Guinness World Records
Sõngr sẽn yaa zaalem n yit Wikipedia pʋgẽ
Guinness World Records[1][2], sẽn yaa b sẽn sɩng yʋʋmd 1955 n tãag yʋʋmd 1999 wã, b boond-a lame t'a Guinness Book of Records, la sẽn yɩlẽ tɩ b lebg Etazĩni wã, b pʋd-a lame tɩ Guinness Book of World Records. Yaa Irlandi seb-vẽkr sẽn yiisd yʋʋmd fãa, n tar dũniyã record-rãmb sẽn wilgd ninsaal sẽn tõog n maan bũmb ninsã la sẽn kɩt tɩ bũmb fãa yaa to-to. A Sir Hugh Beaver sẽn da wa n naanã, b ra lugla sebr kãngã ne a saam-bi-poak a Norris ne a Ross McWhirter sẽn be Fleet Street, London, yʋʋmd 1955 tʋʋlg kiuugã.
Yʋʋmd 1955 wã, yʋʋmd kiris-ned sẽn deng a Zeova waoongã, a Zeova Kaset rãmbã sõor yɩɩ pipi n yiis seb-kãngã. Yʋʋmd a pʋgdã, b yiis-a-la tẽn-zẽmsẽ, la yʋʋmd 2022 soabã pʋgẽ, a paama yʋʋmd 67 soabã, a sẽn yiis tẽns 100 la buud-goam 23 pʋgẽ, la a tall kaset dãmb sẽn yɩɩd 53,000 a sɛbã sɛbã pʋgẽ.
Tẽns wʋsg sẽn tar b rãmbã pa b sẽn da yiisd b rãmb ye, n paas b sẽn get televiziõ wã la b sẽn get b sẽn maand bũmb ninsã. Sẽn yɩlẽ tɩ b bãng tɩ b sẽn da tar b rãmb wʋsg n tar b rãmb n tar b rãmbã, b kɩtame tɩ b lebg dũniyã gill zug kaset dãmb n get b rãmb nins b sẽn tarã. B sẽn yãkd b sẽn na n maan bũmb ningã, b na n maana woto.
Sẽn na n wa n baas n yaa a Jim Pattison Group n naan paam a soog-n-taag n paas a soogã, la a sẽn wa n lebg a soogdã, a kɩtame t'a siglgã gãd n kẽng South Quay Plaza, Canary Wharf, London, yʋʋmd 2017. Yʋʋmd 2008 wã tɛka, b ra kelgdda a Guinness World Records rãmbã koe-moonegã yelle, b sẽn da wa n maand kaset dãmb sẽn wilgd tɩ b ra maand bũmb nins sẽn pa zems ne dũniyã recordã.
[tekre | teke sidgem]Yʋʋmd 1951 noob kiuug rasem 10 wã, Sir Hugh Beaver sẽn da yaa Guinness Breweries taoor soaba,[3] A ra yaa toog-n-taag a ye sẽn be Slaney ko-kãsengã noorẽ, Wexford soolmẽ, Irilandi. A sẽn pa paam n paam n yãg sãnem piisgã, a kẽe koe-moond pʋgẽ n bãng a sẽn yaa Europe piisgã sẽn yaa tao-tao wã, sãnem piisi bɩ roogã (piisi yaa tao- tao-tao, la pa piisi sẽn yaa Europe pipi wã ye).[4] Wĩndg kãng a sẽn wa n be Castlebridge wã, a bãngame tɩ pa tõe n wilg tɩ b sẽn gʋls Biiblã pʋgẽ wã, a ra yaa Burkĩna-Wẽnnaam sẽn yaa zoob sẽn yɩɩd Eropã bɩ a pa yaa woto ye.[5][6]
A Beaver ra miime tɩ yaa vẽeneg tɩ b ra wae n zabda ne neb wʋsg yell yʋngo, la tɩ b pa tõe n paam sebr n welg b sẽn da gomd bũmb ning b sẽn gʋlsã yell ye. A bãngame tɩ sebr sẽn na n leok sogsg a woto buud tõe n yɩɩ sõma.[7] A Beaver ra mii bũmb ning sẽn wa n wa n wa yɩ sɩda, a Christopher Chataway sẽn da tʋmd ne Guinness wã n wilg b karen-biis nins sẽn da be Inivɛrneerã wã tɩ b maan a Norris ne a Ross McWhirter, sẽn da tʋmd n getẽ bũmb nins sẽn be London wã.[8] B kõo saam-bi-poakã tʋʋmde n na n gʋls bũmb ning sẽn lebg Guinness Book of Records wã.
