
Don't Pity The dead, Pity The living


Requests are CLOSED

Requests Are Closed

Hey everyone,

I wanted to reach out and share that I’m going to be stepping away from writing and posting for a bit. Lately, I’ve been grappling with some personal issues that have left me feeling lost and overwhelmed. It’s hard to put into words just how heavy things feel right now; the joy I used to find in expressing myself has become a struggle. I need to take this time to focus on my well-being and find a way back to the light. I truly appreciate all the support you’ve shown me, and I hope to return with a renewed spirit when I’m ready. Until then, take care of yourselves and know that I’m grateful for each of you. <3

Anonymous asked:

snaddy x readere angst, maybe where the nex dada professor

Title: DADA

Warning: Angst

Words Count: 3000+


Y/N stood at the edge of the Great Hall, watching as the students filed in, their voices a steady hum of excitement for the start of the new term. The enchanted ceiling mirrored the cloudy sky outside, casting a soft, dim glow over the long rows of tables. She had been at Hogwarts for less than a week, and while the castle was as breathtaking as she'd remembered from her own school days, there was an undeniable tension simmering in her chest. This wasn’t how she imagined her first day as the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor would be.

Y/N smoothed the front of her robes, forcing herself to take a deep breath. Teaching was something she had long dreamed of, the culmination of years of study and experience. She had spent so long preparing for this, but now that she was here, all she could think about was how wrong everything felt.

And then she saw him.

Severus Snape, dark and imposing, swept into the hall with his signature black cloak billowing behind him. His presence seemed to draw a line through the room, as students instinctively shifted their attention elsewhere. There was something about him that demanded authority without ever needing to speak a word. His eyes, black as coal, flicked toward her, and for a split second, their gazes locked.

Her stomach flipped.

She knew of Severus Snape, of course. Everyone in the wizarding world did. His reputation preceded him—brilliant, mysterious, and feared in equal measure. And though Y/N had spent only a few days at Hogwarts so far, she had already heard whispers from the staff about his resentment over her appointment. He had wanted the Defense Against the Dark Arts position for years, but once again, Dumbledore had passed him over. Instead, he had chosen her.

The thought made her feel uneasy. She had earned this position, hadn’t she? She had the qualifications, the passion. But it wasn’t lost on her that in taking this role, she had also taken something from him, something he had coveted for years.


The low voice snapped her out of her thoughts. Snape stood before her, his presence overwhelming. He was taller than she had imagined, his dark eyes narrowing slightly as they roamed over her. She felt a chill creep up her spine, the intensity of his gaze unnerving.

“Professor Snape,” she greeted, trying to sound confident, even though her heart was pounding. She extended her hand toward him, forcing a polite smile. “It’s nice to finally meet you.”

Snape stared at her hand for a long moment, as if it were something distasteful. He didn’t take it. Instead, he raised one eyebrow, his lips curling into something that was not quite a smile.

“I wasn’t aware that anyone would consider this position ‘nice,’” he drawled, his voice laced with a cruel edge.

Y/N’s smile faltered slightly, but she refused to let him rattle her. She dropped her hand, shifting her weight uneasily. “Well, I’m looking forward to it,” she said, her voice steadier than she felt. “I’ve always wanted to teach.”

Snape’s dark eyes flicked over her again, assessing. There was something almost predatory in his gaze, and Y/N had the sudden feeling that she was being weighed and found wanting.

“Ambition is a curious thing,” he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. “It often blinds people to their own limitations.”

Her stomach twisted at the veiled insult, but before she could respond, he turned on his heel, his black cloak sweeping dramatically behind him as he walked away. Y/N stood there, frozen for a moment, her hand still hovering awkwardly at her side. The encounter left a bitter taste in her mouth.

This was going to be a lot harder than she had expected.

The first weeks of the semester passed in a blur of lesson planning, classroom management, and a never-ending stream of essays to grade. Y/N tried her best to settle into her role as a professor, but every time she thought she was making progress, Snape would find some way to tear her down.

His disdain for her was palpable, and it wasn’t just confined to their private interactions. He made it a point to undermine her in front of the other staff members during meetings, offering sharp, pointed criticisms of her teaching methods or her knowledge of defensive spells. It was as though he relished in watching her struggle, a cruel smirk tugging at his lips whenever he found an opportunity to belittle her.

“What were you thinking with that Shield Charm demonstration, Y/L/N?” he sneered one afternoon during a staff meeting. His voice carried through the room like a whip crack. “Do you think sending third-years into the Hospital Wing is part of the curriculum now?”

Y/N’s face flushed with embarrassment as several of the professors turned to look at her. Her Shield Charm lesson had gone a little off-track when one of the students had been too eager with their spell casting, causing a minor explosion that resulted in a few singed eyebrows. But she had managed the situation, hadn’t she?

“I… It was an accident,” Y/N stammered, trying to defend herself. “I handled it.”

“Handled it?” Snape’s voice was sharp, dripping with derision. “Perhaps next time, you might consider teaching them proper restraint, or at the very least, monitoring their incompetence more carefully.”

Dumbledore, seated at the head of the table, glanced between the two of them, his brow furrowing ever so slightly. But he said nothing, choosing instead to let the exchange run its course. Y/N bit her lip, resisting the urge to snap back at Snape. What good would it do? He would only twist her words against her, just like he always did.

“I’ll take your suggestion under advisement,” she replied through gritted teeth.

Snape smirked, clearly satisfied with her submission. The rest of the meeting passed uneventfully, but Y/N’s mind was spinning. His insults were becoming more personal with each passing day, and no matter how much she tried to ignore them, they ate away at her confidence. She began to dread their interactions, the knots in her stomach tightening every time she saw him enter a room.

She couldn’t understand it. Was this simply his bitterness over the Defense Against the Dark Arts position, or was there something else? Some unspoken hostility that went deeper than mere professional rivalry?

By the time the winter holidays approached, Y/N felt like a shadow of her former self. The bright enthusiasm she had brought with her at the start of the term had long since faded, replaced by a dull sense of dread that hung over her every day. Her students seemed to enjoy her classes, and for the most part, they were performing well. But nothing she did felt like it mattered when Snape was constantly tearing her down.

She had tried everything—keeping her head down, avoiding unnecessary interactions with him, even seeking advice from other staff members on how to deal with his unrelenting hostility. But no matter what she did, Snape’s cold cruelty persisted, an ever-present thorn in her side.

One evening, after a particularly brutal day in which Snape had publicly criticized her handling of a difficult fourth-year lesson, Y/N found herself sitting alone in her office, staring down at a blank piece of parchment. The weight of the past few months pressed heavily on her chest, and as she sat there in the dim candlelight, a thought that had been lingering in the back of her mind finally solidified into something tangible.

She was done. She couldn’t do this anymore.

With a heavy heart, she dipped her quill into ink and began writing her resignation letter.

The next morning, Y/N stood outside Dumbledore’s office, her hands trembling slightly as she clutched the folded letter in her grasp. The gargoyle guarding the entrance slid aside as she gave the password, and moments later, she found herself standing before the headmaster, who looked up from his desk with a gentle smile.

“Professor Y/L/N,” Dumbledore greeted warmly, motioning for her to take a seat. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”

Y/N hesitated for a moment before placing the letter on his desk. “I… I’ve come to resign, Headmaster,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Dumbledore’s expression softened as he reached for the letter, unfolding it slowly. He read the contents in silence, his sharp blue eyes scanning the page with a mixture of sadness and understanding.

“May I ask why?” he inquired gently, folding the letter back up and setting it down in front of him.

Y/N swallowed hard, avoiding his gaze. She had promised herself she wouldn’t mention Snape—she didn’t want to sound like she was running away because of him. But the truth was gnawing at her, making her feel small and powerless.

“I just… I don’t think teaching is for me,” she said, her voice hollow. “I thought it would be different, but I… I’m not cut out for this.”

Dumbledore watched her closely, his keen eyes piercing through her flimsy excuse. “Are you sure that’s the only reason?” he asked, his voice laced with quiet concern.

Y/N hesitated. She wanted to tell him everything—to lay bare the truth about how Snape had made her life miserable, how his constant belittling had drained every ounce of joy from the job she had once loved. But a part of her didn’t want to give Snape the satisfaction of knowing he had broken her.

“I just don’t enjoy it as much as I thought I would,” she said finally, her voice small.

Dumbledore was silent for a long moment , studying her with an intensity that made her feel exposed. Finally, he sighed, leaning back in his chair.

“Y/N, I can understand that teaching can be a challenging endeavor, especially here at Hogwarts,” he began thoughtfully. “But I must ask you to reconsider. You’re an excellent educator, and the students have greatly benefited from your knowledge and passion. If it’s merely a matter of adjustment, I would implore you to at least finish the academic year. I can’t deny that I’ve noticed some tension between you and Professor Snape.”

Y/N felt a flush of indignation rising within her. “It’s not just about him!” she snapped, the emotion spilling over before she could catch it. She took a breath, forcing herself to calm down. “I mean, I don’t like teaching anymore. The constant second-guessing and criticism have worn me down.”

Dumbledore nodded, his expression kind yet resolute. “That may be true, but I believe that you are more capable than you give yourself credit for. In the meantime, I will speak with Severus about his treatment of you, as it’s evident that it has had an impact.”

Her heart sank at the thought. The last thing she wanted was to be the subject of more scrutiny or gossip among the faculty. She appreciated Dumbledore’s intentions, but it felt like he was missing the point entirely.

“Headmaster,” Y/N began, her voice wavering slightly, “I’d really rather not make a scene. I just want to leave quietly.”

Dumbledore’s eyes twinkled with understanding. “As you wish, Y/N. But do take some time to think it over. Sometimes, when we’re under pressure, our perspective can become clouded. I would hate to see you make a decision that you might regret later.”

Y/N nodded slowly, knowing he meant well but feeling cornered by his gentle insistence.

“Very well,” she murmured, standing to leave. “I’ll consider it.”

The rest of the day was a blur. Y/N moved through her classes in a daze, answering questions but barely retaining focus on her students. She could feel the weight of Dumbledore’s words pressing on her shoulders, mingling with her sense of dread about Snape.

Later that evening, as she entered the staff room to prepare for her next lesson, she noticed Snape was already there, his back turned to her as he meticulously arranged potion ingredients on the table. The sight of him sent a rush of anxiety through her, and she hesitated in the doorway.

“Professor Y/L/N,” Snape’s voice cut through the silence, low and disdainful without looking at her. “You do realize that the ingredients are supposed to be measured, not simply dumped haphazardly into the cauldron?”

Y/N rolled her eyes, trying to ignore the anger bubbling inside her. “I’m not in your Potions class, Severus,” she replied evenly, crossing the room. “I’m here to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts, not to take lessons in potion-making from you.”

He turned to face her, his dark eyes narrowing in irritation. “Perhaps if you focused on the subject you’re actually teaching instead of taking cues from everyone else, you wouldn’t find yourself struggling so much,” he snapped, his tone harsher than necessary.

For a moment, Y/N’s anger flared, igniting a fierce response inside her. “You don’t know anything about my classes, Severus,” she shot back, her voice rising. “You don’t have to be so cruel! I’m trying my best here!”

His expression shifted slightly, something unreadable flickering across his features before he returned to his impassive demeanor. “Your best is evidently not enough,” he replied coldly.

The words cut deeper than she anticipated, and the lump in her throat grew as she fought back tears. How had they come to this? She had started this journey filled with hope, but now, she felt completely defeated.

“I don’t need to listen to you anymore,” she declared, feeling the tremor of emotion in her voice. “I’m resigning, Severus. You’ve made it clear that I don’t belong here.”

As the words left her mouth, the silence in the room became suffocating. Snape’s eyes narrowed, and for a moment, Y/N thought she saw something shift in his expression—confusion, perhaps? Regret?

“You’re serious,” he said slowly, his voice devoid of its usual bite. “You really intend to quit?”

“I can’t take this anymore. I’m tired of your constant insults. I thought this job would be fulfilling, but you’ve turned it into a nightmare.”

Snape opened his mouth, hesitating as if to say something, but then closed it again, his expression darkening. “You think I enjoy this?” he asked, his voice suddenly softer, almost incredulous. “You believe this is personal?”

“What else could it be?” Y/N shot back, her emotions bubbling over. “You’re just cruel for the sake of it!”

His expression shifted again, something vulnerable flashing in his dark eyes before he turned away. “You’re wrong, Y/N,” he murmured, almost to himself.

She blinked, caught off guard by the shift in his tone. “What do you mean?”

Snape turned to face her again, his gaze intense. “You believe I’m merely tormenting you because I’m spiteful. But this isn’t about you. It never was.”

“Then what is it about?” she pressed, her heart racing as his words hung in the air.

“It’s about me.” He stepped closer, the distance between them shrinking. “I was angry when you arrived, angry that Dumbledore chose you over me. And instead of addressing it, I channeled that anger into something I thought would make me feel better.”

Y/N’s heart raced at the revelation. “You think pushing me down will make you feel better?”

“Perhaps it was a misguided way of coping,” he admitted, his voice dropping to a low whisper. “But the truth is that I… I’ve felt something else when I’m near you. Something I’ve fought against. And in my attempts to push it away, I became cruel.”

The confession hung heavy between them, and for the first time, she saw him—really saw him. Behind the bitterness and disdain, there was a flicker of vulnerability. She was taken aback, her resolve faltering as she processed his words.

“You don’t have to do this,” she said softly. “You don’t have to keep pushing me away.”

He held her gaze, something softening in his expression as he stepped even closer, closing the distance until they were mere inches apart. “I don’t know how to be anything else. It’s easier to lash out than to confront what I truly feel.”

Y/N’s heart raced, and the anger she had clung to began to unravel. “And what do you feel?”

The air between them crackled with tension, an electric charge that sent shivers down her spine. Snape looked at her, his dark eyes searching hers as if trying to decipher something within her.

“I feel drawn to you,” he confessed, his voice low and raw. “I didn’t want to admit it, but it’s true. I pushed you away because I didn’t understand it.”

“Severus…” she whispered, caught between confusion and a flicker of hope.

Before she could say more, Snape reached for her, his fingers brushing against her cheek, a gentle yet tentative touch. The world around them faded away, the distance that had felt insurmountable only moments ago dissipating into a shared understanding.

“I’m sorry,” he murmured, his voice thick with emotion. “For everything.”

And in that moment, she knew he meant it. The warmth of his palm against her skin ignited something inside her—an unfamiliar feeling that made her heart race.

She closed her eyes, surrendering to the pull between them, and leaned in, their lips meeting in a tentative kiss that quickly grew deeper. It was a kiss filled with all the unspoken words, the frustration, the longing, and the undeniable connection that had been building between them all along.

As they kissed, the rest of the world fell away, and for the first time in months, Y/N felt free. Free from the weight of expectations, free from the bitterness that had clouded her heart.

When they finally pulled apart, both breathless, Snape’s expression was softer than she had ever seen it. “Can we start over?” he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Y/N smiled, warmth flooding her heart as she nodded. “I’d like that.”

As the year progressed, the transformation between them became evident. Snape was no longer her adversary; instead, he became an ally in the classroom, offering her support rather than criticism. Their conversations shifted from hostile exchanges to something more meaningful, filled with laughter and a deeper understanding of one another.

They spent late nights in the staff room, discussing spells and strategies while sharing their hopes and fears. Snape revealed glimpses of his past, and Y/N found herself opening up about her own experiences, their bond growing stronger with each passing day.

The change in their relationship did not go unnoticed by the other staff members. Dumbledore observed them with a knowing smile, pleased that the tension had lifted, replaced by a genuine camaraderie that breathed new life into the atmosphere at Hogwarts.

By the time the end of the semester rolled around, Y/N was no longer considering resigning. Instead, she found herself excited about teaching and learning alongside Snape. The darkness that had clouded her spirit for so long had finally lifted, and in its place was something entirely new—hope.

On the last day of classes before the holiday break, Y/N stood before her students, a smile on her face as she wrapped up the lesson. “And remember, practice makes perfect. Keep working on your defensive spells over the break!”

The students filed out of the classroom, laughter and chatter echoing in the hallways. As the last student left, she turned to see Snape leaning against the doorframe, his expression softer than it had been at their first meeting.

“Are you ready to leave for the holidays?” he asked, a hint of warmth in his voice.

Y/N nodded, feeling a surge of joy at the thought of spending time with him. “I can’t wait.”

As they stepped out into the corridor, she felt a sense of peace wash over her. For the first time, Hogwarts felt like home, and she knew she had found a place for herself here, not just as a teacher but as someone who belonged.

And in that moment, as she walked beside Severus Snape, she realized that sometimes, love could blossom in the most unexpected places, even in the shadows of the past.

Anonymous asked:

Jealous severus x reader? maybe involving lockheart

Title: Someone Like Me?

Warning: Angst, jealous severus, lockhart

Words Count: 3000+


The air in the Hogwarts greenhouse was thick with the scent of soil and herbs as Y/N moved gently through the rows of plants. She had always found comfort here, among the vibrant greenery and the soft hum of magical growth. Herbology was her sanctuary, and each day she poured her heart into tending to the rare plants and teaching her students how to care for them with the same tenderness.

It was peaceful, or at least, it had been until recently.

As of late, her tranquility had been invaded by a certain new presence at the school—Gilderoy Lockhart, the newly appointed Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. His arrival had caused quite the stir, especially among the female students and even some of the staff, but for Y/N, his constant attention was becoming more than a little uncomfortable.

At first, she had thought it was just harmless friendliness. Lockhart had swept into her greenhouse on the first week of term, his toothy smile gleaming as brightly as the medals on his robes.

"My dear Professor Y/N!" he had exclaimed, clasping his hands together in a gesture that was all too theatrical. "I must say, you have the most enchanting little space here! It’s no wonder the students speak so highly of you."

Y/N had blushed, embarrassed by the attention, and murmured something about the plants deserving the praise, not her. Lockhart, however, had waved away her modesty with a laugh that echoed too loudly in the intimate confines of the greenhouse.

"Nonsense, nonsense! I can see that you put as much care into your work as I do into my own," he said, leaning in just a little too close. "You and I, we have much in common, I think."

She had smiled politely, trying not to shrink under his overly familiar presence. She wasn’t used to people being so forward with her. It wasn’t that she was oblivious—Y/N had noticed Lockhart’s flirtations—but she simply didn’t know how to respond. Confrontation wasn’t in her nature, and she didn’t want to create awkwardness among the staff. So, she had smiled, and tried to extricate herself from his attention as gracefully as she could.

But it didn’t stop there.

Lockhart’s visits to the greenhouse became more frequent. He would find reasons to come by during her lessons, interrupting her with flamboyant anecdotes about his supposed adventures. The students would giggle or roll their eyes, but Y/N found herself growing more and more uneasy. His compliments had become more pointed, more personal, always accompanied by a lingering touch on her arm or a too-familiar smile.

"Professor Y/N," Lockhart had said one afternoon, as he appeared at her greenhouse once more, his robes billowing dramatically behind him. "I was just telling the Headmaster how much we make the perfect team, you and I. Perhaps we should write a book together! Herbs and Heroics, don’t you think? It would sell like that." He snapped his fingers, leaning toward her again.

Y/N’s discomfort had risen, her hands twisting nervously around a sprig of dittany. "I—I’m really not a writer, Professor Lockhart. I don’t think—"

"Nonsense!" he interrupted, his tone dripping with charm. "With your knowledge of plants and my experience, we’d make quite the pair. Don’t you think?"

His hand brushed her shoulder as he spoke, and Y/N stiffened slightly. She gave a weak smile, hoping he’d take the hint, but once again, she found herself trapped by her own politeness. She didn’t want to upset him, didn’t want to cause a scene, but Merlin, how she wished he would leave her alone.

Across the castle, in the dimly lit Potions classroom, Severus Snape stood over a cauldron, stirring the mixture with precise movements, though his mind was far from the task at hand.

For weeks now, he had been watching. Watching as Lockhart fawned over Y/N, as he invaded her personal space with that nauseating smile and those absurd stories. It was infuriating. Severus had always been protective of Y/N—more than he would ever admit. They had worked together for years now, and though their relationship had never ventured beyond professional, he had long harbored feelings for her that he kept buried deep inside.

He had always told himself that Y/N deserved better than him, better than someone as broken and cold as he was. She was kind, too kind for the likes of him. So, he had never acted on his feelings, content to watch from the sidelines, to enjoy the small moments when they shared quiet conversations about rare herbs or discussed the latest potions ingredients she had gathered for him.

