Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash (Wii U) - not that big a deal
Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash (Wii U) – not that big a deal

Nintendo’s latest sports sim offers a pretty good game of tennis, but will you still be playing it by the time Wimbledon comes around?

It’s getting to that time when we have to start thinking about writing our review of the year, and the awards for 2015.We don’t think Nintendo has ever not been in the running for Publisher of the Year, but this time will be different. Even with the excellent Splatoon this has been their worst year for new games in the modern era. And thanks to various delays their Christmas line-up is particularly poor, especially since this counts as one of the better ones.

Mario Tennis on the Nintendo 64 remains one of our favourite multiplayer games of all time. Instantly accessible and yet with enough depth in the controls to reward skilled play, it is an under-appreciated classic. Although the fact that it isn’t more recognised is probably due to the inability of Nintendo, and developer Camelot, to find a satisfactory way to update it for subsequent consoles.

The major issue has always been the needless addition of extra features and power-ups, that have made it increasingly impossible to just play an ordinary game of tennis. Trying to turn the game into the sporting equivalent of Mario Kart makes some sort of sense on a conceptual level but the gimmicky, and inherently unfair, nature of the sequels has always limited their appeal. So it’s a huge relief to find that Ultra Smash’s main menu features an option called ‘Classic Tennis’ that is – almost – gimmick free.

Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash (Wii U) - who asked for mega mushrooms?
Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash (Wii U) – who asked for mega mushrooms?

Choose the Classic Tennis option and you have got a game that plays very much like the N64 original, just with modern graphics. As usual you have a choice of topspin, slice, and flat shots, which can be combined for drop shots and lobs should the opportunity arise. Although you can just press ‘X’ at any time and the game will select the most appropriate shot for you, which is an unfortunate cop-out. If you select the ‘Simple’ version of Classic Tennis then you also get rid of the option for chance shots and jump shots, which really does drag the action back to the glory days of the N64.

The problem though is the almost complete lack of any structure or options in the rest of the game. It’s clear that all of Nintendo’s Christmas titles this year have been rushed out for release, with many reusing assets from previous games. And in Ultra Smash it’s the bare bones presentation and lack of features that is the clearest evidence of a very short development time. The reason for this is presumably that everyone’s trying to get games ready for the NX next year, but that’s not much of an excuse when Nintendo are still charging full price for these stand-in titles.

There are four other modes in Ultra Smash, the main one being Mega Battle. This introduces the game’s major gimmick: a mega mushroom power-up that randomly appears on court and turns a player into a giant. What this was ever supposed to add to the experience we don’t know, but it’s exactly as irritating and unfair as it sounds.

Beyond this is Knockout Challenge, where you just keep playing until you lose, and Mega Ball Rally, where you have to play with a giant ball. These two modes are exactly as superficial as they sound and seem to be primarily intended as a way to quickly earn extra coins, despite the fact that there’s nothing of interest to buy with them.

Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash (Wii U) - even the amiibo feature is half-assed
Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash (Wii U) – even the amiibo feature is half-assed

There’s no mini-games, very little in the way of interesting unlockables, and absolutely no sign of any tender loving care. Playing on your own is depressingly uninteresting, and yet this a franchise in which the Game Boy Color entry – running on a console with the processing power of the average microwave oven – had a fully featured single-player role-playing mode.

Even the attempt to add amiibo functionality is perfunctory and uninteresting, and works similarly to Super Smash Bros. in that you’re meant to be training up your amiibo so you can partner with them in a match. Which makes almost no difference to just playing with an ordinary computer-controlled partner.

There is an online mode, although, predictably, it’s far less involved than Mario Kart 8 and you’re still limited by the lack of play modes and the fact that Mario Tennis’ multiplayer qualities are best realised when there’s someone else in the room to gloat at when you’re winning.

Playing almost as well as a 15-year-old console game really shouldn’t be seen as much of a triumph, but given how previous Mario Tennis games have failed to do even that we suppose Ultra Smash must count as some sort of achievement. But its laziness and lack of features make this a hard game to love… no tennis pun intended.

Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash

In Short: Treat it as an HD remaster of the N64 game and this is actually one of the best Mario Tennis games since then, but the lack of features and extra content is a real turn-off.

Pros: The tennis action is great, at least in classic mode, with simple but versatile controls. Attractive visuals and passable online mode.

Cons: Bare bones presentation and a shameful lack of options and game modes, especially compared to previous games. Mega mushrooms are a stupid addition.

Score: 7/10

Formats: Wii U
Price: £39.99
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Camelot Software Planning
Release Date: 20th November 2015
Age Rating: 3

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