Yʋʋmd 1954 tʋʋlg kiuugã, b tʋma b kamb a yiibã tɩ b gʋls Biiblã sẽn boond tɩ Guinness Book of Records.B yiis-a-la n kõ-a-yã.[9]
Sẽn na yɩl n tõog n tall seb-kãngã n tall sebr ning b sẽn boond tɩ "Guinness Book of Records" wã, b lugla a to wã a Ludgate House, a 107 Fleet Street, London. B yiis-a-la yʋʋmd 1955 August rasem 27 n kɩt t'a lebg seb-kãngã sẽn deng n deng n deng bĩng n yɩɩd b taabã.
Send na yɩl n tõog n paam n paam n bãng Biiblã sẽn da yaa Biiblã n da tar yõod n yɩɩd fãa wã, b yãka yʋʋmd 1955 t'a lebg n lebg seb-biis sẽn da tar yõod wʋsg n yɩɩd neb wʋsg n yaool n wa paam n lebg n lebg n be n yɩɩda.[10] Yʋʋmd a pʋgdã, a David Boehm sẽn da yiisd Biiblã wã n yiis-a United States wã, n koos kopi 70 000.[11] Rẽ tɛka, Guinness World Records wã ra tara sɛb milyõ 100 n yɩɩd tẽns 100 pʋsẽ, la buud-goam 37.[12]
Sebrã sẽn yɩ bũmb sẽn pa yɩll n yɩ noog wʋsgã yĩnga, b yiisda seb-kãens n paase, tɩ baasg zugẽ wã, b yiisd seb-kãng yʋʋmd fãa, n yiisd a soab yʋʋmd Sɛtyembre/Tõog kiuugã, sẽn na yɩl n paam kiris-nedã. A McWhirters zãmsa-a yʋʋm wʋsg. Saam-bi-poakã fãa ra tara kareng sẽn tar bãngr wʋsgo; b ra maanda b sẽn tõe n leok sogsg nins kom-bɩɩsã sẽn sokd b rãmbã, la b leokd sogsg nins b sẽn sokd nebã dũniyã gill zug yɛl toɛy-toɛyã zugu, b sẽn da get b sẽn maand to-to wã pʋgẽ wã.A Ross McWhirter sẽn da be Iriland Republikan sodaasã pʋgẽ wã, b kʋ-a lame yʋʋmd 1975 tɩ b kõ-a ligd sẽn ta £50,000 n na n bãng bũmb ning sẽn na n kɩt tɩ b yõk a Zeova nin-buiidã.[13] A Ross kʋrã poore, b ra na n leokda sogs nins kambã sẽn da sokd b kambã tɩ b bao b kasetã zugu. A Norris kell n yɩɩ seb-gʋlsdã a ye.[8]
Yʋʋmd 1954 wã, b lugla Guinness Superlatives, sẽn wa n lebg Guinness World Records Limited, n na n yiis pipi sebrã. A Sterling Publishing ra tara Guinness sebrã hakɩɩkã US wã yʋʋm kobs-gĩnd dãmb yĩnga, hal tɩ Guinness lebs n deeg-a yʋʋmd 1989 wã, sẽn wa n yɩ kiuug 18 bʋʋd n kaoose.[11] B ra tara sull ning sẽn boond tɩ Guinness PLC, la rẽ poore a Diageo n tãag yʋʋmd 2001 wã, tɩ Gullane Entertainment ra koos-a ne dollars milyõ 65 wã.[14] Gullane meng paama a HIT Entertainment n da yiis yʋʋmd 2002. Yʋʋmd 2006 wã, Apax Partners ra ra ra tara HIT, la b ra koosda a Guinness World Records wã yʋʋmd 2008 wã sɩngrẽ, a Jim Pattison Group wã, sẽn yaa Ripley Entertainment wã kamb-rãmb sẽn yaa sorã, sẽn paam lisens n na n tʋm a Guinness World Record wã zĩ-gũudã.
