1: You have wild ass dreams
Everyone dreams, and many of us have vivid dreams now and then. But if your dreams are an absolute mad house, vivid as hell, full of color, and like watching a movie or even like you’re experiencing the thing like you are awake — this is a strong sign of clairvoyance.
Clairvoyance means “clear seeing” — it’s when Spirit rides your imagination. When we are asleep, our logical brain is shut down enough that this natural ability bubbles to surface.
This doesn’t mean you don’t experience clairvoyance when you’re awake. It means you dim it and ignore it when it happens.
If this is you, start paying attention to the images that pop into your head while you’re living your life. Clairvoyance shows up differently for everyone. You just need to pay attention to how it shows up for you and patiently learn your language with spirit.
2. You hear a voice say your name
Or another word, when you’re about to fall asleep, or driving, or doing some other mundane thing.
This is a sign of clairaudience — or “clear hearing”. Yep, you’re hearing spirits speak to you.
This happens at times when you’re in a low-consciousness state like falling asleep, just waking up, driving your car, things like that, because again, your logical mind is put aside and spirit can get through to you.
Most people who are very clairaudient heard more voices when they were kids, and shut it down pretty early because, well, hearing voices is generally considered a very bad thing in our society.
Clairaudience doesn’t totally go away though — it morphs into foreign thoughts.
If this is you, try not to be scared of the voices you hear! Meditation will help you reconnect to this gift, and it identify the voices in your mind that is you or spirit communication.
Tip: your mental voice tends to be an asshole. It’s not your fault — it’s the survival brain. It is critical and defaults to negative. Spirit will be loving, benevolent, and directive.
3. Crowds exhaust you
You finally admitted that concerts, festivals, and sporting events are just not your thing. At least not for long, because being around crowds of people leaves exhausted, maybe even feeling sick and experiencing physical pain.
This is a sign of clairsentience — of “clear feeling”. You, my dear, are experiencing the emotions and energies of other people like they are your own.
You are the healers of the psychic world.
Energetic protection is really important for you.
4. You hear song lyrics looping in your head
This doesn’t apply to current hits. This will be songs you haven’t heard in years, and randomly. one or two lines from the song will loop over and over again in your head.
This is another sign of clairaudience — “clear hearing”. Like I mentioned above, clairaudience doesn’t go away, but most people suppress it early in life, so it finds another way through. One way is through songs, or other pieces of auditory gold that are buried in your mind (maybe a line from a poem or a move you haven’t seen in a millions years.
5. You see faces when you close your eyes
And you have no idea who they are. This is a sign of mediumship — and you’re getting spirit visitations when that razor sharp mind of yours is out of the damn way!
These spirits are harmless and you don’t need to do anything about it. They are just dropping in on you because you’re open. You can tell them to go away if it gets overwhelming. You the boss!
6. You’re that friend
You know, the one everyone goes to for advice, whether they take it or not :-/
Here’s what happens for you when people come to you with their problems: solutions, messages, and guidance pops out of your mouth before you have any time to judge it. It doesn’t seem to come from anywhere, it just spills out, and you barely remember it after you’ve spoken it.
You also seem to just know things about people and situations. You are really, really good at sizing people up in an instant, and you’re rarely wrong. You tend to know how things will turn out, like your friends’ new love interest, way before it plays out.
You just know things.
This is claircognizance — or “clear knowing”. It doesn’t come from what you see, or hear, ir feel, it comes from nowhere.
Now, a fair number of my students believe they are claircognizant before they start working with me on psychic development, and they discover that they are actually receiving information a different way, but it’s so normal for them, they don’t even realize it’s happening.
Wild, right?
These are gifts you can develop.
In my decade long run of teaching psychic development, I have yet to meet someone I cannot teach this stuff to.
I have an easy-af audio course (and other resources) here.