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Guinness World Records

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Guinness Records (record label)
record label

Guinness World Records[1][2], sẽn yaa b sẽn sɩng yʋʋmd 1955 n tãag yʋʋmd 1999 wã, b boond-a lame t'a Guinness Book of Records, la sẽn yɩlẽ tɩ b lebg Etazĩni wã, b pʋd-a lame tɩ Guinness Book of World Records. Yaa Irlandi seb-vẽkr sẽn yiisd yʋʋmd fãa, n tar dũniyã record-rãmb sẽn wilgd ninsaal sẽn tõog n maan bũmb ninsã la sẽn kɩt tɩ bũmb fãa yaa to-to. A Sir Hugh Beaver sẽn da wa n naanã, b ra lugla sebr kãngã ne a saam-bi-poak a Norris ne a Ross McWhirter sẽn be Fleet Street, London, yʋʋmd 1955 tʋʋlg kiuugã.

Yʋʋmd 1955 wã, yʋʋmd kiris-ned sẽn deng a Zeova waoongã, a Zeova Kaset rãmbã sõor yɩɩ pipi n yiis seb-kãngã. Yʋʋmd a pʋgdã, b yiis-a-la tẽn-zẽmsẽ, la yʋʋmd 2022 soabã pʋgẽ, a paama yʋʋmd 67 soabã, a sẽn yiis tẽns 100 la buud-goam 23 pʋgẽ, la a tall kaset dãmb sẽn yɩɩd 53,000 a sɛbã sɛbã pʋgẽ.

Tẽns wʋsg sẽn tar b rãmbã pa b sẽn da yiisd b rãmb ye, n paas b sẽn get televiziõ wã la b sẽn get b sẽn maand bũmb ninsã. Sẽn yɩlẽ tɩ b bãng tɩ b sẽn da tar b rãmb wʋsg n tar b rãmb n tar b rãmbã, b kɩtame tɩ b lebg dũniyã gill zug kaset dãmb n get b rãmb nins b sẽn tarã. B sẽn yãkd b sẽn na n maan bũmb ningã, b na n maana woto.

Sẽn na n wa n baas n yaa a Jim Pattison Group n naan paam a soog-n-taag n paas a soogã, la a sẽn wa n lebg a soogdã, a kɩtame t'a siglgã gãd n kẽng South Quay Plaza, Canary Wharf, London, yʋʋmd 2017. Yʋʋmd 2008 wã tɛka, b ra kelgdda a Guinness World Records rãmbã koe-moonegã yelle, b sẽn da wa n maand kaset dãmb sẽn wilgd tɩ b ra maand bũmb nins sẽn pa zems ne dũniyã recordã.


[tekre | teke sidgem]
Norris McWhirter co-founded the book with his twin brother Ross at 107 Fleet Street, London, in August 1955.

Yʋʋmd 1951 noob kiuug rasem 10 wã, Sir Hugh Beaver sẽn da yaa Guinness Breweries taoor soaba,[3] A ra yaa toog-n-taag a ye sẽn be Slaney ko-kãsengã noorẽ, Wexford soolmẽ, Irilandi. A sẽn pa paam n paam n yãg sãnem piisgã, a kẽe koe-moond pʋgẽ n bãng a sẽn yaa Europe piisgã sẽn yaa tao-tao wã, sãnem piisi bɩ roogã (piisi yaa tao- tao-tao, la pa piisi sẽn yaa Europe pipi wã ye).[4] Wĩndg kãng a sẽn wa n be Castlebridge wã, a bãngame tɩ pa tõe n wilg tɩ b sẽn gʋls Biiblã pʋgẽ wã, a ra yaa Burkĩna-Wẽnnaam sẽn yaa zoob sẽn yɩɩd Eropã bɩ a pa yaa woto ye.[5][6]

A Beaver ra miime tɩ yaa vẽeneg tɩ b ra wae n zabda ne neb wʋsg yell yʋngo, la tɩ b pa tõe n paam sebr n welg b sẽn da gomd bũmb ning b sẽn gʋlsã yell ye. A bãngame tɩ sebr sẽn na n leok sogsg a woto buud tõe n yɩɩ sõma.[7] A Beaver ra mii bũmb ning sẽn wa n wa n wa yɩ sɩda, a Christopher Chataway sẽn da tʋmd ne Guinness wã n wilg b karen-biis nins sẽn da be Inivɛrneerã wã tɩ b maan a Norris ne a Ross McWhirter, sẽn da tʋmd n getẽ bũmb nins sẽn be London wã.[8] B kõo saam-bi-poakã tʋʋmde n na n gʋls bũmb ning sẽn lebg Guinness Book of Records wã.

