Strategy/Wikimedia movement/2017/Sources/58 expert summaries (June 2017)
Line | Main area of expertise | Country (where expert/partner's work takes place) | Region | Key takeaways on trends | Key takeaways on Wikipedia's role | Key takeaways on collaboration | Other key takeaways |
1 | Technology | Indonesia | Southeast Asia | Eager volunteer culture in urban areas. Wikimedia could do fun competitions for university students to get people engaged and contributing; they have done social impact design competitions successfully in partnership with UN | Awareness strategies include 'tech fairs': 2-3 hours session in the village with 50-100 people for physical demonstration of product; also women's groups selling product | ||
2 | Media | Mexico | Central/North America | -Access and awareness are main barriers to information.
-Lack of access to information is a systematic barrier because there are two major monopolies in the telecom service industry. A law passed in 1913 to break up these companies, but many still lack access. -Lack of awareness of how to use technology, linked in part to a generational gap that the government needs to address. -Over last 5-10 years we've seen huge growth in mobile and increased content through the internet, audio visual and text -There is more competition in telecom industry, and prices for services are going down, so more will have access over time and now content is king on the internet. -IOT platforms/devices (Amazon's Alexa) are too expensive for median income Mexican and won't be adopted over the next 5 years unless they get much cheaper. |
- Wikipedia is one of the first things that comes up when you look up something. Less people read magazines, and books. As prices come down for telecom services and more people become connected to the internet, there will be more need for content.
- Wikimedia should: (1) Work closely with policy makers and internet regulators. There is active debate about net neutrality. (2) Build up content in the Spanish. (3) Create alliances with big companies to push Wikipedia's content. (4) Make content accessible for people on slower connections, not just on computer/broadband. |
- Collaborate with government, or government-run ICT companies. Where government programs exist in rural communities, you can pro-load content on specific devices (like computers in schools), specifically content in Spanish | |
3 | Education | Brazil | South America | - Over the last 10-15 years, more people gained access to education for the first time.
- Offline will still be relevant over next 5-10 years (bandwidth expensive, and digital products are not so great yet). Telecomm companies need to provide cheaper bandwidth in schools. Digital learning is adaptive and better for individualized learning progression, which can't be done offline. |
- How do you certify high quality content? Teachers are concern about this, and required for work with the Ministry of Education.
- Key challenge (and opportunity) is to make educational content engaging and interactive through mobile devices and make available at no cost of cheap - Best distribution is via pre-downloaded app/content that Wikipedia can work on with telecomm companies |
- Ministry of Education mandates core curriculum for K-12, so limited flexibility in curation of content, but more room in University | |
4 | Education | Nigeria | West Africa | Technology has come a long way in spreading information, through social media, google, FB, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media platforms. And unlike before in the country when information was not easily passed around, you would go through your community, TV, radio to get your news. But now with mobile phones, like iPhones and laptops we have come a very long way to help disseminate information in a very simple way from person to person. And it covers a very wide range, so it has really improved and developed the economy of the country. 5-10 years: The level of change we have now, I cannot really comment of the development, but right now, within 5-1o years we have new innovations, the economy would have improved, and also technological ways would have come a very long way. Initially, lots of people believe that if you need information maybe for research on a topic, you would go to Wikipedia or Google, but it is not just about getting information about research topics, you can easily search about people. If there is a specific person you want to learn about, when you go through the Wikimedia platform you can see details on what they specialize in, to learn more about it, and I know many organization using it to get more information on young entrepreneurs to try and connect with to do business, they can easily get it from the Wikimedia platform. Also specific information about health issues. I understand that not everything is really really complete, at least most of the important information that we get from it is important and we rely on it. It saves lives, it improves lives. It helps people economically. | Wikipedia has helped with the development generally in the world, especially in Nigeria, it's helped a great deal in improving people's lives, it has helped people get the facts, which has helped people get employed and helped them economically, socially, technologically, and I know in days to come we as African can do to grow the WMF. Yes, but they have not greatly, I know Wikipedia will do more in the future but presently we appreciate what the foundation is doing and I believe as time goes on they will give us more. | Trying to work together in libraries to get to the root of the community. We want the library to be relevant to all the community, irrespective of your educational background, sex, or whatever. I would want to connect the WMF to the current project we are running (Beyond Access) to make information available. Not all libraries have computer, not all libraries are connected to the internet. To make things more accessible and visible to those connected so they can get information through Wikipedia about useful things. Definitely connecting with Wikimedia would be useful. | Getting free knowledge has really helped many women improve their cause. To be connected to internet means they can get more information, especially medical aspect. Educationally you can improve yourself and the people around you. |
5 | Technology | Nigeria | West Africa | More access and higher penetration of mobile devices has gone a long way in helping more people to have access to the internet and technology in general, because more access to mobile phones means more access to technology. Also introducing ICT tools for doing business more productively has helped more people come to the realization that things can be done better than the way they have been doing it in the past. High mobile phone penetration is a big one, especially in Nigeria and the middle class. It's only going to get better. A lot of people use technology nowadays and it has made a big difference in business, in academic and everyday needs and social lives. Everybody is now on Facebook, to reach out to families. Unlike the past where you had to go in person to see people. In the next 5-10 years it's going to be explosive in people joining technology. | Wikipedia and Wikimedia projects in Africa work on enriching and creating a global platform where we can showcase people especially women. In Africa we have less women being showcased, like we have many women in history that have done ground breaking discoveries, awesome things, but we have not had to opportunity to showcase them for the future generation to read about them, to keep our culture in place. It's going to translate beyond Nigeria and will get into other parts of the world as a global platform. Having the Wikimedia projects, like Wiki Loves Women that showcase what women are doing in Nigerian society and Africa as a whole is a great thing.
I've been to one of the Wikipedia trainings before and I think it's a little bit difficult to put together materials on Wikipedia. What Wikipedia needs to do is have something like a platform to learn the ropes, learn how to be a Wikipedian and with time learn and graduate to be able to post material on Wikipedia platform. If I spend lots of time on putting information about a person, and within 24 hour it's all gone, it's not going to encourage me to go back. But if there is an amateur platform to keep working on improving. That is one thing Wikipedia should look at. I like the trainings, but there needs to be more learning programs. We have a lot of historians, especially in Nigeria, but because they don't have internet access or educational background to do all the uploading, it would be great if Wikipedia can create a medium where students can reach out to historians and those who bridge culture and document things. Eventually we will have these oral history that is in their heads, put it online. I don't want us to lose these stories. Especially stories that are not documented anywhere. The rules should not be that strict for these examples. But people can back them up. |
Wikipedia can help with more trainings for the women, especially with the 1 day training, it was a bit too much. Everyone wanted to have more, but you cannot do it just once. Some of these women have jobs and careers so they cannot dedicate a whole week, but if there is a curriculum that these women can use at their own time online, and once a week for the offline training to be sure they are all on the same page. This is something W.TEC would really appreciate.
Wikipedia is a global platform and W.TEC is a local NGO in Nigeria. I am looking at us (W.TEC) leveraging on that global platform to scale up it's projects and put all programs online using Wikipedia. So more people know what we are doing for women and girls and get global teaching. For Wikipedia as well, it is about creating content and keeping things real for the people and to leverage this relationship. So we will create content on Wikipedia that will withstand the test of time, and Wikipedia will be giving W.TEC a platform where it can showcase it's programs. 10 years from now I see us coming together as a global brand that showcases what women have been doing and what women will do. Win - win for both of us. |
For us, information consumption has been made easier with the penetration of technology. Even in Africa, we have more people come on to social media and talk with facts. Nowadays, even if a political person comes on and says something that is not true, within seconds people commenting and sharing facts and links to the correct information. You cannot just do or say whatever without facts. |
6 | Technology | Nigeria | West Africa | A lot of people are now using mobile, the smartphones are getting less expensive and internet penetration is also improving even if it is still not as good as it ought to be. But better off that it was 5 years ago and much better than 10 years ago. Most people find information online through their phones, on the go. Most of the information that is being consumed now, is videos actually. | Access to information. A community of editors that come together. People can upload information and editors can verify if this information is true, then approve it. That is my opinion of Wikipedia.
You are doing an excellent job. I think you are the #1 there, when you search for stuff. One of the things is that information is a lot more accessible over at the 1st world and so forth, but over here in Nigeria, and Africa, it is a little harder to find this information. And that is why Connect Nigeria was set up, because when you search for information about Nigeria online, it rarely gives you any results, or accurate things you can use. But seeing the Wikimedia model, which gives you accurate info, and I am seeing Wikipedia is picking up a lot of stuff on Nigeria, which is great. Seeing the Wikipedia model is inspiring. I think it's something more people should emulate. |
Building a community would be incredible, I guess the knowledge transfer from local governments, lecturers, people who actually have this information first hand, we could get to know how Wikipedia was able to build a dedicated very very very on fire community who either add or edit information or fact check information. I think that would be a fantastic thing if we can partner. One of the things - is unfortunate, but it happens abroad that doesn't happen here is that free volunteer spirit, but here in Nigeria people would like to get compensated one way or the other to be able to take out time. Everybody is so busy here trying to earn a living, so it's hard to tell them to leave whatever they are doing to get us information about xyz. Right now we pay our writers, we pay these people who help us to get this information. So it gets quite expensive. But if WMF can partner with us, what ever way, that would be great. | Technology trends: Internet, mobile phones are cheaper, faster, and most accessible now. It will just get better. Internet penetration increases, gets cheaper with more competition and the phone will get cheaper. More and more people will access info on their phones. I don't think it's going to go the other way around, people will not go back to P.Cs and laptops. The phones are getting smarter and more powerful. |
7 | Media | India | South Asia | "-Access: in terms of access to knowledge, it depends on the access one has to internet and digital domain. It is greatly influenced by language, specially in India. Most content you find online in text is in English. There is very little in Indian languages. There is perhaps more content when we talk about visual knowledge since internet is going in the visual direction. But when we talk about Indian languages, there is very less information. If you don’t speak English, internet is very small compared to what an English speaker can access. It is not realistic to tell people that they have to keep translating. Language is the biggest piece related to the digital divide when we talk about access. If barriers such as gender, caste, class, etc. go away, biggest barrier is language.
-Use: one of the problems is that you can’t figure out what is knowledge and what is not knowledge due to issues with fake news. We see this with Wikipedia as well where some people editing might have certain interests. We don’t even know what knowledge is any more. Perhaps the time has come to think about some type of certification, outsiders don’t understand the rating system of Wikipedia. -Share: People share knowledge in very informal way on FB, twitter, whatsapp etc. because knowledge is now flowing through all these platforms. But if we think about contributing to knowledge and not just sharing, that’s where the gap is on social media and chat applications. " |
No doubt it is the go-to-source for knowledge. Encyclopedia of digital age.
