Release date
Nov 13, 2020
Release date: Nov 14, 2020.
Bug Fixes
- Zombies don't always spawn with an afro
- Worlds with ender chests no longer crash on load
Release date: Nov 14, 2020.
Bug Fixes
- Zombies can spawn with an afro
- Chest interaction can no longer result in invalid quantities
- Item positions in ender chests are now in order
- Thorns enchantment applies to attack damage again
Release date: Nov 14, 2020.
Bug Fixes
- Added Mine Blocks Beta link to main menu
- Lava sets mobs on fire
- Chest items are now sorted in the correct order
- Player no longer dies after respawning from void damage in creative
- Hardcore mode disables properly for worlds created after the first
- Duplication bugs with chests fixed
- Mining in a new creative world no longer breaks the game
- Fire no longer damages fire-immune mobs
- Armor now protects mobs from player or mob damage
- Hotbar selection updates visually again in spectator mode
- Cactus cows now reset hostility when they damage player
- Neutral mobs now reset aggro after killing attacker
- Chunks to the left of the bedrock barrier now load
- Eating particles can no longer continue indefinitely
- Mobs can no longer be bred with an empty inventory slot
Release date: Nov 13, 2020.
- Slime blocks bounce mobs instead of increasing their jump height
- Projectiles ricochet off of slime blocks
- Slime blocks move adjacent blocks when moved with pistons
- Backup and restore tool
- Gold soil
- Golden apple seeds use up gold blocks and gold soil when growing
- Pick block with middle-click
- Shift-clicking crafting outputs crafts the maximum amount of items
- Shift-clicking items in inventory auto-relocates them
- Mob heads can be placed over player's head
- Iron nugget
- Mobs behind fences no longer despawn
- Monsters spawn more frequently depending on difficulty
- Cowcti deal damage back to player after being hit with hand
- Warning for loading world from future update (a bit late on this one haha)
- Mustache
- An Easter egg
Bug Fixes
- Song volume settings apply to main menu music
- Sneaking no longer makes player hidden to hostile mobs
- 8 ways to duplicate items using containers were fixed
- Another technique to duplicate nearly anything was patched
- Player animation no longer flickers when toggling sneak
- Squid no longer spawn in overly confined spaces
- Horizontal movement no longer resets when bumping head on ceiling
- Panning is no longer reversed for mining and placing blocks
- Anvil sound is now panned
- Seaweed crafts into 3 string instead of 9
- Smite now causes damage to zombie pigmen
- Lightning no longer glitches when there are no valid places to strike
- Endermen can drop diamonds again
- The "defaultDrops" mob data tag now works
- diamond_ore, coal_ore, and clay_block can now be placed with commands
- Saplings can now be placed on coarse dirt
- Skin name autocapitalization now always capitalizes the first letter
- Fill command can fill a maximum of 10000 blocks instead of 9999
- Furnaces and brewing stands no longer duplicate when moved with sticky pistons
- Mobs hold their breath underwater at the proper head level
- Nether and End now generate unique worlds for non-numeric seed numbers
- Crops now drop a seed even when broken prematurely
- Party hat recipe now accepts bone meal, lapis, and ink
- Anvil can no longer be placed on a falling block entity
- Sticky piston arm no longer drops bedrock
- Ice no longer leaves water when pushed by pistons
- Chests can no longer generate with items in an invisible 28th slot
- Glass backdrops can now be converted back to foreground blocks
- Anvil output item updates after canceling item rename
- Snowballs shot from dispenser no longer spawn broken duplicates
- Eggs shoot from dispensers properly again
- Items held in inventory no longer vanish when using a portal
- Rare world generation crash was fixed due to out of bounds skyhold
- Ender pearls will now teleport the player even when riding something
- Healing crystals effect now pauses with the game
- Pants item no longer becomes invisible when swapping in inventory
- Fence gates no longer lack collision in some orientations
- Nethereye nametag no longer rotates with the mob
- The "type" data tag now parses properly for item data lists
- Dragon healing crystals now display correctly after defeating dragon
- Pistons can no longer push obsidian block types
- Right-clicking armor will now swap it with any currently worn armor
- Gravel no longer drops flint with silk touch
- Chicken always drop meat now
- Walking across blocks without collision no longer plays sound effects
- Improved performance of block mining and mob interaction
- Golden apple seeds can only be placed on gold blocks and gold soil
- Mobs on fire get extinguished by rain
- Optimized liquid rendering
- Endermen teleport less far when taking damage
- Increased mob spawn rates in overworld
- Food can now be eaten even at full health if it can provide additional effects
- Disabled the right-click feature for Firefox
- Signs can no longer be broken by fire
- Chicken no longer drop charcoal when on fire
- Added to the jumping text in the main menu
- Renamed lily pad identifier to lily_pad
Sep 27, 2019
Release date: Oct 20, 2019.