But now, with Lockhart constantly hovering around her, Severus found his resolve crumbling.

At first, he had tried to ignore it. Lockhart was a buffoon, and surely Y/N would see through his ridiculous posturing soon enough. But day after day, Severus watched as Lockhart showered her with attention, and worst of all, Y/N didn’t reject him. She didn’t push him away. She didn’t seem to be upset by his advances.

And that was what hurt the most.

Perhaps, Severus thought bitterly, she liked Lockhart’s attention. Perhaps she enjoyed the compliments, the flirtation. Why wouldn’t she? Lockhart was everything Severus wasn’t—charming, outgoing, and confident. And while Severus could see through the man’s facade, perhaps Y/N couldn’t.

Perhaps she was falling for him.

The thought sent a cold wave of pain through Severus, and he found himself withdrawing from Y/N more and more. It was easier that way. Easier to distance himself before he had to watch her fall into Lockhart’s arms. He started avoiding her, no longer lingering in the staffroom when she entered, no longer stopping by her greenhouse to ask for ingredients. He couldn’t bear it. Couldn’t bear to watch her be swept away by someone so unworthy of her, and yet… someone she seemed to be accepting.

Y/N had noticed the change almost immediately.

Severus was avoiding her.

For weeks now, he had been cold, distant, and she couldn’t understand why. She had always admired Severus, despite his stern demeanor and cutting remarks. There was something about him that intrigued her, something deeper, and over the years, she had come to value the rare moments when he let his guard down, even if just for a second.

But now, it was as if he had built a wall between them. She couldn’t even catch his eye in the hallways, and whenever she tried to speak to him, he dismissed her with a curt nod or a sharp word. It hurt more than she cared to admit. She missed him, missed their quiet conversations and the way he would surprise her with his vast knowledge of plants and potions.

At first, she thought she had done something to upset him, but no matter how many times she went over their last conversations, she couldn’t find anything wrong. It wasn’t until she saw the way Severus’s eyes flickered with something close to anger when he caught her speaking with Lockhart that she began to piece it together.

Could it be… jealousy?

The thought was almost too much to believe. Severus, jealous of Lockhart? The idea seemed absurd, and yet, the more she thought about it, the more sense it made. She had seen the way his expression darkened when Lockhart was near, the way his jaw clenched whenever the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor tried to engage her in conversation.

But if Severus was upset, he wasn’t going to tell her. He was too stubborn for that.

So, after weeks of being brushed aside, Y/N decided she needed to confront him. She couldn’t take the cold distance anymore, and if he was angry with her, she needed to know why.

One evening, after a particularly long day in the greenhouse, Y/N made her way down to the dungeons. She had seen Severus slip out of the Great Hall after dinner, his usual shadowy presence retreating into the depths of the castle. She followed him, her heart pounding in her chest with nerves, but she was determined to get answers.

She found him in his office, sitting behind his desk, a quill in hand as he scrawled something into a large, leather-bound book. He didn’t look up when she knocked softly on the doorframe.

"Severus," she said quietly, stepping into the room.

He didn’t respond at first, his eyes remaining fixed on the parchment before him.

"Severus," she repeated, a little more firmly.

With a sigh of irritation, he finally glanced up, his dark eyes cold and unreadable. "What do you want, Y/N?"

Y/N hesitated, her fingers twisting nervously together. "I… I need to know why you’ve been avoiding me."

Severus’s expression didn’t change. He set his quill down, leaning back in his chair with a look of cool indifference. "I don’t know what you’re talking about."

"Yes, you do," Y/N pressed, stepping closer to his desk. "You’ve been avoiding me for weeks now, and I don’t understand why. Did I do something to upset you?"

He let out a harsh laugh, though there was no humor in it. "Upset me? No, Y/N, you didn’t upset me. I simply have no interest in wasting my time with someone like you."

The words hit her like a physical blow, and she took a step back, her eyes widening in hurt and confusion. "Someone like me? What does that mean?"

Severus’s gaze was sharp, his voice colder than she had ever heard it. "You know exactly what it means. I’ve seen the way you prance around with Lockhart, letting him fawn over you like some lovesick puppy. Clearly, you enjoy the attention."

Y/N’s heart clenched painfully in her chest. "I—Severus, it’s not like that. I don’t—"

But he cut her off, his words laced with bitterness. "Don’t insult my intelligence, Y/N. I’ve seen how you let him flirt with you, how you blush and smile like a schoolgirl..I don’t have time for someone like you. If you enjoy Lockhart’s company so much, then by all means, continue. But don’t expect me to waste my time on someone who can’t even see past his ridiculous charm."

Y/N felt tears prick at the corners of her eyes, the weight of his cruel words crushing her. She had never seen Severus like this, so angry, so hurt. She opened her mouth to speak, to defend herself, but the words wouldn’t come. All she could do was stand there, frozen in place, as Severus’s cold gaze bore into her.

When she finally found her voice, it was barely a whisper. "I never wanted his attention, Severus. I’ve only ever—"

"Enough," Severus snapped, standing abruptly and turning away from her. "I don’t want to hear it. If you wish to continue entertaining that fool, that’s your business. But I will not be part of it."

With that, he stormed out of the room, leaving Y/N standing there, her heart shattered and tears spilling down her cheeks. She had come for answers, but all she had found was pain.

The following days were a blur for Y/N. She avoided the staffroom, avoided Severus, and kept to herself in the greenhouse. She couldn’t stop replaying their conversation in her head, his harsh words echoing painfully in her mind. I simply have no interest in wasting my time with someone like you.

She hadn’t known it was possible to feel this hurt, this rejected. For the first time, she found herself dreading the start of each day, dreading the possibility of seeing Severus in the halls. The spark of happiness that usually came with her work had dimmed, replaced by a hollow sadness that seemed to follow her everywhere she went.

Even her students noticed the change in her demeanor, though they were too polite to mention it. She tried to hide her feelings, tried to put on a brave face, but it was difficult. Every time she passed Severus in the corridors, her heart ached with the memory of his words, and every time Lockhart made his usual visits to the greenhouse, she felt a wave of nausea rise in her throat.

It didn’t take long for Minerva McGonagall to notice.

One afternoon, as Y/N was tending to a bed of mandrakes, Minerva appeared at the door of the greenhouse, her sharp eyes studying Y/N with a knowing look.

"Y/N," she said softly, stepping into the room. "May I have a word?"

Y/N looked up, startled, and quickly wiped her hands on her apron. "Of course, Minerva."

Minerva approached her, her expression softening as she saw the sadness in Y/N’s eyes. "You’ve been rather quiet lately, my dear. Is everything all right?"

Y/N forced a smile, though it didn’t reach her eyes. "I’m fine, just… busy."

Minerva didn’t seem convinced. She took a seat on one of the nearby benches, folding her hands in her lap as she spoke. "You’ve been avoiding the staffroom, and I can’t help but notice that you haven’t been your usual self. Is there something going on? Does it have to do with Severus?"

The mention of his name sent a sharp pang through Y/N’s chest, and she looked away, her hands trembling slightly as she fussed with the dirt on her fingertips.

"I… I don’t know," she admitted quietly. "I thought we were friends, but lately… I think I’ve upset him. He won’t talk to me anymore."

Minerva’s brow furrowed, concern flashing across her features. "I see. Severus can be… difficult, at times. But I know he holds you in high regard. It’s unlike him to act this way without reason."

Y/N let out a soft sigh, her voice tinged with sadness. "I don’t know what I did wrong. He said I was wasting his time, that he didn’t want to deal with me anymore. And now… now he won’t even look at me."

Minerva’s eyes softened, and she reached out to place a comforting hand on Y/N’s arm. "I don’t believe that’s true, my dear. Severus may not always show it, but he cares deeply for the people in his life. Whatever has caused this rift between you, I don’t believe it’s something you’ve done."

Y/N shook her head, her throat tightening with the weight of her emotions. "But he’s so angry with me. He thinks… he thinks I like Lockhart."

At the mention of Lockhart’s name, Minerva’s expression shifted into something closer to exasperation. "Lockhart? Merlin, that man has been more of a nuisance than I expected. But Severus should know better than to assume that you have any interest in him. He’s clearly projecting his own insecurities onto you."

Y/N blinked, surprised by Minerva’s words. "You think… you think Severus is jealous?"

Minerva smiled faintly, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "I do, Y/N. It’s quite obvious to those of us who know him well. Severus may not be the most forthcoming when it comes to his feelings, but it’s clear that he has feelings for you. He’s just too proud—and too afraid—to admit it."

Y/N’s heart skipped a beat at Minerva’s words. Could it be true? Could Severus’s coldness and bitterness be a result of jealousy?

Minerva gave her a knowing look, standing up from the bench. "I suggest you talk to him, Y/N. Really talk to him. He may not make it easy, but I think you’ll find that he cares more than he lets on."

Severus paced his chambers, his mind a storm of conflicting emotions. He had hurt her—he knew that much. The look in her eyes when he had spoken those cruel words haunted him, and yet, he couldn’t stop the bitterness that had fueled his anger.

It was easier this way, he told himself. Easier to push her away before she had the chance to reject him. Easier to convince himself that she wanted someone else—someone like Lockhart—than to face the truth of his own feelings.

But the truth was becoming harder and harder to ignore.

There was a knock at the door, and Severus’s heart leapt into his throat when he saw Y/N standing there, her eyes red-rimmed but determined.

"Severus," she said, her voice soft but steady. "We need to talk."

He turned away from her, trying to compose himself, but the sight of her standing there, vulnerable and hurt, made his resolve crumble.

"Y/N, I—" He paused, his throat tightening with guilt. "I’m sorry."

She stepped inside, closing the door behind her. "I don’t understand, Severus. Why are you pushing me away? Why are you so angry with me?"

Severus closed his eyes, exhaling slowly. He couldn’t keep lying to her—not anymore.

"I’m not angry with you," he said finally, his voice low. "I’m angry with myself."

Y/N frowned, stepping closer. "What does that mean?"

Severus hesitated, his fingers curling into fists at his sides. He hated this—hated being vulnerable, hated exposing the raw, aching feelings that he had spent so long trying to bury. But he owed her the truth.

"I saw the way Lockhart was… pursuing you," Severus began, his voice tight. "And I thought… I thought you were enjoying it. That you wanted his attention. It hurt, Y/N. It hurt to think that you could fall for someone like him when…" He trailed off, unable to finish the sentence.

Y/N’s eyes softened with understanding. "When what, Severus?"

He met her gaze, his dark eyes filled with something raw and unspoken. "When I’ve been in love with you for years."

The words hung in the air between them, heavy and vulnerable. Y/N’s breath caught in her throat, her heart pounding in her chest.

"I never wanted his attention, Severus," she said softly, her voice trembling. "I never wanted anyone’s attention but yours."

Severus stared at her, stunned by her words. For a moment, he couldn’t speak, couldn’t move. And then, slowly, he closed the distance between them, his hand trembling slightly as he reached out to cup her cheek.

"I’m sorry," he whispered again, his voice thick with emotion. "I’m sorry for pushing you away. I’m sorry for hurting you."

Y/N smiled through her tears, leaning into his touch. "I forgive you, Severus."

And for the first time in what felt like forever, Severus allowed himself to hope.

Anonymous asked:

Hiiii I absolutely adore your blog and your fanfics, they’re always so amazing!!!Could I request a Remus Lupin x reader fic set in the Marauders era with the classic ‘fake dating’ trope? Maybe the reader and Remus agree to pretend to date to get their friends off their backs about dating other people. But as they spend more time together, things start to feel a little too real, and they both struggle with their growing feelings. Lots of awkward, adorable moments, mutual pining, and a fluffy confession at the end when they realize they’re no longer pretending. Thank you so much! 🥰

Title: Pretend

Warning: Fake dating

Word Count:2000+


The flickering candles of the library cast warm, golden shadows across the wooden tables, where ancient tomes and parchments were scattered about like fallen leaves in autumn. Y/n Y/l/n sat at one of the corner tables, her brow furrowed in concentration as she attempted to decipher the convoluted language of a particularly dry textbook on Charms. The faint rustle of pages turning and the soft sound of quills scratching against parchment enveloped her, a welcome respite from the ever-pressing noise of Hogwarts life.

It was a typical evening, but it felt different—heavier. Perhaps it was the weight of expectations that hung in the air, the same way the summer sun hung over the horizon, refusing to set. Her best friend, Lily Evans, had been relentless in her efforts to push Y/n into the dating world. With a roll of her eyes, Y/n remembered how Lily’s voice had taken on that eager, hopeful tone just the week before.

"You need to find someone, Y/n! All of the girls are dating; it’s not fair that you’re missing out. You and Remus both refuse to find yourselves someone!" Lily had exclaimed, and Y/n had felt her heart skip, but not for the reasons Lily might have hoped.

Remus Lupin was undoubtedly one of the most intriguing boys at Hogwarts. With his kind eyes and gentle demeanor, he had an aura of warmth that drew people to him. However, Y/n had never dared to consider him beyond friendship. They had shared countless moments of laughter, late-night study sessions, and quiet chats under the stars, but Y/n could hardly entertain the idea of complicating their bond with romance.

Across the library, Remus sat at a separate table, his own textbook open but his gaze wandering. The way he absentmindedly ran a hand through his tousled hair caused a flutter in Y/n’s stomach. Little did he know that every sigh and smile was being meticulously documented in her mind, like a cherished secret she kept locked away.

But tonight, they would find solace in each other’s company, perhaps even escape the relentless pressures from their friends. It was after another futile attempt to focus that Remus finally caught her gaze, his eyes lighting up as they met.

"Y/n, are you alright? You seem distracted," he said, leaning forward slightly, his brows knitting together with concern.

"Just tired of studying," she sighed, setting her quill down. "I feel like all Lily does is nag me about finding a boyfriend. Honestly, I think she’s forgotten about her studies altogether. She’s too busy plotting my love life."

A smile broke out on Remus's face, and Y/n felt warmth spread through her chest at the sight. "I know what you mean. The boys have been hounding me about finding a girlfriend, too. It’s unbearable at this point."

"Perhaps we could just… pretend?" Y/n suggested, her voice quiet, as if the mere thought of the idea was an outrageous whim. But as soon as she said it, a spark ignited in her mind, lighting up the darker corners of her imagination. She leaned in closer, lowering her voice conspiratorially. "We could fake date. Just to get them off our backs."

Remus’s expression shifted from curiosity to amusement, a soft laugh escaping his lips. "You think that will work? It might just make them worse. They’ll be even more eager to see us together if they think we’re dating!"

"I know," she replied, suppressing a giggle. "But it might just be mad enough to work. We can be so ridiculous that they’ll drop the subject."

His eyes glimmered with mischief as he contemplated her proposition. "Alright, then. Just between us, though. No one can know it’s fake."

And so, with the flick of a wand, they forged a pact that night, nestled among the whispers of the library’s ancient walls. They would pretend to date, and maybe, just maybe, they would emerge unscathed from their friends' relentless matchmaking.

The next few days unfolded like an unexpected dream, a whimsical farce that danced through the corridors of Hogwarts. Remus and Y/n played their roles beautifully, transforming their casual friendship into something that felt tangible. The Marauders, blissfully unaware of the charade, were absolutely delighted by the new development.

"You two are adorable together!" James exclaimed one evening in the Gryffindor common room. "I knew you’d eventually get together. It was only a matter of time!"

Y/n exchanged a glance with Remus, her heart racing at the thought. His warm smile made her feel giddy and safe at once, a contrast to the tightness in her chest that came from pretending. “Thanks, James,” she said, trying to keep her tone light and playful.

Sirius, leaning back against the couch, smirked and chimed in, "You should let him take you to Hogsmeade this weekend. I can totally see you two snogging under the trees!"

"Yeah, definitely!" Remus added, trying to keep the laughter from escaping his lips. “I mean, it would be a shame to waste such a great opportunity.”

“Right,” Y/n said, fighting the urge to laugh. “Snogging under the trees sounds… lovely.”

As the days passed, the lines between pretense and reality began to blur. Each shared glance, every fleeting touch—those little moments that had once felt innocent now carried a weight that made Y/n’s heart race. She watched Remus as he helped her study for Transfiguration, his brow furrowed in concentration as he explained the complexities of the subject.

“Just picture it like this,” he said, gesturing with his hands as if crafting an invisible object in the air. “It’s all about envisioning the final product. You need to see it clearly in your mind before you can transform it.”

She nodded, her attention captivated not just by his words but by the way he animatedly expressed himself. “You make it sound so easy,” she replied, her heart thumping in rhythm with the growing tension between them.

“Only because I’ve been at it longer than you,” he said, a hint of self-deprecation in his tone. “You’ll get there in no time.”

As the evening sun dipped below the horizon, casting hues of orange and pink across the sky, Y/n found herself leaning closer to him, their shoulders brushing against one another. She could feel the warmth radiating from him, a magnetic pull that tugged at her heartstrings.

The following days brought more study sessions, each one layered with stolen glances and shared laughter. Their friends noticed the change in their dynamic, often teasingly nudging them closer together. It was during one of these moments that Y/n felt the air shift between them, a palpable tension hanging like a veil.

One evening, while they were studying in the library again, Remus accidentally knocked over a stack of books, sending them tumbling to the floor with a loud thud. They both bent down to pick them up at the same time, their heads colliding softly.

“Ouch!” they exclaimed simultaneously, pulling back and bursting into laughter.

“Are you alright?” he asked, concern etching his features as he reached out to check on her. His fingers brushed against her hair, sending shivers down her spine.

“I’m fine! Just a little lightheaded, maybe,” Y/n said, her cheeks flushing as their eyes locked.

In that moment, the pretense melted away, leaving only the raw, unfiltered emotions bubbling to the surface. She realized she didn’t just like being around Remus; she was beginning to feel something much deeper.

As the weeks wore on, they found themselves navigating through the intricacies of their “relationship” with surprising ease. The Marauders often encouraged them, unaware of the truth behind the facade.

One evening, during a particularly lively game of Exploding Snap in the common room, Lily cornered Y/n. “So, what’s it like dating Remus? He’s such a sweetheart. You two are like the perfect couple!”

Y/n’s heart raced at the thought. “Yeah, he’s great,” she replied, her voice a bit higher than usual. “But it’s still new. We’re just figuring things out.”

Lily’s eyes sparkled with delight. “You know, I think he really likes you. I can see it in the way he looks at you.”

A nervous laugh escaped Y/n’s lips, her stomach flipping. “Of course, he does! I mean, we’re… dating, right?”

But deep down, Y/n felt the growing pang of guilt gnawing at her. She was pretending to date Remus while simultaneously realizing she was falling for him, a truth that grew heavier with every moment they spent together.

One crisp autumn afternoon, as leaves danced in the wind, Remus and Y/n found themselves wandering the grounds of Hogwarts, their laughter echoing off the castle walls. They had just enjoyed a delightful lunch in the Great Hall, where Sirius had taken it upon himself to declare that their relationship was a “beautiful blossoming love story.”

“Thanks, Pads” Remus had mumbled, a mixture of embarrassment and amusement coloring his cheeks.

Now, strolling under the golden canopy of trees, Y/n stole glances at Remus as they walked side by side, their fingers almost brushing. She felt the world around them fade away, leaving just the two of them enveloped in the warmth of the afternoon sun.

“You know,” Remus started, his voice soft as they paused by a gnarled oak tree, “this whole fake dating thing might actually have some benefits.”

“Oh? Like what?” Y/n asked, feigning innocence while her heart raced.

“For one, I get to spend more time with you, and you’ve managed to distract me from all the pressure my friends have been putting on me,” he said, his gaze steady as it met hers. “And, I must admit, you’re quite… captivating.”

Y/n felt her breath hitch, warmth flooding her cheeks. “I could say the same about you, Remus. You’re—”

Before she could finish her thought, a sudden rustle in the leaves caught their attention. Lily and the Marauders appeared, their laughter ringing out like chimes in the wind. Y/n and Remus quickly adopted their best couple smiles, aware that their friends would dissect every detail of their interaction.

“Hey, you two! What are you doing?” James called out, grinning widely. “Are you getting cozy under that tree? How sweet!”

“Just taking a break from studying,” Remus said, his voice light, though a hint of nervousness crept in.

“Liar,” Sirius teased, poking his friend’s side. “You were about to confess your undying love, weren’t you? Right, Y/n?”