(1) Wikipedia should be part of digital ecosystems and not be cut off from them. Today people are hearing things, looking at videos, etc. - WP has to be in line to the ecosystem, not an exception to it. WP should be available in many more forms and not just text. (2) WP should be available in different ways to people who do not have internet access, or who are not literate. “Knowledge poverty” is a serious issue. WP should build a “knowledge ladder” to see who it’s reaching and who are left out. And then make Wikipedia available to ones at the bottom of the knowledge ladder. (3) Making WP available in existing knowledge sharing systems. For example, how to bring Wikipedia into Whatsapp where a lot of news is shared. (4) WP should continue to be independent/accurate voice in an internet which is increasing commercial. WP should maintain its independent funding base. (5) WP was a radical idea, WP is stuck in past radicalism. Needs to move out of the textual mode. WP is the leader in the free knowledge. Can it take the leadership to the whole world? It’s a small type of movement right now. Needs to become big and slip in and out of other ecosystems. Need to think about the relationship between social networks and knowledge. How can people slide in and out of WP the way they slide in and out of social media. |
"- We live in India and we have worked with grassroots rural organizations that produce information, who are reaching the unreached. Let’s try and map who are the people at the bottom of the knowledge ladder. Example, few years back, worked with a rural newspaper run by underserved women in eastern Uttar Pradesh, in a media dark area. No electricity, no TV. People listen to radio. ‘Point of View’ helped them come online. Now they are finding that it’s better to make little whatsapp videos and circulate.
- Opportunity for collaboration: think of people who are cut off from all knowledge and how to reach them. |
Technology trends:
- From everything we see, images/video/audio is becoming more important than text - Internet has become a sharing space predominantly. People get their news from social network and chat applications such as Whatsapp. Everything is flowing through these networks. People are asking questions on the social network. Knowledge is getting connected to social media and chat applications Websites are losing importance. Apps are becoming very specific purpose. Same trends will get more pronounced. |
8 | Policy/ Government | India | South Asia | There are conflicting trends in three areas:
(1) Hardware: We have been looking at a gridlock economy where excessive patent rights are creating high price points. But, at the same time, there is alternative side where many innovators are mixing and remixing mobile technologies to create cheap devices that are expanding access. (2) Intellectual Property: Specifically in copyright, what we thought is that if we had good law with flexibility, people will have access to knowledge. But that has not resulted in results we want for knowledge access. People in India have to depend on shadow libraries. New forms of control on content are growing and there maybe attempts to close open platforms, but at the same time, shadow pirate libraries are also thriving. (3) Privacy: One way trend is that increasing today, more and more people are getting used to the idea that when they consume knowledge, they will be under surveillance. This is not good. (1) One big change is how seriously projects like Wikipedia and Linux are taken. These were dismissed as poor quality compared to enterprise projects, but now these are thought of as mature projects. (2) Hurdles to contributing knowledge have diminished |
Wikipedia is the last poster child for commons based peer production. The free software movement and various projects under it were important demonstrations but they are facing a crises now because either they have been taken over by corporations, or there is the tragedy of the commons where many people use open projects but do not contribute money to fix or improve them. Wikipedia movement is the only movement about true blue volunteer energy that is delivering results. Today Wikipedia is the inspiration for openness.
It should play the role of the most respected encyclopedia. The overall mission of sum of all human knowledge is exceeding ambitious. It should be the first reference point in terms of encyclopedia, dictionary etc. because many things are threatening it. Many powerful actors are starting to understand that Wikipedia is the truth, so there is an incentive to use it as propaganda. Focus on being neutral and fact based. (1) Wikipedia is the effective gateway drug for openness and contributing to open platforms. Wikidata has become big and all the different types of openness is getting connected to the Wikipedia movement. Entry point; good place to get started; good place to publish your work. Everyone can join and be part of it. (2) Most other parts of the free software movement are being fragmented. Open data community is together now but it can get fragmented. But Wikipedia is where many people with very different agendas can come together. Since WP has low participation threshold, people can contribute easily to a very big project. |
What has happened in other parts of the world, such as Germany is that German chapter goes beyond Wikipedia itself. In India also, it would be nice if Foundation’s vision went beyond Wikipedia. Wikipedia is becoming this meeting point of communities, so WMF can spend money so that open data and Wikipedia can meet in India. More outward not inward facing community.
If a college or school student in India searches for any word in their syllabus, they should get a comprehensive article in their language and the machine should read it out to them and they should be able to speak to Wikipedia and make a correction. This should be done at least for 20-22 Indian languages and ideally for 50 languages in India. |
Technology trends: (1) Language technology/machine translation.
(2) OER advancement in open domain (3) Tools that monitor the quality of the WP |
9 | Technology | India | South Asia | The spread and penetration of social media will impact many things in our life. It’s a very important trend. This trend is not new; in traditional way of living life, information exchange also happens informally outside of schools and libraries. Same trend in happening in the connected world; information/knowledge gathering, consumption and dissipation is happening informally through social media. That is both good and bad. For example, whatsapp is being used to distribute lots of information without source or proof. Looking at social media behaviours can teach other organizations on how genuine knowledge can be generated and disseminated. Another example of social media is crowd sourcing, where social media behaviours are channeled into some good causes but there are bad aspects of some organizations controlling crowd sourced info/data. Wikipedia needs to look into the positives and negatives of these trends and learn from it. | Wikipedia plays to the connected world, and in the connected world, it is the primary source of information. If I have any question, somehow Wikipedia will try to give the reply.
(1) Wikipedia should be playing a much larger role. It should play the role of highly equitable participative way of accumulating and distributing content, which it does not do now. (2) Wikipedia has to think how it’s info can be seen an neutral and unquestionable (3) Wikipedia should become an enabler. Go beyond volunteer based content and actively look at how much content is missing in the world in so many languages. Many languages could die by the time Wikipedia reaches them. (4) Wikipedia needs to have diverse reach. For example, DEF is in 200 locations where it can be leveraged for content generation. (5) Wikipedia should go beyond written format in any language. We live in audio-visual world now, so Wikipedia should not miss this opportunity and responsibility to make its content orally available. Wikipedia not only has a role but a responsibility since volunteers generate all knowledge. It needs to chart out a plan for diverse reach. |
Three avenues for collaboration:
(1) Infrastructural opportunity (2) Content because DEF generates a lot of content (3) Training and capacity building: There are 672 districts in India. DEF can create a fellowship where DEF trainees can go around and work with people about Wikipedia. One out-of-the-box idea: DEF works a lot on last mile connectivity. DEF and Wikimedia can chose 20-30 locations that are unconnected with primitive tribe and language and work in those areas. There is the possibility of brining exclusive manuscripts and dying cultures online; this can happen only if we provide access. |
We are living in a connected world and we are talking about virtualization of everything. But virtual is nothing without the physical world. Why should WP also not become a café, a library thus providing a physical point for people to go to access WP and contribute to WP. DEF works on converting actual libraries to digital libraries -- can Wikipedia think of doing something there. All the 200 locations where DEF works can be Wikipedia libraries/physical locations, where people come and write about the world around them.
Technology trends: (1) It will be totally taken over by mobile. Which means, construction, esthetics, conceptualization with be done with mobile as means of consumption and dissemination. Medium will change from newspaper/print book/library to internet/Wikipedia to mobile-based dissemination. (2) The next 5 years are also going to be heavily dependent on algorithms based on data analytics/data science from a global perspective. For India, where 80% is not even connected – that’s where the opportunity is. |
10 | Business/ Entrepreneurship | Nigeria | West Africa | Technology is huge driver, tech has changed the way we work, political economy, in agriculture people are looking inwards, we have to take care of ourselves, fostering local impact work. Africans for African, home grown talent. Growing population, and youth bulge. Youth bulge is here to stay, huge trend that will continue, we will see more emerging economy, and more ICT.
There has been a rapid shift from print media and the traditional use of libraries and dictionaries to a dependency on social media and the Internet for information. Individuals are empowered to record and share information at their fingertips. While this has many advantages, especially as it relates to mobilizing action and citizenship engagement, it has also proved dangerous especially with the spread of fake news and alternative facts. When I reflect on how my children conduct research for school projects, I marvel at the rapid difference between my own childhood and theirs. More specifically, they rely on the Internet, secondary research and are often lazy about verifying the information that they find. |
First place to go for info on people. Wikipedia provides this info, great of source info. Important to have some works on editing info to ensure accuracy. The power of Wikipedia is in it’s references. It has credibility. Relevance and frequency is very important.
Could be playing a more amplified role - to countries who has a lot of oral history. The foundation can bridge that gap. The digital gap can be bridged. We want people to share open source with no political agenda, to ensure broad based tool. |
Partner with Ndu, Ike, Akunuba (NIA), a nonprofit organization in the Southeastern part of Nigeria to build an online Centre for Memories that captures the history and experiences of the Igbo people, with a special focus on the Biafran war, which commemorates its 50th anniversary in 2017.
Partner with other nonprofit organization in Nigeria including LEAP Africa to capture memories of historical leaders, whose traditions are mostly oral, with limited evidence of their existence in formal history. |
Technology trends / consumption of knowledge: There has been a rapid shift from print media and the traditional use of libraries and dictionaries to a dependency on social media and the Internet for information. Individuals are empowered to record and share information at their fingertips. While this has many advantages, especially as it relates to mobilizing action and citizenship engagement, it has also proved dangerous especially with the spread of fake news and alternative facts.
When I reflect on how my children conduct research for school projects, I marvel at the rapid difference between my own childhood and theirs. More specifically, they rely on the Internet, secondary research and are often lazy about verifying the information that they find. I see the trend growing, as humans develop shorter attention spans and become dependent on tweets, retweets and instant information sharing, and get lazier about doing the hard work required to learn. |
11 | Technology | Nigeria | West Africa | A major trend is the use of mobile devices. You don't have reliable internet sources in Kaduna State, like the other places in Nigeria like Lagos, but because of the low cost of mobile phones, a lot of people, if you give them assignments, they don't have laptops, so they go and search on their phone on Google and most of the time Wikipedia is among the top results, so they go to Wikipedia. | Wikipedia right now is the single most valuable resource for academians for the educational sector. It has lots of information, and even if some academic institutions don't like you quoting Wikipedia, I believe Wikipedia has up to date references and enough information you can rely on. When I teach my students, I refer a lot to Wikipedia because the information is up to date and you can factually get probably most of the things you are looking for. It is playing a good role in education in the world.
I believe Wikipedia is the leader of free knowledge |
In the Air force Institute of Technology, we have libraries here that Wikipedia could partner with, by providing knowledge that is specific to what the Institute needs. It could be an agreement to let the management of the Institute know that Wikipedia is ready to collaborate with them. I believe if that is done, Wikipedia will be most accepted, and students will accept it and be encouraged to go to Wikipedia more to get resources. Your user base will also increase, I know you don't advertise, so sometime I am not sure what you gain from making this information available. | Technology trends: The trend that I see, a lot of people use mobile phones instead of the traditional text books which have circulated for a long time. The major problem with the traditional text books is that most of the are out dated. But Wikipedia someone could update something today and is available for people to read. This cannot happen in traditional print media. So the trend is moving into the digital sector mostly using mobile phones. In the future, a lot of people will rely on the internet. In fact the generation that is coming up now, half of them use the internet. The internet population will continue to increase in the coming years. Once the information is reliable, people with go with it. Once they have that trust, a lot of people will get their information from digital media. |
12 | Media | Nigeria | West Africa | Our population pyramid is bottom heavy, 50% of the population is under 18, this is important. We are already a country that has more mobile devices that mature adults in this country. This is truly a mobile first county and will continue to be because so many people who are accessing information for the first time are doing so via mobile. It will be mobile, it will be touch screen and education information will all come through the phone first. | There is good side and a bad side of Wikipedia. I have many nephews in college in the US and for them Wikipedia is their first stop for finding information about anything. So if I am looking for a specific thing, then I Google it, if I am looking for information about a topic then I ""Wikipedia it"". So it becomes a go to place, or at least I start there. If I am looking for initial information Wikipedia is the place to go. Because it is crowd sourced, there is that reaction of ""oh well..."" Can it be authoritative, it is still people. On the one hand it is the first place you'd go, but then there is that awareness that it feels like sometimes there are random people writing, who are they? Why should I believe them. It does sometime have a Western bias, so if I am looking for information around things in the developing world, it gets thinner at that end. I suppose it is where the content creators are, so there's less information of the esoteric things on this side of the world rather that the U.S.