- Added "color" mob data tag for sheep wool and wolf collars
- Added an effect icon for hunger
Bug Fixes
- Fixed hunger effect
- Performance improvements for rain and snow
- Wolves attack speed more than doubled
- Explosions do twice as much damage
- Item data now compares properly, fixing several item and inventory bugs
- Fixed lag spike caused by autosave
- Entering a lightning command without parameters no longer randomizes the position
- Pressing remapped "open inventory" key no longer opens creative search
- Fall speed is no longer retained after death
- Instant damage now triggers player hurt animation
- Projectiles can no longer collide with mobs during their death animation
- Projectiles no longer collide with player when thrown slowly
- Dogs can no longer attack while sitting
- "sheared", "size", "color", and "tamed" drop data properties apply properly
- Health display is no longer inaccurate
- Cauldrons now require a pickaxe to mine
- Spiders drop spider eyes again
- Increased maximum size of world loaded with "load file"
- Knockback enchantment no longer pushes mobs only to the right
- X button closes EXE again when on main menu
- Falling blocks properly reset block data
- Fixed cow hurt sound
- Rain no longer travels through liquids
Release date: Oct 05, 2019.
Bug Fixes
- Removed right-click menu in EXE
- Added missing Newgrounds medal for creating a nether portal
- Provided a downloadable version for Flash Player 11.1 (the latest version Android supports)
- Potions can now be drunk again
- Chicken with shades have 100% chance to drop again
- Passive mobs run when frightened again
- Cows stop frightened running after enough time
- Dogs attack the last mob the player hit again
- You can no longer click on hotbar items while paused or in the inventory
- Slime blocks reduce fall damage to mobs again
- Firing a bow on a raft no longer causes errors
- Splash potions no longer clamp mob health to max health
- Tweaked graphic to cow and chicken mob eggs
- The character's walk animation no longer continues when in an interface
- Blocks without access to air cannot catch on fire
- Fill command fill info displays width and height instead of secondary coordinates
- Beds from previous versions no longer vanish
- You can now use empty creative inventory slots to get rid of an item like you can with other slots
- Gave chickens with shades (in older versions) their shades back
- Anvils reset properly when items are swapped
- Milk now uses the drink animation
- Sheep can no longer move while eating
- Health no longer appears to regenerate when dead
- Added back the cow hurt sound
- Fixed flickering of hearts when health is low
- Creepers no longer play death animation when exploding
- Odd rock ore provides XP, extra drops, and can no longer be mined by hand
- Falling blocks properly land on replaceable blocks and fall through non-solid blocks
- Liquids no longer repeatedly replace the block between two sources
- Lily pads no longer break rafts
- Fixed being unable to pick up items matching against blank data tags
- Killing the parent of a mob no longer breaks the game
- Bed no longer reset their color when mined
- Splash damage potions now work on mobs at full health
- Pistons no longer leave duplicated block states
- Squid now take damage to lava and acid
- Loot data tag "chance" now applies to drop table
- Replaced "spawn" with "summon" in the help command list
- Added "say" to the help command list
- Fire now produces light properly
- Rafts no longer go faster in one direction than the other
- Odd rock ore now takes longer to mine with pickaxes
- Pistons can now only be mined with pickaxes
- Fishing rods pull mobs in the correct direction
- The walk animation no longer plays while flying
- "Beetroot Seeds" name and identifier changed to "Beetroot Seed"
- The regeneration effect given from food now appears in the corner like other effects
- Increased maximum command length from 256 to 1024 characters
- Removed the option to start a world in Adventure mode
- Darken chosen inventory tab
- Summon command quantity is now limited to 20 mobs
- Block data tag "powered" renamed to "activated"
- Moved the Zanzlanz splash screen 20 pixels lower because that was totally necessary
Release date: Sep 27, 2019.