Ne b tʋʋm zĩis sẽn be New York City la Tokyo, a Guinness World Records tẽnga gãda London, sẽn yaa South Quay Plaza, Canary Wharf,[15] la a musɛtã sẽn be a Ripley tẽnga gãda Orlando, Florida, US.
[tekre | teke sidgem]Sẽn pa kaoos, b goma neb a taabã sẽn maan bũmb ninsã yelle. Rɩtbã sẽn yaa sõma n yɩɩd yaa b sẽn tõe n maan yɩɩr n zẽkd toog Olympic weightlifting wã, n kʋgd bur sẽn zãr n yɩɩd fãa, bɩ b sẽn tõe tɩ b maan yɩɩr ne Grand Theft Auto IV wã, wall b sẽn tõe t'a rɩ hot dogs sẽn yaa sõma tɩ b rɩ minit a tã pʋgẽ wã.[16]
Sẽn paasd ne sõss nins b sẽn yiisd ne zab-teedã, a tara yɛl a taab sẽn yaa wa kãsenga,[17] bãaga sẽn tar bãaga,[18] sebãn-dãmb sẽn kaoosd n yɩɩdã,[19] la siglgã sẽn tar yõodo.[20] Neb wʋsg me sẽn paam n maan bũmb n pa kʋʋl n yɩɩdã, wala b sẽn maan n pa kʋʋle n kẽng dũniyã tẽns fãa wã, a Maurizio Giuliano n yaa a soab rũndã-rũndã.[21]
B yiisda Biiblã pʋgẽ, b yãkda b sõor sẽn yit Guinness World Records wã pʋgẽ, la b yãkda kɩbgr a taaba, tɩ b sẽn na n yãk b sõor to-to wã sã n wa toeem yʋʋmd fãa.[22]
Sẽn paase, yaa yʋʋmd 2023 bõn-bɩʋʋng kiuug rasem 15 wã.[23] Yaa a naas soaba la a saabã n yaoolem Rod Hunt tãabo. A Norris McWhirter sẽn wa n bas a tʋʋm-teedã yʋʋmd 1995 wã, la a Diageo Plc sẽn yãk yam n na n koos a Guinness Book of Records wã wã, kɩtame tɩ b bas b sɛb-kãsemsã n lebg sɛb-sõamyã. B yãka sebrã sɛb n yiis a sɛb nins fãa sẽn be wã, la b tõe n kẽe a Guinness sɛb nins sẽn be zĩigã fãa pʋgẽ, b sẽn na n gʋls-a siglgã sɛb-tokẽ wã. Ned sã n kos kaset rãmb sẽn be zĩigã, a pa na n yaood ye. B sã n dat tɩ b gʋls kaset a ye, b na n yaooda a 5 wã.[24]
B leb n yiisda sebr wʋsg[25] la teleerãs-rãmb wʋsgo.
Guinness World Records A sẽn paam "Bɩb sẽn tar record wʋsg" wã yɩɩ a Ashrita Furman sẽn be Queens, New York, yʋʋmd 2009 wã; wakat kãnga, a ra tara record 100 la a sẽn tar 220 wã.[26]
Yʋʋmd 2005 wã, a Guinness yãka noob kiuug rasem 9 t'a yɩ dũniyã record-rãmbã daar n na n sõng tɩ b tõog n sãam dũniyã record-bã.[27] Yʋʋmd 2006 wã, neb sẽn zems 100000 n zĩnd tẽns 10 pʋsẽ. Sẽn yɩɩd yʋʋm 12 pʋgẽ, Guinness wilgame tɩ b paama kɩbgr 2244 sẽn yaa 173% n yɩɩd yʋʋm sẽn loogã.[27] Yʋʋmd 2008 wã, NBC ra yiisda "Ginnès" sõor sẽn yaa "Ginness" sõor n wilg tɩ b sõor sõor sõora yaa sõor sẽn ka to.[28] Sẽn yɩlẽ tɩ b bãng tɩ b sẽn na n yiis b b bẽedã yaa sõma, kɩtame tɩ b lebg dũniyã record dãmb ning b sẽn tar n get b sõor sẽn yaa wʋsgo.[29][30][31][32]
Defining records
[tekre | teke sidgem]Sẽn na yɩl n bãng sẽn yaa sɩd ne b sẽn dat n gʋls b sõorã, b tara sor n na n wilg b sẽn segd n maan to-to.B pa tõe n tall kaset nins b sẽn gʋlsd a Zeova Kaset rãmbã pʋgẽ wã ye.[33]
B boolame tɩ b tʋm kasetã baoob tʋʋmde, tɩ b tõe n yɩɩ kasetã sẽn yaa sõma bɩ b tõog n maan bũmb sẽn yaa sõma n na n yɩ kaset paalga. Kompanye wã leb n kõt kom-bɩɩsã tʋʋm tɩ b tõe n "pak n tõog n tõog n paam n tõog n maan b tʋʋmã sõma.[36]
D sã n wa rat n bãng bũmb ning sẽn pa segd n maan to-to wã, d segd n baoame n bao n bãng bũmb nins sẽn pa segdã.
