ကဏ္ဍ "နာမ်များ" မှ စာမျက်နှာများ
စုစုပေါင်း ၇၂၇၄ အနက်မှ အောက်ပါ စာမျက်နှာ ၂၀၀ ခုသည် ဤကဏ္ဍတွင် ရှိသည်။
(ပြီးခဲ့သော စာမျက်နှာ) (နောက်စာမျက်နှာ)-
- a bald head
- a barrage of gunfire
- a barren fruit
- a barren woman
- a cordial smile handshake.cordiality
- a knotty problem
- a lacquered table
- A level
- a sofa that is convertible convertible currencies .convertibility
- A-bomb
- A-road
- abaci
- abacuses
- abalone
- abalones
- abandon
- abandonment
- abasement
- abattoir
- abbe
- abbess
- abbey
- abbitis
- abbot
- abbots
- abbr.
- abbreviate
- abbreviation
- abdication
- abdomen
- abduction
- abettor
- abeyance
- able man
- able seaman
- abnegation
- abnormality
- abolitionist
- abortionist
- abracadabra
- abrasion
- abrasiveness
- abridgement
- abrogation
- absconder
- absent mindedness
- absentee
- absentee landlord
- absenteeism
- absolute majority
- absolutism
- absolutist
- absorbency
- absorbment
- abstainer
- abstention
- abstraction
- absurdity
- abundance
- abuser
- AC
- acacia
- academe
- academia
- academician
- Academy Award
- acanthus
- acceleration
- accelerator
- accentuation
- acceptability
- acceptance
- acceptor
- access denied
- access road
- access time
- accessibility
- accession
- acclimatisation
- acclimatization
- accolade
- accompaniment
- accompanist
- accomplishment
- accordance
- accordion
- accountability
- accountancy
- accoutrements
- accreditation
- accretion
- accumulation
- accuracy
- accusative
- accuser
- acetate
- acetic acid
- acetone
- acetylene
- Achilles
- Achilles' tendon
- acid house
- acid rain
- acid test
- acidification
- acidity
- acknowledgement
- acolyte
- aconite
- acoustics
- acquisitiveness
- acquittal
- acreage
- acrobat
- acronym
- acrylic
- act of God
- action group
- action replay
- action stations
- activation
- active service
- activism
- activity
- actuality
- actuary
- acuity
- acupuncture
- acupuncturist
- acute accent
- acute angle
- acuteness
- Adam
- Adam's apple
- adaptability
- adaptation
- adaptor
- add-on
- addendum
- addiction
- additive
- addressee
- adequacy
- adhesion
- adjacent angles
- adjoining room
- adjournment
- adjudication
- adjudicator
- adman
- admin
- administration building
- admiralty
- admirer
- admissibility
- admittance
- admixture
- admonishment
- admonition
- ado
- adobe
- adolescence
- adopted child
- adopted daughter
- adoption
- adoptive parent
- adoration
- adorer
- adornment
- adrenalin
- adroitness
- adulteration
- adulthood
- adumbration
- advance guard
- advanced level
- advancement
- advark
- advent
- adventure playground
- adventurer
- adventuress
- adverbial particle
- advertiser
- advertisings
- advisability
- adviser
- advisor
- advocacy
- adze
- aegis
- aeon
- aerated water
- aeration
- aerobatics
- aerobics
- aerodrome
- aerodynamics