- New enchantment: Depth strider
- New command: "clone"
- New command: "summon"
- New command: "setBlock"
- New command: "say"
- New command: "cls"
- New command: "clear"
- New game rules: "doMobLoot" and "sendCommandFeedback"
- New item data tags: "canDestroy" and "canPlaceOn"
- New achievement: Breed two animals
- New achievement: Enchant an item
- Flowing water pushes items
- Beds can be dyed different colors
- Drawback animation for throwable items
- Eat animation
- Death animations
- Sleep animation
- Hurt frames on mobs
- Setting and key binding (F1) to show and hide the GUI
- Endermen idle sound effects
- Cacti can spawn when using bone meal
- Sneaking past minecarts will no longer push them
- Command history is retained when switching worlds
- Button that resets key bindings to the default settings
- Upload date is now shown when viewing a skin
- Fishing now has a chance to provide sand, coral, and clay
Bug Fixes
- Carpet can be crafted again
- Non-numerical seeds no longer generate the same world
- Worlds no longer generate with large nonterminating lakes
- Worlds no longer can generate with a ridiculous amount of iron ore
- Sprinting up and down stairs no longer causes damage
- Exiting a minecart on a slope properly resets the player's rotation
- Arrows, spears, and shurikens now trigger pressure plates
- Enchanting a book no longer just gives Unbreaking 1-4
- Lure enchantment now works
- Strength 2 potion no longer has the same effect as Strength 1
- Regeneration+ and Weakness+ potions can now be brewed
- Weakness+ potion now applies the weakness effect
- Damage dealt by bows is now affected by Power instead of Punch
- Unbreakable works on armor again
- Rain sound is no longer awful and has correct volume levels
- Fire resistance effect now protects from fire
- Clay no longer drop both the block and the item with silk touch
- Clay blocks are no longer affected by fortune
- Ender chests now share contents between dimensions (it will now use only the overworld ender chest)
- Portal frame no longer causes errors while being mined
- Skeletons no longer shoot themselves while walking
- Killing mobs with arrows now counts as a player kill
- Enchanting now takes the exact number of experience levels shown
- Leather armor no longer repairs itself when dyed a different color
- Lily pad no longer glitches or duplicates
- Blocks can no longer be placed on falling sand entities
- Falling sand is now less likely to override blocks
- Arrows shot with an Infinity bow can no longer be picked up
- Bone shurikens now give the proper item when picked up
- Mooshrooms now give mushroom soup when clicked on with a bowl
- Fire loads on blocks properly
- Lightning looks and acts properly
- The player is no longer ignored by mobs when crouching
- Carrot on a stick now loses durability
- Dragon scale armor can now be repaired
- Sticky pistons are properly removed when mined while extended
- Sticky pistons can no longer retract water
- Sticky pistons properly update redstone when retracting a block
- TNT no longer freezes when exploding beds and pistons
- Liquids now replace existing flows with lower levels
- Hoe in dispenser works again
- mobGriefing for creepers properly matches gamerule by default
- Name tags no longer extend mob hitboxes
- Balloons properly enter the inventory when the hotbar is full
- Potions in the creative inventory now show their effects
- Only one item can be renamed in the anvil at once
- Healing crystals drop when mined
- Silk touch now works on mob spawners
- Long grass can be obtained by shears
- Obsidian, bedrock stairs, bedrock slabs, and portal frames no longer break to explosions
- Hostile mobs can no longer appear in peaceful
- "Hallow" and "replace" methods of the fill command behave properly
- Items can no longer be placed in the anvil output
- Cacti no longer grows new pieces next to solid blocks
