Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Offices, Coleford. View directions
Contact: Julie Jones
No. | Item |
Chair Of The Council To elect the Chair of the Council for the 2023-2024 civic year.
Following the election, the Chair will make the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and address the Council.
Minutes: The Head of Paid Service welcomed everyone to the meeting and invited nominations for the Chair of the Council for the 2023-2024 civic year.
Councillor Shaun Stammers nominated Councillor Di Martin. Councillor Jackie Dale seconded the nomination.
Agreed by assent.
Resolved: that Councillor Di Martin be appointed to the office of Char of the Council for the civic year 2023-2024.
The Chair, Councillor Di Martin made her declaration of acceptance of office. |
Vice Chair of the Council To appoint the Vice Chair of the Council for the 2023-2024 civic year.
Following the election, the Vice Chair will make the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and address the Council. Minutes: The Chair invited nominations for the Vice chair of the Council for the civic year 2023-2024.
Councillor Philip Burford nominated Councillor Simon Phelps. Councillor David Wheeler seconded.
Agreed by assent.
Resolved: that Councillor Simon Phelps be appointed Vice Chair of the Council for the 2023-2024 civic year.
The Vice Chair, Councillor Simon Phelps made his declaration of acceptance of office. |
Apologies To receive apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor Adrian Birch. |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest in any matter to be discussed at the meeting. Members and officers are requested to identify the nature of the interest. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 20 April 2023. Minutes: The minutes of the Full Council meeting held on Thursday 20 April 2023 were signed as an accurate record.
Councillor David Wheeler proposed. Councillor Shaun Stammers seconded.
Agreed by assent. |
Chair's announcements |
New Councillors Following the District Council Elections on 4 May 2023, the Chair to welcome 16 new members of the Council and to welcome back re-elected members. Minutes: Following the District Elections on the 4 May 2023, the Chair welcomed 16 new members of the Council and welcomed back re-elected members. |
Armed Forces Day 2023 The Chair to announce that Armed Forces Day will be on 24 June 2023. The Council will once again be flying the Armed Services Day flag. Minutes: The Chair announced that Armed Forces Day would be on 24 June 2023. |
Leader of the Council To elect the Leader of the Council.
Note: this appointment is for the four year term of the Council until 2027.
The Leader will represent the Council on the following bodies:
Gloucestershire Economic Growth Joint Committee Leadership Gloucestershire Local Government Association General Assembly South West Councils South West Councils Employers’ Panel Minutes: The Chair invited nominations for the Leader of the Council.
Councillor Chris McFarling nominated Mark Topping. Councillor David Wheeler seconded.
Resolved: that Councillor Mark Topping be appointed to the office of Leader of the Council for the four year term of the Council until 2027.
Voting was as follows:
For (26) Councillors Di Martin, Clive Elsmore, Ian Whitburn, John Francis, Philip Burford, Adrian McDermid, Trevor Roach, Alison Bruce, Beth Llewellyn, Dave Tradgett, Richard Burton, Johnathan Lane, Patrick Kyne, Matt Bishop, Shaun Stammers, Jackie Fraser, Andy Moore, David Wheeler, Jackie Dale, Mark Topping, Sid Phelps, Chris McFarling, Gill Moseley, Julie Hudson, Gillian Kilmurray, Simon Phelps.
Abstain (0)
Against (0)
Total (26)
Returning Officer's Report PDF 83 KB To receive report LD.710 from the Returning Officer, relating to the District Council Elections held on 4 May 2023. Minutes: The Returning Officer referred to report LD.710 and the results of the District Council election held on 4 May 2023. The average turnout for the district elections was 33.64 %, the highest turnout was 45.61 % in the St Briavels ward.
The Council had received all 38 declarations of acceptance of office.
Resolved; that Council noted the report.
Political Composition of the Council and Formation of Political Groups PDF 53 KB The Head of Paid Service to present report LD.711 setting out the notifications received under Regulation 8 of the Local Government (Committees and Political Groups) Regulations 1990. Additional documents: Minutes: The Head of Paid Service confirmed that all formal notifications had now been received as outlined in report LD.711. Annex A had been updated and re-issued to members at the meeting due to changes to the list published in the agenda.
Resolved; that Council noted the report.
Councillor Appointments |
To consider report LD.712 and allocate committee seats to political groups and determine appointments to committees and other council bodies.
Please note that the council may be asked under this item to approve alternative arrangements to strict political proportionally for appointments to committees in accordance with Regulation 20 of the Local Government (Committee and Political Groups) Regulations 1990.
The Head of Paid Service to convene the first meeting of each committee to elect its Chair and Vice Chair. Additional documents: Minutes: The Head of Paid Service referred to report LD.712. This Report sets out those matters reserved to Council as its Annual Meeting:
· To establish the allocation of seats to political groups based on proportionality and to agree arrangements for making the necessary adjustments to proportionality based appointments to individual committees. · To make appointments to committees and other council bodies for the Civic Year 2023/24. · To make appointments to the positons of Chairs and Vice Chairs of committees for the Civic Year 2023/24
Councillor Philip Burford announced the following amendments; 1) Licensing Committee – remove Councillor Ian Whitburn and add councillor James Bevan 2) Constitution Working Group - add Councillor James Bevan 3) Member Development Group - add Councillor Clive Elsmore
Councillor Gill Moseley Announced the following amendment 1) Member Development Group – Remove Councillor Gill Moseley and add Councillor Julie Hudson.
Councillor Alan Preest announced he would be replacing Councillor Harry Ives on the Member Development Group.
Resolved: that Council,
a) Agree that, in accordance with Section 15 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989, the Council shall continue to apply the political balance provisions under the Act; b) Appoint Councillors to serve on the Council’s Committees and other groups as set out in Annex A for a term of office expiring at the next Annual Meeting of the Council; c) Appoint Chairs and Vice Chairs for the Council’s Committees for the Civic Year, 2023/24 by asking members of each Committee to stand and elect their Chair and Vice Chair.
Councillor Mark Topping was appointed the Chair and Councillor Philip Burford as the Vice-Chair of The Appointments Committee.
Councillor Matt Bishop was appointed the Chair and Councillor Clive Elsmore as the Vice-Chair of the Audit Committee.
Councillor David Wheeler was appointed the Chair and Councillor Gill Moseley as the Vice-Chair of the Development Management Committee
Councillor Jackie Dale was appointed Chair and Councillor Patrick Kyne as the Vice-Chair of the Licensing committee.
Councillor Philip Burford was appointed the Chair and Councillor Nick Evans as the Vice Chair of the Strategic Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
The appointments for the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Constitution working group and the Member Development Group will be made at the first meeting of these groups.
Appointments to community organisations, partnerships and local authority bodies PDF 105 KB To consider report LD.713 to determine appointments to community organisations, partnerships and local authority bodies. Minutes: The Chair recommended that the appointments to community organisations, partnerships and local authority bodies for the four year term of the Council until 2027, be deferred until an urgent group leader’s meeting had taken place, so names could be put forward for those that are not Cabinet decisions. It would then come back to Full Council in July to be ratified.
The Head of Paid Service suggested that a brief summary the commitment, scope and purpose for the positions should be provided, so a decision can be reached at the group leaders meeting.
Agreed by assent.
Future Meetings All meetings commence at 7.00pm
Thursday 20 July 2023 Thursday 19 October 2023 Thursday 14 December 2023
Minutes: All meetings commence at 7.00pm
Thursday 20 July 2023 Thursday 19 October 2023 Thursday 14 December 2023 |