Premier admits oversights in egg imports, vows to reform

記者 TVBS News Staff 報導

2023/09/22 12:28

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Premier Chen Chien-jen delivered a special report to the Legislative Yuan on Friday (Sept. 22) in response to the ongoing controversy surrounding imported eggs. 

During his address, Chen publicly acknowledged any oversights resulting from the extensive emergency egg imports, which had led to social disturbances in the country.


Chen assured citizens that the government is committed to enhancing the implementation of special egg import measures to ensure convenience and safety for everyone when purchasing eggs.

The premier explained that the significant reduction in local egg supply was primarily due to the spread of avian influenza and the price increases caused by the Russia-Ukrainian war. 

To address these challenges, the government started importing eggs with the goal of bridging the supply gap, protecting poultry farmers, and maintaining a stable egg supply. Chen emphasized that the government had achieved its policy objectives, underscoring the necessity of the special import policy.

During his presentation to the Legislative Yuan, Chen pledged to actively engage with public opinion and collaborate with legislators, highlighting the government's commitment to comprehensive reform.

Chen expressed optimism that after the necessary reforms, the egg supply and prices would stabilize, ensuring food safety. He also conveyed his regret and issued an apology to the public and all parties affected by the issue.

As the controversy surrounding imported eggs persists, the government is intensifying its efforts to address public concerns and anger by implementing genuine reforms.



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更新時間:2023/09/22 21:53