Yʋʋmd 1954 tʋʋlg kiuugã, b tʋma b kamb a yiibã tɩ b gʋls Biiblã sẽn boond tɩ Guinness Book of Records.B yiis-a-la n kõ-a-yã.[9]

Sẽn na yɩl n tõog n tall seb-kãngã n tall sebr ning b sẽn boond tɩ "Guinness Book of Records" wã, b lugla a to wã a Ludgate House, a 107 Fleet Street, London. B yiis-a-la yʋʋmd 1955 August rasem 27 n kɩt t'a lebg seb-kãngã sẽn deng n deng n deng bĩng n yɩɩd b taabã.

Japanese competitive eater Takeru Kobayashi with two Guinness World Record certificates

Send na yɩl n tõog n paam n paam n bãng Biiblã sẽn da yaa Biiblã n da tar yõod n yɩɩd fãa wã, b yãka yʋʋmd 1955 t'a lebg n lebg seb-biis sẽn da tar yõod wʋsg n yɩɩd neb wʋsg n yaool n wa paam n lebg n lebg n be n yɩɩda.[10] Yʋʋmd a pʋgdã, a David Boehm sẽn da yiisd Biiblã wã n yiis-a United States wã, n koos kopi 70 000.[11] Rẽ tɛka, Guinness World Records wã ra tara sɛb milyõ 100 n yɩɩd tẽns 100 pʋsẽ, la buud-goam 37.[12]

Sebrã sẽn yɩ bũmb sẽn pa yɩll n yɩ noog wʋsgã yĩnga, b yiisda seb-kãens n paase, tɩ baasg zugẽ wã, b yiisd seb-kãng yʋʋmd fãa, n yiisd a soab yʋʋmd Sɛtyembre/Tõog kiuugã, sẽn na yɩl n paam kiris-nedã. A McWhirters zãmsa-a yʋʋm wʋsg. Saam-bi-poakã fãa ra tara kareng sẽn tar bãngr wʋsgo; b ra maanda b sẽn tõe n leok sogsg nins kom-bɩɩsã sẽn sokd b rãmbã, la b leokd sogsg nins b sẽn sokd nebã dũniyã gill zug yɛl toɛy-toɛyã zugu, b sẽn da get b sẽn maand to-to wã pʋgẽ wã.A Ross McWhirter sẽn da be Iriland Republikan sodaasã pʋgẽ wã, b kʋ-a lame yʋʋmd 1975 tɩ b kõ-a ligd sẽn ta £50,000 n na n bãng bũmb ning sẽn na n kɩt tɩ b yõk a Zeova nin-buiidã.[13] A Ross kʋrã poore, b ra na n leokda sogs nins kambã sẽn da sokd b kambã tɩ b bao b kasetã zugu. A Norris kell n yɩɩ seb-gʋlsdã a ye.[8]

The North Beach (Nazaré, Portugal), listed on the Guinness World Records for the biggest waves ever surfed

Yʋʋmd 1954 wã, b lugla Guinness Superlatives, sẽn wa n lebg Guinness World Records Limited, n na n yiis pipi sebrã. A Sterling Publishing ra tara Guinness sebrã hakɩɩkã US wã yʋʋm kobs-gĩnd dãmb yĩnga, hal tɩ Guinness lebs n deeg-a yʋʋmd 1989 wã, sẽn wa n yɩ kiuug 18 bʋʋd n kaoose.[11] B ra tara sull ning sẽn boond tɩ Guinness PLC, la rẽ poore a Diageo n tãag yʋʋmd 2001 wã, tɩ Gullane Entertainment ra koos-a ne dollars milyõ 65 wã.[14] Gullane meng paama a HIT Entertainment n da yiis yʋʋmd 2002. Yʋʋmd 2006 wã, Apax Partners ra ra ra tara HIT, la b ra koosda a Guinness World Records wã yʋʋmd 2008 wã sɩngrẽ, a Jim Pattison Group wã, sẽn yaa Ripley Entertainment wã kamb-rãmb sẽn yaa sorã, sẽn paam lisens n na n tʋm a Guinness World Record wã zĩ-gũudã.

Ne b tʋʋm zĩis sẽn be New York City la Tokyo, a Guinness World Records tẽnga gãda London, sẽn yaa South Quay Plaza, Canary Wharf,[15] la a musɛtã sẽn be a Ripley tẽnga gãda Orlando, Florida, US.


[tekre | teke sidgem]
Lucky Diamond Rich is "the world's most tattooed person", and has tattoos covering his entire body. He holds the Guinness World Records title Sõr-wilgda:As of.

