Doctors of the Church Books

Doctors of the Church Books

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Interior Castles by Teresa of Avila talks about how Teresa was an incredibly gifted teacher.
My Way of Life by The Confraternity of the Precious Blood is the pocket edition of St. Thomas Aquinas' The Summa simplified for the everyday reading.
Saint Therese, The Little Flower by John Beevers presents the story of this life which is a marvel---a miracle--of divine grace.
Here, together in a single volume entitled St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Francis of Assisi by G.K. Chesterton, are the two biographies that many critics consider to be Chesterton's best and the best short portraits ever written of these two great saints.
St. Anthony of Padua Laminated Bi-fold Prayer Card, one of the Mini Lives of The Saints, biography holy card, in Gold Stamped Italian Art and made in Italy, 12-F5-400. QUANTITY PRICES
St. Augustine Laminated Bi-fold Prayer Card, one of the Mini Lives of The Saints, biography holy card, in Gold Stamped Italian Art and made in Italy, 12-F5-406. QUANTITY PRICES
St. Catherine of Siena Laminated Bi-fold Prayer Card, one of the Mini Lives of The Saints, biography holy card in Gold Stamped Italian Art and made in Italy, F5-416 QUANTITY DISCOUNTS
Laminated Bi-fold Prayer Card of St. Gregory the Great, one of the Mini Lives of The Saints, biography St. Gregory the Great holy card in Gold Stamped Italian Art and made in Italy, F5-443 QUANTITY PRICES
St. Teresa of Avila Laminated Bi-fold Holy Card in gold stamped Italian Art and made in Italy, 12-F5-548 St. Teresa of Avila Holy Card
St. Therese of Lisieux Laminated Bi-fold Holy Card in gold stamped Italian Art and made in Italy, 12-F5-341 St. Therese of Lisieux Holy Card
St. Thomas Laminated Bi-fold Holy Card in gold stamped Italian Art and made in Italy, 12-F5-552 St. Thomas Holy Card
The Confession of Augustine By Jean-Francois Lyotard is a posthumous work by one of the leading philosophers of the 20th century engages which deals with Augustine's "Confessions."
Collected here in this omnibus edition entitled The Essential St. John of the Cross are all three of St. John of the Cross' major works as well as twenty of his magnificent poems.

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