Men may joke about prostate tests, but many avoid them (Picture: Getty)

Almost half of men are putting off a potentially life-saving test for prostate cancer over fears of a rectal exam – despite the fact doctors now use a blood test.

Prostate cancer is the most common male cancer, affecting one in eight men, but it is also the most survivable if detected early enough.

However, there are often few symptoms, meaning men need to be aware of their risk and ask for a test. 

Previously this may have involved a rectal exam – during which a doctor or nurse checks inside a patient’s bottom using their finger – but this is no longer a useful test, according to Prostate Cancer UK and leading medical professionals.

The charity is trying to raise awareness that a simple blood test is now used to check for the disease as part of its Find It Earlier campaign. The PSA test, which measures the amount of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in the blood, eliminates the need for a digital rectal examination.

But a survey of 1,000 UK men revealed that 46% of men still expected to have a rectal exam, which was one of the biggest factors putting them off getting tested.

Sophie Smith, senior specialist nurse at Prostate Cancer UK, said: ‘If you’re thinking about getting a prostate cancer test, one of the first things that comes to mind is probably a doctor putting their finger up your bum.

‘We hear it everywhere, from TV shows to jokes with mates, and it’s preventing too many men from getting checked for the disease that affects one in eight of them.

‘We’re finally putting an end to the misconception that getting tested for prostate cancer means you need to have a rectal exam – because, in fact, the best first test for the disease is a simple blood test that you can get for free from your GP.’

Prostate cancer symptoms

Prostate cancer does not usually cause any symptoms until the cancer has grown large enough to put pressure on the tube that carries urine from the bladder out of the penis (urethra).

Symptoms of prostate cancer can include:

  • needing to pee more frequently, often during the night
  • needing to rush to the toilet
  • difficulty in starting to pee (hesitancy)
  • straining or taking a long time while peeing
  • weak flow
  • feeling that your bladder has not emptied fully
  • blood in urine or blood in semen

Source: NHS

Ms Smith also highlighted the increased use of scans in detection.

‘Thanks to recent advances like MRI scans being introduced and more effective therapies becoming available, the way we diagnose and treat prostate cancer is now more accurate, effective and safe than it has ever been,’ she said.

Alongside those who expected a rectal exam, 42% of men thought it was up to their GP to warn them of any prostate cancer concerns – but as there is currently no screening programme in the UK for the disease, it is up to patients to assess their own risk.

MRIs are also now used to diagnose prostate cancer (Picture: Getty)

Prostate Cancer UK offers an online risk checker tool to help men determine whether they should ask for a free test from their doctor, helping to find the disease as early as possible – as seven in 10 of those surveyed said they’d wait until symptoms of any illness got really bad before visiting a GP.

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men, with more than 52,000 diagnosed each year.

Check your risk

Andrew Loughran, 57, had no symptoms when he decided to check his cancer risk after having a ‘gut feeling’.

He was diagnosed with the disease in 2022.

‘I was turning 55 and felt healthy, so there was no reason to think anything was wrong,’ says Andrew, who lives in Kirkcaldy, Scotland. ‘But my dad had gone through prostate cancer a few years earlier, so it was on my mind. Then I saw an advert for the Risk Checker and just had a gut feeling to go online and do it.

‘I found out that my risk of getting prostate cancer was 2.5 times higher than average, so I went to my GP to get tested.

Andrew Loughran got tested after a ‘gut feeling’ (Picture: A Loughran/PCUK)

‘After referrals and plenty of sleepless nights, the doctors told me I had prostate cancer. As terrifying as the big C is, luckily I found it early enough to get rid of it with treatment, and I’m out the other side now. I know it could have been a lot worse for me.

‘A few seconds online and a simple blood test basically saved my life. I hope this campaign will lead to more men being able to say that.

‘Knowing I’m okay has made me appreciate the smaller things in life that I love, like learning to play the drums, listening to music, and spending time with my family!’

Check your risk in 30 seconds with Prostate Cancer UK’s Rick Checker tool here

The risk of developing the disease is higher in men who are Black, obese, or have a family history of prostate cancer.

The NHS recommends men over 50 should ask their family doctor for a PSA test.

Laura Kerby, chief executive of Prostate Cancer UK, added: ‘Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men, but many don’t realise that they’re at risk of getting the disease.

‘This, combined with long-standing myths and misconceptions about prostate cancer testing, means that too many lives are being cut short.

‘The good news is that the earlier you find prostate cancer, the easier it is to treat – and an earlier diagnosis could save your life.

‘That means more summers setting off with your family on holiday, more dad-dancing at your daughter’s wedding, and more nail-biting seasons watching your team inch up the league table. So, the best time to do something about prostate cancer is right now.’

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