Y/n felt her heart flutter at the mention of love, but she played along, tossing her hair over her shoulder. “Of course! I can’t help but adore him.”

Remus’s eyes widened slightly, a mix of surprise and delight crossing his features. Y/n’s heart raced as she realized they had both said too much. But it felt… right.

As the group engaged in playful banter, Y/n caught Remus’s gaze again, and for a moment, the world around them faded once more. The warmth between them pulsed, thick with unspoken words. They were treading the fine line of friendship and something more, and neither of them seemed willing to back away.

That evening, as they returned to the Gryffindor common room, Remus pulled Y/n aside, a serious expression crossing his face. “Can we talk for a moment?”

“Of course,” she replied, her heart pounding. They moved away from the chatter of their friends, settling into a cozy corner of the room, where the warmth of the fireplace flickered invitingly.

“I’ve been thinking,” he began, running a hand through his hair, a nervous habit she had come to adore. “About us.”

“Us?” she echoed, feeling the tension in the air thicken.

“Yeah,” he said, his gaze steady but his voice wavering. “I know this started as a joke, but…”

“But?” Y/n pressed, her heart racing.

“But it doesn’t feel like a joke anymore,” he confessed, stepping closer. “I care about you, Y/n. Like really care. I didn’t expect this to happen, but I can’t pretend anymore. I don’t want to pretend anymore.”

The confession hung in the air between them, a fragile thread connecting their hearts. Y/n felt her cheeks heat up as she processed his words, realizing they echoed her own feelings. “I feel the same way, Remus” she admitted softly. “I thought I was just pretending, but I’ve started to fall for you too.”

Relief flooded his features, and a soft smile broke out across his lips, lighting up his entire face. “Really?”

“Really,” she affirmed, a mixture of joy and anxiety coursing through her.

With a hesitant but hopeful look in his eyes, Remus took her hand gently, intertwining their fingers. “So, we’re not pretending anymore?”

“No, we’re not,” Y/n replied, feeling emboldened by their shared honesty. “We’re real.”

He leaned in, his breath brushing against her skin as he whispered, “So... Can I kiss you?”

Her heart soared at the question, and she nodded, her voice barely a whisper. “Yes.”

In that moment, everything else faded away as Remus leaned in, their lips meeting in a soft, tentative kiss. It was a sweet promise of what was to come, a culmination of all the moments that had led them here. Y/n melted into the kiss, feeling the warmth of his lips against hers, a sensation that sent shivers down her spine.

As they pulled away, laughter echoed from the common room, but it felt distant now, like a world apart. Remus brushed his thumb across her cheek, his eyes shining with warmth. “I’ve wanted to do that for a while,” he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.

Y/n’s heart raced, her lips curling into a smile. “Me too.”

Their laughter mingled as they stood in the corner, their hands still clasped together. The pressures from their friends no longer mattered. In this moment, it was just Y/n and Remus, two hearts intertwined, ready to explore the uncharted territory of their newfound love.

As they rejoined the group, the Marauders and Lily exchanged knowing glances, clearly thrilled for the couple they believed to be dating. Unbeknownst to them, their fake romance had transformed into something genuine, and as Y/n glanced at Remus, she couldn’t help but feel that the best was yet to come.

The warmth of their connection enveloped them as they navigated the halls of Hogwarts together, side by side, hand in hand. They were no longer just friends playing a role; they were two souls in a dance of love, ready to embrace whatever adventures lay ahead.


I really want jealous reader. 😂 Imagine Severus and reader are on romantic dinner and some girl start flirting with Sev in front of reader. Reader is really jealous but Severus can handle the situation perfectly.


Title: Jealousy

Warning: Jealous reader

Words Count: 2500+


The ambiance in the dimly lit restaurant was tranquil, softened by the warm glow of candles flickering atop the white-clothed tables. The scent of roasted garlic and herbs wafted through the air, mingling with the faint sound of a string quartet playing a lilting melody in the corner. Shadows danced along the walls, cast by the flickering flames, creating a cozy intimacy that enveloped Severus Snape and Y/N.

Y/N glanced across the table at Severus, her heart swelling as she observed the way the candlelight played upon his features. His dark hair framed his face, accentuating the sharp angles of his jaw and the intensity of his obsidian eyes, which bore the weight of countless secrets and unspoken desires. Tonight, he wore a deep green dress robe that made his pale skin appear even more luminous, and Y/N couldn’t help but admire how effortlessly elegant he looked.

“Is the meal to your satisfaction?” Severus asked, his voice low and smooth, pulling her from her reverie. His gaze held a hint of curiosity as he leaned slightly closer, the flickering candlelight illuminating the contours of his face.

“It’s perfect, Sev” she replied, her voice warm with affection. “But I think the company is even better.” A smile spread across her lips, and she reached across the table to entwine her fingers with his.

Severus's expression softened for a brief moment, and the corners of his mouth turned upward in a rare smile. Y/N's heart fluttered at the sight. In moments like this, they were simply two souls lost in each other, separated from the harsh realities of the world outside.

But as if the universe had conspired to shatter this blissful moment, the waitress approached their table, her demeanor bright and flirty, her hair bouncing as she moved with a confident sway. Dressed in a form-fitting black dress, she exuded an effortless charm that filled the air with a tingle of tension.

“Good evening! Can I get you anything else?” Her voice was melodious, each syllable laced with an alluring undertone as she focused her gaze on Severus. “You look absolutely dashing tonight,” she continued, her eyes sparkling as she brushed a stray strand of hair behind her ear, leaning slightly over the table, her chest almost touching the surface.

Y/N’s heart sank, and a flicker of irritation ignited within her. She could feel her fingers tightening around Severus’s as she forced herself to maintain a neutral expression, desperately trying to mask the sudden rush of jealousy that flooded her system. Why did this woman think she could just flirt with him like that? Did she not see they were having a private moment?

Severus, however, remained unfazed. He straightened in his seat, maintaining a regal composure that spoke volumes of his self-assured nature. “Thank you,” he replied, his tone cool and measured. “I would appreciate it if you could bring us the dessert menu.” He held her gaze for a moment longer, and Y/N marveled at how effortlessly he dismissed the flirtation without any hint of discomfort.

The waitress seemed momentarily taken aback by his disinterest, but she quickly regained her composure. “Of course! I’ll be right back.” With a final flutter of her eyelashes, she turned on her heel, strutting away with an air of confidence that only deepened Y/N's feelings of envy.

“Y/N?” Severus’s voice cut through her thoughts, laced with a slight concern as he noticed her sudden change in demeanor. “Are you alright?”

She forced a smile, though it felt tight and strained. “Of course, I’m fine,” she replied, her voice slightly sharper than she intended. “Just… enjoying the ambiance.”

His dark eyebrows knitted together in concern, and Y/N could see him weighing her words carefully. “You don’t seem fine,” he remarked, his tone gentle yet probing. “If there’s something on your mind, you can share it with me.”

With a deep breath, she wrestled with her emotions, knowing that if she didn’t speak now, the bitterness would only fester. “It’s just… that waitress. She was really… enthusiastic.”

Severus’s expression shifted slightly, amusement glinting in his eyes. “Enthusiastic?”

“Yes,” Y/N replied, her voice rising slightly in indignation. “She was practically throwing herself at you! And you just sat there and took it.”

“Hardly,” he countered, his tone now more serious as he leaned closer. “I did no such thing. I merely answered her questions.”

Y/N felt her cheeks flush with a mix of embarrassment and anger. “It just felt like she was trying to get your attention. You could have at least looked a little uncomfortable!”

His expression softened again, and he reached for her hand, gently coaxing her fingers open to entwine them with his. “You know how I feel about you, don’t you? Nothing can change that.”

At that moment, the waitress returned, her presence cutting through the tension like a knife. “Here’s the dessert menu! I recommend the chocolate soufflé; it’s simply divine.” Her gaze flicked between them, and Y/N could sense the subtle challenge in her tone as if she were silently asserting her place in the evening.

Severus turned his attention to the menu, seemingly unfazed by the woman’s persistence. “Thank you,” he said, his voice curt. “We’ll take two soufflés.”

As the waitress walked away, Y/N felt a mix of resentment and gratitude. She appreciated Severus's ability to remain composed, but the weight of her jealousy threatened to choke her.

“See?” Severus said, his voice low as he leaned closer, the warmth of his presence calming her tumultuous thoughts. “I handle these matters with utmost grace.”

“Grace?” Y/N scoffed lightly, a teasing glint in her eyes. “Is that what you call it? I saw the way she looked at you.”

“I assure you, her gaze was nothing more than idle curiosity,” he replied, his lips quirking into a smirk. “You should know I find such attention tiresome.”

The corners of her mouth turned up, despite her earlier frustrations. “Maybe you should have told her that.”

Severus tilted his head, amusement dancing in his eyes. “And deprive her of the opportunity to serve us dessert? That would be cruel.”

Y/N laughed softly, the tension in her chest easing as their banter flowed naturally once more. “I suppose you’re right. But you have to admit, it’s a little infuriating.”

He nodded, his expression turning contemplative. “Jealousy is a potent potion, Y/N. It can cloud judgment and twist thoughts.”

She raised an eyebrow, intrigued. “Are you saying you’re above jealousy?”

“Hardly,” he replied, his voice dropping to a whisper as he leaned closer. “But I recognize it for what it is. You, however, must understand that my heart belongs to you.”

The sincerity in his voice sent a shiver down her spine, and she felt the last remnants of her jealousy dissipate under the warmth of his gaze. “I know,” she murmured, her heart swelling with love. “I just… sometimes it’s hard.”

“I understand,” Severus said softly, his thumb brushing over the back of her hand in a soothing motion. “But you must trust me. Trust in us.”

Their dessert arrived moments later, but the atmosphere had shifted, the tension easing as they focused on each other rather than the past few moments. The chocolate soufflé was decadent, but Y/N’s focus remained on Severus, whose eyes sparkled with mischief as he savored each bite.

“Delicious,” he commented, his voice low and rich, reminiscent of dark velvet. “Almost as good as the company.”

Y/N rolled her eyes playfully. “You’re incorrigible.”

“Perhaps,” he replied, leaning back in his chair with a smug expression. “But you are the one who provokes me.”

As the evening wore on, the flirtatious waitress was quickly forgotten. Y/N and Severus settled into their own rhythm, laughter mingling with tender glances, their connection deepening with each passing moment. The world outside melted away, leaving just the two of them enveloped in their own bubble of intimacy.

“Thank you for tonight,” Y/N said softly, her heart full as they finished their desserts. “I really needed this.”

Severus regarded her with warmth, his dark eyes reflecting a depth of emotion that made her breath hitch. “I would do anything for you, Y/N. You must know that.”

“I do,” she replied, her voice steady. “And I’m sorry for being jealous. I just…”

He raised a hand, silencing her words with a gentle smile. “There is nothing to apologize for. We are only human, after all.”

Y/N nodded, feeling a renewed sense of warmth wash over her as they shared this moment of vulnerability. “I just want you to know that you mean everything to me.”

Severus leaned across the table, his expression serious yet tender. “And you, my dear, are my heart. Nothing can ever change that.”

Their eyes locked, and in that moment, the weight of the world fell away, leaving only the purity of their connection. Y/N smiled, feeling lighter, her heart brimming with love, as Severus reached for her hand once more.

The night continued, each moment shared becoming a thread woven into the fabric of their relationship, binding them closer together. And in the face of jealousy, they had discovered the strength of their love—a bond that could weather any storm, unyielding and fierce.

As they left the restaurant, hand in hand, the moonlight illuminated their path, casting a silvery glow that felt almost magical. Y/N looked up at Severus, her heart racing as she realized how lucky she was to have him by her side, even when the world outside threatened to pull them apart.

“Promise me something,” she said, her voice steady.

“Anything,” he replied, a curious glint in his eye.

“Promise me you’ll always be honest with me, no matter what.”

He nodded, his expression serious. “I promise, Y/N. Always.”

As they stepped into the cool night air, the world felt different, the earlier tension dissipating like mist under the morning sun. They walked through the cobbled streets, the soft sounds of the night embracing them. Severus’s grip on her hand was steady, a reassuring reminder of his presence.

Once they arrived at their house, the familiar sight of the imposing stone structure greeted them. Y/N took a moment to admire the way the moonlight highlighted the contours of the building, casting long shadows that whispered of the mysteries contained within. Severus led her through the entrance, the door creaking open to reveal the warmth and comfort of his sanctuary.

Inside, the atmosphere shifted again, becoming more intimate as they stepped into the dimly lit hallway. The flickering light from the fireplace cast a golden hue on the dark wooden furniture, and the scent of aged books and potions lingered in the air, wrapping around them like a warm embrace.

“Would you like some tea?” Severus asked, his voice low, a subtle hint of concern lacing his tone as he surveyed her expression.

Y/N shook her head, her heart feeling full as she took a moment to appreciate the space that felt like home. “No, I’m fine. I just want to be here with you.”

He smiled, and the warmth in his gaze made her heart flutter. “Then let’s take a moment to enjoy the silence.”

They settled on the plush couch in front of the fireplace, the soft crackling of the flames providing a soothing backdrop to the evening. Y/N leaned against Severus, her head resting against his shoulder as they fell into a comfortable silence, their fingers still intertwined.

The events of the night began to replay in her mind, the initial spark of jealousy followed by the warmth of his words. “I know I shouldn’t have let her get to me,” she said softly, breaking the tranquil silence.

Severus turned his head slightly to look at her, his expression understanding. “It is only natural to feel that way, Y/N. It speaks to your feelings for me.”

Y/N smiled softly, the tension in her chest unwinding as she felt the warmth of his presence. “I guess I just worry sometimes.”

“About what?” he asked, genuinely curious as he ran his fingers through her hair.

“About losing you,” she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. “Sometimes it feels like the world is trying to pull you away.”

Severus’s expression darkened momentarily, a flicker of anger surfacing at the thought of anything threatening their bond. “You need not worry about that. I am not easily swayed by superficiality. My heart is steadfast.”

Y/N looked up at him, her heart swelling with love. “I know. It’s just… the world can be cruel, and I’m afraid of losing the one thing that means everything to me.”

He cupped her face gently, his thumb brushing against her cheek as he leaned closer. “You will not lose me. I am yours, and I intend to remain so. No amount of flirting or attention from others can sway my feelings for you.”

The intensity of his gaze sent warmth coursing through her veins, and she felt her heart soar as she leaned into his touch. “Thank you for reassuring me,” she whispered.

“Always,” he replied, his voice a low rumble that sent shivers down her spine.

Y/N leaned in, capturing his lips with hers in a soft, lingering kiss. It was a kiss filled with promise and reassurance, a silent affirmation of their bond. As they pulled away, she could see the depth of his feelings mirrored in his dark eyes, the flicker of the fire reflecting the love they shared.

“I needed this evening more than I realized,” she admitted, her voice a gentle sigh. “It reminded me of what we have.”

Severus nodded, a soft smile playing on his lips. “And what we have is worth fighting for, Y/N. Worth protecting.”

She nestled closer to him, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat beneath her ear, the comfort of his presence washing over her like a warm blanket. “I feel so lucky to have you,” she murmured, feeling a surge of gratitude for the moments they shared.

As the night deepened, they remained entwined on the couch, the warmth of the fire casting a golden glow around them. Time seemed to stretch, each moment laden with the weight of their unspoken promises and desires.

Eventually, Y/N felt her eyelids growing heavy, lulled by the warmth of Severus beside her. “Are you tired?” he asked, his voice a gentle murmur as he noticed her drowsiness.

“Just a little,” she replied, stifling a yawn. “But I don’t want this moment to end.”

“You don’t have to. You can stay here as long as you wish,” he said softly, his thumb brushing over her knuckles in a soothing motion.

She nodded, her heart full as she settled deeper against him. “Thank you, Severus. For everything.”

“Thank you for trusting me,” he replied, his voice a low whisper. “I promise to always earn that trust.”

And as the fire crackled softly, Y/N drifted into a peaceful slumber, cradled in the safety of Severus’s arms. In that moment, with the world outside forgotten and the warmth of their connection enveloping them, she knew without a doubt that they would weather any storm together.

Anonymous asked:

hey I noticed you haven’t done any Lucius Malfoy fics yet, and I’d like to request one if you’re open to it, the reader is a strong-willed witch who doesn’t fall for his usual charm? Lucius is used to getting whatever he wants, but the reader constantly challenges him, and it intrigues him in a way no one else has. Over time, Lucius starts to realize that he’s genuinely falling for her, and there’s a slow-burn romance as they go from tension-filled encounters to mutual respect, then love. Lots of witty banter, hidden vulnerability from Lucius, and a surprisingly soft, romantic confession at the end.

Title: Charm

Warning: None, lucius being lucius

Words Count: 2000+


The Ministry of Magic was a labyrinth of enchantment and bureaucracy, a place where power dynamics shifted like the tides. Y/n Y/l/n, a strong-willed witch and a respected potion master in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, had learned to navigate its complexities with grace and determination. Her talent and hard work had earned her respect, but it was her unwavering spirit that truly set her apart.

As she walked through the bustling atrium, she could feel the gazes of her colleagues—some filled with admiration, others tinged with envy. Y/n had always found herself on the fringes, content to focus on her work rather than engage in the political machinations that often defined life at the Ministry. Yet, it was the whispers of a certain silver-blonde wizard that broke through her concentrated bubble.

“Good morning, Y/n,” Lucius Malfoy greeted her, his voice smooth and dripping with charm. He leaned casually against a pillar, the epitome of aristocratic elegance. “I must say, your dedication to your work is admirable. Most would have crumbled under the pressures of this place by now.”

Y/n glanced up, her brow slightly raised. “And yet here I am, standing tall,” she replied coolly, matching his tone. “Flattery won’t earn you any favors with me, Malfoy.”

“Flattery?” He chuckled softly, his icy blue eyes twinkling with amusement. “I merely speak the truth. Your determination is commendable.”

Her heart raced as she held his gaze, the playful banter igniting something within her that she hadn’t expected. She had long since learned to see through his polished facade, understanding that behind the charm lay a man accustomed to getting what he wanted. But Y/n had never been one to succumb easily.

“Save your compliments for someone who might appreciate them,” she said, her voice firm. “I’m not interested in becoming another feather in your cap, Lucius.”

A flicker of surprise crossed his face, quickly masked by his usual composure. “Is that so? I find it refreshing, really. Most women seem eager to bask in my attention.”

“That says more about them than it does about you,” she shot back, walking past him with purpose. She felt the heat of his gaze on her back, and she couldn’t help but smile to herself.

Days turned into weeks, and their encounters became a familiar rhythm, a dance of words and glances laced with underlying tension. Y/n would catch herself thinking of Lucius more often than she cared to admit. He intrigued her with his intellect, challenged her with his wit, and made her question her own perceptions of power and vulnerability.

Lucius, on the other hand, found himself drawn to her in ways he had never anticipated. The thrill of their verbal sparring ignited a fire within him, and he began to look forward to their encounters. No one else had dared to challenge him so boldly, and he found her spirit intoxicating. It was a contrast to the women he had known, who had often been content to admire him from afar.

One particularly dreary afternoon, Y/n found herself in the Ministry’s expansive library, surrounded by stacks of books as she searched for an elusive potion recipe. The dim light cast a warm glow over the dusty volumes, creating an atmosphere of quiet reflection. She was so engrossed in her task that she barely noticed Lucius approaching until she felt his presence beside her.

“Lost in thought again?” he asked, his voice smooth and teasing.

Y/n glanced up, suppressing a smile. “Just doing some research. What brings you here, Malfoy? Surely you have more important matters to attend to.”

He leaned against the table, arms crossed, his gaze fixed on her. “I could say the same for you. Researching potions when you could be enjoying the finer things in life?” His smirk was infuriatingly charming.

“I enjoy what I do,” she replied defensively, feeling the heat rise to her cheeks. “Not everyone needs the thrill of high society to find fulfillment.”

“Touché,” he said, amusement flickering in his eyes. “But wouldn’t it be better to have a little fun? Life is far too short to be buried in books, even if they are as fascinating as you make them seem.”

Y/n straightened, her eyes narrowing. “You mean the kind of fun that leads to empty flirtations and false promises? No, thank you. I prefer to keep my life meaningful.”

Lucius’s expression softened slightly, his facade slipping ever so slightly. “I admire your conviction, Y/n. It’s refreshing to see someone who knows what they want.”