- Flint and steel, fishing rod, bow, and armor no longer lose durability when mining blocks
- Furnace, iron bars, and some stairs and slabs properly require a pickaxe to mine
- Pumpkin and jack o' lantern can no longer be placed in any armor slot. They ain't no boots
- Improved functionality of redstone placed below powered rails
- Reduced number of seeds that spawn the player in a skyhold
- Second tier healing and harming potions are now named with "II" instead of "2"
- Ender chest can now be closed while dragging an item
- Fixed rare issue where some loot chests were unbreakable until opened
- Corrected the hitbox of enchanted items in the hotbar
- The area where the command console could not be clicked on decided to vanish
- Minecarts, rafts, experience orbs, and liquids now pause with the game
- Achievements list now shows proper game mode and cheat warnings
- Lights turn on in more cases
- Giving a potion with commands with a space in the name works properly
- Screenshot keybinding saves properly
- Fixed various small command parsing issues
- Fixed "Download default skin" button from upload skin menu
- Rabbit's foot graphic is no longer blurry
- Sheep no longer spontaneously die
- Zombie pigmen drop netherwart in the nether instead of the nethereye
- Squid now take damage when out of water
- The player is no longer pushed by water when flying
- Choosing a game mode when making a world also sets cheats automatically
- Command history increased from 10 to 100 commands
- Many blocks will no longer place in invalid locations
- Containers and the crafting table now close when you are too far away
- Desert shrubs and grass can now be placed on coarse dirt
- Mushrooms can now be placed on coarse dirt and wood
- Cacti can be placed next to more types of non-solid blocks
- Thrown snowballs are saved when the world is closed
- Rain no longer converts lava to obsidian and acid to cobblestone
- Spiders are now one block tall
- Tamed wolves follow the player more closely
- Tweaked how to orient stairs and slabs
- Increased brightness of rain particles
- Topaz ore can now only be broken by an iron pickaxe and above
- Sneak and down keys are different bindings
- Updated social media links on main menu
- Snow golems make throwing sound
- Spear damage reduced from 5 to 3
- Wooden and stone sword base damage reduced by 1; iron by .5; and gold increased by .5
- The hotbar slot change sound plays in more situations
- Improved issue with sticking to and climbing up walls
- Improved camera smoothness with the player and the clouds
- Converted fill command to use width and height instead of X2 and Y2 coordinates
- Wool, wool backdrops, dye, carpet and potions now have default types when given with commands
- Game mode buttons can be selected by their labels
- Decreased likelihood of crash-related item loss and item duplication
- Moved command output higher to no longer overlap command window and item text
- The dirt backdrop has randomized rotation
- Using better SWF compression to improve size of game
- Optimizations and fine-tuning to lava, acid, cactus, and detector rail collision
- Fishing time adjusted to emphasize effects of the lure enchantment
- Renamed "grow wheat" achievement to "grow a farm"
- Changed item name "Gun Powder" to "Gunpowder"
- Changed item identifier "block_of_topaz" to "topaz_block"
- Changed item identifier "rabbit_foot" to "rabbits_foot"
- Changed item name and identifier "Enderpearl" to "Ender Pearl"
- Changed item name and identifier "Experience in a Bottle" to "Bottle of Enchanting"
- Changed item name and identifier "Sticks" to "Stick"
- Changed item name and identifier "Rock Backdrop" to "Stone Backdrop"
- Fill command now takes data tags
Oct 08, 2016
Bug fixes
- Fixed the "Porcupine" bug, and then re-added it as an official Easter egg
- Made keypresses run 59x faster!