In the developed world it is the first step taken to get information, but in the developing world it is less relevant. Wikipedia, I think, is the pioneer of [free knowledge]. The internet is the first leader of free everything, but Wikipedia is the first thing that is an organized attend to gather information in an organized way that made sense and was searchable. Wikipedia is the first willing to provide this. It is shaping the conversation about what it is to be a part of free knowledge. |
What we do is that we help people get notices. We can help you raise awareness in this market. Also we can be a connector with other organizations. | Technology trends: The other things is that we are on the cusp of becoming a majority urban population, cities are growing, rural areas are becoming more urban and that changes the way people live. Community based of oral communication is giving way to technology, and people are living faster. The idea of stopping somewhere and asking someone for information, is slowly going away.
In the future: Video is more important and text much less. Younger people just don't have the time to read. So video is the future to access more information. |
13 | Business/ Entrepreneurship | Nigeria | West Africa | Fake news affected the USA and also Nigeria. A lot of people access news and share it on Facebook. People depend on information that is online, newspapers, and hear-say. I don't see this changing. Nigeria is very communal when it comes to sharing information, regardless how educated you are. They depend on blog sites. They don't go to news sites. Nigeria is place where content is spread like that, rather that confirm and verify that information.
Yes, it has changed. Most used to consumed information via Facebook, but now on Instagram and Twitter. Instagram is huge now, because of its new features like video. Even newspaper companies use Instagram. |
It is the encyclopedia of the world. Here is the customer journey for people in this part of the world. If you want to discover something online, you go on to Google, the first result (typically) is Wikipedia excerpt, so which means you get a summary of the article. Then people go to Wikipedia to discover content.
Wikipedia has a lot of content on people and history, but because it is generated by users, some of the information is inaccurate and people tamper with it from time to time. This has lead to some cases of misinformation. Because Wikipedia is a force, everyone assumes that all the content is factual. Yes, I think even from its name. Wikipedia is educating people. It should continue helping people find information. What I think it should have, some level of quality assurance on the content. Some people should do a second vetting before content if published. Wikipedia comes to mind as number one when it comes to free knowledge. For people who are mid level on the internet they go to Google for information. For people who are high level on the internet they go to Wikipedia. They don't go to Google first. On Wikipedia there is a way that content is categorized. Its broken down in sections. |
Find ways to take Wikipedia content (relevant content) and put it on Opera's newsfeed website. So we would have a "Wiki nugget" relevant to Nigeria. So that mean we are now taking Wikipedia to Opera mini people. | In Nigeria is really tough to reach people in the grass roots, information in Nigeria is consumed locally. The Hausa like information about their culture, history and people. It is important to have more Hausa content. Like BBC Hausa is in radio, print, online. This is a great opportunity and example. Also Wikipedia needs to find ways to reach people in the rural areas so they can understand what Wikipedia is. This is where Wiki in USSD/SMS could be very important. It could be in collaboration with the government because a lot of these people cannot afford paying for the internet. But if I had data, I would be using Wikipedia. |
14 | Technology | India | South Asia | Digital search has become very important in the metros (big cities).
- One word: Google. People are searching for information online, at least in the metros (big cities). - Indian language content is present online but only accessible to people who know how to look for it. It’s a matter of knowing how to search and having a connected phone. Smartphone cost if going down and internet in India is growing on the mobile. But Indian language content is not tagged or indexed well, hence search does not find it. There are problems with web IDs in Indian languages; machines don’t pick them up, so there are many current technical problems. IAMAI is working on it with a large group of language specialists and also working with ICANN. If digital economy has to go further, it has to take the local language route. IAMAI is trying to get this work accelerated. |
WP is a very useful, go-to tool. Someone made a comment about having Wikipedia and Google, and not needing teachers.
- Wikipedia has a long way to go because Indian language scene on Wikipedia is very bad. - Since WP is third party generated content, there needs to be some kind of tool to gauge the authenticity of material on WP. |
Indian languages can be the main area for collaboration. WMF should tell IAMAI what help it needs to get Indian content on to Wikimedia, what are the tools that are required, and what are the system requirements. | |
15 | Social Services | Nigeria | West Africa | Currently in Nigeria we have issues with corruption because it has deprived us of our development. Headlines sometimes get shared on social media and information spirals out. It impacts how we share, whatever is on the top corner [headlines news] it usually impacts the information and knowledge people share.
The number of people that had access to the internet and technology is much less that today. About 10 years ago mobile phones were very expensive things to own. But currently even children of primary school age may have smartphones. Information was less accessible but now with a click of a button via smartphones information is readily available. People used to get their information from newspapers, radio, and TV but now everything happens at the speed of light. On Facebook on twitter information is instant. Mobile phones reached and spread in Nigeria and has opened doors to impact how information is accessed, eye witnesses can be a form of their own journalists. Some information is still not accessible in Nigeria even though the freedom of information act has been passed by prior administrations. But a lot of vital information is still not available in the public domain and even with the law is on your side, it is still sometimes impossible to get a hold of some information. I see this trend changing in Nigeria, we continue to grow, the young people are enlightened day by day on their right and laws of the land. This trend will change the information space as governments will have to make this closed information available on the social pages / internet. Technology will also change and make the mobile phones even smarter. Although a lot of people in the rural communities may not have access to the internet and their available source of information is the radio or TV. In the next 5-10 we should see a spread of information in these rural communities. Access to information plays a big role is development. |
Information is power, and Wikipedia is another information source. I’ve had the opportunity of checking definitions on Wikipedia and it was very insightful. To me, Wikipedia is an information hub that drives cheap or free access to information.
The role of Wikipedia in the world of free knowledge is access. By a click of a button on the internet, it could be on Google Chrome or Internet Explorer. When you are trying to find information and you are stuck, Wikipedia is one of the first options that pop out. I see Wikipedia as a bridge linking information to people who need it. |
Yes, I would like to share about the direction you should take in terms of nature of Nigeria. Access to information is very very limited especially locally relevant information. I think if Wikipedia can focus on how to help communities through government for them to understand the importance of information sharing. | |
16 | Technology | Nigeria | West Africa | People are really into Whatsapp groups. People share information on on Whatsapp like crazy. People really consume a lot of multimedia which is expensive for the average Nigerian. People share these video all the time. These seem to be more on the edutainment variety instead of high quality news or public service information.
Smartphone proliferation here is a common phenomenon compared to 5 years ago. And Whatsapp is a very recent things and of course social media which is really popular. It would be interesting to see how popular Facebook’s Free Basics here. Data pricing is something I think is going to change, because it has not come down yet but it will. Also the pricing on the smartphones will drop. That is going to make a huge difference. The basic phone will be a smartphone and data will be more accessible, cheaper, and connectivity will be my better. |
I know and use Wikipedia, but I don’t have preference for it here. In the era of fake news, Wikipedia can play a huge role as a public service. For example Facebook is not taking any responsibility for all the fake news that is on there, and I personally find it terrifying. | If you want to leverage marketing in Nigeria, it’s all about radio to get to the grassroots. | |
17 | Business/ Entrepreneurship | Nigeria | West Africa | Social media is really big. Youth population is about half. The older the girls are, the more active they are on social media, boys are more active than girls. WhatsApp, Facebook are very popular. In terms of information sharing, people use Facebook and WhatsApp.
Nigeria youth is moving from analog to digital. Information sharing is becoming a trend in Nigeria. We had the mobile phone, social media was beginning, but it was not as common. It is was a thing of class, for the very educated and people that were middle to high class in terms of wealth. People used to share information through radio, news, word of mouth. Now it is different. We still have print media in Nigeria and radio, but online newspapers coming up. Print may be extinct, because people are realizing they can have it all at their fingertips. Radio will still useful as a means to access to information. Mobile phones. We are seeing a growing trend for every demographic has a mobile phone. Using the mobile with lower bandwidth is going to be a new trend. People that have laptops and desktops are minimal, but smartphones are everywhere they are able to access information easily. |
Wikipedia is common and popular in Nigeria when you want to get something or get a definition. It is a one stop quick place to get information. That is going to be relevant even though other search engines are getting more popular.
It plays an important role in Nigeria, especially for girls as information is not always at their fingertips. In the coming years people will stop buying newspapers and they can go on Wikipedia to keep up with recent trends, especially for young people. It will become more important as more people are coming online and becoming more digital. |
Online chatrooms are very popular and people are letting lose. | |
18 | Social Services | Nigeria | West Africa | With the coming of the internet, everything has become easier with social media. People can learn skills without having to go to school. There is a lot of poverty in Nigeria and people lack resources, because of man-made disasters. You can lean anything on youtube. Not everyone has access to good education in Nigeria. You can learn the processes with what you have. | Wikipedia is an authority when it comes to information especially in Nigeria. It is respected and it has solved informational issues.
Just as Google is doing, come to Africa offer trainings. It doesn't have to be digital skills, you can provide programs that affect lives in education. Wikipedia should sit down and think of these programs in Nigeria, in Africa. It may be online. You have your name on your side. Chose your audience, it could be in rural Nigeria because drivers will not be a problem. |
19 | Business/ Entrepreneurship | Nigeria | West Africa | In the past it was radio and TV and cannot pass information easily. Today it is just a click away from the device you hold in your hand. It has changed a lot of things. Really, young people we are trying to persuade them to take the positive trend, rather than just wasting away their time, energy in Facebook, twitter, to entertain themselves, instead of to power innovations that will change people economically. What we have in our hands is a breakthrough beyond explanation. The use technology to raise resources, to power advocacy, its a miracle.
Technology especially social media it is something that has opened access to thing that were almost a ritual in the past, inaccessible, untouchable, now are just a click away. Its awesome! We are looking at the possibilities where governments privacy can be broken into. If we do not achieve total success in open governance, people will continue to be outside the box of development. No data will be secret. No information will be kept from the people. We are looking at ways that technology will give us access to breaking into those ends. |
A platform that provide us with first hand information about a subject, a personality, or whatever we are not sure about. It is a one-stop-shop for everything.
I think some of the pieces that are missing on the ground, is people engaging Wikipedia properly and its like a club. I have been exposed or heard of some of the Wikipedia activities in Nigeria, and seen Wiki-women, the way the activities are planned, they are not planned in such a way to be inclusive to which more people would be educated on the use of Wikipedia. For me, I am informed how to use it, so it easy for me to find information. I think that is a gap. People push everything across the net, wrong, right, just push it. Eventually people get misinformed. The danger of free knowledge is those organizations that get established on the net, pushing misleading things. I wish Wikipedia can manage that by curating a free knowledge based source that will provide content and information that is correct. This way when people ask where you got that information and you say Wikipedia, they will respond, ""oh, that is reliable". Whatever is free in this part of the world, people run away from it. The new trend in the world, it to break away from that rule. Establish a free knowledge platform that makes information accessible, but at the same time it should be authentic, dependable. |
Volunteering is a foreign idea that came to us, and alien idea, people don't understand it means. But the new trend is making it something young people may consider, even adults are picking up the courage to volunteer resources, knowledge, or skill. When we have so much young people with nothing to do, no good use of their skill and energy. It becomes a necessity for them to find a way to utilize their energy, and that is why volunteering is helping with that. More and more people are embracing. Before, people would think that volunteering is 100% free job, you don't have to reward them with anything, but nowadays there are ways to reward them through recommendations, stipends, etc. | |
20 | Policy/ Government | Mexico | Central/North America | People use social media and gathering in-person information from their local community. This in-person community building is the place where people find news and information relevant to the communities they're part of. With LGBT events, places like community centers, parties, events, are the place to discuss and share information. For the next 5-10 years, it will continue to be the same, because it's a way that people will always be able to chat in person when it comes to LGBT topics.
