Why we worry: The ABC method for mindfully managing worry

We spend a lot of time worrying. About work, money, friends, family, the future. For most people, it’s not the kind of paralyzing worry that prevents us from getting anything done. It’s more akin to background noise which we can be pretty good at ignoring. But it’s still there. It makes it harder than we’d … Read More

The Sleep-Creativity Cycle: Why Sleep is the Secret Ally of Creative Minds

Sleeping is strange. We spend on average a third of our life asleep. That’s time we’re not spending working, socializing, or reproducing. Yet, sleep is necessary to our survival. While it can be tempting to spend as much time awake as possible so we can be productive, not getting enough sleep is actually detrimental to … Read More

From FOMO to JOMO: The Joy of Missing out

I’m lucky to live in a city where lots of stuff happens. There’s always a conference, an exhibition, a meetup. I never really struggle to find something to do. I also spend a lot of time on the Internet, so there are talks, live streams, and chats happening online. And then, of course, there are … Read More

Free-Floating Anxiety: When You Feel Anxious for No Apparent Reason

Racing pulse, tense muscles, dry mouth, restlessness, irritability, difficulty concentrating… The symptoms of anxiety are many, but sometimes we can’t pinpoint why exactly we experience this panicky feeling. Objectively, everything seems to be going well, and yet the sensations of anxiety are definitely there. The American Psychological Association refers to this phenomenon as free-floating anxiety, … Read More

How to deal with negative emotional triggers

It’s easy to stay calm when things are under control. But, sometimes, life happens. A deadline is moved up. Your train is canceled. Your luggage gets lost. Then, your heartbeat goes faster. You can feel the tension in your muscles. Your breathing accelerates. That’s it: You’re stressed. Psychologists often say that our freedom lies in … Read More

Design Better Habits, Routines, and Rituals with the Intentionality Curve

Making your bed in the morning, that first cup of coffee, grabbing a croissant on your way to work, listening to your favorite podcast on the train… As much as we wish for each day to be different, repeating some of the same actions is an important part of our lives. Researchers have found that … Read More

Is it burnout or boreout?

By most standards, I work a lot. Between running a company, pursuing a Ph.D., speaking at events, and writing a book, my days are filled with work. My friends sometimes comment that I work too much. But it doesn’t feel this way. I do work a lot, but not too much. I know because I … Read More