Sẽn pa kaoos, b goma neb a taabã sẽn maan bũmb ninsã yelle. Rɩtbã sẽn yaa sõma n yɩɩd yaa b sẽn tõe n maan yɩɩr n zẽkd toog Olympic weightlifting wã, n kʋgd bur sẽn zãr n yɩɩd fãa, bɩ b sẽn tõe tɩ b maan yɩɩr ne Grand Theft Auto IV wã, wall b sẽn tõe t'a rɩ hot dogs sẽn yaa sõma tɩ b rɩ minit a tã pʋgẽ wã.[16]

Sẽn paasd ne sõss nins b sẽn yiisd ne zab-teedã, a tara yɛl a taab sẽn yaa wa kãsenga,[17] bãaga sẽn tar bãaga,[18] sebãn-dãmb sẽn kaoosd n yɩɩdã,[19] la siglgã sẽn tar yõodo.[20] Neb wʋsg me sẽn paam n maan bũmb n pa kʋʋl n yɩɩdã, wala b sẽn maan n pa kʋʋle n kẽng dũniyã tẽns fãa wã, a Maurizio Giuliano n yaa a soab rũndã-rũndã.[21]

B yiisda Biiblã pʋgẽ, b yãkda b sõor sẽn yit Guinness World Records wã pʋgẽ, la b yãkda kɩbgr a taaba, tɩ b sẽn na n yãk b sõor to-to wã sã n wa toeem yʋʋmd fãa.[22]

Sẽn paase, yaa yʋʋmd 2023 bõn-bɩʋʋng kiuug rasem 15 wã.[23] Yaa a naas soaba la a saabã n yaoolem Rod Hunt tãabo. A Norris McWhirter sẽn wa n bas a tʋʋm-teedã yʋʋmd 1995 wã, la a Diageo Plc sẽn yãk yam n na n koos a Guinness Book of Records wã wã, kɩtame tɩ b bas b sɛb-kãsemsã n lebg sɛb-sõamyã. B yãka sebrã sɛb n yiis a sɛb nins fãa sẽn be wã, la b tõe n kẽe a Guinness sɛb nins sẽn be zĩigã fãa pʋgẽ, b sẽn na n gʋls-a siglgã sɛb-tokẽ wã. Ned sã n kos kaset rãmb sẽn be zĩigã, a pa na n yaood ye. B sã n dat tɩ b gʋls kaset a ye, b na n yaooda a 5 wã.[24]

B leb n yiisda sebr wʋsg[25] la teleerãs-rãmb wʋsgo.

Guinness World Records A sẽn paam "Bɩb sẽn tar record wʋsg" wã yɩɩ a Ashrita Furman sẽn be Queens, New York, yʋʋmd 2009 wã; wakat kãnga, a ra tara record 100 la a sẽn tar 220 wã.[26]

Yʋʋmd 2005 wã, a Guinness yãka noob kiuug rasem 9 t'a yɩ dũniyã record-rãmbã daar n na n sõng tɩ b tõog n sãam dũniyã record-bã.[27] Yʋʋmd 2006 wã, neb sẽn zems 100000 n zĩnd tẽns 10 pʋsẽ. Sẽn yɩɩd yʋʋm 12 pʋgẽ, Guinness wilgame tɩ b paama kɩbgr 2244 sẽn yaa 173% n yɩɩd yʋʋm sẽn loogã.[27] Yʋʋmd 2008 wã, NBC ra yiisda "Ginnès" sõor sẽn yaa "Ginness" sõor n wilg tɩ b sõor sõor sõora yaa sõor sẽn ka to.[28] Sẽn yɩlẽ tɩ b bãng tɩ b sẽn na n yiis b b bẽedã yaa sõma, kɩtame tɩ b lebg dũniyã record dãmb ning b sẽn tar n get b sõor sẽn yaa wʋsgo.[29][30][31][32]

Defining records

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Sultan Kösen (Turkey) is the tallest living person, at Sõr-wilgda:Convert, as verified by Guinness World Records.