Guinness World Records wilgame tɩ b pa na n sak n deeg sɛb buud toor-toor sẽn gomd rũms kʋʋb la b namsd yelle.[39] Yʋʋmd 2006 wã, a Pedro López sẽn yaa Colombia wã kʋɩl-n-tɩrga, b sẽn da gʋls a Guinness Book of World Records wã pʋgẽ wã, b yeelame t'a yaa "bõn-kʋʋd sẽn yaa nin-tɩrgã n yɩɩd fãa", a sẽn kʋ neb 110 (a Lopez meng yeelame t' a kʋ neb 300) Kolombi, Ekwador la Perus yʋʋmd 1960 wã saabẽ wã n tãag yʋʋmd 1980 wã.[40] B sẽn yiis-a wã poore, b sẽn da wa n dat n yeel tɩ b sẽn da gʋls-a wã ne b sẽn pʋɩ-a wã kɩtame tɩ kʋɩlemã yɩ kʋɩlemd la tɩ pa rẽ bal ye, a yaa tʋʋm-wẽns me.[41]
B sẽn da tar dũniyã record-rãmb wʋsg sebrẽ wã, b sẽn yiis-b tɩ b wilg tɩ b tara manesem sẽn yaa sõma, tɩ rẽ naag ne neb nins sẽn tõe n sãam b rekordã yell. Wala makre, b sẽn yiisd zĩm-koglgã "gãm-koglg sẽn tar pãng n yɩɩd fãa" wã poore, zĩm-gomd wʋsg sẽn da tarã rɩtame tɩ b rɩt b rũmsã tɩ loog n zems ne b sẽn tõe n dɩ wã, la rẽ n kɩt tɩ b yiis zĩm-kãens. Yʋʋmd 1991 wã, "Guinness Book" wã ra yiisda "dɩɩb la yũud yɛl sẽn be b sebrẽ wã" sẽn gomd ninsaalbã sẽn tõog n maan bũmb ninsã yelle, b sẽn da tagsd tɩ neb nins sẽn na n zab ne-ba tõe n maana b mens wẽng n kɩt tɩ b yiis seb-gʋlsdã paam n kẽ kãadem n maan wẽnga. B sẽn toeem bũmb ninsã, b sẽn yiisd sʋl-kãsems, divẽ la b sẽn da yũdd biirã, la b sẽn yiis bũmb a taab sẽn pa wõnd b sẽn da rɩt bũmb nins sẽn pa wõnd a Zeova raabã wa namsgã, wala kibrã la tɩɩsã. B sẽn da tar kasetã, wala sʋʋg sẽn na n dɩt ne sʋʋgã la b sẽn na n wa n wa n kẽnd ne nebã (neb sẽn kẽnd sorã zugã) pa le tõe n paam n paam n kẽ ye, bala b sẽn da tar-b rũndã-rũndã wã ra pa tol n tõe n tõog n maan bũmb nins b sẽn get tɩ yaa sõma ye. B sẽn pa tõog n yiisd b sõorã, b leb n pa le tõe n yiisd-b ye. Wala makre, b sẽn da gʋls tɩ b pa na n maan zabr ne sʋʋg wã, b wilgame tɩ b pa le tõe n maan zabr n maan zabrã ne sʋʋg ye.