Their eyes locked, the air between them thick with unspoken words. Y/n felt a flutter in her chest, a spark of something deeper than mere attraction. But she quickly quelled it, reminding herself of the walls she had built around her heart.

As weeks turned into months, their encounters grew more charged. Lucius began to seek her out more frequently, often finding reasons to linger near her office or cross paths in the halls. Each meeting was a mixture of tension and exhilaration, a game of verbal chess where neither was willing to yield.

One day, as they walked through the Ministry gardens during a rare moment of respite, the sun filtering through the leaves, Lucius turned to Y/n with a seriousness that caught her off guard. “You know, there’s more to me than what you see on the surface.”

She raised an eyebrow, curiosity piquing her interest. “Is that so?”

“Many view me as simply a wealthy, influential pureblood wizard,” he continued, his voice low. “But I’ve faced my share of struggles, Y/n. I’ve fought against expectations and the shadows of my past. It’s exhausting, and I wonder sometimes if anyone sees beyond the facade.”

Y/n felt a pang of empathy for him, understanding that beneath his charming exterior lay a man grappling with his identity. “I can relate to that,” she admitted softly. “I’ve often felt the weight of expectations myself. People assume they know me, but they rarely take the time to understand who I am.”

He paused, their eyes locking as a shared vulnerability lingered between them. “Perhaps that’s why I find you so compelling. You challenge me, push me to question who I am and what I truly want.”

“Is that what this is?” she asked, a hint of uncertainty in her voice. “A challenge?”

“Perhaps,” Lucius replied, a smile tugging at his lips. “But it’s more than that. I’m beginning to realize that I want to know you—really know you.”

Y/n’s heart raced, and she felt the heat of his gaze. “Lucius, this isn’t—”

“It’s not just a game,” he interjected, stepping closer. “I’m not asking for a fling; I’m asking for something real. I want to explore this connection we have, to see where it leads.”

His sincerity struck a chord deep within her, and for the first time, she felt the walls she had built begin to crumble. But fear still lingered, casting a shadow over her heart. “What if we ruin what we have?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

“Then we will face the consequences together,” he assured her, a determined gleam in his eyes. “But I’d rather take that risk than live a life filled with regrets.”

Their eyes held for a moment longer, the world around them fading away. Lucius’s heart raced, anticipation mingling with hope. He had never felt so vulnerable, so exposed, but he knew he couldn’t walk away. Not now.

“Okay,” she said finally, her resolve wavering. “Let’s see where this takes us.”

With that, their relationship began a delicate transformation. They spent more time together, sharing moments both grand and intimate, navigating the complexities of their lives with newfound honesty. Y/n discovered layers to Lucius that no one else had seen—the thoughtful, introspective man hidden behind the mask of privilege and power.

In quiet moments, they would share laughter and stories, and Y/n found herself enjoying Lucius’s company more than she had ever imagined. He would often watch her with an intensity that made her heart race, as if he were trying to memorize every detail. In turn, Y/n began to see glimpses of vulnerability in Lucius, moments where he let his guard down and revealed the man he truly was beneath the polished surface.

But despite the growing bond between them, doubt occasionally crept in. Y/n couldn’t shake the feeling that Lucius was still bound by the expectations of his past, the weight of his family legacy hovering over them. It was a nagging thought that made her question the foundation of their connection.

One evening, while attending a Ministry gala, Y/n stood by the window, gazing out at the stars. The ballroom buzzed with laughter and conversation, but she felt out of place amidst the opulence. Lucius approached her, his presence grounding her in a way that soothed her insecurities.

“Why so pensive?” he asked, his voice a low murmur as he joined her at the window.

“I don’t belong here,” she admitted, her gaze still fixed on the horizon. “These people… they don’t see me. They only see my title, my work.”

Lucius turned to face her, a seriousness etched on his features. “You belong here just as much as anyone else, Y/n. You’ve earned your place through hard work and talent.”

“Do you really think so?” she asked, turning to meet his gaze.

“Absolutely,” he replied, sincerity resonating in his voice. “You have a strength that commands respect. I admire that.”

She felt warmth bloom in her chest, a flutter of hope igniting. “Thank you, Lucius. That means more than you know.”

He studied her for a moment, the weight of his thoughts hanging in the air. “There’s something I need to confess.”

Y/n’s heart raced as she sensed the gravity of his words. “What is it?”

“I’m falling for you, Y/n,” he admitted, his voice steady yet vulnerable. “In a way that I never thought I could again. It terrifies me because I know my past is complicated, but you make me want to be better.”

Her breath caught in her throat, and she felt her heart swell at his honesty. “Lucius…”

He took a step closer, his eyes locking onto hers with an intensity that sent shivers down her spine. “I’ve never felt this way about anyone—not even Narcissa. You challenge me in a way that makes me want to shed my past and become someone worthy of you.”

Tears prickled at the corners of her eyes as she fought against the emotions flooding her heart. “I didn’t expect to feel this way either. You’ve surprised me.”

“Then let’s surprise each other,” he said softly, reaching for her hand. “Let’s build something real together.”

In that moment, the world around them faded into oblivion, leaving only the two of them and the connection that had blossomed between them. Y/n felt a surge of warmth as Lucius intertwined their fingers, a gentle yet firm grip that spoke volumes of his intentions.

“Okay,” she said, her voice trembling slightly. “Let’s take this journey together.”

With their hearts laid bare, Y/n and Lucius stepped into a new chapter of their lives, one filled with uncertainty but also hope. They faced challenges head-on, navigating the complexities of their emotions and the scrutiny of those around them. Together, they forged a bond that transcended the expectations of their pasts, proving that love could flourish even in the most unexpected places.

As the seasons changed, so did their relationship. They shared stolen moments in quiet corners of the Ministry, laughter echoing in the hallways as they exchanged witty banter. Lucius began to show her the parts of himself he had long hidden, revealing his vulnerabilities and fears. Y/n, in turn, opened up about her aspirations and dreams, her passion for potions igniting new conversations between them.

One crisp autumn evening, as they walked through the vibrant foliage of the Ministry gardens, Lucius paused, his expression serious yet tender. “Y/n, I want to take this to the next level. You’re not just a challenge anymore; you’re the woman I want by my side.”

She stopped, her heart racing as she searched his eyes. “What do you mean?”

“I want to be with you, truly,” he said, his voice steady. “I’m ready to leave the past behind and build a future together.”

Tears welled in Y/n’s eyes as his words washed over her, a wave of relief and joy flooding her heart. “Lucius, I… I want that too.”

In that moment, surrounded by the golden hues of autumn, they embraced their love fully, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them. Lucius brushed a strand of hair behind her ear, his gaze softening as he leaned closer. “Then let’s make it official.”

“What do you mean?” she asked, confusion mingling with excitement.

Lucius smiled, a hint of mischief dancing in his eyes. “I mean, I want you to be my partner in every sense. I want to show you off, to declare to the world that you’re mine.”

Her heart swelled with warmth, and she couldn’t help but laugh, a joyful sound that echoed through the garden. “I would like that very much.”

“Then it’s settled,” he declared, a triumphant smile gracing his lips. “Prepare yourself, Y/n Y/l/n, for a life filled with love, laughter, and perhaps a little mischief.”

And as they walked hand in hand, Lucius realized that he had finally found what he had been searching for—a love that was genuine, transformative, and utterly real. In Y/n, he saw the reflection of a future he had never dared to dream of, one where they could conquer the world together.

Anonymous asked:

Can we do something platonic? Reader is a wallflower, basically almost all the time is in the sidelines and no one notices her, she’s accepted she’s not that bright or that pretty but snape notices she’s actually good at potions and in his own way tries to encourage her potential 

Title: Noticed

Warning: Plaronic relationships, a bit of angst, insecurity

Words Count: 2900+


Y/n had grown used to the way people never truly saw her. It was like living in a haze, watching life happen around her but never being a part of it. Day after day, she sat quietly in the back of classrooms, observing the way others interacted, laughing, whispering, and forming connections she knew she’d never be part of. No one looked twice at Y/n—not even once most of the time.

She wasn’t like the other girls at Hogwarts. She wasn’t pretty, or at least not in the way that people admired. Her hair didn’t catch the sunlight like golden threads, her eyes weren’t the kind that sparkled when she laughed (if she ever did), and her smile didn’t light up the room. In fact, she rarely smiled anymore. There wasn’t much to smile about.

Her grades were fine—never the top of the class, but she managed to stay afloat, drifting somewhere in the middle where she neither failed nor excelled. The professors didn’t call on her often, perhaps forgetting she was even there. It was fine. Y/n had learned to accept her place on the sidelines.

There was a dull, heavy ache that lived deep inside her, a quiet sadness that made her feel small and invisible, even in her own skin. She had stopped trying to stand out. What was the point? She wasn’t clever like Hermione Granger, who everyone admired for her intellect. She wasn’t as daring as the Gryffindors, or as cunning as the Slytherins. She wasn’t even as quirky as Luna Lovegood, who, though often teased, was at least memorable. Y/n was just… there.

She spent most of her time in the library, hidden behind towering shelves of dusty books. She could go entire days without speaking more than a few words. It was easier that way—easier to blend into the shadows, where no one could see how much it hurt to be invisible.

And then there was Potions class.

Y/n wasn’t sure what it was about Potions, but the quiet, methodical nature of the subject suited her. She liked the precision, the way each ingredient had its place and purpose. It was one of the few things she felt competent at, though she would never say she excelled. She followed the instructions, brewed her potions, and handed them in without a fuss. Professor Snape never paid much attention to her, which, in her mind, was a good thing. He was intimidating, with his sharp gaze and cutting words, and she didn’t want to be on the receiving end of his infamous temper.

But then one day, something changed.

It was a particularly dreary Wednesday afternoon, the dungeon classroom colder than usual. Y/n had taken her usual seat at the back, her cauldron bubbling quietly in front of her. Today, they were brewing a particularly tricky potion, and though she had followed the instructions carefully, something wasn’t right. The mixture in her cauldron was a shade too dark, and the scent was off, a sharp tang that shouldn’t have been there.

She frowned, stirring the potion with a sense of growing frustration. It was always like this—she always got close, but never quite right. The other students seemed to manage just fine, their potions shimmering the exact color described in the textbook. But hers… hers was always almost right, always just a bit off. Just like her.

“Miss Y/l/n.”

The sound of her name startled her, the wooden spoon clattering against the side of her cauldron as she looked up. Professor Snape was standing beside her, his dark eyes fixed on her potion with an expression that could have been disgust or disappointment—she wasn’t sure.

“Are you incapable of following simple instructions?” he asked, his voice low and cold, the words like a blade sliding between her ribs.

Y/n felt her face flush with embarrassment, her throat tightening as she stared down at her hands. “I—I thought I was,” she mumbled, hating the way her voice wavered. “I don’t know what I did wrong.”

Snape’s eyes narrowed, and for a moment, she braced herself for a scathing remark. But instead, he waved his wand, and the potion stilled. “The essence of wormwood was added too early,” he said, his tone brisk but not as harsh as she’d expected. “And you’ve allowed the fire to burn too hot.”

Y/n nodded mutely, feeling a fresh wave of disappointment wash over her. Of course, she’d messed it up. She always did.

Snape glanced at her, his expression unreadable. “Try again,” he said, his voice quieter this time. “And pay attention to the process, not just the result.”

She blinked, looking up at him in surprise. He didn’t walk away. Instead, he stood there, waiting, as if he actually expected her to succeed. It was strange—no one had ever given her a second chance before. No one ever waited for her.

With trembling hands, Y/n began again, carefully adding each ingredient as Snape watched. She adjusted the flame, measuring the powdered asphodel with a precision that bordered on obsessive. This time, she didn’t rush, didn’t try to simply get through the motions. She focused on each step, feeling the rhythm of the potion as it began to brew properly, the color shifting to the soft, translucent silver it was meant to be.

For the first time, she felt a flicker of something she hadn’t felt in a long time—pride. Small, tentative, but real. She glanced at Snape, half-expecting him to criticize her again, but instead, he gave a curt nod.

“Better,” he said, his voice cool but not unkind. “You have the capability. You simply lack the confidence.”

Y/n blinked in surprise. “Confidence?” she echoed, disbelief creeping into her voice.

Snape raised an eyebrow, his gaze piercing. “You doubt yourself at every turn, Miss Y/l/n. That is why you fail.”

His words stung, but not in the way she had expected. It wasn’t the sharp, cutting sting of insult, but the uncomfortable prickle of truth. She did doubt herself. Constantly. Every time she brewed a potion, every time she sat in class, every time she walked through the halls of Hogwarts, she felt like she wasn’t enough. Like she was nothing.

“But I—” She paused, unsure how to explain the weight she carried. “I’m just… not like the others.”

Snape’s expression didn’t soften, but there was something different in his eyes now, something that almost resembled understanding. “The world does not require you to be like everyone else,” he said. “It requires you to be competent. And you are, if only you would believe it.”

Y/n swallowed hard, her throat tight. She didn’t know how to believe in herself. She had spent so long fading into the background, so long being unseen, that she didn’t know how to be anything else.

Snape must have sensed her hesitation because his tone shifted slightly, becoming less cold. “You are not as invisible as you believe, Miss Y/l/n. Some of us see more than we let on.”

Her heart skipped a beat, and for a moment, she wasn’t sure she had heard him right. Not as invisible? It was impossible. How could someone like him—someone so brilliant and intimidating—even notice someone like her?

But there was no hint of sarcasm or cruelty in his voice. He wasn’t mocking her. He wasn’t trying to tear her down. He was simply stating a fact.

For the first time in a long time, Y/n felt a flicker of warmth spread through her chest. It wasn’t enough to chase away the darkness that lingered in her heart, but it was something. It was a start.

Over the next few weeks, Y/n found herself paying more attention in Potions. She stayed behind after class sometimes, quietly cleaning her station while Snape graded papers or arranged ingredients for the next lesson. He never said much, but every now and then, he would glance her way and offer a terse comment, correcting her technique or advising her on how to improve.

It was strange, this new dynamic between them. Snape wasn’t exactly kind, but he wasn’t cruel either. He didn’t treat her like she was worthless, like she was just another faceless student. He noticed her. He saw her. And that alone was enough to keep her coming back, to keep her trying.

One afternoon, as she lingered in the dungeon long after the other students had left, Snape spoke again.

“You’ve improved,” he remarked, not looking up from the parchment he was grading.

Y/n, who had been tidying up her cauldron, froze. “I have?”

Snape raised an eyebrow. “Do not sound so surprised, Miss Y/l/n. You are capable, as I’ve said before.”

She hesitated, her heart beating a little faster. “Why do you… care?”

It was a bold question, one she immediately regretted asking. But Snape didn’t seem offended. Instead, he leaned back in his chair, regarding her with those dark, penetrating eyes.

“I care,” he said slowly, “because I have no interest in seeing wasted potential.”

His words hung in the air, heavy and meaningful. Y/n swallowed, nodding slightly as she absorbed what he had said. For the first time in her life, someone had seen something in her. Something more than mediocrity.

As she left the dungeon that day, a small smile tugged at the corner of her lips. The shadows that had once consumed her felt a little less suffocating. She wasn’t there yet—wasn’t whole, wasn’t healed—but maybe, just maybe, she wasn’t so invisible after all.


Y/n’s days continued in much the same way after that, but something had shifted. She still sat in the back of her classes, still kept her head down in the halls, and still spent hours in the library with her nose buried in books. But there was a new sense of awareness that came with it all—a realization that, perhaps, she wasn’t as invisible as she had always believed.

In Potions class, that subtle connection with Snape continued. He never praised her directly, never showered her with compliments or made grand gestures of approval. But there were small moments—glances exchanged over bubbling cauldrons, a word of advice spoken in his curt, indifferent manner—that told her she was being watched, acknowledged, and, in his own way, encouraged.

It wasn’t much. But it was enough. Enough to make her feel like maybe, just maybe, she wasn’t as insignificant as she had always thought.

It was a rainy afternoon when everything came crashing down.

Y/n had been keeping her head above water for weeks now, but the constant weight of her isolation, the crushing sense of being unwanted and unnoticed, never fully went away. The little spark of hope that Snape had ignited in her didn’t banish the sadness that clung to her like a second skin. It didn’t erase the countless nights spent lying awake, wondering what was wrong with her, or the gnawing feeling in her chest that whispered she wasn’t enough.

That day, it all became too much.

The lesson had been going well—she had even managed to brew her potion correctly on the first try—but a small mishap had occurred near the end. Another student had bumped into her table, causing her cauldron to tip slightly, spilling part of her completed potion onto the floor. It was an accident, but it felt like an omen. One small mistake, one tiny moment of chaos, and everything fell apart.

“Careless,” Snape had muttered under his breath as he passed her table, not bothering to stop and inspect the damage. The word was a knife to her chest, sharper than it should have been. He hadn’t even looked at her.

Careless. It echoed in her mind long after class had ended, long after she had cleaned up the mess and left the dungeon. That one word, spoken so casually, was enough to undo the fragile sense of self-worth she had been building.

By the time she reached the solitude of the empty corridor, the tears were already falling. She hadn’t cried in weeks, not since she had first felt that spark of hope, but now it was back—the overwhelming sadness, the feeling of being so small, so insignificant, it felt like she was fading away entirely.

Y/n slipped into an abandoned classroom, the door creaking shut behind her as she sank to the floor, hugging her knees to her chest. The tears came harder now, spilling down her cheeks in quiet, desperate sobs. She couldn’t do this anymore. She couldn’t keep pretending that things were getting better, that she wasn’t still drowning in her own loneliness. What was the point? No one cared. No one even noticed.

She had no idea how long she sat there, her face buried in her arms, letting the tears come in waves. It wasn’t until she heard the door creak open again that she realized she wasn’t alone anymore.

“Miss Y/l/n.”

Her heart stuttered in her chest, and she quickly wiped her eyes, scrambling to stand up. She recognized the voice immediately, that low, authoritative tone she had come to know so well. Snape.

She turned to face him, her breath catching in her throat as she saw him standing in the doorway, his dark eyes narrowed in his usual expression of mild disapproval. He didn’t speak for a moment, just looked at her, his gaze sharp and piercing as though he could see right through her.

“I— I’m sorry,” Y/n stammered, her voice thick with the remnants of tears. “I didn’t mean to— I was just—”

Snape raised a hand, cutting her off. “There is no need to explain yourself,” he said, his tone devoid of any softness. “I am not here to reprimand you.”

She blinked, confusion washing over her. “Then… why are you here?”

For a moment, Snape said nothing, his eyes flickering with something she couldn’t quite read. Finally, he stepped further into the room, closing the door behind him with a quiet click. His presence filled the small space, and Y/n felt her heart race in her chest. He wasn’t angry, but there was something heavy about the way he looked at her, something that made her feel vulnerable and exposed.

“I noticed you left in a rather… distressed state,” he said slowly, his voice careful. “And I find myself compelled to ask if you are… well.”

It was such a strange question, coming from him. Snape, who was always so cold, so distant, was standing in front of her, asking if she was well. It didn’t make sense. Nothing made sense.

Y/n shook her head, her voice barely a whisper. “I’m fine.”

Snape’s eyes narrowed slightly. “I highly doubt that.”

The bluntness of his words caught her off guard, and she felt a fresh wave of tears threatening to spill over. She tried to hold them back, tried to swallow the lump in her throat, but it was no use. The dam broke, and the tears came again, harder this time.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered, her voice cracking. “I don’t know why I’m like this. I just… I can’t…”

She couldn’t finish the sentence. The weight of it all—the loneliness, the self-doubt, the crushing feeling of being unwanted—it was too much. She didn’t know how to explain it, didn’t know how to put into words the way it felt to live in her own skin.

For a long moment, Snape said nothing. Then, to her utter shock, he stepped closer, his voice low and steady.

“Miss Y/l/n,” he said quietly, “you are not as invisible as you believe.”

Y/n’s breath hitched in her throat, and she looked up at him through tear-blurred eyes. “I feel like I am,” she whispered. “I feel like no one sees me.”

Snape’s expression softened, just the tiniest fraction. “That is where you are mistaken.”

He didn’t elaborate, didn’t offer her any grand reassurances or platitudes. But there was something in his voice, something in the way he looked at her, that made her believe him. Even just for a moment, she believed him.

Y/n wiped her eyes again, sniffling as she tried to regain some semblance of composure. “I don’t know how to… not feel like this,” she admitted, her voice small.