Mobile information. There is no need to have a computer - everything is in your hands. Consuming information is not an activity in itself, but it's now something regular that is part of your life. Not a lot of change in Mexico. New technologies are something that will not be a thing that will happen soon. It's not going to be massive or soon to happen in that time frame. |
Most immediate and accessible source of information. Not deep information, but something superficial and handy. Concrete data, when you don't need deep analysis.
Yes, but it can play a better role in making more efforts to address barriers to access internet. Advocacy to get more people online, and on Wikipedia. |
When looking for information, there's a lot of things that are not published via official channels. This information comes from people in the ground. For example, in Chechnya, this is information that comes from very few people, but people that are actually in the ground are living. Opportunities to update information from activists from the ground and how to connect them to Wikipedia to share that information. Use as a source for Wikipedia content the same sources they use, like reports of local organizations, testimonials, etc., as this is the real and truthful story to tell. | |
21 | Policy/ Government | Brazil | South America | Polarization. Big shift on different groups on how they access information. Change a lot how people debate and look for information. Media and information serve as a weapon for each of the clusters.
In the next 5-10 years - the fake news problem won't last long. It's a matter of how leadership and politics will evolve, and how that will affect polarization. Role of mobile in Brazil is growing and will continue to grow. Many people are accessing internet only through their phones. Fixed internet is not a big thing. Whatsapp information sharing is very big (even before Facebook). There are a lot of Whatsapp groups to share information. It's becoming a national trend. It will probably remain the same, as mobile continues to be center for people. Big data. Wikipedia as big data and go in Big data initiatives. |
Wikipedia/Wikipedia is actually part of a larger movement - people are joining Wikipedia in a sense as a part of something with concrete terms and actions. Wikimedia has a very precise role in society, as a source of historical information. A place to look for information that you have no idea.
Wikipedia should be thermometer of information. Not necessarily fact checking, as this is something newspapers should do. It's not fact-checking, but "cold checking". Wikipedia should play a role in an age where polarization is a thing in many countries. This should be done without being political. |
It's important to have annual meetings in different countries to talk about the reports and information. Focus more on events, challenges and opportunities. Teach the communities how they're important. There must be more work with Open knowledge community closer. | |
22 | Technology | India | South Asia | People are accessing information via Google. It has a huge effect on how people access information. More are more people are going straight into the domain, and through mobile use can access and get anything you need to know. It has completely replaced the dictionaries in printed format and its all about what Wikimedia is doing, so thank you. It is all about asking the right questions, because the answers are all there.
I have a concern if the internet and quality of information stay there as high as it is now and as easily reachable as it is now. My concern is that content marketing will take over. Like TV, it is all started in a pure content manner, enjoy drama, comedy, and then product placement occurred and story boarding. So commercial took over. |
For me personally and professionally it's a trusted source. When I doing presentations I use Wikipedia and you are doing an amazing job building knowledge and making it available worldwide.
Making sure there are simpler ways to read Wikipedia for all audiences. Your role should be the completely independent trusted source of information in the future. Making sure politics doesn't get in the way of what we do. |
People need to pay more attention to the source of the information they consume. | |
23 | Business/ Entrepreneurship | Egypt | North Africa | When you look at Egypt since the Arab Spring, the role that social media played has grown exponentially. I don't know anyone that doesn't have Facebook across to income levels and generationally. The twitter penetration is very high and digital portal are playing a major role than traditional media. It is more true to younger and middle class, but the shift of how Egyptians consume information transcends income and age. During the late 90's there was an upgrade in the ICT sector in Egypt, mobile phone and smartphone are a status symbol. Internet access via data plans is relatively cheap.
Basic literacy rates have gone up. A generational shift and improvement when it comes to literacy. In rural parts literacy becomes a barrier to using the internet and consuming media online. Another trend is the rapid trend in urbanization to move to Cairo from the rural provinces. High mobile penetration in both rural and urban Egypt. |
I use it multiple times a day. I Google to get to Wikipedia and the first answer is on Wikipedia. I see tremendous value in what's been developed. I use the English version, more than the Arabic version.
The challenge from a user point of view is the more the content can be viewed as local and locally driven, the greater the comfort and confidence. Hence the importance of more local volunteers and local contribution. There is a degree of skepticism and paranoia by the people from this part of the world about information that is perceived as foreign, as people wonder that the agenda is. But it is less applicable when you are taking about news coming from civil society or private source locally. |
24 | Education | Nigeria | West Africa | - Education system has been debilitating for last few decades. Young people coming out of formal secondary education without basic literacy skills and are blocked out of formal economy. Informal sector opportunities less lucrative and stable. High level of frustration, marginalization and turning to alternative opportunities.
- Educating more people only goes so far without a paradigm change in the market (demand-side). 10-15% Nigerians have higher education degree, while 80-59% of jobs formal sector require formal degree. Need to educate employers to hire for what they actually want (job skills). Schools are not teaching the soft skills that employers actually need. - Writing skills in Nigeria is one of our biggest challenges. Limited time in WAVE Program (150 hours across 3 weeks) to focus on training on writing fundamentals. We screen people in based on literacy and reading comprehension. We have them do assignments and write essays. We've had students at the University level who cannot read/write well because their education has been based on multiple choice. Writing grammar levels are very low. English is the national language but not first language growing up. Among affluent, many have better English from private school. |
- Current role: See Wikipedia as an urban encyclopedia, for better or for worse. Much more brand awareness around google than Wikipedia.
- Future role: (1) Help with growing a readership culture. How do you start building the demand for knowledge? (2) Supporting adult literacy is key, and requires creativity to meet people at their comfort level with reading. (3) If someone willing to learn, how do you create other avenues for someone beyond written knowledge. (4) Getting young people into the Wikipedia movement and building soft and life skills through that volunteer work, so contribution becomes a credential in itself. |
- Training program worth testing as a pilot. Effective communication - written verbal and nonverbal - is the most important skill that employers demand. Teaching people to think critically about how to solve for their knowledge gaps is the best way you could help people be on the path to success in their lives. If you have people going away feeling very loyal, that becomes the base of your movement. | |
25 | Business/ Entrepreneurship | Nigeria | West Africa | Mobile phones with internet connections (active users) is the major trend. Now there are about 148 million connected to the internet. It is a lot easier to access information. The social media platforms are involving many people. It is now a digital environment now, everything is digital in Nigeria.
In the past, people depended on newspapers, TV, radio and talking to people that are more experienced than them. Libraries were used to access information and dictionaries were used a lot. Now we just go to our phones, we had physical structures, and now we have internet structures. In the future information will be in your face, it will be much easier to access information. You wouldn't have to do much work, information will just be there. |
Wikipedia is a database of information about everything, it is a place I always go for information. So I usually go to Google and Wikipedia always comes up. It gives me needed information. There are other sources of information that get it from Wikipedia. Example shared on how her Father's Wikipedia page had incorrect information and let her to write to ask for the changes to be made. She was upset because the article mistook her father for someone else. This article has now been updated with the correct information, but it did cause mistrust for a while.
Wikipedia is the main source of valid information, so its role in the world is important. |
Possible collaboration on content creation and share more information with the world. Just be more discoverable. It will be great to be a part of a community. | Been successful by partnering with NWTF (Nigerian Women Trust Fund). NWTF are a platform the aims to elevate and support women to reach higher position in the country. Some of the challenges is having to educate people about what we do. There is a huge gap of women in high positions in Nigeria. Some of the girls / women that graduate from higher educations still lack the knowledge and skills needed to find information and validate if the information is correct.
It will be nice to have a quality assurance person to validate information on Wikipedia. Also offline solutions are very important and needed. |
26 | Media | Nigeria | West Africa | Internet penetration is steadily going up and are registered at 45million active users on the internet. The lack of education on Nigeria cause people to consult with Google. Nigerians are Googling everything. People now are having conversations and go to the search engines to confirm information as they talk. This is a trend now that if it is not on Google's first page or not sited by Wikipedia, then it is not true. As internet penetration keeps getting higher and we continue to have more mobile devices (more affordable devices) more people will be introduced to the internet and knowledge will be shared on platforms like Wikipedia.
Information used to be very limited and would be spread via TV, radio, and word of mouth (best stand of approval, especially with lack of trust). Blackberry messenger was very big back then but limited to those who can afford Blackberry phones. Then is became more wide spread with the introduction of Twitter and Facebook. Traditional media is still the radio. There is a thriving tech hub in Nigeria. People are finding it easier to start businesses using tech. There is now a form of empowerment to help the community and country at large. It is beyond tech, but tech is trendy. Infrastructural challenges are in the way. The average Nigerian is savvy, hardworking, and industrious. Education is the main issue in Nigeria, there isn't enough public school to provide the level of confidence and knowledgable graduates that will leave and have what it takes. We have savvy people that survive on less than $1 / day there is a very low literacy rate in the country. The institutions are compromised by the corruption that the governments serve. |
I think Wikipedia is the best thing ever, especially for entrepreneurs. There is a need to access quick information while doing research which Wikipedia allows that. "It sparks your brain" by giving the initial introduction that will allow you to succeed in any debate. Wikipedia is a great way to start out. | ||
27 | Business/ Entrepreneurship | Brazil | South America | As a foreigner to US, I’ve been learning about differences in news/trends among news outlets and how news is communicated. In Brazil, people rely a lot on social media to distribute and discuss information among friends and networks of individuals. Hard not to think about exposure that people have to media and quality of media in developing world. Same things we see here in the US (rise of fake news, what is reality, what is not), we see in developing world. I would guess that in countries with big populations (India, China) the issues are even more extreme because the media is controlled. | As a user, I trust it. One of the things I would not be fully trusting it is when I look into a page and I get data for 2014, 2015 (not as current as it could be), which gets me less comfortable in using it. When it’s fresh and updated I would totally trust it as part of what I’m working on. How refreshed it is dictates how often I would use it.
Never thought of Wikipedia as a product with an intention or purpose. More of a repository that people can access and use. |
Next generation – in general, tech-savvy, access, purpose – start at university level, not before that. Most countries in developing world – there is a wave of entrepreneurship, tap into those networks, how you learn outside school, from peers, struggles and challenges of creating own initiatives and companies in order to use Wikipedia as a center for creating a network, for them to identify themselves (sharing best practices, information in general, history of country), trying to look for main, combined purpose in doing so. Need to identify some of the leaders of movements, universities that can start the process of getting the word out, make it viral so everyone does a little bit. Trial and error, contributors not as skilled, don’t know how to contribute, don’t have the curation skills (language, format) as a major effort not only to bring contributors on board but also standardize so that it continues to be Wikipedia.
