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See how Meat and Poultry Manufacturers are gaining ground with the Smart Factory 101 Ebook for Food Companies.

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"See how Meat and Poultry Manufacturers are gaining ground with the Smart Factory 101 Ebook for Food Companies."

Your Roadmap to Become a Smart Meat & Poultry Factory

“Now that we have all the relevant data automatically collected and analytics to build manufacturing intelligence, we can identify business opportunities and projects in which to invest our time and money.”

Pat de Marco, President & CEO - Viau Foods

Viau Foods offers a vast array of first choice products, featuring cooked or dry cured pepperoni, Italian cooked meats, sausages, pizza toppings and meatballs.

"With TileBoard, we can monitor our production better and react swiftly. This way, we minimize our losses and increase production speed. The alerts help us improve our uptime while minimizing our hours of operation but with the same end result.”

Jocelyn Delisle, Director of Production - Voltigeurs Farms

Voltigeurs Farms is the leading poultry producer in Quebec. Their organic chickens are bred in a natural environment, with adequate lighting and access to the outside with perches. Chickens are fed pure water and organic whole grain.

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