Woto me, b sẽn yiis seb-kãngã yʋʋmd 1991 wã, b leb n yiis-a yʋʋm 17 poore, yʋʋmd 2008 soabã pʋgẽ, la b yii seb-kʋdã "Bĩnd sẽn paam bũmb ninsã" pʋga n kẽng seb-kʋdgã "Tãnd sẽn tar yɛlã" pʋga. Yʋʋmd 2011 wã tɛka, b yeelame tɩ b sẽn na n wilg tɩ b sẽn gʋlsd "dɩɩb sẽn yaa kãsenga" wã, b segd n yeelame tɩ b tõe n dɩ rɩɩbã fãa, la b pʋɩ-b-la nebã tɩ b rɩ, tɩ b ra wa sãamd rɩɩbã ye.
B pa le sak n "Chain letters"gʋlsd sɛb sẽn yaa sɛb sẽn tar sɛb sẽn naag ne sɛb sẽn tall sɛb sẽn tɩ loe ne sɛb nins b sẽn tall n tʋm ne sɛb n tʋm-bã ye. " Yʋʋmd 1984 wã, b sẽn kos U.S. Mint wã, b pa le sak tɩ b gʋls sɛb sẽn gomd sɛb sẽn tigimd sɛb sẽn be sɛb sẽn pa tar sɛb ye. Yʋʋmd 2024 wã, b yeelame tɩ b zãaga b sõor ne b sẽn namsd b rãmbã, la b kɩtame tɩ b tõog n tõog n sãam b sõorã. Yʋʋmd 2024 wã, UAE paama sõor sẽn ta 526 tɩ b ra sak n deeg tɩ b sõor sõor sõorã yaa a 21 wã. A Matthew Hedges, sẽn yaa Britanik karen-bi-bi-kãseng sẽn da maan n na n maan kaset-wẽng n kõ kasetã, kosa sɛb sullã tɩ b yiis Abu Dhabi polisã sẽn get "bõn-bũn wʋsg sẽn be rʋʋg zug" wã kasetã, ne neb a taab sẽn maan woto. B leb n yɩɩg yɩɩre ne tʋʋm nins sẽn be Eziptã zugã, sẽn yi n zĩnd yʋʋm 22 n ta yʋʋm 110 yʋʋm piig pʋgẽ n ta 2024. A James Lynch, sẽn lugl-a FairSquare wã yeelame tɩ kasetã ra kɩtdame tɩ Abdel Fattah el-Sisi naamã lebg sɩda. Guinness World Records wilgame tɩ b sẽn gʋls b sõorã " pa tõe n paam n deeg ye.
Sẽn na yɩl n bãng neb kẽer sẽn tõe n paam b mensã, a Guinness World Records wã pa wilg b sẽn tõe n bãng bũmb nins sẽn pa nana, wall sẽn pa tõe n bãng ye. Wala makre, a site wã yeelame: "Tõnd pa sakd tɩ b yeel tɩ yaa bõn-sõngo, bala, b pa tõe n mak-a ne bũmb ye". Yʋʋmd 2010 yʋʋm-nif kiuug rasem 10 wã, a Guinness World Records sẽn maan vaeesg a Asha Mandela sẽn yaa a pipi la a ye sẽn paam-a wã poore, a pa le sak n deeg tɩ b yãk-a n kõ-a "tõnd ye".
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- ↑ Cavendish, Richard (August 2005). "Publication of the Guinness Book of Records: 27 August 1955".
- ↑ Guinness World Records 2005. Guinness; 50th Anniversary edition. 2004. p. 6.
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- ↑ Guinness Book of World Records (UK ed.). 2006. p. 126.
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- Guinness World Records
- Book series introduced in 1955
- Publications established in 1955
- Trivia books
- World record databases
- Reference publishers
- Articles containing video clips
- Records (superlatives)
- Annual publications
- 1955 non-fiction books
- 1955 establishments in the United Kingdom
- Gullane Entertainment
- Jim Pattison Group