Thinking is not as linear as in West – different types of education and backgrounds have an effect on how people write. Reasons why people are shy about contributing could be because they don’t write well enough or can’t live up to standard. But if you ask them to write in their own language, it might be better. Try, talk to networks, see how they behave, start to do that on a more recurring basis until you go back and start to curate content and see how they respond to curation, not everyone wants to be corrected. Brazil – 2 or 3 cities, can already have a lot of people (private to public), tapping those demographics, self-perpetuating process (virtuous cycle). |
Education peer-to-peer in Brazil, recently decided that program could run alone. Wanted to focus on education platform, change over the next decade. Platform can create own playlist, learning throughout their lives to put education all in one place, open communities where learning in front of computer but also home schooling for adults. Felipe Amaral at Semente Negocios. |
28 | Business/ Entrepreneurship | Brazil | South America | Most important learning is based on my own experience talking to clients, understanding markets, using the little bit of content and a lot of practical experience that they already have. The main problem is how to get knowledge relevant to entrepreneurs in a way that they are most poised to take advantage of it. For students who just finish school and want to be an entrepreneur, business school is not the best place to learn. Business school is not a real experience for entrepreneurs on par with the resources available to them outside of a university. | Wikipedia offering free knowledge on the web is one of the parts of this movement (access to knowledge) that can help the most. For the price, being able to go online and learn a lot of things online is awesome, but there is a real need for other things in the learning process. Three important case studies. (1) LRNG (</> offers micro-certification of learning process (formal measure of knowledge received and committed). This kind of broad-based experience is important to career and growth as a person. Diploma is good, but badge-based criteria are even more important. (2) Open Masters (</> peer-to-peer learning community. Having connections with other people in the learning process is really important. Online and offline. If you want to do your own “Masters” based on your own learning process, they will support you. (3) Degreed (</> can concentrate all learning experience inside the platform, including watching TED talks. Goal is to have all the resources for what you want to learn and also curate additional similar resources inside the platform based on your preferences (adaptive learning). In the future, they can even connect users with other people who have similar expertise.
In short, Wikipedia should make efforts to certify learning experience outside of the community and concentrate learning all in one place (aggregator for knowledge). Return on investment to get a diploma is not a very certain thing in Brazil, nor is it a good investment. It is becoming more obvious that you don’t need all the really expensive infrastructure that the university provides (sports teams, facilities), and it is much cheaper to do just the learning on its own. Historically, we’ve been lazy with pursuing our own knowledge path, and have outsourced the learning process to universities because it was easier. Pursuing self-enrichment or learning on one’s own is more feasible for the future. |
Free knowledge is an awesome movement, but going further to try to help the learning process as opposed to just offering knowledge and content is the next step. It’s important to really make sure that this knowledge is being processed by the people it’s supposed to serve. Can Wikipedia help this process of learning? We have too much information available; the problem is not lack of knowledge but what we do with so much information. People don’t have adequate resources to learn from so much, so we must have tools to structure the learning process. Wikipedia is too passive. It’s a one-off knowledge place, like an old, dusty book. To get a bit of knowledge is good, but to have an experience is not so good. I’ve been seeing the way that communities are making cool stuff to attract young people to their platform. Nowadays we must translate the experience we used to have from a book to the online space. Wikipedia must not just be an encyclopedia, but offer a way for people to learn more about the issues. | |
29 | Social Services | Indonesia | Southeast Asia | When it comes to online information, it is difficult to tell what is the truth. Many Indonesians do not read English, even at the highest levels of government and among medical professionals. Indonesia is all about monopolies, not just a commercial monopoly, but one of knowledge. For example: it's not possible to perform a new medical procedure in Indonesia. If a university wants to bring a surgeon to perform a new procedure they can, but they can only do it one time. They have one shot and one shot only. Anyone in Indonesia who can afford it goes to Singapore hospitals because of the poor state of Indonesian hospitals. Hospitals in Indonesia are unbelievable. | The question is how to bring outside information in a way that more people can access it, undermining knowledge monopoly. As long as it comes from outside, it will be more credible than internal sources. | Mobile infrastructure: Internet infrastructure is very low. The most common way to get information is from Facebook. Because of decades of abuse from the government, people only trust information from people they know. Facebook is easy to receive on mobile, internet access on mobile is less easy. | Indonesia has very segregated society based on socio-economic circles. Manfred is in middle-class. For this reason, typical experts (upper middle class or higher) are removed from the environment because they don't know what is happening on the ground. If you are upper middle class or up, you have education. |
30 | Media | Thailand | Southeast Asia | Most obvious trend: development of social media and spread of platforms. This has enabled news environment, and has led to tremendous polarization in political views. Made the environment a bit toxic. Special media enables anyone with an opinion (including conspiracy theorits) to get out and be heard. Mainstream media has always been reliant on checking facts, quoting credible source, and has now been scrambling in this new ecosystem to get the right reporting out. This had already been the de-facto landscape in SE Asia. There are severe restrictions on “free” media in the first place. Social media is also restricted to some extent. Toxic effects of social media in early days of Burma transition. One ehe effect of military rule is that people believe whatever they saw on the internet. Violence was instigated against people on the internet. Rumors were spread faster than any attempt to control. Thailand: tremendous polarization politically. Citizenry can bypass conventional media (which has its own biases). Has led to a lot of noise – backlash in the form of two military coups.
Not sure if this trend has peaked or bottomed out. More and more people get on the internet. Many people live under governments that exert a lot of control (Vietnam). Social contentiousness and acquiescence. Social media is overtaking conventional media and it empowers citizens. Depending on stress factors, citizenry take to other avenues for expression, boiling point pops up. There is a process of maturing in social media ecosystem and conventional media will adapt. “Legacy media” is in process of adapting. People learn through direct experience. There is a social cost to political polarization and hopefully this will lead to an aversion of polarizing thought. Social media is becoming even more instant (Facebook Live streaming, both for good and bad). There is a strong urge to express oneself and be heard by general public – it will go in that direction. Not even a time lag (can just live stream what’s happening). It will reach that pitch and there will be some sorting along the way. |
It is useful, WP will pop up when I do research for an article. But I have to be careful who has written that article and what the footnotes and citations are. Current role is fine, as long as it can ensure it retains credibility of information. Hard to do with open source, and the fact that anyone can edit. If it can find a way to maintain its relevance, it should keep doing what it’s doing.
I think there’s still very much a role for WP, still essential need for it in the world. It is peer reviewed and open source. What it should really do is help make think tanks make decisions. Integral for journalists as well as general public. Explaining to passerby readers what a particular media stance is, and who owns it. Being a watchdog for the media especially at a time when truth is at a premium. |
Haven’t given too much thought to that. | |
31 | Business/ Entrepreneurship | Nigeria | Online learning is very popular. Most people are self taught so multiplier effect is bigger. | Wikipedia doesn't have an biased agenda, very clear what the mission is and shows the better side of social media. Wikipedia can help with Nigerian identity. Wikipedia can help people feel included by watering down information for all to consume. | LADOL willing to talk about Wikipedia and help spread awareness via their network and channel. | Nigerian voices must be heard as in 30 years it will be 25% of the world's population. Education system has been broken. Private sector will play a big role in helping with education. You do not have to force Nigerians to work hard. Wikipedia can campaign by simply stating the facts and snowballing will happen in Nigeria. | |
32 | Media | Nigeria | In the Niger Delta beginning to see more internet penetration, but still connection is very bad and it feels like you are off the grid. Connection issues is a major challenge. Mobile are getting cheaper and affordable. Traditional media hubs are struggling so they are all going digital. The market is moving from TV, Radio to mobile. But in rural areas radios are still used a lot. But in urban areas it is mobile and social media. The future depends on infrastructure development in rural, but in urban is up to par with the rest in terms of connectivity. Internet in the future is also dependent on price. | One of the best thing that happened to the internet. The role of providing free information by those who can access the internet. Wikipedia can join the current advocacy to connect the unconnected. The info is there, the people are there in rural areas, you just need to connect them. They are the ones that need Wikipedia, it will change the world. | Podcasting is catching up in Nigeria, how about Wikipedia via audio, he can help. Wikipedia clubs in schools will create awareness. | Volunteering community in growing for people aged 20-30 to make a difference in their cities, they are called "global shapers". Look at TEDx and will be held in Tanzania this year and it is a great way to reach many people. The school system is not direct in increasing volunteering culture, probably due to economy. | |
33 | Education | Egypt | Internet penetration is growing, but Facebook is very important and most popular and used to share information. It is very visible especially with young. After revolution in 2011, people's attention turned to connecting to social media due to the lack of news and information. Data usage is increasing via mobile and smartphones are getting cheaper (you can get cheap smartphones for $25). The new Minister of Education is trying to change education in Egypt. | The biggest challenge is to ensure accuracy of content. For subjects for common topics with high contribution it is great, but crowdsourcing for Arabic content is weak and challenging. Growing the local communities is the key, expanding it will be the best way to ensure local content is increased. | One initiative is called "EKB - Egypt Knowledge Bank" by reaching out to information/knowledge content providers (academic content) and struck deals to obtain a country license. This provides access to all involved in academia to ensure the digital shift begins. People, students, teachers have access to all this information based on IP addresses for free subsidized by the government. Creating partnerships with companies that have large reach will be the best way to increase awareness of Wikipedia. Awareness level in Egypt (17%) is a good start and using Facebook and social media can help increase in Egypt. |
The formal educational system is bad. Quality of education keeps dropping. Many people looking for alternative ways to learn. The government in the past 40 years have been stuffing classrooms with more students, so quality of teaching, teachers dropped. The teaching style is outdated. | |
34 | Education | India | Their audience are digital natives who consume information primarily on mobile phones. They are learning to move from print to digital platforms. People also prefer direct distribution of stories through telephone by just giving a missed call. Audio based communication is an emerging trend. | Wikipedia should provide a platform and tools to enable participation of more players in the free knowledge space. It should also champion the cause of open licenses. | Pratham Books can promote Wikibooks and simple content from Indian language Wikipedias for children. | ||
35 | Technology | South Africa | In 5-10 years, most people will have a mobile device and they'll be connected to the internet. Luckily, the problem of people not having smart phones is going away. We won't be worried about that OR the cost of data in 5-10 years. Given that, a lot that exists as a barrier now will fall away. So we don't need to spend too much time on IVR or USSD.
Assume that in the next 5 years, everyone will have a smart phone and be connected to the internet. One thing to think about is zero rating. Pricing as a problem isn't going to go away completely. And increasingly, as everyone has a smart phone, they can access things like Wikipedia but they won't be able to read it (not zero rated, can't afford it). Hopefully that monopoly on data will alleviate in the coming years. Access is less of an issue. Cost will continue to be an issue, especially if it's coupled with content that has the most impact. A lot of what they had success with is reducing cost. They have 90% of mom's in South Africa connected to information and cost is the issue -- poorest people stop using the content as soon as you start charging anything. At the bottom of the pyramid, any cost is too much. Things like chat specifically can work really well with radio, since no one would be required to download a separate app and it'd be really simple to begin using something that's already on your phone. These chat interfaces will still be popular in five years. Surprisingly, radio is increasing in popularity in South Africa (internet trends aren't having an impact on radio). |
Being in the vernacular is important. Wikipedia is lucky because there's a community of language support. As we start using machine learning, it might be hard to gain real efficiency from this because there's so little of most languages on the internet in the first place.
