Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp screenshot
Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp – back at last (pic: Nintendo)

Turn-based strategy classic Advance Wars makes a triumphant return with a remake compilation that’s perfect for new fans and old.

It’s taken 15 years and a considerable delay but, at last, one of the best strategy game franchises of all time finally has a new release. It’s not a new game – these are remakes of two Game Boy Advance titles from the early 2000s – but for those that thought the series might never see the light of day again this is still hugely exciting. Especially as it means a whole new generation of Nintendo fans can experience one of the best strategy games ever made.

We went over the history of the franchise in our preview but while Advance Wars is considered the sister series to Fire Emblem there’s very little story and no role-playing elements. Also, many of the games have no plot connection at all, with these two games being one of the only exceptions.

The stories are not exactly complex stuff, but the original release date coincided with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and since one of the factions look vaguely Russian the decision was taken to delay the game. It is unusual to see anything close to real world violence in a Nintendo game, but the game’s tone is silly and light-hearted, even as it’s gameplay remains deadly serious.

Although it has no role-playing elements, the basics of combat in Advance Wars do work in a similar manner to Fire Emblem. Many of the grid-based maps are no bigger than a single screen in size and all you have to do to control your armies is select a unit and tell it where to move and/or which enemy to attack. It’s extremely easy to get into, even for strategy novices, and since these remakes have a new ‘casual’ difficulty mode they’re much more welcoming for newcomers than the likes of Into The Breach, or even clones such as Wargroove.

Although there are broad categories of units, such as tanks, artillery, planes, and ships each individual type has very different strengths and weakness, as well as unique limitations on movement and attacking – almost like pieces on a chessboard. Recon units are fast and good against infantry, for example, and while weak can see further in fog of war. Artillery can fire long distances but not on the same turn they’ve moved, while submarines can dive underwater but consume much more fuel when they do so.

More unusual units are introduced at a slow pace and the first game does a very good job of explaining the basics and gradually layering on the complications. This includes the ability to capture cities, which generate money that can be used to build new units at factories. Although you’re only given unfettered access to these options in a small percentage of the missions in the story campaign, even as you can do as you want in the separate one-off, non-story stages.

The only other element to worry about is CO powers, which build up over the course of a mission and are different for each of the various cartoonish commanding officers that you can choose to play as. CO powers got grossly overpowered in later games, and you can see them start to go that way in the sequel, but generally they’re not complete game-changers, as they do things like buff your attack and defence, repair all your units, or give you an extra turn.

Although these are remakes, that recreate the original games with 3D graphics and some animated cut scenes, most of the content is exactly the same as on the Game Boy Advance. There’s an unlockable Challenge Campaign, and we’re sure some of the one-off maps are new (there’s dozens so you’ll forgive us for not recognising them all) but the most significant changes are small quality of life additions like being able to retake a turn or fast-forward through battle animations – or turn them off completely.

We’ve always considered Advance Wars to be a near perfect game, but the sequel is also very good. It only introduces one new unit, as well as one-shot missiles you can vie for control of, but its missions feature more unique elements, such as giant factories that you have to destroy supply pipes to, giant immobile cannons, and a fight for an oversized missile where you have to capture the cities surrounding it to turn it off.

There’re also more time limits in the sequel, which creates a tendency for maps to need a particular solution, rather than being completely freeform. However, having both games at once creates a good balance and there’s still plenty of unique missions in the first game, with cleverly orchestrated sieges and novel victory conditions.

As well as playing the one-off maps on your own you can also play with up to three other people locally or one-on-one online. Considering it’s a turn-based game we don’t know why the online isn’t four-player, although the bigger problem is there’s no matchmaking – so you have to know someone in real life with a copy or you can’t play at all. So the chances of finding of anyone to share your map designs with, created in the map editor, are also limited.

Apart from the online options the only real issue is the artificial intelligence which, having originally been designed for the Game Boy Advance, does have its limitations. Most of the time these aren’t evident though and even things that seem like glaring faults – like the AI’s obsession with attacking transport units no matter what – become part of your tactics, as you know to use them as bait and to protect important ones.

Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp screenshot
Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp – war has never been so much fun (pic: Nintendo)

Even so, the AI does occasionally make strange mistakes, like moving artillery into useless positions. It also seems to break down completely when trying to play the penultimate mission of the first game, although since in both cases this works to your advantage it’s much less of a problem than it could’ve been.

The bigger issue is the button that cycles through units, allowing you to quickly check which ones you haven’t moved yet. It often fails to work until you press it multiple times, which is a weird bug to have for a game that’s been delayed for this long.

Some will also complain that the game is too expensive, simply because the graphics are very basic. They’re replicating the look of the originals though and anything more complex would ruin the readability of the game. Although it does seem odd that the fact everything is now a 3D model is not used more, with only a couple of CO powers taking advantage of the fact.

Regardless of what the graphics look like Advance Wars 1+2 is absolutely jammed full of content, enough to last far longer than other games of a similar price, even without multiplayer. WayForward (who are, somewhat insultingly, not credited anywhere on the main menu or start-up screen) have done a fantastic job remaking the game and proving what we’ve always thought: Advance Wars is one of Nintendo’s best ever games.

Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp review summary

In Short: An excellent remake of one of the best strategy games of all time, that is as accessible and versatile as an action game but has some of the most deceptively deep tactical combat ever seen in a console release.

Pros: The battle system is simple, accessible, and impressively deep, with dozens of cleverly designed maps and missions with a surprising amount of variety. Impressive remake with mountains of content.

Cons: The AI does have its limitations. No online matchmaking and weird unit cycle bug. Those who equate graphical complexity with value for money will not be satisfied.

Score: 9/10

Formats: Nintendo Switch
Price: £49.99
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: WayForward and Intelligent Systems
Release Date: 21st April 2023
Age Rating: 7

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MORE : Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp hands-on preview – Nintendo strikes back

MORE : Advance Wars 1+2 remake is no longer cancelled – out this April

MORE : One lucky fan gets to play Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp early

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