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Hopes and Fears

Īhuīcpa Huiquipedia, in yōllōxoxouhqui cēntlamatilizāmoxtli


Hopes and Fears
Yahualtzintli īxiptli
Ōmonamacapēuh Tlamācuīlti 10, 2004
Iuhcāyōtl Yahualtōntli
Vinillahualli 12"
Neneuhcāyōtl Pianotli rock
Duración 50:30
Yahualtiliztli Island
Ōquichīuh Andy Green

Under the Iron Sea
(Tlachicuazti 2006)
1. "Somewhere Only We Know"
2. "Everybody’s Changing"
3. "Bedshaped"
4. "This Is the Last Time"
5. "We Might As Well Be Strangers"
6. "Bend and Break"

Hopes And Fears ītōca inīc cē yahualtzintli īpal inglatēcatl tlacuīcaliztli Keane, auh ōmonamacapēuh īpan Tlamācuīlti 10, 2004 (5 tecpatl) xihuitl.

  1. "Somewhere Only We Know" (Canah zan tixmatih)
  2. "Bend and Break" (Tlapoztequi īhuān tzomoni)
  3. "We Might As Well Be Strangers" (Tihuelītih chōntalli cateh)
  4. "Everybody’s Changing" (Mochīntīn mocuepa)
  5. "Your Eyes Open" (Mitzixaya)
  6. "She Has No Time" (Yeh ahmo quipiya cāhuitl)
  7. "Can’t Stop Now" (Ahmo huelīti cahua āxcān)
  8. "Sunshine" (Tōnamēyo)
  9. "This Is the Last Time" (Xōcoyōc cāhuitl cah)
  10. "On a Day Like Today" (Cē tōnalpan quemeh āxcān)
  11. "Untitled 1" (Ahtōcāitl cē)
  12. "Bedshaped" (Cochpantic)