Snape watched her for a moment, his expression unreadable. Then he spoke, his voice softer than she had ever heard it.

“It is not about being noticed by others,” he said quietly. “It is about recognizing your own worth. You are capable, Miss Y/l/n. Far more capable than you give yourself credit for. And it is time you begin to see that.”

The words struck her like a bolt of lightning, cutting through the fog that had clouded her mind for so long. It wasn’t a grand declaration, wasn’t a promise that everything would be okay. But it was something—a lifeline, a thread of hope in the darkness.

Y/n nodded slowly, her heart still heavy but just a little lighter than before. “Thank you,” she whispered.

Snape gave her a curt nod, turning toward the door. But before he left, he glanced back at her, his dark eyes holding hers for just a moment longer.

“Do not give up on yourself,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

And then he was gone, leaving her alone in the quiet room. But for the first time in what felt like forever, Y/n didn’t feel completely alone.

Because maybe, just maybe, she wasn’t as invisible as she had always thought.


It’s me agan 😂 this time without request.

I just want to say you that u really love your blog 😍 and your snape fics are amazing. Keep going💗


"Ahh, thank you so much! <3 Your message made my day! I'm so glad you’re enjoying my Snape fics and the blog—it really means a lot. I'll definitely keep going, especially with such amazing support like yours! 💗😊

BTW your rquests are litterally my favorites to write <3

Anonymous asked:

Hey, can I request a young sirius x reader where he have a crush on her but he' mostly used to flirt with the girls and have he watts but the reader isn't like that and she keeps rejecting him....it' okay if you don't...I Just love your writing♡

Title: Not like others

Warning: flirt sirius

Word Count: 2500+


The sun hung low over Hogwarts, casting a golden hue across the grounds, illuminating the ancient stone and sprawling greenery. The Great Lake shimmered under the afternoon light, rippling gently with the whispers of the breeze. Laughter echoed from the Gryffindor common room, where the Marauders had congregated, their typical banter filling the air.

Sirius Black lounged comfortably on the plush armchair, his signature smirk in place as he flirted effortlessly with a group of girls who hung on his every word. He thrived in the attention, relishing the playful banter and the easy confidence that came from being the center of attraction. Yet, amidst the laughter and lighthearted jests, his thoughts drifted. They wandered to her—Y/n, the girl who had somehow breached the fortress of his heart.

Y/n sat nearby, engaged in conversation with Lily and James, her laughter ringing like a melody that captivated him. She was stunning, her features a blend of innocence and strength, but what truly drew him in were her eyes—deep and expressive, reflecting a world of thoughts and emotions. Yet, despite his heart racing at her presence, Sirius struggled with the way he felt about her.

He had always been a flirt, weaving through relationships like a butterfly, leaving behind a trail of admirers and broken hearts. But with Y/n, it was different. She wasn’t just another girl; she had become a secret treasure, something worth cherishing, yet he couldn’t find the words to convey his feelings. Instead, he resorted to his old ways, flirtation pouring from his lips like honey, masking the deeper emotions brewing within him.

“Hey there, beautiful,” he drawled, leaning back with that familiar, devil-may-care attitude as he aimed his attention at Y/n. She glanced up, momentarily meeting his gaze, and the light in her eyes dimmed slightly. It was a subtle shift, barely noticeable, yet it cut through him like a knife.

“Do you need help with your Charms essay?” she asked, a faint smile touching her lips, but it didn’t reach her eyes.

“Only if you promise to help me pass,” he teased, casting her a roguish grin. His heart sank as he noticed her forced smile.

Y/n turned her attention back to Lily, dismissing him without another glance. It stung more than he anticipated. The fleeting moments where they would steal glances at each other were now replaced with a growing distance. Confusion gnawed at him; he could see the hurt in her expression, but he didn't know how to bridge the gap he had unintentionally created.

As days passed, the pattern continued. Sirius would flirt and charm, drawing laughter from those around him, but Y/n remained distant. She spent time with Lily, her laughter still ringing, but it was tinged with an undertone of sadness that tugged at Sirius’s heartstrings.

It was during a quiet evening in the common room that Remus noticed the shift in atmosphere. Sirius sat across from him, a frown creasing his forehead as he stared into the flickering flames of the fireplace.

“Mate, what’s up with you?” Remus asked, concern lacing his voice.

Sirius sighed, running a hand through his unruly hair. “It’s Y/n. I can’t seem to reach her. Every time I flirt with her, it’s like I’m pushing her away.”

“Have you considered that maybe she sees you as just another fling?” Remus mused, his brow furrowing in thought. “You’re known for your charm, Sirius. She might think you want her for all the wrong reasons.”

“I don’t!” Sirius exclaimed, frustration leaking through his tone. “I like her, Remus. I genuinely like her. But every time I try to show it, I just end up making things worse.”

Remus leaned back, crossing his arms as he regarded his friend. “Maybe you need to try something different. Show her you care without the flirtation. Get her flowers or something.”

“Flowers?” Sirius echoed, incredulous. “I’m not some lovesick puppy!”

“Right, but if you want her to believe that you’re serious about your feelings, you have to show her. She’s not going to believe it if you keep playing the same game,” Remus replied, his voice calm but firm.

Sirius mulled over Remus’s words. It felt utterly foreign to him—this idea of soft gestures and vulnerability. But if it meant winning Y/n’s heart, he was willing to try. He just had to learn how to break through the walls he’d unintentionally built around her heart.

The next morning, Sirius made a plan. He found himself wandering through the Hogwarts grounds, heading towards the greenhouses. The vibrant flowers swayed in the gentle breeze, each petal whispering promises of beauty. He approached a cluster of blooming daisies and picked a small bouquet, the innocent blooms representing the simplicity of his growing affection for Y/n.

Clutching the flowers tightly, he made his way back to the Gryffindor common room. His heart raced with uncertainty, thoughts swirling in his mind. Would this be enough to prove to Y/n that he was different? That he wanted more than just a fleeting moment?

When he entered the common room, Y/n was sitting by the window, her gaze lost in the distance. The sunlight caught her hair, making it glow, and for a moment, Sirius simply stood there, captivated. Taking a deep breath, he approached her, forcing down the anxiety that threatened to overwhelm him.

“Y/n?” he said softly, and she turned to him, surprise flickering in her eyes.

“What’s this?” she asked, glancing at the flowers in his hand.

“Um, they’re for you,” he stammered, the words tumbling out awkwardly.

Her brows furrowed in confusion. “For me?”

“Yeah. I thought… I thought maybe you’d like them,” he said, extending the bouquet toward her.

She hesitated, her gaze shifting from the flowers to his face, searching for something deeper. “Why, Sirius?”

“Because I like you,” he replied, his heart pounding. “Not just as a flirtation or a game. I care about you, Y/n.”

Her expression remained guarded, doubt clouding her features. “You say that now, but you’ve always been a flirt. How am I supposed to believe you?”

The sting of her words hit hard. “Because I wouldn’t do this for anyone else. I’m not trying to play you, I promise.”

Y/n reached out, tentatively accepting the flowers, but the uncertainty in her eyes lingered. “I just… I don’t want to be another one of your flings, Sirius. I’m not like the others.”

“I don’t want that either,” he insisted, his voice earnest. “I’m trying to show you that I’m serious about us. I want to be more than just a passing moment.”

For a brief moment, hope flickered in her eyes before it dimmed again. “It’s hard to believe that when you’ve built your reputation on charm.”

Sirius felt a wave of frustration wash over him, but he held it back, knowing it wouldn’t help his case. Instead, he thought of Remus and his advice. “Give me a chance to prove it. Let me show you how I feel.”

As the days rolled by, Sirius embraced the challenge. With Remus’s guidance, he began to shower Y/n with small, thoughtful gestures. He’d leave her little notes hidden in her books, the words carefully chosen to reflect his growing feelings. He surprised her with her favorite sweets from Honeydukes, savoring the way her eyes lit up with joy each time.

“Honestly, Sirius,” she said one evening, glancing at the assortment of chocolates he’d brought her. “You’re being way too nice.”

“Is that a bad thing?” he replied, a teasing lilt in his voice, but his heart raced with nervous energy. “I just want to show you I’m serious about this.”

Y/n took a deep breath, her defenses slowly crumbling as she began to see the sincerity in his actions. “You’re really trying, aren’t you?”

“Every day,” he admitted, the weight of his feelings resting heavily in the air between them. “I just want you to see that I’m different. That I care about you, not just as a flirt but as someone I want in my life.”

She looked at him for a long moment, her expression softening. “It’s hard to let go of my doubts, Sirius. I’ve seen how you are with other girls. It’s difficult to reconcile that with how you are with me.”

Sirius nodded, understanding her struggle. “I know I have a reputation, but I promise you—what I feel for you is real. It scares me, to be honest, but it’s the truth.”

Their conversations continued, each interaction building a bridge between them, and slowly, the walls Y/n had erected began to crumble. She’d catch glimpses of his true self—the gentle side that cared deeply, and with every small act, he felt himself falling further into the depths of his feelings.

One evening, as the Marauders gathered in their usual spot in the common room, Sirius couldn’t help but steal glances at Y/n. She was sitting with Lily, sharing a laugh over some inside joke, the sound of her happiness wrapping around him like a warm blanket. It was a comforting sight, yet a pang of longing tightened in his chest.

“Alright, Padfoot,” James said, nudging him. “You’re practically drooling over there. Just go talk to her!”

“Yeah, before she gets snatched up by someone else,” Remus chimed in, a teasing smile gracing his lips.

“I’m trying!” Sirius retorted, but a nervous energy buzzed within him. “I just… want to make sure I don’t mess this up.”

“Just be honest,” James advised, his tone turning serious. “You’ve been making progress. Show her that you’re genuine.”

With that, Sirius rose, his heart pounding as he crossed the room. Y/n looked up as he approached, her expression shifting from surprise to curiosity.

“Hey, can I borrow you for a minute?” he asked, a hint of nervousness coloring his voice.

“Sure,” she replied, her smile encouraging.

He led her to a quieter corner of the common room, the soft glow of the fire casting gentle shadows around them. “I just wanted to talk to you… away from everyone else,” he said, his throat tightening.

“What’s on your mind?” she asked, her voice gentle.

“I know I’ve messed up in the past,” he began, his heart racing. “And I know it’s hard for you to see me as anything more than a flirt. But the truth is, you mean more to me than I can put into words. I’m falling for you, Y/n, and I don’t want to hide it anymore.”

Her eyes widened, a flicker of surprise crossing her features. “You’re serious?”

“Yes,” he affirmed, stepping closer, his gaze unwavering. “I know it’s scary and uncertain, but I want to give us a chance. You’re not just another girl to me. You’re special.”

Y/n’s expression softened, a mix of vulnerability and hope reflecting in her eyes. “I want to believe you, Sirius, but it’s hard.”

“I understand,” he replied, reaching out to gently take her hand. “But I promise, I’ll show you. Just give me a chance.”

Tension hung in the air as they stood together, hearts racing in sync. For a brief moment, it felt like the world had faded away, leaving just the two of them amidst the crackling warmth of the fire.

As days turned into weeks, Sirius continued to prove himself, each gesture a step closer to Y/n’s heart. They studied together, shared secrets, and laughed late into the night, the connection between them growing deeper. Y/n began to let her guard down, her laughter becoming more genuine, the warmth of their interactions melting away her reservations.

One evening, while sitting under the stars on the castle grounds, Y/n turned to Sirius, her expression thoughtful. “You’ve really changed, you know. I’ve never seen this side of you before.”

Sirius chuckled softly, a warm smile playing on his lips. “It’s all your fault, really. You make me want to be better.”

Y/n laughed, the sound light and free, and it filled him with joy. “I’m glad. I really am.”

“I’ve been thinking,” he said, his tone shifting as he searched for the right words. “About how I feel. I mean, it’s not just about flirting anymore. I want to be with you, for real.”

Y/n’s breath caught, surprise dancing in her eyes. “Sirius… do you mean it?”

“Every word,” he declared, leaning in closer, vulnerability evident in his gaze. “I want you in my life, not just as a fleeting moment but as something lasting.”

A smile broke across her face, illuminating the shadows of doubt that had lingered for so long. “I believe you,” she whispered, her voice barely audible over the soft rustle of leaves.

Sirius felt a warmth spread through him at her words, a sense of relief washing over him. “Really?”

“Yeah, I do,” she replied, her eyes shining with sincerity. “I think I’m starting to see the real you beneath all that charm.”

Their gazes locked, and in that moment, everything shifted. The air crackled with unspoken feelings, and Sirius leaned in, his heart pounding with anticipation. The distance between them vanished as their lips met in a tender kiss, a sweet culmination of everything they had built together.

As the weeks continued to unfold, the Marauders witnessed the transformation in their friend. Sirius was no longer the carefree flirt, but rather a young man in love, navigating the complexities of his newfound feelings. Y/n brought out the best in him, and he reveled in the joy of being with her.

One day, as they sat in the common room surrounded by their friends, Y/n leaned into Sirius, her head resting on his shoulder. “You know, I never thought I’d find someone like you,” she murmured softly.

Sirius smiled, wrapping his arm around her, pulling her closer. “And I never thought I’d want someone so much,” he admitted, a hint of awe in his voice.

Their friends watched the exchange with knowing smiles, the atmosphere in the room warm and filled with laughter. The Marauders shared their own banter, but the love blossoming between Sirius and Y/n was undeniable, a testament to the power of genuine affection.

With every passing day, Sirius found himself more entrenched in his feelings, each moment shared with Y/n reinforcing his belief that love could exist beyond mere flirtation. And as they continued to grow together, he realized that beneath the charm and bravado lay a heart yearning for connection—one that had finally found its match.

Their journey was just beginning, but the road ahead shimmered with promise, illuminated by the light of their love—a bond forged through laughter, understanding, and the unbreakable connection that comes from truly knowing one another.

In the depths of his heart, Sirius Black understood that this was no longer just a game; it was real, and he was ready to embrace it fully.

As the stars twinkled above them, Sirius squeezed Y/n's hand, feeling her warmth beside him. Together, they stepped into a future that held countless adventures, where their love would grow, unfurling like the flowers he had once brought her—delicate yet resilient, a beautiful testament to their journey together.


Severus goes to put his daughter to sleep and falls asleep with her in her nursery. Reader find them there. Just fluff. Thank you. I love your blog !!! 💗


Title: Little Dragon

Warning: None, just fluff

Words Count: 1800+


The moon hung high in the ink-blue sky, casting a gentle glow that filtered through the lace curtains of Hope's nursery. The room was a delicate sanctuary, adorned with soft pastels and whimsical patterns. Tiny stars painted on the walls twinkled in the dim light, creating a magical atmosphere for the little girl who was about to embark on her nightly ritual of sleep.

Hope, a cherubic bundle of energy, was anything but ready to settle down. At just one year old and few months, she was a whirlwind of giggles and wiggly limbs, her small face framed by soft tufts of dark hair that bore the faintest resemblance to her mother, Y/n. Yet, it was her eyes—deep, captivating pools of onyx that mirrored Severus’s own—that held a certain enchantment. They sparkled with mischief and curiosity, reflecting a spirit that was vibrant and uncontainable.

Severus Snape stood in the nursery, his usually stoic demeanor softened by the gentle presence of his daughter. The quiet moments they shared often revealed a side of him that few ever witnessed—one filled with warmth and an unwavering devotion that pulsed through his veins. This evening was no exception as he leaned against the doorframe, his arms crossed over his chest, watching Hope bounce in her crib like a spring lamb.

“Hope,” he murmured, his voice low and soothing, yet it was barely audible above her delighted squeals. “It’s time for bed.”

The little girl giggled in response, her tiny hands reaching out toward him, as if the very idea of sleep was a distant concept, utterly unappealing. She had just discovered the joy of standing, and tonight, she was determined to showcase her new skill. With surprising strength for her age, she pulled herself upright, her legs wobbling beneath her as she clutched the bars of her crib like a seasoned explorer claiming a new territory.

Severus sighed, a mix of amusement and exasperation dancing in his chest. “You’re supposed to be sleeping, not practicing your acrobatics.”

With a defiant laugh, Hope wobbled closer to the edge of her crib, her giggles ringing like tiny bells, echoing against the walls of the nursery. She was a beautiful chaos, her energy radiating warmth throughout the small room.

“Come on, my little firecracker,” he urged gently, stepping closer. The scent of baby powder and a hint of lavender wafted through the air, wrapping around him like a comforting blanket. “Let’s settle down for the night, shall we?”

But Hope was having none of it. She took a daring step back, her eyes alight with mischief, as she plopped down on her bottom, then rolled over, wiggling her tiny body as she crawled to the far end of the crib. The soft giggles continued, a joyful symphony that filled the room with life.

“Hope,” he said again, though this time his tone was softer, coaxing. “If you don’t go to sleep, how will you have the energy for tomorrow’s adventures?”

She paused, glancing up at him with an expression that was a mixture of delight and rebellion. Severus couldn’t help but smile, his heart swelling with affection. He took a seat on the edge of her crib, feeling the coolness of the wooden slats beneath his fingers as he gazed down at her.

“Do you remember the story of the little dragon who wouldn’t sleep?” he asked, his voice almost a whisper, as if sharing a secret.

Hope blinked up at him, her head cocked to the side, clearly intrigued by the notion of a dragon. The twinkle in her eyes danced as she listened, her tiny fingers grasping the soft blanket draped over her crib.

“Every night, the little dragon would flutter about, thinking of all the exciting things she could do instead of sleeping,” he continued, weaving the tale. “But soon, she found herself too tired to breathe fire, and her wings felt heavy, and she discovered that dreams were the greatest adventures of all.”

With rapt attention, Hope settled down a little, her brow furrowing as if she was contemplating his words. Severus smirked at her response, encouraged that the story might finally be lulling her into submission. He continued, embellishing the tale with details about the dragon’s adventures, her friends in the clouds, and the wonderful dreams that awaited her.

Yet, the moment he thought he was winning, Hope suddenly erupted into another fit of giggles, clapping her hands and bouncing in her crib, clearly unfazed by his storytelling efforts. Severus chuckled, knowing full well that he had been bested by a mere infant, a feat that felt both maddening and utterly delightful.

“Alright, little one,” he relented, running a hand through his dark hair, the strands falling into his eyes as he contemplated his next move. “How about this? If you promise to try and sleep, I’ll sit with you until you do.”

Hope’s wide eyes glimmered with excitement, and she nodded fervently, her tiny curls bouncing with each enthusiastic gesture. Severus couldn’t resist the infectious joy she radiated, and with a resigned smile, he settled back into the cushy armchair that sat in the corner of the room, a sanctuary amidst the sea of toys and baby paraphernalia.

As he leaned back, he watched her with admiration, the way her little fingers curled around the blanket, her face lit with pure innocence and determination. She was a perfect blend of both him and Y/n, an embodiment of their love.

Minutes ticked by slowly as he remained in the quiet sanctuary of her nursery, the soft glow of the moon illuminating the space. Hope, however, was not keen on surrendering to the gentle embrace of sleep. She continued to wiggle and squirm, her energy unwavering as she plucked at the edges of her blanket, occasionally glancing up at Severus with wide, expectant eyes.

“Alright, Miss Snape,” he murmured, adopting a playful tone. “Let’s count the stars, shall we?”

He began counting softly, and much to his surprise, she joined in, her own tiny voice babbling along, albeit more like an enthusiastic rendition of nonsense than a proper counting session. The laughter bubbled forth between them, a sweet connection formed in the heart of the night, weaving an unbreakable bond between father and daughter.

“Let’s try that again,” he chuckled, pretending to be serious as he continued the count, only to be interrupted by Hope’s antics once more. She reached out to grab his finger, her tiny hand gripping it tightly as if he was a lifeline in a world that was far too vast and overwhelming for such a little creature.

“Alright, alright,” Severus conceded, allowing her to pull him closer, his heart swelling with warmth as she leaned against his leg, her head tilting back to gaze at him with those irresistible eyes. “I will stay right here.”

And just like that, in the midst of their playful banter, the energy in the room began to shift. Severus felt the soft weight of Hope leaning against him, her eyelids growing heavy as she clutched his hand like a lifeline.

“See? Even the little dragon needs her rest,” he whispered, glancing down to find her eyes beginning to flutter, battling the impending tide of sleep. The light in the room dimmed slightly as the moonlight cast a silver glow across her delicate features, highlighting her cherubic cheeks and the way her lips curved into the faintest of smiles.