So many of our traditions are oral and they're getting lost. Doing an IVR project in Nigeria, but it's because literacy is low and being able to deliver information in a way that someone can understand it (e.g., spoken) is the only way to get that information to them. Penetration of smart phones way outstrips the growth in literacy. The problem is that literacy rates aren't growing as quickly, even though everyone might be connected. We need to structure content in a way that's non-text based to accommodate this. Could imagine a Wikipedia-version of YouTube that's open. |
The biggest app usage in all markets is Snapchat and WhatsApp, so these then become a viable platform for delivering content.
Start figuring out how to delivery content directly through these chat streams The crazy thing about USSD is how well it worked for Wikipedia. It would be fun to resurrect this -- polish off the API for Wikipedia and expose it to a WhatsApp bot. Now we have interesting machine learning techniques to match questions to the correct Wikipedia article. When they launched Wikipedia on USSD in Kenya, it turns out that no one knew what Wikipedia was -- there was zero brand penetration. They had devices and access, but they didn't know the brand (although that has improved over the last 3-4 years). Need to figure out: how do people discover these services? |
36 | Media | India | Print books will be legacy editions going forward. The cost of printing will be drastically reduced to make books more affordable. This will also encourage new kind of topics to be printed. The publishing industry is moving towards digital. | Wikipedia should play a big role in education. It should invest to improve the breadth and depth of content available in Indian languages. This should be done by more training, recognition incentives for contribution. Wikipedia should plan to be present in future knowledge devices like Android Echo and try to become an answering machine. | Publishers and Wikipedia can collaborate to create dedicated free knowledge books on each topic. Wikipedia should explore the funding models for this and publishers can help in the distribution. | ||
37 | Technology | San Francisco (Kenya, and Africa) | North America | Wiki-med Project is a great example of an important role Wikipedia can play in medicine. Those community members going door to door on the ground with smartphones delivering basic health care service can address many challenges and help communicate where information knowledge can be found. Wikimedia as a nonprofit foundation has the opportunity to make the decisions that companies and governments can't and in turn accomplish what companies and governments can't. Mozilla is a good example. | Finding the right partner means you can achieve a much greater level of scale and reach, but it has to be mutual and transparent. | Knowing who you are serving will help direct you to know what tools to build to reach the masses. There is a great opportunity for Wikipedia to be the one place to go to get information about many topics.
"One thing I would wish for WMF to do is achieve knowledge reach in addition to knowledge scale" | |
38 | Education | Nigeria | Africa | Nigerians culturally would rather go to another person to hear about something or learn new information through social media, better chance to be heard that putting information on a website or blog. The trend is more mobile based, the communities have adapted to not see each other in person as much due to social media (so offline to online).
In the next 5-10 years everyone will have a smartphone connected online and on the internet and increasing access to information. |
Information is universal and Wikipedia has the right idea to allow everyone to be able to contribute. It has made research and is a good access point to information.
To improve - in Nigeria not many people are aware of Wikimedia projects and the communities. Also the content quality sometime needs to be strengthen. More needs to be done to include more people from Africa. |
Convincing parents is a challenge for young kids trying to learn and enroll in art workshops and bootcamps. Funding is always a barriers to makes it hard to work as a nonprofit in Nigeria.
The level of educational digitalization is very low and very limited access to practice what you learn, it is still paper based. The teachers do not have access to new updated information to be able to teach properly. | |
39 | Media | Nigeria | Africa | Public school kids are still not exposed to technology so giving access to smartphones will teach them how to use the internet more positively. It can be a great learning tool and online learning is more popular, but access is an issue. There is a huge need for overall infrastructure revamp in Nigeria and education suffers because of it. | Wikipedia can be used to share information about African heroes to the rest of the world. Wikipedia can do more to help document oral history of Nigeria and digitize this for all to consume and edit. Nigerian folklore is quickly dying off. | Wikipedia collaboration with museums and universities can create hubs for students and people to learn more. Wikipedia can do more with cultural awareness in Nigeria. | We focus on building communities with our organization first, to build understanding and trust and break barriers of class. Focusing on parents' perception and understanding the need for collaboration and then move outward. |
40 | Technology | Kenya | Africa | Whatsapp is the biggest channel for people to communicate share information. There is a large dependency on printed newspapers still in Kenya because there is a limited amount of people that have access to digital devices that can get on the internet. So access to affordable internet is still an issue. Also power (electricity) is an issue. BRCK is now focusing on public free wifi for people to freely access anything they want by watching a quick ad. | The living encyclopedia that keeps growing and democratizes information.
The biggest problem is that it is not in many people's local languages enough. Wikipedia is not valuable even if you can get online if there is no local relevant languages. The direction I would hope Wikipedia to go is more local languages. |
Exploring offline opportunities and free wifi spots, increasing usage in collaboration. | Having someone focus on policy (ICT governance) when trying to work across Africa to ensure constant follow up and updates is important.
The biggest hurdle nowadays to share knowledge is having the money to do so. It is hard to find a certain skill level of people. The talent pool is not deep. The technical skills outweigh design skills. The educational system will not change until teachers become digitized. |
41 | Education | India | Asia | Knowledge consumption in the next 5-10 years will be driven by more audio visual communication. People want localised information available in easily digestible formats and sizes. | Wikipedia's presence is well registered in academia currently. However, it's use is discouraged so students will spend the effort and time to get trained in critical thinking and writing instead of getting spoon fed with readily available information. Wikipedia, in 2030, should play a key role in providing pedagogical tools and platforms. There is no other free and open source provider filling this gap. For example, we need tools for creating animation or slideshows which can be readily used in our coursework. | The university is open to implement Wikipedia in Education program. He was also interested about internship opportunities for his students. | Provide simple or mini Wikipedias for quick consumption of information. |
42 | Policy/ Government | India | Asia | Currently, Indians are huge consumers of information but not producers. In the future, this will get more bi-directional and interactive. Knowledge that is more tacit now will be documented. Knowledge gaps in formal organisations like the government will be filled by informal initiatives like citizen activism. | Wikipedia should try to document all kinds of knowledge that goes beyond encyclopaedic format even to the extent of becoming a database. If it is verifiable information, it should be there. | The Government of Tamil Nadu is already a partner for the Wikimedia movement. Being more flexible or culture conscious regarding policies like notability will help to document more local information. We should provide platforms for content creation so new projects that caters to the needs of variety of audience is met. For example, a WikiHow like project that documents how citizens can avail various government services would be useful. | |
43 | Media | Indonesia | Asia | Knowledge is a very neutral word. It is basically just more information that you can get and share. It does not what is good for society and what is not. In Indonesia, a lot of the knowledge that are being spread are detrimental to diversity and plurality and to democracy which is going against the work of the medium. Internet is supposed to be a democratic medium. It is going against the nature of the medium itself and the platform that Wikipedia is on. The fastness of the spread of “anti-knowledge” is very destructive right now. The country is struggling how we can curb that without jeopardizing knowledge itself.
In the next 5-10 years, there will be more speed (the Internet goes faster). In that sense we will have more variety of knowledge. We are realizing that there are a certain gatekeeping that is required in the process of this freely sharing society. In the future, it is hoped that the gatekeeping process will be more advanced that right now. Now, google has algorithms to determine what shows and not, while Youtube has a function to take down contents that violate the rules. In the future, copyright is going to have a big problem. Companies will have a hard time trying to cash in from digital products. In terms of technology, AI (Artificial Intelligence) is trending and it looks like that that is where the world is going. But, it is important to not lose sight on the human part. It is important not to let corporate take over. We need to think what it means to society. Let’s not forget about people and humanities. |
Wikipedia plays a significantly important role in terms of giving introductory knowledge about things in life. Looking up new words or new concepts on Wikipedia is a prevalent thing to do for most of us. Wikipedia serves as a supplementary guide while reading something else to be more acquainted with topic. Wikipedia simplifies the process of acquiring information. Without Wikipedia, like in the past, one needs to do all the hassle in order to know about something. One needs to go to the library, acquire library card, etc. People would easily give up. Wikipedia has brought an important progress to society on information retrieval. However, this should not stop here. People should be encouraged to dig more. Many people want to know about a lot of things but only a little bit. If we want to bring this awesome technology forward, we should find a way to encourage people read further the citations on Wikipedia articles. The big role that Wikipedia brings about to the world is making knowledge so accessible to a lot more people. Since everyone can edit Wikipedia, it should work hard on improving its accountability. In addition, Wikipedia should take up more language so it would be even more accessible and would concern in adding more intricate topics. | Instead of waiting for contributors to show up organically from society, Wikipedia can take a more active role. For example by providing a more structural training but more than just a competition. A training where people could learn how to contribute in countries where entries are very low (such as Indonesia), with languages that are not much used, especially on intricate topics | |
44 | Education | Uganda | Africa | A lot of whatsapp is the main way information is shared along with printed newspapers. Mobile phones connect people and allow them to share information. Access is limited, so in the future more mobile phones for everyone with full internet access. | The global democracy of information, so Wikipedia should continue to improve and expand on that. There is huge disconnect between what people are taught and the actual curriculum. There has to be more done on highlighting the important facts to learn. Wikipedia can help build more curiosity because research skills will become more and more important in life. | Any help to fight the battle of finding relevant content for curriculum. Also training on the skill of research, but access is still a problem. | Understanding that the most innovation way for education is online. |
45 | Technology | USA, South Africa | Africa | Wikipedia has done a great job creating a distributed management system that keep contributors contributing and create a product that has changed the world. Wikipedia could lend some of its expertise in information organization and collaborative community management to help the tech for development sector. Strengthening the non-bias information sector and various technology. | It is hard to create sustainable open source technology projects.
Open data kit as an open source android app that collects data on the ground. How WMF can lend its expertise to the ICT for development space. Imagine by 2030 WM trained the space on how to gain the support that we have and create other Wikimedias. | ||
46 | Technology | Nigeria | Africa | Social media via Whatsapp and FB, twitter and LinkedIn is how people get and share information today. In the future more people will become more aware and will build their lives around technology and using social media. | Wikipedia is a reliable platform for youth to go and source for information. If Wikipedia takes the lead in empowering youth to become more educated and it will develop economies. A platform like Wikimedia will push Nigeria forward to a better future. | Find ways to strengthen information that is not included in regular classes with Wikipedia. | Working on Google digital skill project. The structure of the Nigerian system plays a big role, approvals are needed especially in government initiatives.
Youth have the mindset of I want the job now without skill, without taking the time to learn skills needed as a way to survive. Making youth apart of the process from the beginning is very effective. Addressing the root cause of the issue in Nigeria is important, and the root cause and that is education. "The education system failed us". |
47 | Business/ Entrepreneurship | Multiple | North America | How have people been engaging in social entrepreneurship in countries without freedom of press or with heavy restrictions? Idea of a path forward after being informed. How to engage with content online, in air, or in print. Big trend around “click-tivism,” but this is just touching the surface. Oversaturation of clicks and likes and shares. What are more sophisticated paths forward for engagement with communities? How can media companies direct content toward audiences that decipher what people are interested in, and how to get them engaged? Right now, we are operating with a North American/European lens. There is a difference between writing for and writing about audiences. How do you best engage with audiences of today? The answer for us has been collaborating with local content creators. | Media in general is concerned with the past, and what has been done. There is less about “how-to’s” and doing, which is essentially what people want. Breakout organizations are a lot more future focused. Concept of an encyclopedia is passé – it’s a matter of substance and branding. Take illness for example. There’s a whole lot of people who might want to find others, compare treatments, institutions, information. Suddenly, they come to WP to get the knowledge, but can also get the built-in community and a set of options. Editors over time can come to be known as trusted by the community. Consider giving them $ or kudos or badges of recognition for being super contributors. Creating capacity that is totally in line with the spirit of WP – community helping community, but in a disciplined way. This can break into developing world relatively quickly. Don’t need to have specialization. Don’t kick them off to FB or What’s App to start chat groups there, this will really give us a better product and part of that is the service. Ask people to say where are we going to be in the future?
