Flying Ant Day has seen so many swarms of ants take to the skies that they could be seen in satellite images from space.
Flying Ant Day sees ants to move into what’s known as the ‘nuptial flight’ phase of their reproduction – where virgin queen ants are followed by male ants hoping to mate.
This happens just once a year when there’s been hot weather followed by rain and humidity.
The date of Flying Ant Day, which is a bit of a misnomer as the ants’ mating season can last for weeks at a time, changes every year.
As we wait to see if the flying ants are done getting busy, here’s what you need to know about whether or not they’ll bite and how to keep them out of your personal space…
Do flying ants bite?
Thankfully, flying ants are pretty harmless and are very unlikely to bite.
Some flying ants have been known to bite or sting, but this isn’t often seen with flying ants that are found in the UK.
How to get rid of flying ants
Even though these creepy crawlies are unlikely to bite, it can be a bit unpleasant to have them on you.
However, you want to keep these critters away from you, the only thing you can really do is swat them away as you would a fly, as there’s no guaranteed method for repelling them when you’re out and about.
Be careful not to kill them if you can help it because, as Professor Adam Hart – who’s been studying ants for 20 years – says: ‘Huge numbers of flying ants up in the sky and on the ground are an amazing bounty for birds this time of year.
‘The females go on to found new nests, becoming the source of new ants next year.’
He added: ‘They’re predators which is important for pest control and enhancing biodiversity.
‘They’re also really important for enhancing the soil because they pull material into it, and they have lots of relationships with all kinds of organisms.
‘Ants are very important in the wider world and perhaps flying ants are a bit of a nuisance for a small amount of time.’
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If you want to keep the ants out of your home, then you should keep your windows and doors closed for the duration of Flying Ant Day. Alternatively, you can use a fly screen or netting to keep the bugs out and have your windows and doors open at the same time.
You might also want to cover any cracks that flying ants might try to get in through. If your home starts to get overrun with flying ants, then you might have to get help from a professional pest control company.