With a soft sigh, Hope nestled against him, her small frame curling into a peaceful ball as she finally surrendered to the allure of slumber. Severus watched in awe, his heart swelling with a warmth he had never known.

He carefully shifted, cradling her against his chest, feeling her tiny heartbeat against him, a gentle rhythm that seemed to pulse in sync with his own. The room fell into a tranquil hush, a symphony of soft breaths and the occasional creak of the house settling around them.

As he sat there, enveloped in the cocoon of night, Severus couldn’t help but let his thoughts drift to Y/n. He could already picture her reaction upon finding them in this peaceful tableau. She would likely smile, her heart warmed by the sight of her two favorite people intertwined in such an innocent moment of love and serenity.

But even in his daydreaming, the fatigue from the long hours of the day began to wash over him. His eyelids grew heavy, the rhythmic sound of Hope’s breathing lulling him into a comfortable haze.

With one last glance at the peaceful nursery, Severus allowed himself to close his eyes, resting his head back against the plush fabric of the chair. The softness of the moment enveloped him, a sensation that was rare yet deeply cherished.

Unbeknownst to him, the door creaked open quietly, and Y/n stepped into the room, her heart swelling at the sight before her. There, in the soft glow of the nursery, was Severus, his expression softened in the quietude of sleep, with Hope nestled safely in his arms.

The sight was utterly enchanting. Hope’s little body, peaceful and content, was nestled against Severus’s chest, her small hand curled around his finger. Y/n felt an overwhelming rush of love at the sight, a beautiful portrait of fatherhood that captured everything she adored about Severus—his fierce love, the tenderness that often lay beneath his stoic facade, and his unyielding devotion to their daughter.

Y/n stepped further into the room, the soft creaking of the floorboards barely a whisper. She approached cautiously, not wanting to disturb the serene moment. But as she reached the chair, she couldn’t resist the urge to run her fingers gently through Hope’s soft hair, marveling at how perfectly they fit together, the two most important people in her life.

“Look at you two,” she whispered, her heart swelling as she took in the scene. “Such a perfect pair.”

In that moment, she understood the beauty of what they had built together—a family rooted in love, laughter, and sometimes, the sweet surrender of sleep. Hope stirred slightly, a soft sigh escaping her lips, but remained nestled against Severus, a soft smile gracing Y/n’s features.

Gently, Y/n leaned down, placing a tender kiss on Severus’s forehead, feeling a sense of belonging and peace that resonated deep within her.

As she straightened, she couldn’t help but capture the moment in her mind—the serenity, the love, the magic that seemed to permeate the very air they breathed. She turned to leave, letting them rest, but as she reached the door, she cast one last glance back at the sight before her.

“Sweet dreams, my loves,” she murmured, her heart full, as she quietly stepped out of the nursery, leaving Severus and Hope wrapped in the warmth of their dreams.

The moon continued to shine brightly outside, casting a gentle glow over the world, while inside the nursery, a soft lullaby of love enveloped the room, creating a sacred space where dreams took flight, cradled in the arms of a devoted father and his beautiful daughter.


Snape propose reader right after end of the war. She is like.: You are alive ? But she say yes anyway.


Title: You're Alive

Warning: Kinda depressed reader....

Words Count: 1700+

A/N: Girllll, your requests are literally my favorites to write


It had been months since the war ended, but for Y/n, peace never truly came. While the rest of the wizarding world began to piece itself back together, she was trapped in a ceaseless cycle of grief and loss. Her days became repetitive, like a cruel loop, each one identical to the last, and every morning, when she forced herself out of bed, felt like another small act of survival. There was nothing left for her but the weight of an unspoken goodbye, a farewell she had never had the chance to utter.

Severus was dead.

The words echoed endlessly in her mind, like the tolling of a death bell. When she had first heard the news, it hadn’t felt real. It had come from Minerva, her voice soft and laden with sympathy, eyes full of sorrow as she delivered the news. Y/n had stood there, numb and silent, as Minerva explained what had happened in the Shrieking Shack. Severus had died alone, his body found hours later among the debris and bodies scattered across the battlefield.

He was gone.

For days after, Y/n had simply wandered through life like a ghost, unsure of where to place her grief. She barely remembered the days following his death—the endless condolences, the quiet murmurs of pity. The world continued to move around her, but it had lost its meaning. There were times she thought the grief might swallow her whole, that the crushing weight of it would pull her down into a pit she would never be able to climb out of.

She stopped seeing friends. Stopped talking to the people who reached out. What was the point? They couldn’t give her back what she had lost. She spent most of her time alone, secluded in her small cottage, where the silence was only broken by the occasional rustle of wind through the trees. The space she had once loved now felt like a tomb—its quietness amplifying the hollow ache inside her.

Her only solace came in the routine. Each morning, she rose before dawn, despite the ever-present exhaustion that clung to her bones. She would make herself a cup of tea that she rarely drank, then head out to the greenhouses. The plants there didn’t judge her, didn’t expect anything from her. They simply grew, day by day, providing her with something to nurture, something to keep her hands busy.

Tending to the plants had become a way to distract herself from the constant ache. In the quiet of the greenhouses, she would lose herself in the familiar rituals—watering, pruning, checking for pests. She would kneel in the dirt, feeling the earth between her fingers, grounding herself in the life that persisted around her. It was the only thing that seemed real anymore.

She remembered how Severus had once stood at the edge of the greenhouses, his dark eyes watching her as she worked. His expression had been unreadable, but she had known, even then, that he found some strange comfort in seeing her amidst the greenery, her hands busy with life. He never said as much, but she could always sense the unspoken bond between them, the way he softened just slightly in her presence.

But now… there was nothing. Just the emptiness where he used to be.

As the weeks passed, the numbness gave way to something darker—anger. How could he have left her? How could he have gone off to fight in the war and not come back? It wasn’t fair. She hated him for it, hated him for being so brave and selfless, for choosing to sacrifice himself when she had needed him most.

And yet, even in her anger, she missed him with a ferocity that bordered on madness. The memories of him consumed her—his quiet, sarcastic remarks, the way his lips twitched ever so slightly when he found something amusing. She would catch herself sometimes, expecting him to walk through the door, to hear the familiar creak of the floorboards under his boots, only to be met with silence.

The nights were the worst. Alone in her cold bed, she would lie awake, staring at the ceiling, replaying every moment they had spent together. She longed for the warmth of his body beside her, for the steady rhythm of his breathing in the dark. But those moments were gone now, like a dream she could never return to.

As time wore on, the others began to accept Severus’ death as an unfortunate but necessary casualty of war. They moved on. They rebuilt their lives. But Y/n couldn’t move forward. She was stuck in the past, trapped by the memory of what had been and the unbearable weight of what never would be.

It was a stormy evening when the impossible happened.

The rain had started in the late afternoon, a slow drizzle that steadily grew into a downpour. Y/n had finished her work in the greenhouses early, her head pounding from a persistent headache. She trudged through the rain, not bothering to cast a spell to shield herself from the wet. What did it matter? Nothing really mattered anymore.

As she approached her cottage, something caught her eye—a figure standing near the front door, half-hidden in the shadows.

For a moment, she froze, her heart stuttering painfully in her chest. She squinted through the rain, trying to make out who it could be. Her mind immediately leapt to the worst possibility—had something else happened? Was someone here to deliver more bad news?

But as she stepped closer, she saw the unmistakable silhouette of a tall man, his dark robes billowing slightly in the wind.

Her breath hitched.

No. It couldn’t be.

“Severus?” she whispered, her voice barely audible over the sound of the rain pounding against the ground.

The figure turned, and in that moment, her world shattered and reassembled itself all at once.

It was him.

Severus Snape stood before her, alive and whole, his dark eyes staring at her with an unreadable expression.

She felt as if the ground had been pulled out from beneath her, her knees nearly buckling under the weight of the shock. She had spent months mourning him, months believing that he was gone forever. And yet here he was, standing in the rain like some ghost returned from the dead.

“You’re alive,” she breathed, her voice trembling with disbelief.

He nodded, his face pale and gaunt, but unmistakably real. “I am.”

For a moment, she couldn’t move, couldn’t speak. Her heart was pounding in her chest, her hands shaking violently. This was real. He was real. But how? Why hadn’t he come to her sooner?

“I—I thought you were dead,” she managed to choke out, her voice breaking. “I… I thought you were gone.”

Severus’ expression softened slightly, a rare crack in his usual stoic demeanor. “I’m sorry,” he murmured, his voice low and rough. “I didn’t mean for you to think that.”

Y/n shook her head, her emotions a chaotic storm inside her. She didn’t know whether to scream at him or collapse into his arms. Anger and relief warred within her, and she wasn’t sure which one would win.

“I waited for you,” she said, her voice barely more than a whisper. “I waited… for so long.”

Severus stepped closer, his dark eyes never leaving hers. He reached out, hesitant at first, then cupped her face in his hands. His touch was warm, solid, and the reality of it sent a shiver down her spine.

“I’m here now,” he said softly.

Tears welled up in her eyes, the dam breaking after months of holding everything inside. She had been so strong, so determined not to let the grief consume her, but now, with him standing before her, the weight of it all was too much to bear.

“I thought I lost you,” she whispered, her voice thick with emotion.

Severus’ thumb brushed away the tears that slipped down her cheeks. “You didn’t.”

They stood like that for a long moment, the rain pouring down around them, soaking them both to the bone. But neither of them seemed to notice. The world had shrunk to just the two of them, the space between them charged with the weight of all that had been lost and found again.

And then, as if spurred by some unseen force, Severus reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a small, simple ring. Y/n’s breath caught in her throat as he held it up, his dark eyes flickering with something she hadn’t seen in him for a long time—hope.

“I should have asked you this a long time ago,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper. “But… will you marry me?”

For a moment, Y/n couldn’t breathe. The question hung in the air between them, heavy and full of meaning. She stared at him, her mind racing, trying to process everything that had just happened. He was alive. He was asking her to marry him. It felt surreal, like a dream she was afraid she might wake up from at any moment.

She didn’t answer right away.

Severus’ expression shifted, a flicker of uncertainty crossing his face. He lowered the ring slightly, his grip tightening around it. “You don’t have to say yes,” he said quickly, his voice uncharacteristically soft. “I understand if—”

“No,” Y/n interrupted, her voice firm despite the tremor in her hands. “No, I just… I need a moment.”

He watched her, his dark eyes searching hers for any sign of rejection. But Y/n wasn’t rejecting him—far from it. She was just trying to wrap her mind around the fact that the man she had mourned for months was standing here, asking her to spend the rest of her life with him.

And finally, after what felt like an eternity, she nodded, a small, teary smile breaking through her grief.

“Yes,” she whispered. “Yes, I’ll marry you.”

Severus’ face softened, and without another word, he slipped the ring onto her finger. It was simple, elegant—just like him. And as he pulled her into his arms, Y/n let herself collapse into him, her tears mixing with the rain as they clung to each other like lifelines.

For the first time in months, Y/n felt something other than grief.

She felt hope.

Anonymous asked:

Snape x reader where she's pregnant and he thinks she's cheated but ofc she hasn't and he apologieses. Lots of angst but fluffy ending where they both cry about the fact that they will be becoming parents

Title: How Could You

Warning: Angst, Fluff ending

Words Count: 2600+


The chilly October air whistled through the cracks of Hogwarts Castle, making the dimly lit corridors seem even more unwelcoming. Y/n stood alone in the Herbology greenhouse, her hands gently resting on her stomach as she stared out into the stormy night. She had rehearsed this moment countless times in her head, wondering how Severus would react when she told him the news—news that was supposed to bring them joy. Yet now, a knot of anxiety tightened in her chest.

She and Severus had been through so much together. The first wizarding war, the losses, the weight of their responsibilities—each had left a mark on their souls. But this? This was supposed to be the start of something new, a future free from darkness. And yet, as the time approached to tell him, doubt gnawed at her resolve. She wondered if Severus would accept this new life they had created or if the years of bitterness and mistrust would cloud his judgment. She feared the latter.

That night, as she entered their quarters, she found Severus hunched over his desk, his long fingers dancing across the parchment as he graded essays. The warm glow of the fireplace cast long shadows across the room, flickering over his face. He glanced up when she entered, his dark eyes meeting hers briefly before returning to his work.

“Severus,” she began softly, standing by the fire and warming her chilled hands. She wasn’t sure how to approach the subject without overwhelming him.

“Mmm?” he grunted, barely acknowledging her presence. He seemed distracted, irritated even.

She bit her lip. “There’s something I need to tell you,” she said, her voice trembling slightly. The fire crackled in the silence that followed.

Severus set down his quill and folded his hands, his expression unreadable as he turned to her. “What is it?” he asked, his tone clipped.

She took a deep breath, forcing herself to meet his gaze. “I’m pregnant, Severus. We’re going to have a child.”

For a moment, the room was suspended in silence. His eyes widened ever so slightly, shock flashing across his features, but it quickly disappeared, replaced by something cold, something dangerous.

"Pregnant?" His voice was quiet, dangerously calm. "And whose child would this be?"

Y/n felt as though the floor had been ripped out from beneath her. Her stomach dropped, and her hands instinctively moved to her belly as if to protect the child from the venom in his words.

“What… what do you mean?” she stammered, her heart racing.

Severus stood up, the chair scraping against the floor as he loomed over her. His expression was dark, his face twisted in suspicion and anger. “You’ve barely spent time with me for the last few months,” he spat. “You expect me to believe that this child is mine? Or is it someone else’s—someone who’s been giving you attention that I apparently have not given you?”

Y/n’s mouth went dry. The implications of his words struck her like a physical blow. “How can you say that? Of course, this is your child!”

He sneered, pacing back and forth in front of her, the shadows casting him in an almost sinister light. "Perhaps it's Lockhart's," he said bitterly, the name dripping with disdain. “He always seems to enjoy your company in the staff room. Smiling, flirting.”

She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Severus, the man she loved, the man who had always been cautious with his emotions, was accusing her of the unthinkable. Her heart ached with disbelief, with pain.

"How dare you?" she whispered, her voice breaking. Tears welled in her eyes, but she refused to let them fall. "I have never been unfaithful to you. This child is yours, Severus. How could you doubt me like this?"

Severus turned his back to her, his hands gripping the edges of his desk. His shoulders were tense, his breathing shallow. "You've given me every reason to doubt," he hissed, his voice shaking with barely contained rage. “I’m not blind. I’ve seen the way you look at him.”

Y/n’s heart shattered at his words. The weight of his mistrust was unbearable. “I can’t believe you think so little of me,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper. “I thought we were stronger than this.”

For a moment, neither of them spoke. The tension between them was suffocating. Severus remained silent, his back still turned to her. His coldness was more painful than any words he could have spoken.

Unable to stand the sight of him any longer, Y/n turned and left the room, her heart pounding in her chest as she rushed through the castle corridors. Tears blurred her vision, but she didn’t stop until she reached the sanctuary of her private office in the greenhouses. Once there, she collapsed into a chair, her body trembling as sobs wracked her frame.

The following days passed in a blur of misery. Y/n avoided Severus as much as possible, retreating into her work and isolating herself from the rest of the staff. Her energy waned, her appetite disappeared, and dark circles formed under her eyes as sleepless nights took their toll. She was a shadow of herself, and even her students began to notice the change.

It was Minerva McGonagall who finally intervened. The older woman had always been perceptive, and when Y/n dragged herself into the staffroom one evening, pale and withdrawn, Minerva couldn’t help but notice.

“Y/n, dear,” Minerva said gently, placing a hand on her arm. “You don’t look well. Is everything alright?”

Y/n forced a weak smile, though her voice betrayed her exhaustion. “I’m fine, Minerva. Just… tired.”

But Minerva wasn’t fooled. She guided Y/n to sit down, her eyes filled with concern. “This is more than just tiredness. You’ve been avoiding everyone, even Severus. What’s going on?”

At the mention of Severus, the fragile dam holding back Y/n’s emotions cracked, and before she could stop herself, the tears began to fall. She covered her face with her hands, unable to speak through the sobs that overtook her.

Minerva’s heart softened, and she pulled Y/n into a comforting embrace. “It’s alright, dear. You can tell me.”

Y/n clung to her, the weight of the past few days finally spilling out in broken words. “He thinks… he thinks I cheated,” she managed between sobs. “He doesn’t believe… the baby’s his.”

Minerva’s eyes darkened with anger, and her lips pressed into a thin line. “That man,” she muttered under her breath. “I should’ve known something was wrong.”

Pulling back, she looked Y/n in the eyes and spoke firmly. “You need to take care of yourself, Y/n. Not just for your sake, but for the baby’s. Go to your quarters and rest. I will speak to Severus.”

“But—” Y/n began to protest, but Minerva wouldn’t hear it.

“No buts,” she said sternly. “You need rest. Now go.”

Reluctantly, Y/n nodded, too drained to argue. She made her way back to her quarters, her body aching with exhaustion, and collapsed onto the bed. Sleep claimed her almost instantly.

Meanwhile, Minerva stormed through the dungeons, her robes billowing behind her as she made her way to Severus’s office. She didn’t bother knocking, pushing the door open with enough force to startle him from his desk.

“Minerva,” Severus began, but she cut him off with a glare that could have frozen flames.

“Do not ‘Minerva’ me,” she snapped, her voice icy with anger. “I’ve just spoken to Y/n, and I cannot believe what I’ve heard.”

Severus stiffened, his eyes narrowing. “If you’ve come to lecture me—”

“Oh, I’ve come to do far more than lecture you, Severus Snape,” she said, her voice rising. “How dare you accuse your wife—your pregnant wife—of infidelity? How dare you doubt her loyalty after everything she’s done for you?”

Severus stood, his expression defensive. “You don’t understand—”

“I understand perfectly well,” Minerva interrupted. “You’ve let your insecurities and paranoia cloud your judgment, and now you’ve broken her heart.”

Her words hit him like a physical blow. He looked away, his jaw tightening as guilt gnawed at him. “I… I didn’t mean to—”

“Didn’t mean to?” Minerva scoffed. “You’ve done enough damage with your thoughtless words. She’s devastated, Severus. You need to make this right.”

For a moment, Severus said nothing, the weight of his actions settling heavily on his shoulders. When he finally spoke, his voice was barely a whisper. “What should I do?”

Minerva’s gaze softened, though her tone remained firm. “Go to her. Apologize. And for Merlin’s sake, show her that you love her.”


Severus found Y/n lying in bed, her back to him, her breathing slow and steady. He stood in the doorway for a long moment, unsure of how to approach her. The guilt he had buried over the past few days rose to the surface, and for the first time, he allowed himself to truly see what he had done.

He knelt beside the bed, his heart aching as he gently touched her shoulder. “Y/n,” he whispered, his voice hoarse with emotion.

She stirred, blinking groggily as she turned to face him. Hergaze met his, and for a moment, they simply stared at one another in silence. Her eyes were swollen from crying, her cheeks pale and hollow from days of stress and exhaustion. Seeing her like this—so broken, so fragile—made Severus’s chest tighten with shame.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered, his voice barely audible, as though he feared the words would shatter the moment. “I’m so sorry.”

Y/n’s expression didn’t soften. She sat up slowly, clutching the blankets around her. “Sorry for what, Severus?” she asked quietly, her voice thick with emotion. “Sorry for doubting me? Sorry for accusing me of something so awful? Or sorry because you realized you were wrong?”

Severus swallowed hard, his throat constricting as he searched for the right words. He had always been a man of few sentiments, preferring silence to vulnerability, but this moment demanded more. It demanded that he expose his fears, his insecurities, and that was terrifying.

“I… I let my fears get the best of me,” he began, his gaze dropping to the floor. “I’ve never been good at trusting people, and I’ve… I’ve never had much reason to believe in happiness. When you told me about the child… I panicked.”

Y/n shook her head, tears filling her eyes once more. “Panicked?” she echoed, her voice quivering. “You didn’t panic, Severus. You accused me of betraying you. You accused me of carrying someone else’s child. You didn’t even give me a chance to explain, you just… shut me out.”

“I know,” he whispered, his own voice breaking as he knelt by the bed. “I know. I was wrong. I let my insecurities poison my mind, and I hurt you in ways I can never take back.” He reached out, but hesitated, unsure if she’d accept his touch.

Her silence was deafening. The weight of her heartbreak lingered in the air between them, thick and suffocating. Severus closed his eyes, unable to bear the sight of her pain any longer.