Transactional costs of dealing with a foundation is 40% (McKinsey study published in SIRR). With a business, it’s between 1-4%. Foundations/philanthropy is a completely dysfunctional sector. What if WP community started evaluating every foundation? Could be revenue generator for foundations to pay to respond to comments. Full array of knowledge, especially the future. Where is this wave of entrepreneurship going? Best place to get knowledge is in an open, straightforward way. Business sectors are radically different in that there are very rare transition/inflection points. Organizations are very reliable. |
Future, “how-to,” and do are complements to the fact-based encyclopedia. Entering turning point of a world of repetition, from assembly lines of the industrial revolution to today where value is contributing to change. You have to be a changemaker to play in the game of change. There is a big difference between an actor vs. a repeater. | |
48 | Policy/ Government | Thailand | Asia | -Crowdsourcing which can be used for both commercial and non-commercial would be another trend for the next 10 years.
-Online and virtual learning would also be a vital trend for education. Several institutions provide more courses which can be entirely completed online without having a traditional class. -Free knowledge would be a trend because many people regard the internet as “free content provider”. Direct revenue from accessing and using content could be hard to expect. However, indirect revenue such as commissions and advertising would play an increasingly larger role. -Senior citizens would play important role in online knowledge management. They have time, experience and knowledge to share with online community. -Self-exhibition will also a trend for the next decade. People will continue posting, sharing content related to “self” -Regarding the form and pattern of communication, “live streaming” will also become a more popular form of giving and receiving knowledge. People pay less attention to knowledge in the form of “text” but tend to favor “multimedia and live” content in which they could also taking part. They may individually share and receive knowledge through online platform. Regarding Thailand, the growth of the internet and information technology including social networks over the past decade has opened up a new communication platform to allow people to freely publish their daily activities and personal data with networked friends. However, for the legal point of views there are some limitations. First of all, People tend to share sensitive personal information to identify an individual in context. Recently, Thai government launched Thailand 4.0 and digital economy policy that drives citizen to engage in digital transaction and lifestyle without providing adequate legal framework for protection of their privacy. Secondly, several laws enacted as part of “digital economy” focus on controlling online content, for example, computer crime laws that have several sections criminalizing people who just “post , share” “harmful content” which is broadly defined. This could have “chilling effect” for the freedom of expression and affect knowledge sharing because it is a form of “online communication”. In addition, there are laws to “censor” online communication which is “against public moral” which is again broadly defined and vague. Furthermore, the Cyber security draft bill would also affect the dissemination of online content, if enacted. Thus, my opinion, especially in the Thai context, is that the most vital factor that could have impact on the access, use, and sharing of online knowledge is the legal factors relating to criminalizing online content and censorship. |
Wikipedia is a well-known open access database of encyclopedias and a sharing knowledge center. Apart from Wikipedia, there are several sister projects that drives knowledge sharing for society. Regarding the arguments on Wikipedia, I have always heard many people argue that the limitation of Wikipedia in the academic research context would be the reliability in term of reference due to the fact that anyone who wants to share or publish expertise can write. Also, anyone who disagrees in the context can edit. This makes Wikipedia different from the other reliable academic databases which need the appropriate peer review in order to control quality of an article. However, I have different points of view, because, from my experience on Wikipedia Thai version, the input of new information is quite limited due to the fact that there is a process like “peer review” which is not clear in several issues such as (1) who is the peer reviewer (2) what is their expertise and experience for each content (3) what are the criteria or standards to “delete” or “not allow” particular content on Wikipedia. (4) the reason for rejecting content may be irrelevant to the subject and topic or “too vague”, which is the standard or default answer. For example, the reason for rejection are “not an encyclopedia” or “not remarkable or outstanding” – these kinds of reasons are subjective and vague. When users ask for more explanation, no clear one is received. Then, instead of being a “free market place of idea” which is a strong point of Wikipedia, the editorial process turns out to be like old daily newspapers with an editorial board controlling the final decision. The difference is that no one knows who the editorial board is for Thai Wiki.
In my opinion, the role of Wikipedia could be a “market place of idea” where any information can be exchanged and expressed. The self-regulation should be a vital mechanism for quality of content by allowing “markets” to work on “editorial functions”. The people, all users, would help with editing content over and over without intervention of certain “editors”. |
Wikipedia has been useful in my work especially English version which provides basic facts or starting point to a wide variety of issues for research. To make it more useful, I suggest the transparency of editorial process as discussed above. (for Thai version). If Wikipedia still uses “editorial review”, I suggest (1) make clear definition of “outstanding or remarkable” criteria (give an example). In fact, I think the more people write, the more attractive Wiki is. (2) the editor or peer review can be divided into a panel or specialized team for each kind of content ( I don’t know the process or procedure but I guess there are certain groups or even some editors to review all topics across a variety of content) If Wikipedia has new policies on peer review process like organizing new editorial panel, I would apply to be part of that team related to my area of work.
In addition, Wikipedia (thai version) has not yet provided content covering my field of work. For example, legal issues relating to privacy and social media laws emerge everyday but there is no such content on Wikipedia. (There is information in the form of “news” which is different from the good pattern of Wikipedia which provides every aspect of particular matter) If Wikipedia would expand content in this way, I would be glad to contribute content relating to my work. |
49 | Policy/ Government | Indonesia mainly, Southeast Asia | Asia | The Artificial Intelligence (AI) will be the most significantly improved and it'll be changing the future. Chat service, customer service, can be automatically replace by bot. Blockchain by BitCoin will be more well known than before and also the usage is increasing. | Wikipedia is a free education and knowledge central hub. Supporting by massive amount of volunteers and that's the strongest part, collaboration for education. English local content is the best one. He always refers and reads in English edition, because there's no enough content in local edition. | Wikidata will be useful for data central hub. Open Data Lab is working on empowering and support local government to have open data portal as well as knowing how to explore and use the open data. Antya suggests that it would be great if all of data in this world can be easily found and traceable. | In the last session, Antya concerns about the sustainability of nonprofit organization, so he hopes the collaboration can make it more sustain |
50 | Education | Indonesia | Asia | There's some misunderstanding and confusing part when Dilah mentioned technology with her coworkers. In language teaching, most of older generations still favour traditional method than modern one. Although, Dilah awares that language teacher should move forward and takes it for granted. Technology has been helped her to connect and understand the fast changing world. She also trying to adapt the technology to meet with her student ability. In the future, she imagines in the next 5 or 10 years that technology will help the learning process more comfortable, she doesn't need to teach in a class anymore, she can do online class or even MOOC.
She also mentions that maybe in the future there's a new technology that can help people to detect a presume analysis whether someone will do bad things. It must corelate with social media. |
Wikipedia is a useful website and can be resourceful if we want to take a glimpse searching. Wikipedia also provide the quick information. Although, she awares that Wikipedia still look down by academician, she hopes that the Wikipedia system can be improved, so people can refer and learn from Wikipedia. | Wikipedia can be new resource for her organization (Indonesia Mandarin Language Teaching Association), they can use the material from Wikipedia and it doesn't have any limitation like in university | In the last session, Dilah hopes that not only English Wikipedia that have a good content, she also hope for the local edition too. |
51 | Technology | Indonesia | Asia | Online data will be more powerful. Search engine will be main source for information. Artificial Intelligence also has a big effect and make human life easier. Now, some of the online consulation or customer service using bot and it's changing the old services. Dyah mentions Sale Stock, one of the online fashion store, which using big data to get complete information about specific products that can have a good selling. | Wikipedia is the main reference website. Its English edition is sufficient enough to start to know about specific information. Local edition is not as good as the English edition. Dyah also mentions that Wikipedia should have its trusted label (a logo that show the validity of its articles). So, users can have more faith with Wikipedia. | DSI would like to collaborate using Wikipedia as a knowledge production and a medium of giving back to the society, DSI would like to improve technology articles, so many people can learn from Wikipedia, as right now local version doesn't have rich informations. Dyah's also interested in Wikidata as she's always playing and using it with DSI members. | Wikipedia UI should also be improved. Dyah feels the recent UI is so boring. In the future, Dyah predicts that people will realize more about the importance of sharing knowledge. |
52 | Social Services | Indonesia | Asia | These days, people are using Internet more than those in the past 10 years. If we look thoroughly, people were using Internet for collecting information only, while some in other part of the area has limited Internet connection. Today, Internet become vital for most people, where they are able to connect to each other to share information and knowledge by using communication tools, such as Skype. | Wikipedia, viewing from Hani’s perspective, is a website, which provide free access for free knowledge. It has been used by people primarily when they are going to search information on Internet. One of the reasons is that Wikipedia shows up in the first page of Google search engine, so that all people from any background of field are provided quick information from Wikipedia. | Wikipedia can be a platform to introduce and promoting Indonesian literatures, such as writers and their books, notable translators for Indonesian literature books, cultures, which those can be written both in English and Indonesian-language Wikipedia. To achieve this, Lontar Foundation is willing to provide useful data for references to improve Wikipedia contents and helping to gather new volunteers for Wikipedia by conducting more writing sessions. | At the last session of interview, Hani suggested that Wikipedia should be promoted more on how it works. She mentioned that most people have already known about Wikipedia, yet they do not know how to contribute in it. Wikimedia should have announced to the world that some chapters also held Wikipedia training sessions for new users, so that they can participate in the training and contribute in improving Wikimedia articles. In addition, Hani also mentioned the availability of Wikipedia articles for disability users. She hoped that Wikipedia will available for those special users in the future. |
53 | Technology | Indonesia | Asia | Yantisa said that, the trend he see that are related to OSM activities in mapping are data visualization. The data that they provide on the net are spatial data, so the trend that is happening right now is making that data into infographic formats. Now there are a lot of numeral data are being provided into visuals and some of them are interactive.
The other trend that are happening is there are a lot of people now input their data into some tools that able to mash up their data with existing data. For example there are tools now that enable people to apply their data on top of OpenStreetMap data, and directly see the connection between two of it. And this tools does not require user to be able to understand technical programming language first to be able to use this tools. In relevance with Wikipedia, Yantisa imagine that there will be a tool that can help people to quote easier from Wikipedia Articles as their sources. This tool will help them to prevent chaos by only copy-paste the content from the articles. Or maybe, there will be tools that enable Wikidata’s existing data easier to be mash up with other data. And he also thinks about a tool that can help people attribute easier when they make use of information from each Wiki projects. |
The way Yantisa see Wikipedia is as the first stop solution, not one stop solution for people to curate a lot of information that are provided on the net.
Wikipedia make information curation simpler than traditional information curation that need user to open some websites first. Because Wikipedia articles are articles that are provided by a lot of curators into on single article. Things that are need to be maintained are how to keep the views diverse in each article. He is more comfortable with article that are made by a lot of contributor than article that are made by one contributor. Because collaborative articles contain a lot of point of views than articles made only by one contributor. He thinks Wikipedia need to maintain their powerful competence as a platform that enables collaboration by keeping it open and inclusive. |
He's thinking about Wikidata-Openstreetmap data mash up. He imagine that OSM users could make use data input from Wikidata. Looking back at HOT-OSM Indonesia collaboration with Wikimedia Indonesia is how Wikimedia Indonesia could make use of our mapping data in Wikipedia Bahasa Indonesia articles. He's thinking about how we can make the data from Wiki projects linked directly into OSM website.
