Animal Crossing: amiibo Festival (Wii U) - nice amiibos, shame about the game
Animal Crossing: amiibo Festival (Wii U) – nice amiibos, shame about the game

The first Animal Crossing game for the Wii U attempts to usurp Monopoly and Scrabble as the family board game of choice.

We’ve amassed quite the amiibo collection for ourselves over the last year and a half. We’ve only ever been given a few for free, but they’re so well made that the novelty of owning an official toy of the likes of Captain Falcon and Ness out of EarthBound has been more than we can resist. We might get some of the Animal Crossing ones too, at least Tom Nook and Mabel, but we won’t be using them with this game. In fact there’s almost nothing in the world that would ever make us want to play this again.

Although their quality seems to change at random between each sequel we’ve always considered ourselves fans of the Mario Party series. The Wii Party spin-offs less so, but the concept of a virtual board game is one we’re firmly behind. Developer NDcube have been responsible for most of the modern entries and amiibo Festival certainly borrows much from them in terms of concept and presentation. But if you thought those games were shallow you ain’t seen nothing yet.

Amiibo Festival is an attempt by Nintendo to fill their Christmas schedules as cheaply and quickly as possible, including by reusing assets from previous games. We’ve seen this approach in a number of their titles this year, as they rush to get the NX console ready for release, but it’s only here that the practice becomes completely indefensible. (Unfortunately for fans the next worst is probably Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer on the 3DS.)

For a game so monumentally boring it’s ironic that the end goal of playing amiibo Festival is to make your character happy. The game comes bundled with two amiibos (Isabelle and Digby) and three amiibo cards, and the idea is to use the former as virtual counters in the game. But since the game’s best played with four people the other idea is that you go out and buy more Animal Crossing amiibos, or otherwise you have to use a generic villager.

Animal Crossing: amiibo Festival (Wii U) - is he talking about Animal Crossing or his haircut?
Animal Crossing: amiibo Festival (Wii U) – is he talking about Animal Crossing or his haircut?

In any case, you role a die and move the corresponding number of places. If you land on a pink space your score will increase. If you land on purple space you lose points and… that’s it.

Really, that’s almost all there is to the game. Each space is meant to represent a day, and you get a cute little animated scene showing what happened, but none of it involves doing anything – just watching. Unlike Mario Party there are certainly no mini-games at the end of a round, and very few spaces on the board do anything other than add or subtract from your score.

Every seven days/turns you’ll be able to buy turnips from Joan and speculate on the ‘stalk’ market in the usual Animal Crossing manner, which is as complicated as the gameplay ever gets. Other Animal Crossing regulars such as Franklin and Shrunk also turn up, but they have almost no affect on precedings – except to briefly wake you from the paralysing stupor of the rest of the game.

Outside of the main board game mode there are eight mini-games, all of which use amiibo cards and some of which need more than the three you get in the box. Two of these are relatively non-awful, the first being a surprisingly difficult quiz, that includes questions about the Animal Crossing museum’s real-life exhibits. The other is a short hex-based strategy game called Desert Island Escape, where you’re given a week to find all the components to build a raft.

Animal Crossing: amiibo Festival (Wii U) - Desert Island Escape is almost tolerable
Animal Crossing: amiibo Festival (Wii U) – Desert Island Escape is almost tolerable

Happy Campers is also not too bad, but the variants on pachinko and Whac-A-Mole certainly are. In fact the latter’s use of amiibo cards is despite the fact that the NFC reader is clearly not fast enough to read them in time. When Nintendo can’t even manage to get something as simple as Whac-A-Mole right you really do wonder if all is right with the world.

The regular Animal Crossing titles are barely considered to be video games by some people. But we, and millions of others, have always enjoyed their gentle, aimless charm. They’re prefect for whiling away a relaxing half hour of your day, but we don’t see why their spin-offs have translated that into a militant refusal to include any tradition gameplay at all. Amiibo Festival is so aggressively boring it almost feels like a CIA mind experiment gone wrong.

Needless to say, paying £50 for a game that struggles to compete with Snakes and Ladders in terms of complexity and entertainment is not an investment we would advise. We can only hope the NX’s release is sooner rather than later because we don’t think we, or Nintendo’s reputation, can take much more of these terrible schedule fillers.

Animal Crossing: amiibo Festival

In Short: A new low for Nintendo and for Animal Crossing, in what is the least amount of fun you can have with an amiibo without needing urgent medical attention afterwards.

Pros: The visuals are as cute as ever and the animated skits are usually funny the first time round. Three of the mini-games are tolerable for anything up to two or three goes.

Cons: There is almost no gameplay whatsoever. Irremediably boring, interminably long-winded, and grossly expensive. The use of amiibos is unimaginative and manipulative.

Score: 2/10

Formats: Wii U
Price: £49.99
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: NDcube
Release Date: 20th November 2015
Age Rating: 3

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