- Fixed blaze fireballs
- Fixed broken TNT and explosions
- Fixed chicken being able to jump higher than a fence
- Fixed infinite string recipe
- Fixed item duplication bug when dropping and placing blocks
- Fixed fishing rod capture direction
- Fixed minecarts being stuck tilted when falling off a slope
- Fixed mobgriefing game rule command
- Fixed fishing XP duplication bug
- Fixed duplicating bottle glitch
- Fixed respawning in ridable after dying
- Fixed pistons not transferring all block data, and optimized their code
- Fixed items triggering pressure plates only when they bob down
- Fixed weird empty skins when returning to skin list
- Fixed ender gems not working with silk touch
- Armor enchantments are no longer lost on respawn
- Fixed ender portal in survival
- Enchanting can no longer result in fortune + silk touch
- Fixed issues when placing a bunch of Jack o' Lanterns
- Fixed empty bowls glitching when not using on a mob
- Holding the mouse down after placing a block no longer uses the block
- Fixed incorrect XP command output
- Fixed rabbits ignoring lonely mode
- Updated furnace code to support durability and item data
- Fixed "trap_door" identifier for commands
- Dirt is no longer flammable
- Using a bottle of enchanting will properly turn it into an empty bottle
- Fixed lightning being completely broken
- Fixed mob names not disappearing on slimes and magma cubes
- Fixed skeletons not making a shooting sound when facing rightwards
- Fixed dropper and dispenser not keeping their names when mined
- Fixed knockback
- Fixed not being able to enchant a renamed item
- Nether eye movement and rotation is even less buggy
- Fixed similar enchantments not combining properly
- Fixed respiration enchantment
- Fixed enderman walk animation
- Can no longer place torches on lily pads
- Backdrops will drop when replaced with another block
- Can no longer place fences at the player's current position
- Fit help command output into window
- Fixed water generation (probably)
- Increased mine speed in creative mode
- Endermen can now spawn in the nether
- "~" is now interpreted as "~0" in commands
- tp command outputs position
- tp ~ ~ says current location
- Increased Rabbit's Foot drop rate
- Reticle points towards mouse better
- Torches wont be placed where they can't be placed
- Shears use durability when used on sheep
- Buffed explosion damage by 4 times
- Half of the player's experience points are dropped on respawn
- Corrected all block mining particle colors
- Doubled size of the nether eye
- Wools and dyes are now one item
- "give wool_blue" is now "give wool 1 0 {type:'blue'}"
- Hunger depletes faster
- Reorganized key bindings menu
- Removed ":D" face from rainbow wool's item name
Updated graphics
Nov 13, 2015
Mar 28, 2014
Release date: Jul 03, 2014.
- Press / to open cheat window
- Current commands:
- gamemode <survival|creative>
- give item_name <quantity>
- fill block_type [~]x [~]y width height <replace=true>
- home <get|set x y>
- time <get|set <t|day|night>>
- weather <get|set <clear|rain|thunder>>
- explode radius [[~]x [~]y]
- xp <value|add amount>
- kill
- seed
- help (lists commands)
- Spawns in nether. They’re almost identical to slimes
- New achievement for them
- Monster egg for them
- Drops magma cream
- Useless for now
- Craftable (blaze powder + slime ball)
- TNT can be placed in a furnace :3
- Rewrote block and item data code.
- Fixed a few things... probably broke a few too xD
- Made obsidian take a long time to mine
- Added a button on the Load/Create World screen to a screen to help fix world saving
- Added table of contents, dog-taming and skin-creation help pages
Bug fixes
- Tweaked rain sound effect
- Improved enderman teleportation a little bit
- Fixed ender dragon health being too low
- Fixed typo in help
- "Giant mushroom block"s renamed to show their color and whether they are "stem" or "cap"
Updated Textures
- Gave creepers a fancy texture!
- Gave beds, snow blocks, and ice textures
- Bookshelf backdrop has the correct texture in the inventory
Release date: May 31, 2014.
- Added falling block entities
- TNT and sand cannons are now possible!
- Added special rainbow block (inspired by WeaselZone)!
- Added “Slay a slime” achievement
- Spiders turn docile in sunlight!
- Rewrote crafting recipe code
- Fixed the rail recipes, and a couple others
- Changed the shuriken recipe to an X instead of a +
- Fiber now crafts white cloth instead of green cloth
- Dispensers can dispense carts
- Improved breaking animation
- Made hunger drain faster in survival
- Small slimes no longer cause damage
- The "Show Full Inventory" button in the creative inventory now says "Show Survival Inventory"
- Added "Still!" to the end of the J block's message
Bug fixes
- Fixed nether eye spawn eggs
- Fixed enderman teleportation issues
- Fixed mob spawning issues
- Mob spawners work again!
- Slimes now spawn underground properly!