And, we can always make some small projects that are not always in form of funding. It could be resource like time and energy. Like maybe we can make small projects that only take 1-2 months and make the result as a showcase. The point is doing project is not always looking for grant first. He thinks that if we already have the showcase from the collaboration the potency to get funded are way higher. Because doing cross organization learning is an important thing, we need the mutual learning, like Wiki people learning about OSM, and OSM people learn about Wiki. |
Information are now distributed in more personal ways. Back then people always depend on online news portal, but what happen right now is people put their trust more on information that are spread inside personal chat groups. Back then we need the share button, but now we can just copy-paste all this information. Maybe, Wikipedia could follow this trend and make tools that enable user to share Wikipedia article with that method.
Wikipedia also could use platform like Telegram to disseminate their quality articles. Because what happen right now is not user pulling information from websites anymore, but the push information that are used by most of e-commerce website or apps today. But, to keep it from become a flood of information, He suggest that we should also enable user to set the frequencies of the information given. Or, maybe we can just make way more effective schedule in applying this push information method. About Wikidata, He thinks we can build more tools that make the use of WikiData easier. There are a lot of cool tools in OSM that are made by third party entities (outside of OSM). He thinks Wikimedia should also endorse this third party entities in building their tools for Wiki. Because looking at what happen to OSM is there are more useful tools that are made by third party entities. What become the focus from OSM then are only how to provide the data better. For example there are a lot of OSM Indonesia editor that make their contribution easier to be linked to this tools made by third party. This thing make third party sees OSM as an entity that are open to innovation and tools that linked to their data. |
54 | Technology | Indonesia | Asia | Now people able to access internet information from browser of some particular mobile apps. If we look into Mozilla effort on facing that trends, Mozilla always try to develop add-ons or tools that could improve browsing experience and make web interface way more interesting. One of the example is by separating web accessing process into 4 process instead of one. This effort made to solve problem that now website content average size is 2 megabytes and it’s getting heavier with single processing system to access web. | We can find almost everything on the internet now. But what we need is a platform that filters this information on the internet, that’s why we need Wikipedia. And looking at trend on how Wikipedia are now used a lot as sources in schools, Yofie thinks that it's our challenges to make Wikipedia articles quality better and well maintained. | Yofie suggests to make something like journalistic education provided by Wikipedians. And we can also make an educational program for people on how they consume information on the internet. Because, Wikipedia plays an important role on giving education about the smart way on using internet. | He thinks that, in the future we need a tool or regulation that can destroy or take down irrelevant or dangerous content on the net. Maybe it could be in form of report features that are now provided by social media platforms. |
55 | Education | Indonesia | Asia | Tools of communication are becoming more friendlier now, this model of information browsing really changes Indonesian people model of information digging, which also enable our our students and employee access open or closed content on the internet better.
The speed of information distribution is also go up seeing on how the digital news has already overlap the world of mouth. The challenges is still on how people still can’t manage to pick the right content to be consumed on the internet. And, also on how people differ which information we can use with or without permission. In Open University of Indonesia, they always do open license workshop, so at least all of their lecturers understand all the provisions. They already able to differ each content and the license that applied to the content when they need to reuse some particular content. Meaning, they able to know which one is open content and which one is need a permission first to be reused. |
Wikipedia is a gateway to look for information deeper and better. She always use Wikipedia as the first stop before she look for other sources of information. Especially on sector that she's not familiar with. And as an institution, information about other institution that are provided in Wikipedia are really helpful, she said. | On local scale, she really love Open University of Indonesia collaboration with Wikimedia Indonesia on providing more content in Bahasa Indonesia.
For international scale, she thinks WMF need to do more education for people about the benefits of using Wikipedia, and on how to use that benefits to make them better. There are more introduction needed that information provided in Wikipedia are credible information, and they are needed to be educated on how to use this information, like to look at the sources used in each articles. She thinks, we also need to do a campaign the editable ability of Wiki. Because most people always think that open source content don’t have the quality. It’s wrong. It’s have the quality because everybody look after the quality. It’s being maintained and watched by everybody. |
They always explain to people that long range open education system quality is well maintained than closed face to face education system. Because open education system have transparency that they don’t have. Everyone could always see the open educational resources we publish, and they can always anytime criticize and fix it. That’s what make the content well maintained. |
56 | Policy/ Government | Indonesia | Asia | To follow the trends of mobile apps, his team created a mobile application called BIMA (Bekraf IPR Infor in Mobile Apps) that provide information with simple and straight to the point explanation about Intellectual Property so people can better understand IPR in much more simple way.
In doing legal research, they make use information that are provided on Directorate General of Intellectual Property of Indonesia’s website ( and Word Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) website. Other than that, they also make use of information about city/regions in Indonesia that are provided by Wikipedia Bahasa Indonesia. Because they need to do a lot of research about each city/regions economic potency or the population size so we can better understand and adjust our programs for the people of that city/regions. |
Wikipedia will always be relevant and complete information provider that are costles. Everytime we need to look for information about some specific things, we will always visit Wikipedia, and make use of the sources provided in each articles after that.
He thinks it would be better if there are more images provided. Because BEKRAF also need information about local/regional products and also portrait of the location to adjust our program better for our target city/regions. Regardless there are some issues that we need to take care of like Freedom of Panorama in Indonesia. And, he also thinks it would be better if Wikipedia could improve the interface so people could know how to access linked articles in Wikipedia. |
He want to input information about their programs, activities, and results into Wikipedia articles. He said that, either Wikimedia Foundation or Wikimedia Indonesia could provide them training for to input those information as Wikipedia Articles. The vision is we can spread more information about the activities in Indonesian Creative Economy sector better through platform like Wikipedia. Bekraf also willing to provide facilities if Wikimedia able to provide teams that can help them input those informations into Wikipedia. | In the past sources of information is only limited to some mainstream media. But now there are lots of sources, even too much sources, that make us have to be careful on consuming information, because this is a flood of information right now.
These information flood will continue, as we know that human is a creature that loves to share. This sharing activities will never can be stopped. So what we need to do is educate people with media literacy, so they can pick the right source from this information flood. This ability to share is also need to be directed so people will not only share irrelevant content but only important and good information. |
57 | Media | Indonesia | Asia | In Koalisi Seni Indoensia (KSI), Indonesian Art Coalition, there’s a division called knowledge management division. This division look after KSI’s effort on disseminating information through KSI’s website and social media. So, all of KSI’s products including research articles and information about governmental grant model for artists could be accessed through that channels.
Inside the artists territory, artist already have the ability to use internet to develop their communities. Creating their own profile website for example. Besides that, information about art fund usually disseminated through word of mouth inside the artists community. Even information about art funding that can be used in collaborative art exhibition with international scale. But, artists still don’t have one stop data portal that provides a complete information about the history or evolution of art in Indonesia. This issue also become a problem in documenting new art activities in Indonesia. And, there are still only a few of people inside the art community that focuses on data documentation regarding to that issue. The regional governmental institution in Indonesia that actually obliged to do this not yet work on this data providing issue seriously. And, because of that this also become issue for us as researches that really need information or data about local artist from that specific regions in Indonesia. There’s a national data portal website called Satu Data Indonesia, One Data Indonesia ( But this website still need more effort in providing data about cultural activities in Indonesia, because the delivery is very poor and it’s not up to date. One effort that can be mentioned regarding this issue is the endorsement of Law Number 5 Year 2017 about Cultural Advancement that mentioned cultural data providing as their priority in advancing Indonesia’s cultural activities. If we may look at example on cultural activities data providing effort in Indonesia, we can look at what Indonesian Visual Art Archives (IVAA) has done. IVAA is one and only institution that active since around 2000s to archive and provide data about visual art in Indonesia. This effort has become a model and inspiration that raise the awareness to not only focuses on effort on creating the art, but also how we documented it. |
Wikipedia is a gateway of digital online knowledge. When we search some specific things through Google Search it always comes up first. She thinks that we can use this fact to help present knowledge about art in Indonesia wider.
Based on her knowledge article entry about art in Indonesia in Wikipedia, especially Wikipedia Bahasa Indonesia, as far as she can see the information provided still about industrial/popular artists. She hope there will be more articles that covers artists that active on different sector of art. She also hope that there will be more article about art centers in Indonesia. Other than Wikipedia, she thinks Wikimedia Commons would be useful for documenting art activities in Indonesia. So this documentation could be more open for public. And after the documentation is there, we can complete it by making the articles on Wikipedia. Other project like Wikidata could also help us to archive data about cultural activities in Indonesia. But this will also need effort from Indonesia archives institution on how they want to provide us the data or not. To make it open or not. |
She want Wikimedia Foundation to support and also supervise the effort of cultural activities data collecting in Indonesia. Especially historical and geographical data collecting about the cultural activities in Indonesia. Then, as an international organization, WMF maybe could also help to connect Indonesian museums with museums from outside Indonesia, so they can help this data collecting effort. And last but not least is to always raise the awareness about the benefits of using open sources in sharing activities. | Wikipedia help to provide alternative platform, when our governmental institution not able to provide us with the specific platform on how we provide, share, and use open source resources in Indonesia. |
58 | Media | USA | North America | A lot of places where we operate, radio is still primary information source. No international NGOs in Eastern Congo, literally one radio station. Zero brand familiarity with GPI. Barriers to internet access are so extreme. Not even infrastructure that’s the issue, it’s security, priorities. Poverty and food security are still so pressing. Access to information is more of a secondary human right. Other parts of the world where internet is more prevalent, we see a lot of reporters using WP for background research (not use as main source). Majority of GPI users using it as a resource.
Getting online for the first time in the 90s, 00s seems like a fast transition in developed communities, but imagine going from one room schoolhouse to one laptop per child overnight like in the developing world. Internet age is coming really quickly without a methodology or a consistency. Two years of school may have iPads, but then NGO goes away. May have internet but no electricity. Inconsistent application of basic internet functionality in a community is common. |
WP is in an interesting position to do something, since right now “give internet for free” programs are not popular. Use FB Zero in Uganda, but people hate it (watered down); would rather FB give them the whole thing and not skimp on it. Brand awareness is a tough thing. Colombo in Sri Lanka just went through new right to information legislation there – tested out some of the laws with reporting. Look at places with organic internet revolutions and making WP a player at the party, as opposed to lone ranger starting from scratch. | 100% sourcing model from local – elevate voices that aren’t typically given space in international coverage. Look at grassroots and longer-term impacts of policies. Hugely valuable as background tool.
Opinion voices are flash in a pan. “And I think…” is changing opinion structure of major newspapers. There will be a real backlash to that. It is important to build stronger neutral accuracy foundations to really weather the storm. Best things about WP is that it is relatively nonpartisan. In modern days, we see a big pendulum swing in the other direction, but it soon may not be quite as charming to have partisan news sources. Millennials will become most media literate generation in history and will not stand for what we’re seeing now. Developing communities will be predominantly mobile. We want to eradicate the discipline of foreign correspondents. Local people everywhere are capable of producing principled journalism and by giving them distribution channels, they will have a much deeper, fuller understanding of the world. Capitalizing on budgetary issues in journalism. 10x more news with 1/10 of the cost. Huge audience with English language globally and locally. |