St John's Co-Cathedral Foundation

St John's Co-Cathedral Foundation

Historical Sites

We, at St John's Co-Cathedral, deliver experiences to Worshipers and Visitors

About us

St John’s Co-Cathedral is a historical landmark and a place of worship located in Valletta, Malta. In the late 16th century, the Co-Cathedral was built to serve as the Conventual Church of the Order of the Knights of St John, dedicated to their patron saint, St John the Baptist. The Church was designed by Girolamo Cassar and over the years the interior was enriched with the finest works of art. Today, the Co-Cathedral is managed by The St John’s Co-Cathedral Foundation. The Foundation is composed of three members appointed by the Archbishop of Malta and another three members appointed by the Office of the Prime Minister. In 2001 the Foundation was established to administer and conserve the Co-Cathedral and its Museums. Its mission revolves around ensuring the effective conservation and management of this architectural monument and sacred place of worship. Since its establishment, The St John’s Co-Cathedral Foundation has been entrusted with the custodianship of Malta’s artistic treasures while welcoming thousands of visitors annually. It is the duty of the Foundation to manage and preserve the Co-Cathedral to be cherished for generations to come. Research, cultural knowledge and community engagement are promoted by the Foundation. If you share a passion for art, history, and culture, follow our social media pages to stay updated.

Historical Sites
Company size
11-50 employees


Employees at St John's Co-Cathedral Foundation


  • The St John’s Co-Cathedral Foundation is delighted to announce a new partnership with APS Bank. We’re committed to supporting and enhancing the well-being of our valued employees, this partnership helps us do just that by offering banking and financial services. Il-Fondazzjoni tal-Konkatidral ta’ San Ġwann tħabbar sħubija ġdida mal-APS Bank. Aħna dejjem impenjati li nappoġġaw u ntejbu l-benesseri tal-impjegati, din is-sħubija tgħina nagħmlu dan billi jiġu offruti servizzi u benefiċċji bankarji. #StJohnsCocathedral #wellbeing #APSBank +3

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  • We are pleased to share that the St John’s Co-Cathedral Foundation has been re-certified with the Equality Mark by the National Commission for the Promotion of Equality (NCPE). The certification was granted for a period of three years as a result of our continuous commitment to implement policies and practices that promote gender equality and family-friendly measures in the workplace and in the access to and provision of goods and services. Bi pjaċir inħabru li l-Fondazzjoni tal-Konkatidral ta’ San Ġwann ġiet iċċertifikata mill-ġdid bil-Marka tal-Ugwaljanza mill-Kummissjoni Nazzjonali għall-Promozzjoni tal-Ugwaljanza (NCPE). Iċ-ċertifikazzjoni ngħatat għall-perjodu ta’ tliet snin riżultat ta’ l-impenn kontinwu tagħna biex nimplimentaw politiki u l-miżuri prattiċi li jippromwovu l-ugwaljanza bejn is-sessi u miżuri favur il-familja fuq il-post tax-xogħol u fl-aċċess għal u l-provvista ta’ prodotti u servizzi.

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  • THE DRAMA AND THE GLORY: THE PASSIONS OF ST JOHN’S CO-CATHEDRAL In an interview with Insight magazine, CEO Tonio Mallia highlights that the Co-Cathedral is a beacon of Malta’s cultural heritage. Our efforts are invested in preserving and showcasing its historical and artistic treasures for generations to come. As a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Co-Cathedral is a must-visit for history, art, and architecture enthusiasts, and it holds deep cultural and spiritual significance for the Maltese people.

    The drama and the glory: THE passions of ST JOHN’S CO-CATHEDRAL - St John's Co-Cathedral

    The drama and the glory: THE passions of ST JOHN’S CO-CATHEDRAL - St John's Co-Cathedral

  • At the end of last year, an important milestone in the museum project was reached with the transportation and installation of the grand staircase from the manufacturing site to the museum site. The staircase was lifted from Merchants Street and down into the basement area. The precast base in concrete of the staircase was set at the level of the underground silver vaults. The second structure was installed at the level of the Main Entrance and the third and last structure was installed at the level of the Tapestries Chamber. The transportation and installation of the staircase was a mammoth task because of the size of the 17 tonne sections, of which, four were required to form each structure. This staircase is a remarkable piece of architecture; its spiral design will lead visitors from the vaults to the tapestry chamber, which will surround every wall with beautiful silk scenes. After over a year of successful installation, only the final touches to the tapestry chamber remain to be completed in the coming months.     Fl-aħħar tas-sena li għaddiet, intlaħaq tragward importanti fil-proġett tal-mużew bit-trasport u l-installazzjoni tat-taraġ mis-sit tal-manifattura sa s-sit tal-mużew. It-taraġ ġie mtella’ minn Triq il-Merkanti u niżel fiż-żona tal-kantina. Il-bażi tat-taraġ li kienet precast fil-konkos ġiet imwaqqfa fil-livell tal-kmamar ta' fejn se jinżammu l-artefatti tal-fidda li jinsabu taħt l-art. It-tieni struttura ġiet installata fil-livell tad-Dħul Prinċipali u t-tielet u l-aħħar struttura ġiet installata fil-livell tal-Kamra tal-Arazzi. It-trasport u l-installazzjoni tat-taraġ kien kompitu enormi minħabba d-daqs tas-sezzjonijiet ta '17-il tunnellata, erbgħa minnhom kienu meħtieġa biex jiffurmaw kull struttura. Dan it-taraġ huwa biċċa arkitettura notevoli; id-disinn tiegħu se jwassal lill-viżitaturi mill-kmamar tal-artefatti tal-fidda, għall-kamra b'xeni sbieħ tal-ħarir. Wara aktar minn sena ta’ installazzjoni, fix-xhur li ġejjin għad iridu jitlestew l-aħħar irtokki tal-kamra tal-Arazzi.