- Number of dogs you can own is no longer limited!
- Fixed skeletons shooting themselves
- Fixed annoyance when mining fallen sand/gravel
- Cactus cake can now be eaten
- Fixed skin error message timeout not resetting
- Fixed slimes not targeting the player
- Flying over non-solid blocks no longer causes walking animation
Release date: Apr 01, 2014.
Texture changes
- Inventory images for wooden door and iron door
Release date: Mar 28, 2014
- Added coral to creative inventory
Bug fixes
- Fixed the main cause of lag!!
- Portals no longer teleport you back if you stand in them for too long
- Fixed the duplication bug finally
- Experience level is resets properly on new worlds
- Glass backdrops can be crafted
- Snow golems can be made in lonely mode
- (Tamed) dogs do not despawn in lonely mode
- (Tamed) dogs are healed more when fed
- Made cows quieter - MOO!!
- Lava and acid does damage quicker
- Milk buckets no longer can stack
- Fixed staring at endermen not causing them to get aggravated
- Removed an unnecessary mask that created lag
- Entering rafts with a raft in hand doesn’t place another
- Note blocks work better with redstone
- Fixed bug where the player gets stuck and levitates off of a pig or raft
- A saddled pig is more obedient when ridden with a carrot on a stick
- Ender dragon XP orbs no longer get stuck off-screen
- Fixed platforms
- Rapid jumping no longer happens
- Mining and placing code rewritten (the block directly under the mouse is now selected. Might take a while for you guys to get used to the change, haha!)
- Added settings menu to main menu screen
- You spawn in the portal when returning home from the nether
- Endermen drop more enderpearls
- Drops can stack in creative mode
- Creative inventory selection supports adding/subtracting and selecting a full stack
- Drag and drop in inventory is less annoying
- The currently selected item name appears when changing items
- When holding a sword in creative, blocks have normal breaking speeds
- Gave the ender dragon some more health
- Increased lighting contrast
- Stairs can be crafted using the flipped recipe instead
- Added Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit buttons to main menu
- Boosted experience
- Flying in water is easier
- Bone meal can generate sugarcane on grass
- "Lili pad" renamed to "lily pad"
- New pause menu
- Other small visual tweaks
Updated Textures
- Piston
- Monster spawner
- Cake
- Clock
May 11, 2013
- Added 11 stairs and 11 half slabs
- Stone, cobblestone, brick, nether brick, stone brick, planks, iron, gold, diamond, obsidian, and bedrock
- Added afro
- Added coal block
- Smelting netherrack makes nether brick
- Updated recipe for nether bricks
Bug fixes
- Fixed zombies and skeletons crashing the game if they are under a block during the day
- Fixed sheep not dropping white wool on death
- Fixed arrows in blocks locking your left/right keys
- Pistons have better functionality
- Iron doors drop correctly
- Fixed TNT booming crazily
- Fixed some medal bugs
- Tweaked damage, health, and armor
- Portal glitches fixed, I think
- Fixed bugs with signs
- The inventory updates when drops are collected
- Lightning now does damage
- Fixed bug on Kongregate (regular textboxes would break the game on Kongregate)
- Slightly changed item tooltips
- Improved redstone logic
- Improved collision detection
- Updated the creative inventory items
- Reorganized and added previously missing items
- Grass
- Fruit in leaves
- Shrub
- Clay block
- Charcoal
- Topaz
- All ores
- Fire egg
- Furnaces emit light when smelting
- Some code optimization
- Improved backdrop behavior
- Reticle follows mouse better
- Shortened "trinitrotoluene" to "TNT"
- Renamed "dead bush" to "desert shrub"
Updated Textures
- Bookshelf backdrop as a block (but not as an item in the inventory)
- Book
Dec 22, 2012
- Mooshroom
- Saddles
- Carrot on a stick
- A couple more humorous loading bar messages when the world generates
- Added a moss stone recipe
- Splitting stacks
- Drops store quantity
