The Atari 2600 (Picture: Wikipedia)
You could play some terrible games on the Atari 2600 (Picture: Wikipedia)

Gaming Short Stories looks at how a booming games industry suddenly dropped from $3.2 billion in revenue to $100 million in two years in the US.

It feels like every passing week people in the video games industry are being laid off, from publishers and developers big and small, including Microsoft’s Activision Blizzard and Bethesda, Fortnite maker Epic Games, and League Of Legends creator Riot Games.

A big reason for this is because video games spiked in popularity during the COVID pandemic, and game makers overextended by hiring too many people to meet the sudden demand – something that was made easy by low interest rates. Now that demand has returned to normal, and interest rates have gone up, companies are stabilising their balance sheets by organising mass redudancies.

Looking back in time, you can see a worryingly similar story during the 1983 home video game crash, when the industry’s revenue fell by 97% because of another gross overextension.

The 1983 video games crash was a bubble ready to pop for several reason, but the most important one was the oversaturation of consoles available on the market.

Unlike today, when the console market is dominated by Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo, there were an abundance of consoles to choose from in early 80s.

The video game industry was growing fast and publishers wanted in on the market with their own consoles, such as the Atari 2600, ColecoVision, Intellivision, Vectrex, Bally Astrocade, and Magnavox Odyssey 2.

Competition is usually a good thing but such an oversaturation meant that only a few could survive, causing those how backed the losers to exit from the industry entirely.

Magnavox Odyssey 2 (Picture: Wikipedia)
The Magnavox Odyssey 2 in all its glory (Picture: Wikipedia)

During the same time, publishers and developers over-projected how much demand there was for consoles and video games. What made things worse was that the games that were released were often rushed and of poor quality, and often made by third party developers with little experience.

When games started being returned by retailers that simply didn’t have enough space to carry them all, things went from bad to worse, as many of the new publishers didn’t have other products to push or the cash to offer refunds to the stores.

Publishers such as Games By Apollo and U.S. Games went under, and surplus games ended up in the discount bin for a fraction of the original cost.

Video games were just as expensive as today – if not more expensive back in the 80s, considering inflation – so people bought the discounted, rushed, poor quality video games, which only worsened the industry’s reputation.

David Crane, co-founder of Activision, and someone who once had worked at Atari, later told Arcade Attack: ‘Those awful games flooded the market at huge discounts, and ruined the video game business.’

Magnavox abandoned the video games industry entirely, and Atari – one of the biggest players in the market during that time – laid off 3,000 of its 10,000 workforce by 1983.

This was also around the time Atari buried 728,000 copies of its unsold flop video games E.T The Extra-Terrestrial and Pac-Man in a New Mexico landfill (yes, that story is actually true).

Before long people lost confidence in the industry to offer any kind of quality, the bubble burst, and many companies went under as prices plummeted.

In 1983, the home video game market’s revenue in the US was estimated at $3.2 billion, but had collapsed to $100 million by 1985. However, the effects of the collapse wasn’t felt much in Europe, Asia, or Canada, which generally preferred different formats – often home computers – and locally made games.

The Nintendo Entertainment System with R.O.B (Picture: Reddit)
Nintendo had to pretend the NES was a toy, not a console, so US shops would stock it (Picture: Reddit)

The industry in the US was struggling though, and while brands like Atari and Activision are still around today they’re not really the same companies, with their names being reused by other publishers after they went bust. Commodore didn’t even last to that degree and the only major US player still going from the era is Electronic Arts.

Video games did make a comeback though, but thanks to Japan, not the US. In 1985 the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) proved a huge success and by 1986 Nintendo dominating 70% of the market, according to Orange Coast Magazine.

By 1988, annual sales for the industry had reached $2.3 billion in the video games industry in the US, slowly returning to where it was before the crash.

Today the video games landscape looks very different: there are fewer consoles, produced by bigger publishers, like Microsoft and Sony, who try to one-up each other by buying other publishers and developers for astronomical fees, while making games exclusive to their consoles.

Though the industry has become much bigger, and more people are playing video games today than four decades ago, it has slipped into a similar trap as its predecessors did in the early 80s.

The COVID pandemic caused a temporary increase in demand for video games, but publishers and developers created their own bubble by hiring too many people. The bubble has now burst, and thousands of people have lost their jobs, and many developers have folded.

This is combined with the problem of just how much time and money it now takes to make a big budget game, which is beginning to make traditional game development untenable – a problem most companies seem loathe to admit.

What saviour today’s games industry might have, if any, for the current problems is difficult to predict, but learning from history is a good place to start.

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