  • Last week, our Chief People Officer, Kevin Attard, attended the Malta Diversity and Inclusion Charter Conference organised by the CORE Platform. We are honoured to have signed and endorsed the Malta Diversity Charter since this demonstrates our ongoing effort and commitment to fostering diversity and inclusion in the workplace. The CORE Platform and the Malta Diversity & Inclusion Charter officially represent Malta on the European Platform of Diversity & Inclusion Charters. We encourage other organisations to support and join the COREPlatform in this important initiative. #StJohnsCoCathedral #Diversity #Inclusion #WorkplaceCulture #MaltaDiversityCharter #COREPlatform Il-ġimgħa li għaddiet, iċ-Chief People Officer, Kevin Attard, attenda għall-Malta Diversity and Inclusion Charter Conference organizzata mill-CORE Platform. Aħna onorati li ffirmajna u appogjajna l-‘Malta Diversity Charter’ peress li dan juri l-isforz u l-impenn kontinwu tagħna biex inrawmu d-diversità u l-inklużjoni fuq il-post tax-xogħol. Il-Pjattaforma CORE u l’Malta Diversity and Inclusion Charter’ jirrappreżentaw lil Malta uffiċjalment fuq livell Ewropew fil-pjattaforma ta’ Diversità u Inklużjoni. Inħeġġu organizzazzjonijiet oħra biex jappoġġjaw u jingħaqdu mal-Pjattaforma CORE f'din l-inizjattiva tant importanti. #StJohnsCoCathedral #Diversity #Inclusion #WorkplaceCulture #MaltaDiversityCharter #COREPlatform

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  • We recently embarked on a team-building event set in the Sicilian countryside, and what an adventure it was! We engaged in a series of activities that encouraged us to work together and strengthen our bonds amongst team.    It was an unforgettable experience for all of us!   A huge thank you to everyone who participated and contributed to making this team-building event a success!  #TeamBuilding #StrongerTogether

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  • We are looking for a Conservator - Restorer If you got what it takes, we invite you to submit your application. Join us on this exciting journey and be part of a team that is dedicated to delivering exceptional experiences for our visitors! Interested candidates should send their CV and cover letter by email to: [email protected], by not later than Monday 22nd April 2024. For more information click on the link below:

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  • 🩸👏 We're proud to acknowledge some of our dedicated staff members who have once again stepped up to donate blood! Their ongoing commitment is truly inspiring, embodying the spirit of compassion and generosity. We thank you for your dedication to making a difference in the lives of others. Għal darb'oħra xi wħud mill-membri tal-istaff dedikati tagħna marru jaghtu d-demm! L-impenn kontinwu tagħhom huwa tassew ta’ ispirazzjoni, kompassjoni u ġenerożità. Nirringrazzjawkom tad-dedikazzjoni biex tagħmlu d-differenza fil-ħajja ta’ ħaddieħor. #StJohnsCoCathedral #BloodDonation

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  • Celebrating Women’s Day Regardless of one’s gender, we came together as one team at the Foundation of St John Co-Cathedral to celebrate this women’s day. Together, we discussed and reflected on women who shaped our past, those who inspire us in the present, and the importance of empowering women. We acknowledged persisting problems and struggles faced by women in the 21st century. Throughout this event, we all recognised the need to continue working together for a brighter future and sustained equality. #stjohnscocathedral #womensday #empowerment #equality Niċċelebraw Jum il-Mara Irrispettivament mill-ġeneru, bħala Fondazzjoni tal-Konkatidral ta’ San Ġwann iltqajna biex niccelebraw Jum il-Mara. Flimkien iddiskutejna u rriflettejna fuq in-nisa li sawru l-passat tagħna, dawk li jispirawna fil-preżent, u l-importanza li n-nisa jingħataw leħen fis-soċjetà. Irrikonoxxejna ukoll il-problemi persistenti li jiltaqaw magħom in-nisa fis-seklu wieħed u għoxrin. Matul dan l-avveniment, ilkoll irrikonoxxejna il-ħtieġa li nkomplu naħdmu flimkien biex għal futur aħjar u ugwaljanza b’saħħita. #stjohnscocathedral #womensday #empowerment #equality

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