“I’ve spent most of my life in darkness,” he continued, his voice raw with emotion. “And you… you were the light that saved me from it. But I’ve never believed I deserved that light. I’ve always thought it would slip through my fingers eventually, like everything else I’ve cared about. When you told me you were pregnant, all I could think about was how I didn’t deserve it. How I didn’t deserve you.”

Y/n’s breath hitched, and she looked away, her hands trembling in her lap. She wasn’t ready to forgive him, not yet. But hearing him speak this way, hearing him admit his vulnerabilities—it chipped away at the wall of resentment that had built up over the past few days.

“I never cheated on you,” she said quietly, her voice steady despite the emotions roiling inside her. “I never even thought about it. I love you, Severus. I’ve always loved you. And I thought you knew that.”

Severus nodded, guilt tightening in his chest like a vice. “I know. I should’ve known.”

The silence between them stretched again, but this time it wasn’t quite as suffocating. It felt like the beginning of something fragile, something that could be mended if they were both willing to try.

“I don’t know if I can ever forget what you said,” Y/n admitted, her voice barely a whisper. “But… I want to try.”

Severus’s breath caught in his throat. His dark eyes, once cold and guarded, softened with relief. He reached out again, this time taking her hand in his. His touch was tentative, as though afraid she might pull away, but when she didn’t, a glimmer of hope flickered in his heart.

“I will spend the rest of my life trying to make this right,” he promised, his voice thick with emotion. “I don’t know how to be a father, Y/n. I don’t know how to love properly, or how to protect the people I care about without pushing them away. But I want to learn. I want to be better—for you, for our child.”

Y/n stared at him for a long moment, her heart torn between the pain he had caused and the love she still felt for him. Slowly, she brought his hand to her stomach, resting it gently against the small swell there.

“This is your child, Severus,” she whispered, her voice cracking with emotion. “Our child.”

Severus’s breath hitched, and he closed his eyes as he felt the warmth beneath his hand, the life growing inside her. It was real. This was real. And he had almost destroyed it with his own insecurities.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered again, tears brimming in his eyes as he knelt before her. “I’m so sorry.”

For the first time in days, Y/n allowed herself to truly look at him—the man she loved, the man who had saved her in so many ways, but who was also deeply flawed and scarred by his past. She could see the pain in his eyes, the regret etched into every line of his face. And though her heart still ached, she knew that healing was possible.

With a shaky breath, she leaned forward, pressing her forehead against his. “We’re going to be parents,” she whispered, tears slipping down her cheeks.

Severus let out a ragged breath, and before he could stop them, tears of his own began to fall. He hadn’t cried in years—decades, even—but in that moment, the weight of everything he had almost lost, everything he had taken for granted, came crashing down on him.

“I know,” he whispered, his voice breaking. “And I will never doubt you again. I swear it.”

Y/n wrapped her arms around him, pulling him close as they both cried—tears of relief, of sorrow, and of hope for the future that lay before them. They stayed like that for what felt like hours, wrapped in each other’s arms, holding on to the fragile thread of their love.

And for the first time in days, Y/n felt a glimmer of peace. It wouldn’t be easy—there would be more arguments, more misunderstandings, and more moments of doubt. But they had each other, and now they had something more.

A family.

And that, Y/n realized, was enough.

The next morning, as the sunlight filtered through the windows, Y/n awoke to find Severus still beside her, his arms wrapped protectively around her. For the first time in days, she felt the tension in her chest loosen. The road ahead was uncertain, but together, they could face it.

And as Severus stirred beside her, his hand instinctively resting on her stomach, Y/n smiled softly to herself.

This was the beginning of something beautiful.

Anonymous asked:

Ok but perhaps you can please write something about severus having a to take his chubby little one year old daughter to work with him because mom was tired that day? Like just fluff

Title: Hope Eleanor Snape

Warning: Pure fluff

Words Count: 2800+


Severus Snape had never imagined himself the type of man to carry a baby through the halls of Hogwarts. Certainly not on a weekday morning, with a class full of inattentive students awaiting his arrival in the dungeons. But here he was, doing just that, the weight of his one-year-old daughter settled comfortably on his hip as her small hand tangled in the collar of his robes.

Hope Eleanor Snape was everything Severus never thought he deserved—soft where he was sharp, light where he was dark. Her chubby cheeks, flushed from a restless night, were pink against the stark black of his robes, and her eyes, a deep, intense black like his own, gazed up at him with an innocent curiosity.

It had been one of those mornings. Y/n, his wife, had been up with Hope for most of the night, soothing the little girl who had stubbornly refused sleep. When the morning sun peeked through the window, Y/n had barely stirred, her exhaustion evident in the deep circles beneath her eyes. Severus had kissed her forehead gently and told her to rest, knowing full well he would have to bring Hope with him to class.

As he strode through the corridors, Hope seemed fascinated by everything around her. The echo of his boots on the stone floors, the soft flutters of a tapestry as they passed, even the flickering of torchlight caught her attention. She babbled, her tiny voice filling the silence of the usually foreboding dungeons, and Severus found himself listening, a faint smile playing on his lips despite himself.

The doors to his classroom loomed ahead, and Severus sighed quietly, preparing himself for what he knew would be an unusual lesson. He adjusted Hope in his arms as she tried to reach for a lock of his hair, her small fingers grasping at the air with determination.

"Let’s see how you handle this, little one," Severus murmured under his breath. He could already predict the scene that awaited him: distracted students, whispers, stares. Not that he cared for their opinions, of course. His concern was that Hope, with her boundless curiosity and penchant for grabbing things she shouldn’t, might cause a disruption he’d struggle to manage.

Pushing open the door with a sharp flick of his wrist, Severus entered the classroom.

It took precisely three seconds for the room to descend into absolute silence. The students, who had been murmuring among themselves as they set up their cauldrons and ingredients, froze in unison, their eyes wide and disbelieving as they took in the sight before them.

There stood their typically dour, imposing Potions Master, dressed in his usual billowing black robes, holding a small, chubby child who was currently sucking on two of her fingers and blinking curiously at the room.

Severus didn’t need to speak to command their attention; the sheer absurdity of the moment had done that for him.

Hope, oblivious to the stunned looks from the students, wriggled slightly in his arms, tugging insistently at his robes as if trying to gain his attention. She was used to being the center of attention, after all—especially from her mother, who doted on her endlessly. And even though Hope loved his daughter with a fierce, protective intensity, he wasn’t as effusive with his affections as Y/n was. It was just his nature, but Hope didn’t seem to mind.

The baby let out a soft coo, her voice high-pitched and cheerful, and Severus felt the eyes of the entire classroom zero in on her. He could practically hear their hearts melting. He sighed.

"As you can see," Severus said in his usual low, silken tone, "My daughter will be joining us today. Your focus, however, will remain on your potions. I will not tolerate any distractions." He let his gaze sweep across the room, daring anyone to challenge him.

But it was a hopeless demand.

The students’ attention was already fixed on Hope, and there was little he could do to break the spell she seemed to cast. Several girls in the front row were exchanging looks of utter adoration, their eyes wide as they took in Hope round cheeks, the way her tiny fists grasped at her father’s robes, her dark curls tousled in an adorably messy way.

"She’s so cute," someone whispered, followed by a chorus of murmurs.

Severus raised an eyebrow, his lips tightening, though he couldn’t bring himself to truly reprimand them. Eleanor was, in fact, a spitting image of her mother, save for the eyes. Those deep, fathomless black eyes that mirrored his own made her seem more serious than any baby had a right to be. But her chubby face, her sweet, infectious smile—those were all Y/n. It was as if the world had taken Y/n’s softness and poured it into Eleanor, creating this little bundle of joy who had quickly become the center of Severus’s universe, even if he was reluctant to admit it openly.

He walked to his desk, settling Hope into a conjured playpen near his chair. She babbled happily as she was placed among her toys—plush creatures that Severus had charmed to move on their own, a small wooden wand Y/n had given her to wave around harmlessly, and her favorite—a stuffed dragon with large, flapping wings.

"Now," Severus said, his voice sharp as ever, "today’s lesson is on the brewing of Draught of Peace. You will follow the instructions precisely, or you will face the consequences."

But even as he spoke, he could feel the collective attention of the students drifting back to Hope. It was impossible not to be captivated by her. She sat happily in her playpen, one pudgy hand holding the dragon’s tail while her other hand reached for her mouth, gnawing on her fingers as she gurgled contentedly.

Severus began to pace the classroom, his usual routine of observing students’ progress, though today his sharp remarks were fewer. He found himself glancing over at Hope more often than he would have liked, just to ensure she was content. She, in turn, occasionally caught his eye and gave him a bright, gummy smile, causing an unexpected warmth to flood his chest.

She really did look so much like Y/n.

As the students measured out their ingredients and stirred their cauldrons, Severus heard more than a few muffled giggles from the back of the room. He turned just in time to see Hope standing up in her playpen, holding onto the side for support as she bounced on her chubby little legs. She was clearly proud of herself, her cheeks flushed with excitement.

"Sit down, Miss Snape," he murmured, almost to himself, and with a wave of his hand, the playpen gently lowered her back onto her bottom. Hope blinked, momentarily confused, before resuming her exploration of the toys.

The class went on, but the students were hopelessly distracted. Severus caught Hermione Granger looking over at Hope at least three times, her hands hovering uncertainly over her cauldron. Even Draco Malfoy, usually so focused on his potion work, had his attention split between stirring his potion and watching Hope as she waved her little wand in the air, making nonsensical motions.

Finally, one student—a Slytherin girl with wide eyes and a nervous smile—raised her hand hesitantly. Severus nodded toward her.

"Professor, uhm, sir, is she always this—um—energetic?" the girl asked, glancing at Hope as she attempted to chew on the stuffed dragon’s wing.

Severus arched an eyebrow, casting a glance at his daughter, who was now gnawing intently on the plush toy, her face scrunched in concentration. She paused only to look up at her father and giggle softly, a sweet, bubbly sound that filled the room.

"She is… persistent," Severus said at last, his voice a touch softer than usual. It was the truth. Hope, much like her mother, had an unyielding spirit. Once she set her mind to something—whether it was staying awake through the night or trying to stand in her playpen—she did it with all the determination a one-year-old could muster.

The students exchanged looks, their smiles widening. Severus knew he had lost their attention completely by this point. And yet, as he glanced at his daughter, now thoroughly entertained by her toys, he found he didn’t mind nearly as much as he thought he would.

The lesson continued, albeit with more focus on Hope than on the potions. Severus moved between the desks, making the necessary corrections to students’ work, though his mind was never far from the playpen by his desk. Every now and then, Hope would let out a delighted squeal, drawing the eyes of every student in the room.

By the end of the lesson, as the students began packing up their materials, Severus returned to his desk. Hope was beginning to tire, her little head bobbing slightly as she fought off sleep. Her dark lashes fluttered as she rubbed at her eyes with a chubby fist, and Severus could see that she was losing the battle.

He bent down, lifting her from the playpen and cradling her against his chest. Hope sighed softly, her thumb finding its way into her mouth as she nestled into the warmth of his robes.

The classroom had fallen silent again, the students watching with wide eyes as their stern, no-nonsense professor gently rocked his daughter in his arms. It was a sight none of them would forget—a rare glimpse of a different side of Severus Snape, one they hadn’t known existed.

"Class dismissed," Severus said quietly, his voice softer than usual. The students filed out, casting one last look at the sleeping baby in his arms before leaving the dungeon.

As the door clicked shut behind them, Severus looked down at Hope. She was fast asleep now, her small hand clutching the front of his robes, her breathing slow and even. He stroked her hair gently, his heart swelling with an unfamiliar warmth.

"You’re too much like your mother," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "And that’s a good thing."

For a moment, standing there in the quiet of the empty classroom, Severus allowed himself to smile. It was a small, fleeting smile, but it was real. And in that moment, with his daughter safe and warm in his arms, the world seemed just a little bit brighter.

With a practiced hand, Severus gathered the lesson plans and potion ingredients, all the while cradling Hope effortlessly in his other arm. It was a strange sensation—this constant awareness of her weight against him, the softness of her small form in his embrace. He hadn’t planned on being a father, hadn’t imagined this life for himself, yet here he was, completely captivated by the little girl who had somehow become the center of his universe.

Gently, he draped his black cloak over her, tucking it around her tiny body to shield her from the chill of the dungeon air. The familiar sweep of his robes trailed behind him as he strode out of the classroom, his footsteps echoing through the empty corridors. The journey back to his quarters was a quiet one, with only the soft rustling of Hope’s breathing to break the silence.

As Severus neared the entrance to their private quarters, he murmured the password under his breath, and the door swung open with a soft creak. The warmth of the room hit him immediately, a sharp contrast to the cool dungeons. The hearth in the corner flickered with a soft, golden glow, and the scent of herbs—Y/n’s doing, no doubt—permeated the space, creating a cozy, inviting atmosphere.

Y/n was curled up in one of the armchairs near the fireplace, a book in her lap, though she looked as if she’d only just woken up from a long-needed nap. Her hair was tousled, and she wore a loose sweater that made her look even softer and more serene than usual. As the door closed behind him, she looked up, her eyes immediately softening as she saw Severus standing there with Hope in his arms.

A small smile spread across her face, the kind of smile that made his heart stumble in his chest, though he’d never admit it. "There you are," she said quietly, her voice still tinged with the remnants of sleep. "How did it go?"

Severus crossed the room, moving toward the fireplace as Hope stirred slightly, her little head nuzzling further into his robes. He adjusted his hold on her, cradling her with the kind of tenderness that still surprised him, even now. He lowered himself into the chair opposite Y/n, careful not to jostle Hope too much.

“It was… interesting,” Severus replied, his tone dry, though the corners of his lips quirked ever so slightly.

Y/n raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. “Interesting, hmm? Do tell.”

Severus leaned back in the chair, one hand still resting protectively on Hope’s back as she dozed. “It seems our daughter has a talent for distracting an entire classroom full of students,” he said, his voice laced with a rare trace of amusement. “No matter how much I tried to focus them on their potions, they were more interested in her antics.”

Y/n let out a soft laugh, her eyes twinkling with warmth. “Well, can you blame them? She’s impossible to ignore.” She set her book aside and rose from her chair, moving over to sit on the armrest of Severus’s chair. She gently brushed a lock of dark hair away from Hope’s forehead, her fingers soft and tender as they moved over her daughter's sleeping face. “She’s always been a bit of a scene-stealer.”

Severus glanced down at Hope, watching the steady rise and fall of her tiny chest. He couldn’t argue with that. Hope had a way of drawing attention without even trying, her innocence and joy a sharp contrast to the darker, more complicated world around her.

"She’s just like you,” Severus said quietly, his voice carrying a depth of emotion that he rarely allowed to surface. “She has your light."

Y/n tilted her head, her gaze softening even more as she looked at him. "And she has your strength," she murmured. "Those eyes of hers—they’re yours, Sev. And that determination? That’s all you."

For a long moment, they sat there in the quiet warmth of the room, the fire crackling softly in the background, casting a golden glow over the scene. Y/n’s hand rested on Severus’s shoulder, her touch grounding him, while Hope’s small form was tucked safely against his chest, her warmth seeping into his very bones.

Severus’s gaze drifted to Y/n, taking in the gentle curve of her smile, the way her eyes crinkled at the corners when she looked at him. He had never imagined himself in this kind of life—never imagined that he could feel this kind of peace, this kind of contentment. But somehow, against all odds, it had found him. She had found him.

After a moment, Y/n stood and moved back to her chair, but her eyes lingered on the scene in front of her—Severus Snape, the man who had once been so distant and untouchable, cradling their daughter with all the tenderness in the world. The sight filled her with a quiet sense of joy, one that she had never quite expected, but was grateful for every day.

“So,” she said softly, settling back into her chair, “do you think you’ll bring her to class again?”

Severus raised an eyebrow, his lips twitching in something that resembled a smirk. “Perhaps,” he said. “But I’d prefer not to lose control of my classroom every time she decides to babble at them.”

Y/n chuckled, the sound light and musical. “I’m sure they were all enchanted by her. You know she has that effect on people.”

Severus hummed in agreement, his fingers absently tracing small circles on Hope’s back as she shifted slightly in his arms, her tiny hand clutching at his robe. “She certainly does,” he admitted quietly.

For a while, they sat in comfortable silence, the fire crackling softly and casting flickering shadows across the room. Hope remained blissfully unaware of the world around her, tucked securely in her father’s embrace, her tiny breaths filling the space with a sense of peace.

Y/n’s gaze softened as she watched them, her heart swelling with love for the two people who had become her entire world. She reached over, her fingers brushing against Severus’s hand. “You’re a good father, you know,” she whispered, her voice filled with quiet sincerity.

Severus didn’t respond immediately, his eyes focused on the sleeping form of his daughter. But after a moment, he squeezed Y/n’s hand gently, his voice barely above a whisper as he replied, “Only because of you.”

And in that moment, as the fire crackled softly in the hearth and the world outside seemed so far away, Severus Snape allowed himself to believe that perhaps, just perhaps, he was deserving of the happiness he had found. Because here, in this quiet corner of Hogwarts, with his wife beside him and his daughter safe in his arms, he had everything he had ever wanted but never thought he could have.

Anonymous asked:

Severus snape x reader. She just find ou that she’s pregnant? And didn’t know how to say it to Severus.

Title: New Hope

Warning: none... exept stressed reader I guess...

Words Count: 2000+


Y/N Snape had never imagined that standing amidst the lush greenhouses of Hogwarts, surrounded by the vibrant life of magical plants, she would feel so utterly lifeless herself. For weeks now, she had felt a gnawing sense of fatigue, the kind that no amount of rest could cure. Her usually nimble fingers, once adept at trimming and caring for the delicate blooms and exotic roots, felt heavy, sluggish. Nausea had become a familiar visitor, creeping up on her with increasing frequency.

At first, she dismissed it as overwork, perhaps an accidental inhalation of some stray pollen or spore. But when the dizziness grew so severe that she had to excuse herself from her third-year class, Y/N knew it was time to seek Madam Pomfrey’s guidance. She wasn’t one to visit the hospital wing lightly, but something was clearly wrong.

Now, sitting on the edge of a bed in the pristine, sterile room, she anxiously awaited Madam Pomfrey’s return. The soft hum of the enchanted ceiling above, designed to soothe patients with a gentle twilight glow, did little to calm the storm of thoughts swirling in her mind. Severus was busy in his dungeons, likely unaware that she had even left the greenhouse, and Y/N couldn't shake the nagging sense of dread building in her chest.

When Madam Pomfrey finally entered, her expression unreadable, Y/N felt her breath catch in her throat.

“Well, Professor Snape,” Madam Pomfrey began, her tone gentle but professional, “I’ve reviewed the results of the tests I performed.”

Y/N leaned forward slightly, her hands clenching in her lap. “Is it… is it serious?”

Pomfrey’s lips twitched into a small smile. “Not in the way you might think.” She paused for a moment, as if weighing her words carefully before continuing. “You’re pregnant, Y/N.”

For a heartbeat, Y/N didn’t react. The word hung in the air like a foreign concept, something distant and impossible. Pregnant? She blinked, confusion clouding her thoughts. Her mind raced through the possibilities, the implications.

“You’re sure?” she finally managed to ask, her voice barely above a whisper.

Pomfrey nodded, her eyes warm with understanding. “Quite sure. Based on the symptoms you’ve described and the tests I ran, I’d estimate you’re about ten weeks along.”

Y/N felt the world tilt around her, as if the ground had shifted beneath her feet. Pregnant. She placed a trembling hand over her abdomen, where a tiny life was beginning to grow. This was real. This was happening.

“I… I didn’t expect this,” she murmured, more to herself than to Pomfrey. “I didn’t even think… Severus and I… we never talked about having children...”

The weight of those words settled heavily in her chest. Severus. How would she tell him? They had been married for nearly two years now, and though their bond was strong, they had never once discussed starting a family. In fact, she vividly recalled Severus’s past comments about children—his distaste for their unpredictability, his general discomfort around them. He had always preferred the solitude of his potions lab, the quiet precision of his work. A child would shatter that carefully constructed world.

Would he even want this? Would he be angry? Disappointed?

“I don’t know how to tell him,” Y/N whispered, her voice trembling. “What if… what if he doesn’t want this baby?”

Pomfrey’s gaze softened with sympathy. “Y/N, I can’t speak for Severus, but I do know that he loves you deeply. Whatever his feelings about children may have been in the past, this is different. This is your child. His child.”