- Zombies drop other items
- Skeletons have a higher chance of dropping their bows
- Mouse hides when holding item
- Sheep shed wool only when sheared or killed
- Sheep can regrow wool by eating grass
- Spiders jump when attacking
- Decreased zombie/skeleton sunlight check time
- Added error message when loading corrupt world
- Decreased fall damage and increased jump height on mobs
- Improved mining particles
- Mobs don't spawn too close
- Possibility for 2 chests in a dungeon
- Changed book recipe
- Nether rock renamed to netherrack
- Netherrack doesn’t catch on fire randomly in the overworld
- Decreased amount of ore veins generated
- Endermen may drop what their holding
- Skeletons delay their shot if they take damage
- Bone meal works on grass
- Sounds when eating
- Snow balls have knockback and may randomly deal small damage
- Fishing rods (does not work yet)
- Decreased loot in prize chests
- Can change the window size of the EXE
- Added lily pad
Bug fixes
- Shears get damaged now
- Backdrops interaction fixed a bit
- Chicken item drop typo fixed
- Pumpkin head bug fixes
- Fixed mob swimming bug
- Fixed underground clouds when first generating a world
- Task text box is no longer editable
- Seaweed misplacement check fixed
- Altered the saving system
- Shortened ender dragon spawning text in creative
- Forced item drops to self-correct
- Fixed wrong ad provider showing
Updated Textures
- Glass shard
- Redstone dust
- Sugar
- Gunpowder
- Glowstone
- Bucket of acid
- Bucket of lava
- Bucket of milk
- Bucket of water
- Light bulb into redstone lamp
Oct 31, 2012
- When you create a new world, you may use numbers and symbols
- Updated help menu
- Added links to Mine Blocks and Minecraft wikis
- Added Ender page
- Removed Furnace page
Bug fixes
- Saving and loading bugs fixed
- Mouse lag decreased
- Armor deletion bug fixed
- Swapping items in the shoe armor spot fixed
- Small AI improvements and fixes
- Skeleton’s arrows are slower
- Output of crafting table displays number properly
- Infinite-trees-from-one-seed bug fixed
- Fixed white cloth and red dye making pink cloth
- Rain bugs fixed
- Spawn position fixed
- Buckets can be retrieved after making cake!
- Fixed mobs disappearing when paused
- Explosions no longer break portal stone and liquids
- TNT explosions are no longer off centre by 1 block up and 1 block to the right
- Snow and snow blocks are placed correctly when snowing
- Gold ore no longer can be mined without better-than-stone pickaxes
- Mobs have a slightly increased jump height
- Fixed some drop bugs
- Fixed armor not disappearing on the player
- And more
- Lakes generate again
- Mobs don't follow player in creative mode
- Seeds don't trap the ability to open doors, enter crafting tables, etc.
Updated Textures
- Farmland
- The top cactus block of the plant has a slightly different texture
- Better explosion particles
Jun 29, 2012
Note: Versions 1.22.1-1.22.6 were created to fix item deletion bugs.
Release date: Jul 23, 2012.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed inventory glitch
- Improved dogs walking left
- Small lag fix
Release date: Jul 19, 2012.
- Improved mob behaviors
- More creative inventory options
- Sprinting and jumping on sand has a dust animation
- Fixed the inventory
Release date: Jun 29, 2012.
- Light blue
- Light green
- Pink
- Magenta
- Purple
- Cyan
- Brown cloth (made with cocoa beans)
Bug fixes
- Fixed inventory issues
- Fixed lakes, seaweed and coral
- Fixed seed numbers
- Fixed bows not shooting
- Added buttons to spawn mobs
- Falling into the void now causes damage
- Durability bars no longer appear over tools in creative mode
- Bows can now fire arrows left of the bow in the inventory
- Arrows do not get used up in creative mode
- Updated TNT igniting animation
- TNT needs to be lit on fire to explode
- Removed countdown
- Shorter time
- TNT slightly grows in size before it explodes
Updated Textures
- Cobblestone texture (and moss stone)
- All ores (except lapis and odd rock)
- Iron, gold, and diamond blocks.