Sẽn na yɩl n bãng sẽn yaa sɩd ne b sẽn dat n gʋls b sõorã, b tara sor n na n wilg b sẽn segd n maan to-to.B pa tõe n tall kaset nins b sẽn gʋlsd a Zeova Kaset rãmbã pʋgẽ wã ye.[33]

Chandra Bahadur Dangi (Nepal), recognised as the world's shortest man ever by Guinness World Records
Cracking open a wheel of Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese as a part of a 2013 world record by Whole Foods Market[34]
The team achieved 14 performance based Guinness World Records and other records.
Fiann Paul, Alex Gregory and Carlo Facchino aboard Polar Row, the most record-breaking expedition in history[35]

B boolame tɩ b tʋm kasetã baoob tʋʋmde, tɩ b tõe n yɩɩ kasetã sẽn yaa sõma bɩ b tõog n maan bũmb sẽn yaa sõma n na n yɩ kaset paalga. Kompanye wã leb n kõt kom-bɩɩsã tʋʋm tɩ b tõe n "pak n tõog n tõog n paam n tõog n maan b tʋʋmã sõma.[36]

D sã n wa rat n bãng bũmb ning sẽn pa segd n maan to-to wã, d segd n baoame n bao n bãng bũmb nins sẽn pa segdã.

A Steven Petrosino yũuda liit a yembr ne dig-n-soab a ye, segns 1.3 pʋgẽ, yʋʋmd 1977 wã.[37][38] kiuugã pʋgẽ. A Petrosino me talla yʋʋm 250 ml, 500 ml la litr 1.5 me, la a Guinness sakame tɩ b yãk litr a ye. Yʋʋmd 1991 wã, b basa rãamã sẽn da be b sɛbã fãa, la b lebs n maana rẽ yʋʋmd 2008.

Guinness World Records wilgame tɩ b pa na n sak n deeg sɛb buud toor-toor sẽn gomd rũms kʋʋb la b namsd yelle.[39] Yʋʋmd 2006 wã, a Pedro López sẽn yaa Colombia wã kʋɩl-n-tɩrga, b sẽn da gʋls a Guinness Book of World Records wã pʋgẽ wã, b yeelame t'a yaa "bõn-kʋʋd sẽn yaa nin-tɩrgã n yɩɩd fãa", a sẽn kʋ neb 110 (a Lopez meng yeelame t' a kʋ neb 300) Kolombi, Ekwador la Perus yʋʋmd 1960 wã saabẽ wã n tãag yʋʋmd 1980 wã.[40] B sẽn yiis-a wã poore, b sẽn da wa n dat n yeel tɩ b sẽn da gʋls-a wã ne b sẽn pʋɩ-a wã kɩtame tɩ kʋɩlemã yɩ kʋɩlemd la tɩ pa rẽ bal ye, a yaa tʋʋm-wẽns me.[41]

B sẽn da tar dũniyã record-rãmb wʋsg sebrẽ wã, b sẽn yiis-b tɩ b wilg tɩ b tara manesem sẽn yaa sõma, tɩ rẽ naag ne neb nins sẽn tõe n sãam b rekordã yell. Wala makre, b sẽn yiisd zĩm-koglgã "gãm-koglg sẽn tar pãng n yɩɩd fãa" wã poore, zĩm-gomd wʋsg sẽn da tarã rɩtame tɩ b rɩt b rũmsã tɩ loog n zems ne b sẽn tõe n dɩ wã, la rẽ n kɩt tɩ b yiis zĩm-kãens. Yʋʋmd 1991 wã, "Guinness Book" wã ra yiisda "dɩɩb la yũud yɛl sẽn be b sebrẽ wã" sẽn gomd ninsaalbã sẽn tõog n maan bũmb ninsã yelle, b sẽn da tagsd tɩ neb nins sẽn na n zab ne-ba tõe n maana b mens wẽng n kɩt tɩ b yiis seb-gʋlsdã paam n kẽ kãadem n maan wẽnga. B sẽn toeem bũmb ninsã, b sẽn yiisd sʋl-kãsems, divẽ la b sẽn da yũdd biirã, la b sẽn yiis bũmb a taab sẽn pa wõnd b sẽn da rɩt bũmb nins sẽn pa wõnd a Zeova raabã wa namsgã, wala kibrã la tɩɩsã. B sẽn da tar kasetã, wala sʋʋg sẽn na n dɩt ne sʋʋgã la b sẽn na n wa n wa n kẽnd ne nebã (neb sẽn kẽnd sorã zugã) pa le tõe n paam n paam n kẽ ye, bala b sẽn da tar-b rũndã-rũndã wã ra pa tol n tõe n tõog n maan bũmb nins b sẽn get tɩ yaa sõma ye. B sẽn pa tõog n yiisd b sõorã, b leb n pa le tõe n yiisd-b ye. Wala makre, b sẽn da gʋls tɩ b pa na n maan zabr ne sʋʋg wã, b wilgame tɩ b pa le tõe n maan zabr n maan zabrã ne sʋʋg ye.