Y/N nodded, but the anxiety still twisted tightly in her chest. She thanked Pomfrey quietly before slipping out of the hospital wing, her mind spinning with the weight of the news she now carried.

The following days passed in a blur. Y/N moved through her classes on autopilot, her mind always half-distracted, her heart heavy with the secret she held. Each evening, she would sit with Severus in their private quarters, sharing quiet meals, but the words she so desperately needed to say remained lodged in her throat. She couldn’t find the courage to tell him, not yet.

It was during one of these particularly restless days that Minerva McGonagall caught her lingering outside the Great Hall, her eyes distant as students bustled past her. Y/N had been so lost in her thoughts that she hadn’t noticed the Transfiguration professor approaching until Minerva’s voice broke through the haze.

“Y/N, dear, you look a bit peaky. Is everything all right?”

Y/N blinked and forced a smile, though she could tell by the narrowing of Minerva’s eyes that it wasn’t convincing. “I’m fine, really. Just… tired.”

Minerva’s lips pressed into a thin line, her sharp gaze piercing through Y/N’s weak facade. “You’ve been looking more than tired lately. I’ve seen you lost in thought during meals, and you’ve barely spoken to anyone. What’s going on?”

Y/N hesitated, her hand instinctively moving to her stomach. She trusted Minerva, perhaps more than anyone at Hogwarts aside from Severus. But saying the words aloud—admitting the truth—felt too terrifying.

Minerva, however, was not one to let things lie. She stepped closer, her voice softening. “Y/N, I’ve known you for many years as one of my student then as a colleague and friend. I can see that something is troubling you. You can tell me. Whatever it is, I’m here.”

Tears pricked at Y/N’s eyes before she could stop them. She hadn’t realized just how much she had been holding back, how much the weight of this secret had been wearing on her.

“I… I’m pregnant, Minerva,” she whispered, her voice breaking.

Minerva’s sharp intake of breath was immediate, her eyes widening in surprise. “Pregnant?” she repeated, her voice filled with astonishment. “That’s… well, that’s wonderful news, my dear!”

Y/N shook her head, wiping at her eyes with trembling hands. “I don’t know if it is. Severus… he doesn’t like children. We’ve never talked about having them. I’m terrified that he won’t want this baby.”

Minerva’s expression softened with understanding as she gently placed a hand on Y/N’s shoulder. “Oh, Y/N,” she said quietly. “I can understand why you’re afraid. But Severus loves you. And love has a way of changing even the most stubborn of minds.”

Y/N sniffled, but the knot of fear in her chest remained tight. “What if he doesn’t want it, Minerva? What if he resents me for this?”

Minerva squeezed her shoulder reassuringly. “Give him a chance. He may surprise you. You’ve brought so much light into his life already, Y/N, you've chnager him in so many ways. A child… it could be a new kind of hope for him.”

Though her words were kind, Y/N still couldn’t shake the lingering fear. She thanked Minerva for her support, but as the days passed, her anxiety only seemed to grow.

It was three days later when Y/N was summoned to Albus Dumbledore’s office. She had been sitting in the greenhouse, mindlessly trimming the leaves of a Flutterby Bush, when a house-elf appeared with a note requesting her presence. Her heart sank immediately. Had Dumbledore somehow found out? Did he know?Did Minerva told him?

When she entered the Headmaster’s office, the usual warm glow of the room seemed more oppressive than welcoming. Fawkes let out a soft trill from his perch, but Dumbledore himself was quiet, watching her with those piercing blue eyes from behind his desk.

“Y/N, please sit,” he said, his voice kind yet commanding.

She obeyed, her hands trembling slightly as she folded them in her lap. Dumbledore watched her for a moment, the silence stretching on before he finally spoke.

“There is something weighing heavily on your mind, my dear,” he said softly. “I have seen it in your eyes these past few days. Would you care to share what troubles you?”

Y/N bit her lip, her eyes fixed on the floor. She didn’t know how to explain the storm of emotions inside her. But this was Albus Dumbledore—he had a way of knowing, even when she didn’t want to say anything at all.

“I’m pregnant,” she whispered, the confession falling from her lips like a weight she could no longer carry alone.

Dumbledore’s eyebrows lifted slightly, but his expression remained calm, thoughtful. “I see,” he said gently. “And this news troubles you.”

She nodded, unable to meet his eyes. “We all know that Severus doesn’t like children.Plus we’ve never talked about having them. I’m afraid… I’m afraid he won’t want this.”

Dumbledore leaned forward, his hands clasped together atop his desk. “Severus Snape is a man of many complexities, Y/N. But if there is one thing I know about him, it is that he values you above all else. This child may be unexpected, but love has a way of blossoming even in the most unlikely of places.”

Y/N’s throat tightened, her fears still gnawing at her heart. “What if he doesn’t want to be a father? What if this ruins everything between us, everything we've built during those last two years?”

Dumbledore’s eyes twinkled with that familiar warmth as he spoke, his voice filled with the wisdom of someone who had seen more than most. “Severus has spent much of his life building walls around his heart, but you, my dear, have already found a way through those walls. This child will not tear you apart—it will bring you closer.”

Tears welled in Y/N’s eyes once again, and this time, she didn’t try to stop them. “I don’t know how to tell him,” she admitted, her voice thick with emotion.

Dumbledore rose from his seat and crossed the room to stand beside her, resting a hand on her shoulder. “Tell him the truth. Trust in the love you share. And remember, Y/N, that life is not a series of planned events, but rather a garden full of unexpected blooms. This child is a gift—a new beginning.”

That night, Y/N finally found the courage to tell Severus.

They were sitting by the fire in their quarters, the soft crackling of the flames filling the space between them. Severus was reading, his sharp eyes focused on the text before him, but Y/N could barely concentrate on the warmth of the room. Her heart pounded in her chest, her hands clammy with nerves.

“Severus” she began, her voice trembling slightly. He looked up from his book, his dark eyes immediately locking onto hers with concern.

“What is it love?” he asked, setting the book aside.

Y/N took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. “I… I have something to tell you.”

Severus’s brow furrowed, and for a moment, she saw a flicker of fear in his eyes. “Are you unwell?” he asked, his voice laced with worry.

She shook her head quickly. “No, it’s not that. It’s just…gosh this so hard to say.... I’m pregnant.”

For a moment, the words hung in the air between them, heavy and uncertain. Severus stared at her, his expression unreadable, and Y/N’s heart clenched painfully in her chest. She had expected him to say something, to react, but he was silent, his gaze fixed on her as if he were processing the information.

Then, slowly, Severus rose from his seat and crossed the room to her, kneeling down in front of her so that they were eye-level. His hands, usually so precise and controlled, were trembling slightly as he reached out to cup her face.

“Y/N,” he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. “You’re pregnant?”

She nodded, tears welling in her eyes as she searched his face for any sign of rejection, any hint that he didn’t want this.

But instead, she saw something she hadn’t expected—joy.

Severus’s lips twitched into the smallest of smiles, his dark eyes softening as he looked at her. “You're carying....A child,” he murmured, almost in disbelief. “Our child.”

Y/N let out a choked sob, relief flooding her as she leaned into his touch.”I'm so sorry I didn't tell you sonner, I was so afraid you wouldn’t want this,” she confessed, her voice shaking. “I know you don’t like children, and I didn’t know how you’d feel about—”

Severus silenced her with a soft kiss, his hands cradling her face as if she were the most precious thing in the world. When he pulled back, his gaze was intense, filled with a depth of emotion that took her breath away.

“I don't like children who aren't when they are insufferable eleven years old students...I never thought I could have something like this,” he said quietly. “A family. With you.”

Y/N smiled through her tears, her heart swelling with love for the man who had once seemed so distant, so unreachable. “Are you… are you happy about this?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Severus’s smile widened, and for the first time, she saw a glimmer of hope in his eyes—a hope she had never thought possible.

“I’m more than happy,” he whispered, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. “I’m honored, I'm proud. I can’t wait to meet our child.”

Tears streamed down Y/N’s face as she wrapped her arms around him, holding him close as the fire crackled softly in the background. She had been so afraid, so certain that this news would drive a wedge between them, but instead, it had brought them closer than ever before.

In that moment, as Severus held her in his arms, Y/N knew that everything would be all right. They would face this new chapter of their lives together, hand in hand, ready to nurture the life growing between them.


I got you 😀 I hope i am not the only one who send you requests.

Daddy snape x daughter reader (maybe preschool age) He is home alone with her. Her mother/snape wife is somewhere out. She start asking quentions about her mom, how they met, how much they love eachother, how she was born etc. Sev is little bit confused and dont know how to response.


Title: The Magic Of being A parent

Warning: none just pure fluff, platonic relationship

Word count: 2000+

A/N: Sorry took me pretty long to write it, it's cause school just started for me and I was pretty busy lately, I spent half of the week end dowing homawordks and the other half writing this, so I hope u'll like it even though it's not so good in my opinion. <3

(y/d/n= your daughter's name)


The sun hung low in the sky, casting a golden hue over the grounds, its rays filtering through the tall, ancient trees. Inside the walls of the house , the air was pleasantly cool, a comforting contrast to the warmth outside. Severus Snape sat in the dimly lit living room, a tome of Potions theory splayed open on his lap. The only sound was the soft rustle of parchment as he turned a page, his brow furrowed in concentration.

Suddenly, a high-pitched giggle broke the silence, echoing off the stone walls.

“Daddy, can we play now?” A small figure bounded into the room, her dark hair bouncing with each enthusiastic step. Y/D/N, a bright-eyed five-year-old, was a bundle of energy, her small hands tugging at her father’s robes.

Severus looked up, his expression shifting from one of studious focus to mild bewilderment. “I suppose so,” he replied, his voice low and gravelly, a stark contrast to the exuberance of his daughter.

“Yay!” She clapped her hands together, the sound ringing like tiny bells. “Can we play with the toys? The ones with the wizards and the dragons?”

He sighed, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “Very well. But keep the noise to a minimum. I have much to think about.”

“Okay!” She hopped onto the floor, her little feet padding against the cold stone as she raced to the toy chest. The lid creaked open with a loud crack, and Y/D/N began to rummage through the colorful assortment of magical figurines.

“What’s this one?” she asked, holding up a small dragon, its scales shimmering in the dim light. “Can it breathe fire?”

“Only in a child’s imagination,” Severus replied, watching as she cradled the toy against her chest, her eyes wide with wonder.

After a moment, she looked up, her expression shifting from playful to serious. “Daddy, can I ask you something?”

“Of course,” he muttered, preparing himself for the barrage of questions he knew would follow.

“Where’s Mommy?” Her voice was soft, tinged with a hint of confusion.

Severus paused, the question hanging in the air like a delicate spider’s web. “She went to a meeting,” he replied, his tone steady but his heart tightening at the thought of his wife being away.

“Is she coming back soon?” Y/D/N's brow furrowed as she tilted her head, her innocence shining through her concern.

“Yes, she will return shortly,” he assured her, though he could not help but feel the weight of his words. “You don't need to worry.”

Y/D/N nodded, but her curiosity was not so easily quelled. “How did you and Mommy meet?”

Severus raised an eyebrow, caught off guard by the depth of her question. “Well, it was a long time ago…” He trailed off, searching for the right words. “We met at Hogwarts, during our time as students.”

“Students?” She giggled again, the sound light and airy. “But you’re a teacher! Are you a student too?”

“Not anymore,” he clarified, trying to suppress a smirk at her logic. “I was a student long before you were born. Your mother was my classmate.”

“Did you like her then?” Y/D/N asked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

Severus shifted in his chair, the question stirring a mix of emotions within him. “At first, I did not regard her as anything more than a fellow student,” he admitted, recalling their early days in the Potions classroom. “But over time, I grew to admire her intelligence and strength.”

Y/D/N’s face lit up, her small fingers fiddling with the dragon toy. “Did you tell her? Did you say, ‘I like you' to mommy?” She giggled, the innocent suggestion causing Severus to chuckle softly.

“I was not as brave as you might think,” he replied, his tone laced with a hint of nostalgia. “It took me a considerable time before I found the courage to express my feelings.”

“Courage?” Y/D/N echoed, her brows knitting together as she struggled with the word. “What’s that mean?”

“It means the ability to do something that frightens you,” he explained, leaning forward slightly, intrigued by her earnestness. “Like when you stand up to mean people or try something new.”

Her eyes widened, a mixture of awe and determination. “So, was it scary to tell Mommy you liked her?”

“Very much so,” Severus admitted, recalling the nervousness that had gripped him that day. “But I was fortunate. She felt the same way.”

“Did you kiss?” Y/D/N’s voice was a whisper now, as if the very notion of such affection was sacred.

Severus felt a warmth in his chest at the thought. “Yes... Indeed, We shared a brief embrace. It was… memorable.”

“Memorable!” She squealed, bouncing on the tips of her toes. “Like when I'll got my first wand? Or When I'll go to Hogwarts? Will that be memorable too daddy?”

“Yes,Precisely,” he said, amused at her ability to draw connections. But then, she pivoted once more, her expression shifting to something more serious.

“Do you love Mommy?”

The question hung in the air, thick with the weight of sincerity. Severus’s heart softened as he considered his answer. “More than I can express,” he replied earnestly. “Love is not merely a word; it is a commitment, a promise to stand by one another.”

“Love is a promise?” Y/D/N asked, her eyes wide.

“Exactly,” he nodded, his tone firm. “A promise to support and care for one another, no matter the circumstances.”

She pondered this, her small fingers tracing the edges of the dragon toy. “So, if I make a promise to you, I have to keep it?”

“Yes, and it is important that you do,” Severus affirmed, appreciating her earnestness. “A promise is a bond that should not be broken.”

“Okay!” She beamed, her enthusiasm infectious. “I promise to help you with your potions! Even the stinky ones!”

Severus chuckled, shaking his head slightly. “I appreciate your willingness, but I fear you may not enjoy some of the more pungent ingredients, you're too young dear.”

“But stinky potions are fun!” Y/D/N declared, her voice rising with excitement. “Like the one that makes you smell like a skunk! Can you make that one, Daddy?”

“I assure you, I have no desire to create such a potion,” he replied, his lips curving into a smile. “However, I can demonstrate a few simpler ones. Perhaps a calming draught? It would help you relax.”

“Calming draught?” Her brows knitted again. “What’s that?”

“A potion that can soothe anxious feelings,” he explained, enjoying the way her face lit up with interest. “It can help ease a troubled mind.”

“Like when I feel scared at night?” Y/D/N’s voice was small, and in her eyes, Severus saw a flicker of vulnerability.

“Exactly,” he said gently. “It can help you feel safe and secure.”

She nodded, her little brow furrowed in thought. “Can you make it for me, Daddy? So I won’t be scared?”

Severus felt a pang in his chest at the innocence of her request. “I can teach you how to brew it, if you like. It is quite simple, really.”

“Yay! I want to learn!” She jumped up, her excitement bubbling over. “Can we do it now? Please?”

He glanced at the tome still resting on his lap, the text blurring into the background as he watched his daughter. “Very well. Let us gather the ingredients.”

“Yay!” She clapped her hands again, her laughter ringing through the room like music.

As they prepared for their impromptu potions room, Severus found himself surprisingly at ease. Y/D/N’s energy was infectious; she darted around the kitchen, pulling out various jars and containers, her small hands working with a determination that reminded him of her mother.

“Do we need the shiny leaf?” she asked, holding up a jar filled with dried herbs, the sunlight catching the contents and casting little rainbows on the wall.

“Indeed, that is an essential ingredient,” he replied, stepping closer. “But be careful not to spill any.”

“I won’t!” She grinned, carefully measuring out a pinch with exaggerated concentration. “Like this?”

“Precisely,” Severus said, watching her with a mix of pride and amusement. It was moments like these that made the weight of his responsibilities feel lighter, moments that reminded him of the joy in family and the simple act of being together.

As the two of them worked side by side, Y/D/N began to chatter again, her curiosity unquenchable. “Daddy, how did you and Mommy get together? Was it like a fairy tale?”

“A fairy tale?” The notion made him chuckle. “Not quite. Our story is filled with its own challenges and struggles.”

“Like dragons?” she asked, her eyes gleaming with excitement.

“Not exactly,” he corrected gently. “More like obstacles that we had to overcome together. But through it all, we found our way to one another.”

“Was it scary?” she pressed on, her small hands busy mixing the ingredients.

“Sometimes,” he admitted, reminiscing about the dark days during the first Wizarding War, when uncertainty hung over them like a storm cloud. “But love has a way of guiding us through even the most difficult of times.”

“Daddy, Do you think I can find love too?” Y/D/N asked suddenly, her expression earnest, as if the weight of the world rested on her small shoulders.

Severus paused, taken aback by the intensity of her question. “One day, when you are older, you will understand love in your own way,” he replied slowly. “But for now, focus on the love that surrounds you—like the love of family and friends.”

“Like the love from you and Mommy?” she beamed, her face lighting up at the thought.

“Yes,” he said simply, his heart swelling with affection. “And always remember that love takes time to grow.”

“Okay! I’ll wait!” Y/D/N declared, her enthusiasm unwavering. “But I still want to be a dragon when I grow up!”

“A dragon?” Severus feigned surprise, raising an eyebrow. “And how do you propose to achieve that?”

“By learning magic!” she exclaimed, her laughter infectious. “And maybe getting a shiny tail!”

“Ah, yes. A shiny tail would certainly be impressive,” he replied, allowing himself to get swept up in her imagination.

As the potion bubbled gently on the stove, the air filled with the warm, earthy scent of herbs, creating an atmosphere that was both comforting and familiar. Severus watched Y/D/N as she danced around the kitchen, her laughter echoing off the walls, and for a moment, it was as if the world outside ceased to exist.

“What’s your favorite thing about Mommy?” Y/D/N asked, her tone suddenly serious again.

Severus considered her question carefully, his mind drifting to the countless moments they had shared. “Her kindness,” he finally said. “She has a way of seeing the best in others, even when they cannot see it themselves.”

“Like you?” Y/D/N’s eyes sparkled with mischief. “Daddy, you’re the best! I love you!”

His heart warmed at her declaration, and he felt a softness wash over him. “I love you too, my dear,” he replied, his voice low and sincere.

“Can we make a potion for Mommy when she gets home?” Y/D/N asked, her excitement bubbling over once more.

“Of course,” Severus agreed, his heart swelling with affection. “We will create something special for her.”

“Yay! A surprise!” She clapped her hands, her giggles filling the room with joy.

As they finished brewing the calming draught, the atmosphere shifted, a sense of magic weaving through the air. The bond between father and daughter deepened, each shared laugh and every curious question drawing them closer together.

Just then, the sound of footsteps echoed from the entrance hall. Y/D/N’s eyes widened, and she paused mid-giggle. “Is that Mommy?”

Severus nodded, a smile creeping onto his face. “It seems she is back.”

“Yay! Let’s surprise her!” Y/D/N dashed toward the door, her laughter trailing behind her like a melody.

Severus followed at a more measured pace, allowing the warmth of the moment to envelop him. As Y/D/N flung open the door, her face lit up with joy.

“Mommy!” she squealed, launching herself into Y/N’s arms.

Y/N laughed, her eyes sparkling with love as she enveloped their daughter in a warm embrace. “I missed you, sweetheart!”

Severus stood back, watching the scene unfold with a softness in his heart. The worries of the world outside faded into the background, eclipsed by the love radiating from his family.

“Did you have fun with Dad?” Y/N asked, her gaze turning to him.

“Yeah! We made potions! And I asked him about love!” Y/D/N exclaimed, her words tumbling over one another in excitement.

Severus raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. “Oh? And what did you learn?”

“Daddy said that love is like a promise!” she declared, her voice ringing with certainty.

Y/N turned to Severus, her expression a mix of amusement and pride. “I see you’ve been busy,” she said, a smile dancing on her lips.

“Indeed,” Severus replied, a hint of bashfulness creeping into his voice. “It seems I have been outmatched by her boundless curiosity.”

Y/N chuckled, wrapping an arm around Y/D/N. “That’s the magic of being a parent,” she said warmly. “You never know what you’ll discover.”

As they settled into a cozy evening together, the air filled with laughter and stories, Severus felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude. In this moment, surrounded by his family, he understood that love was not just a promise; it was the very essence of their lives together.

And as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow through the windows, Severus Snape knew that no matter the challenges they faced, their love would always guide them home.

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