- Topaz made blue again (The top part is lighter than it was in 1.19)
- Cows
- Pigs
- Wooden planks (but not backdrop)
- Smelter/oven (and renamed to furnace)
- Ladder
May 17, 2012
Bug fixes
- Obsidian is working again
- Loud rain noises fixed
- Using a ladder under a block no longer causes noclip
- Lava now generates in the nether
- Increased the mining speed by a bit
- Chests can now be walked through
- New Zanzlanz logo in menu
- Reorganised main menu (due to space missing after feedback button was removed in 1.19.5)
Updated textures
- Pumpkin
- Jack-o'-lantern
- New flower and mushroom textures
Feb 04, 2012
Release date: Apr 01, 2012.
Note: This was an accidental update, and was meant to be saved for 1.21.
Release date: Feb 04, 2012.
- S key for sneaking
- Updated the crafting grids to look how they do in-game
- Updated some of the item graphics
- Crafting table tip now says it must be placed
- Wood into charcoal recipe added to Furnace page
- Added hoe, bow and stone brick recipes to "Other Crafting Recipes"
- Changed fiber tip from "Seaweed is very rare" to "Seaweed can be found in chests"
- Added a Farming page
Bug fixes
- Slightly changed the appearance of the mute button
Updated textures
Nov 19, 2011
Unknown release date
This version was created to lessen the stress on Accounts, and the in-game feedback button were removed from Mine Blocks.
Unknown release date
- Lapis lazuli block
- Blue cloth
Updated Textures
Release date: Jan 04, 2012.
- Can log in with accounts
- Added experience points
- Obtained from killing mobs
- Can be used to buy items in the store
- Diamond: 200 points
- Golden apple: 250 points
- Obsidian pickaxe: 500 points
- New sounds (for copyright reasons)
Release date: Dec 23, 2011.
- Fixed a bug with saplings
- Fixed infinite smeltable items glitch
Release date: Dec 18, 2011.
Bug Fixes
Release date: Dec 11, 2011.
- Height of world is doubled (from 60 to 120)
- New sky with sun and moon
- Shears
- New GUI
Bug fixes
- Liquid physics fixed
- Fixed buckets
- Removed infinite bucket glitch
- Fixed portals not turning on
- Piston no longer moves bedrock
- Light bulbs no longer turn into bedrock when crafted
- Paper is craftable again
- Removed herobrine
- Fixed swimming making you soar like 20 block in the air.
Release date: Nov 26, 2011.
Bug fixes
Release date: Nov 25, 2011.
Bug fixes
Bug fixes
Release date: Nov 22, 2011.
No changelogs are available
Release date: Nov 24, 2011.
- Fixed a bug causing the world to disappear if you jump
Release date: Nov 22, 2011.
Bug fixes
- Fixed chunks not reloading, resulting lag
Release date: Nov 19, 2011.
Prodevus joined the project and started providing new art assets.
Bug fixes
- Many lag fixes
- Misplacing a bed or door doesn't remove it
- Removed herobrine
- Fixed bow recipe
Added bugs
Updated Textures
Most graphics were changed (Thanks to Prodevus!)
Unknown release date
Unknown release date
Bug fixes
Release date: Nov 04, 2011.
- Signs
- Added 3 dyes and cloth types (yellow, red and orange)
- New cloth textures
- Added advertisements
Unknown release date
Bug fixes
- Fixed feedback button
- Tools work on respawn
- Mobs spawn properly
- Improvements to lag
Oct 09, 2011
Release date: Oct 12, 2011.
Release date: Oct 09, 2011.
Bug fixes
- Right clicking is allowed
- Loading screen shows up quicker
1.16 (?)
Sep 13, 2011
Notes: The only evidence for this update is the fact that the Topaz graphic was made on this date, it is unknown whether a version of this number actually was released.
Sep 01, 2011
- Split grass biomes into forests and plains
- Added food bar
- Added spiders
- Snow balls can be thrown as a projectile
- Added sprinting
- Allows the player to jump three blocks
- Affects food bar
Aug 24, 2011
- You don't take damage from a three block fall
Aug 05, 2011
1.8 (after 1.8.8)
Jul 29, 2011
- Crafted with glass, redstone, and an iron ingot
- Reverted all textures to original ones
Bug fixes
Prior to 1.8.8
Progress log of the first 30 days of development