Reviewing the shared values of democracy and freedom, she pointed out how both nations tackled global challenges and contributed to regional prosperity.

Izumi dubbed Taiwan-Japan relations as inseparable, implying that if one fails, the other is in jeopardy, underscoring that "Japan is always by Taiwan's side."

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan-Japan relations#President Tsai Ing-wen#Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association#Hiroyasu Izumi#Order of Brilliant Star#Democracy and freedom#Regional prosperity#Tsai Ing-wen invited to deliver a speech in Japan#Attention of the general public in Japan#Pro


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