The less famous of the two Mario brothers gets his own game on the 3DS – and it turns out to be one of the best Nintendo titles in years.

Luigi's Mansion 2 - scarily entertaining
Luigi’s Mansion 2 – scarily entertaining

One of the best proofs for Nintendo’s qualities as a game creator is the improving effect they have on other developers. When away from Nintendo Canadian studio Next Level Games has made such unremarkable pap as Spider-Man: Friend Or Foe and Captain America: Super Soldier. But working under Miyamoto and co. they’ve created one of the best games on the 3DS, and a classic slice of Nintendo showmanship.

This might seem a little surprising for a sequel to GameCube launch title Luigi’s Mansion, which managed to show off the technical power of the system but little else – with shallow gameplay and a very short running time. But this addresses both those issues head-on and is a vastly more interesting experience all round.

Describing exactly what kind of game Luigi’s Mansion is can be difficult because it doesn’t fit neatly into any particular genre. Perhaps the best description might be a comedy survival horror – a sort of Disneyified version of the first Resident Evil. And we don’t mean the Disney reference as any kind of insult either, as the animation and attention to detail here is absolutely superb.

Luigi is a coward at the best of times but he’s terrified of ghosts (and spiders) and it shows in his worried glances and the clumsy way he trips over doorsteps and other objects. He even nervously hums the theme tune to the game, and no wonder as this is one of the best Nintendo soundtracks since Super Mario Galaxy.

Not only does Luigi look great but so too does the series of five mansions that he must exorcise of ghosts. The original GameCube game was actually the basis of one of Nintendo’s earliest experiments with 3D, although it was never made public as such. It’s easy see to why they were inspired, as although the 3D effect here is not as pronounced as other games it accentuates every scene as the fixed camera makes it look as if you’re peering into a virtual dollhouse.

Luigi combats the ghosts by using a specially customised vacuum cleaner provided by Professor E. Gadd (not one of Nintendo’s more charming characters and we’d have been quite happy if hadn’t returned from the first game). The procedure is a little more complicated than last time, in that you must first startle a ghost with your flashlight and then suck him up without getting attacked yourself.

Pulling in the opposite direction to the ghost speeds up the process and rewards you with more money, but there’s a clever risk/reward mechanic in that while you’re doing so you’re in more danger of being tackled by another ghost at the same time. Each ghost has unique gimmicks, from wearing sunglasses you have to remove first or spitting out poisonous gloop, and although still not very nuanced the combat never feels like the triviality it became in the first game.

But, combating the ghosts is not necessarily the primary draw. Instead there’s a much stronger puzzle element this time round, and Luigi’s vacuum cleaner can be used to manipulate most of the background objects. From getting overhead fans going in order to reveal secret panels, to picking up buckets of water to water plants, and using cobweb balls to set objects on fire, all the mansions are impressively interactive and varied.

And this despite Luigi having a relatively small repartee of abilities, with his only other major tool being a special torch that can reveal hidden objects or ghosts. Where other lesser games will just throw new equipment and abilities at you in an attempt to hide their innate shallowness Luigi’s Mansion 2 is confident and clever enough to find new ways of using existing tools and locations across its 12+ hour adventure.

Some of the boss battles are particular highlights, with a multi-stage battle against a giant spider requiring you to use every trick you’ve learnt in unexpected ways. What’s most surprising about this is that the game will offer little or no help if you get stuck, with almost no signposting or hand-holding. Inevitably things are always simpler than they first appear but the game’s willingness not to talk down to its players is much appreciated.

There’s even a surprisingly decent online multiplayer mode, which we’ve been able to play a little as the game was released slightly earlier in Japan. The game modes are all fairly simple, but working (but really competing) with others to clear a four storey house of ghosts, or chasing a ghost dog around, is a perfectly entertaining bit of time-wasting and a welcome added bonus.

At a time when Nintendo are under increasing pressure over their handling of the Wii U this is a classic example of why the company can never be dismissed. While they can still produce games of this quality none of their hardware will ever be a lost cause. And based on this game they’d be advised to get Next Level working on something new as soon as possible.

Luigi’s Mansion 2 drips with quality from every pore, from the gorgeous presentation to the intricate attention to detail. Like its ghostly antagonists it can seem insubstantial at first, but this is a solid and substantial video game that can stand without fear alongside Nintendo’s very best.

In Short: Utterly charming and subversively clever in that classic Nintendo way, this is one of the best games on the 3DS and one of the mostly perfectly polished titles on any system this year.

Pros: Pitch perfect presentation and visuals, with an elegant mix of simple combat and disarmingly complex puzzles. Excellent bosses and plenty of variety. Entertaining multiplayer.

Cons: There’s not really much depth to the combat, and the lack of signposting may annoy some players.

Score: 9/10

Formats: 3DS
Price: £34.99
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Next Level Games
Release Date: 28th March 2013
Age Rating: 7

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