Penny's Big Breakaway screenshot
Penny’s Big Breakaway – world’s most dangerous yo-yo (Picture: Private Division)

The creators of Sonic Mania turn their hands to a 3D platformer, with their own original character and gaming’s most versatile yo-yo.

The 3D platformer, which for so long felt like the lifeblood of gaming, has largely fallen by the wayside over the last decade or so. We’ve gone from regularly getting major releases, from all publishers and on all formats, to crossing our fingers that a 3D Sonic game will be any good, while being forced to wait six or seven years between inevitably magnificent mainline Super Mario titles.

As a result, the indie scene has become the flagbearer for this historic genre, and it’s one of the few places you can find sprightly new releases like Penny’s Big Breakaway, which successfully pays homage to a range of older games.

It’s a game created by a team of around 30 people, many of whom worked on Sonic Mania for Sega. Although for this game they’ve also looked to the Super Mario series and a number of the genre’s other greats for inspiration.

The narrative behind Penny’s adventure is as simple as they come, initially told almost in mime and then by occasional text conversations with bosses. Competing in a talent competition, Penny accidentally embarrasses the ruler of her cartoonish world. Facing exile, she goes on the run, which is why each level is presented as a sprint.

It’s not entirely clear what Penny is (a sheep or an alien?) but her powers all revolve around the use of a living yo-yo, which offers up a seriously impressive roster of movement options.

You can chain a small double jump into a swing around your yo-yo’s anchor point, then sling the yo-yo out in front of you and zip to its location, all before needing to land on the ground and riding the yo-yo like car – and that’s just a relatively basic movement combo.

As Penny, you’re encouraged to move through the levels as quickly as you can, while still finding time for detours to gather collectables and extras. There’s no doubt that speedrunners will have a field day with this, once they’ve had time to dissect it.

Each stages takes you through different parts of Penny’s world, each one culminating in a boss, some of which are acting as the long arm of the law and others just nasty bystanders – although with just a few lines of dialogue each they’re not the most memorable of characters.

In some ways the same can be said of the environments in Penny’s Big Breakaway; these are highly stylised and simple by design, and therefore very readable, but rarely all that pretty to look at. The garish colour scheme is particularly off-putting and it’s really not clear why it was chosen.

The soundtrack is more appealing: poppy and fun and an appropriate accompaniment to the fast-paced gameplay. Crucially, it all comes back to how the game feels, which despite any niggles with the presentation is very solid.

As well as using it to get around you can also swing your yo-yo around you using the analogue stick, sometimes as a weapon to beat away swarms of low-threat enemies and sometimes as an environmental tool (say, to unfasten a giant screw).

This comes in handy, as levels frequently feature small hosts of penguins – the soldiery of this world – which jump onto you to slow you down. Get clamped onto by too many and you’ll have to restart from your last checkpoint, although executing combos or yo-yo moves will shake them off.

Really, though, if you’re going slowly enough to get jumped on, you’re probably not acing the level anyway. Penny’s Big Breakaway gives you all the tools you need to go really fast, if you can chain things together properly and nail your timings (and if you’re not fussed about getting every collectable in a given run).

In this, Penny’s Big Breakaway almost come to resemble a hybrid of Super Mario Odyssey and a good Sonic game, where momentum is as important as your moment-to-moment platforming decisions.

Penny's Big Breakaway screenshot
Penny’s Big Breakaway – the colour scheme is certainly a choice (Picture: Private Division)

That’s high praise in theory, but there are some hangups beyond just the visual style. The controls you use to move Penny around and perform those miraculous feats can be a little finicky, with the game making it very easy to fall off the edge of a course unnecessarily.

In some cases, this is just a question of getting used to the controls (including when you’re riding your yo-yo for extra speed on hills, which can be hard to control at first) but sometimes the lack of direct camera control feels just too unfair and a retro homage that the game could’ve done without.

Also, checkpoints start out surprisingly far apart and only get worse from there, with huge gaps between them by the end of the game, which seems a cheap, and thoroughly irritating, way to amp up the challenge.

Its faults are far from disastrous though and with its dynamic gameplay and unique ideas, Penny’s Big Breakaway is a sweet little success and proof that 3D platformers don’t have to mean only Sonic and Mario.

Penny's Big Breakaway review summary

In Short: A charming indie platformer with a fun central gimmick and excellent movement options, let down by garish visuals and some deliberate retro foibles.

Pros: The moveset is excellent, with lots of fun uses for the yo-yo, including during combat. Well-designed levels with multiple routes and secrets. The penguin chases are fun.

Cons: Occasionally frustrating controls and camera, and often unfair-seeming checkpoints. Art style won’t be for everyone.

Score: 7/10

Formats: Nintendo Switch (review), Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 5, and PC
Price: £24.99
Publisher: Private Division
Developer: Evening Star
Release Date: 21st February 2024
Age Rating: 3

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