Super Mario Maker (Wii U) - can you do better than Nintendo?
Super Mario Maker (Wii U) – can you do better than Nintendo?

Nintendo celebrates the 30th anniversary of Super Mario Bros. with a special level editor that turns you into your own game developer.

With most new releases we have a pretty good idea of what kind of people are going to enjoy them and how popular a particular game or genre is likely to be. But Super Mario Maker isn’t a game, it’s a powerful level editor that allows you to create your own 2D Super Mario stages. We’ve no idea how many people that’s going to appeal to, but if you do like the sound of it then this could be

Personally, we’ve never had any real interest in making our own video games, any more than an interest in cinema has made us want to make our own movies. But then perhaps we have more insight into how games are actually made than the average gamer, and recoil at the thought of long years of development for an uncertain reward at the end of it. Making games in Super Mario Maker, you’ll be unsurprised to find out, is a lot easier and quicker.

The obvious comparison to make with Super Mario Maker is LittleBigPlanet, since both are 2D platformers where making your own levels is a major component. There are very clear differences though, and not just the fact that LittleBigPlanet isn’t a very good platformer. Although Super Mario Maker does contain 100 pre-built levels to play through they’re a very minor part of the package and used primarily as examples of design techniques.

Instead, everything is focused on creating your own levels and, even with the ability to download and play other people’s, if you’re not interested in making things yourself then Super Mario Maker is not for you.

The other main difference from LittleBigPlanet is that there’s no attempt to widen the scope to allow for game styles beyond a standard 2D Super Mario platformer. You can just about create a 2D scrolling shooter, if you’re clever about the power-ups and enemies you place in a level, and you can make vague facsimiles of the likes of Zelda or Metroid. But as everything you create has to be made using standard Mario characters and background items that’s pretty much it.

There is a certain amount of latitude given however, and although you can’t create your own sprites you can expand and warp existing ones. Or use amiibo to unlock 8-bit versions of any Nintendo character that has one. You can also alter the behaviour of certain elements, so that, for example, enemies can be stacked one on top of another or any object can be given wings. Shells can be turned into protective helmets, question blocks can be booby-trapped with bad guys, or cannons can be made to fire power-ups instead of Bullet Bills.

There’s also an effects controller that allows you to add non-Mario sounds and visual flourishes, but these are quite limited in number. You can add a sound effect of your own, recorded via the GamePad’s microphone, but only one per level. You can’t add any graphics of your own though, just switch between four visual styles based on the original Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario World, and Super Mario Bros. U.

All this is obviously quite restrictive, but it certainly does help to focus your mind on achievable goals and ideas. Although Nintendo takes things a step further by restricting the tools available to you from the start. Like a more condensed version of their content plan for Splatoon it takes nine days for the game to unlock every tool and visual style for you, which seems excessive given only a few of them are in anyway complicated.

But it’s easy to get obsessed over what Super Mario Maker doesn’t do, and ignore the fact that its primary goal is to make it as easy as possible for absolutely anyone to create their own level. And in that sense it succeeds completely. The GamePad touchscreen means you can draw directly onto the screen, painting with a palette of goombas and blocks. The presentation, full of comical icons and amusing sounds, is Nintendo at its charming best and the whole thing is a genuine pleasure to use.

What did surprise us though is how the game makes no attempt to really teach you anything. There are some tutorial style levels that are unlocked along with new tools but that’s as far as it goes in terms of actual instruction. There’s also no ability to create a whole game using a world map or similar. You can chain together levels, and create sub areas, but that’s as complicated as the structure gets.

Knowing where to stop must’ve been a very difficult decision when making Super Mario Maker, but we do feel it’s put on the brakes a little early – especially considering the high price point. Not that a lack of content is a problem in terms of levels though, as the ‘Course World’ option fills up with hundreds of designs from around the world.

Super Mario Maker also doubles as a celebration of the 30th anniversary of Super Mario Bros. and in that sense Nintendo’s classic platformer could ask for no better monument to its greatness. Here is proof that not only is the game still being enjoyed today but its legacy is being added to by its fans as well as just its creators.

Super Mario Maker

In Short: If you accept its purposeful limitations this is one of the few successful attempts to ensure creating your own games is as much fun as playing them.

Pros: An extremely easy to use level editor, where anyone can create a fun stage within minutes. Charming interface and the community of other creators is already buzzing.

Cons: No proactive attempts to teach you anything and the toolset is very restrictive, once you finally get access to it all. Expensive, considering what’s included.

Score: 7/10

Formats: Wii U
Price: £39.99
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Nintendo EAD Group No. 4
Release Date: 11th September 2015
Age Rating: 3

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