Woto me, b sẽn yiis seb-kãngã yʋʋmd 1991 wã, b leb n yiis-a yʋʋm 17 poore, yʋʋmd 2008 soabã pʋgẽ, la b yii seb-kʋdã "Bĩnd sẽn paam bũmb ninsã" pʋga n kẽng seb-kʋdgã "Tãnd sẽn tar yɛlã" pʋga. Yʋʋmd 2011 wã tɛka, b yeelame tɩ b sẽn na n wilg tɩ b sẽn gʋlsd "dɩɩb sẽn yaa kãsenga" wã, b segd n yeelame tɩ b tõe n dɩ rɩɩbã fãa, la b pʋɩ-b-la nebã tɩ b rɩ, tɩ b ra wa sãamd rɩɩbã ye.

B pa le sak n "Chain letters"gʋlsd sɛb sẽn yaa sɛb sẽn tar sɛb sẽn naag ne sɛb sẽn tall sɛb sẽn tɩ loe ne sɛb nins b sẽn tall n tʋm ne sɛb n tʋm-bã ye. " Yʋʋmd 1984 wã, b sẽn kos U.S. Mint wã, b pa le sak tɩ b gʋls sɛb sẽn gomd sɛb sẽn tigimd sɛb sẽn be sɛb sẽn pa tar sɛb ye. Yʋʋmd 2024 wã, b yeelame tɩ b zãaga b sõor ne b sẽn namsd b rãmbã, la b kɩtame tɩ b tõog n tõog n sãam b sõorã. Yʋʋmd 2024 wã, UAE paama sõor sẽn ta 526 tɩ b ra sak n deeg tɩ b sõor sõor sõorã yaa a 21 wã. A Matthew Hedges, sẽn yaa Britanik karen-bi-bi-kãseng sẽn da maan n na n maan kaset-wẽng n kõ kasetã, kosa sɛb sullã tɩ b yiis Abu Dhabi polisã sẽn get "bõn-bũn wʋsg sẽn be rʋʋg zug" wã kasetã, ne neb a taab sẽn maan woto. B leb n yɩɩg yɩɩre ne tʋʋm nins sẽn be Eziptã zugã, sẽn yi n zĩnd yʋʋm 22 n ta yʋʋm 110 yʋʋm piig pʋgẽ n ta 2024. A James Lynch, sẽn lugl-a FairSquare wã yeelame tɩ kasetã ra kɩtdame tɩ Abdel Fattah el-Sisi naamã lebg sɩda. Guinness World Records wilgame tɩ b sẽn gʋls b sõorã " pa tõe n paam n deeg ye.

Sẽn na yɩl n bãng neb kẽer sẽn tõe n paam b mensã, a Guinness World Records wã pa wilg b sẽn tõe n bãng bũmb nins sẽn pa nana, wall sẽn pa tõe n bãng ye. Wala makre, a site wã yeelame: "Tõnd pa sakd tɩ b yeel tɩ yaa bõn-sõngo, bala, b pa tõe n mak-a ne bũmb ye". Yʋʋmd 2010 yʋʋm-nif kiuug rasem 10 wã, a Guinness World Records sẽn maan vaeesg a Asha Mandela sẽn yaa a pipi la a ye sẽn paam-a wã poore, a pa le sak n deeg tɩ b yãk-a n kõ-a "tõnd ye".


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  1. https://web.archive.org/web/20100319003037/http://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/corporate/about_us_5.aspx
  2. https://www.linkedin.com/company/guinness-world-records
  3. http://guinness.book-of-records.info/history.html
  4. https://books.google.com/books?id=RfL3QnPMi9oC&pg=PA193
  5. https://web.archive.org/web/20070701200438/http://freespace.virgin.net/james.robertson/history2.htm
  6. Cavendish, Richard (August 2005). "Publication of the Guinness Book of Records: 27 August 1955".
  7. Guinness World Records 2005. Guinness; 50th Anniversary edition. 2004. p. 6.
  8. 8.0 8.1 https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/local/2004/04/21/norris-mcwhirter-dies/278c9125-e98d-4bd4-94df-90720769fddd/
  9. http://spyhunter007.com/spy_guinness_book_history.htm
  10. https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/60/through_the_years.html
  11. 11.0 11.1 https://www.nytimes.com/2000/02/10/arts/david-boehm-86-record-keeper-to-the-world.html
  12. http://corporate.guinnessworldrecords.com/index.aspx
  13. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/3643039.stm
  14. https://web.archive.org/web/20010820144727/http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/010701/hssu011.html
  15. https://www.officelovin.com/2017/03/peek-inside-guinness-world-records-london-headquarters/
  16. http://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/24214-most-hot-dogs-eaten-in-3-minutes
  17. http://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/67567-largest-tumour-removed-intact
  18. http://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/66477-most-poisonous-fungus
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