Snyk Security in Jira Cloud

for Jira Cloud
4,805 installs
  • Supported
  • Jira
Free app

Great teams collaborate to stay secure

Handle security issues as you develop

Snyk enables your team to address vulnerability issues throughout the application development process, including code, open source dependencies, containers, infrastructure as code, and cloud.

Triage and track unplanned security issues

Prioritize vulnerabilities and create Jira issues to track them from creation to resolution. Include security work in your application development process to improve your team’s operational health.

View security information for your Jira issues

Data from your linked security tools will display on Jira issues and in the development panel, helping you keep track of outstanding vulnerabilities and resolve issues faster.

More details

This app supports Snyk Open Source, Snyk Code, Snyk Container, and Snyk IaC.

How it works (view onboarding process)

  • Connect Snyk Organizations to Jira
  • Add Snyk Targets to Jira Project
  • View Snyk Security Issues from Security Tab in Jira
  • Create tickets, link tickets, and fix issues

Trial (no credit card or commitment required):

  • New to Snyk? Get a free 45-day Snyk trial for Jira users, including unlimited tests and extra features.
  • Already have a free Snyk account? Your existing Snyk account will be integrated into Jira. As an added bonus, you’ll receive a free 45-day trial.

Get support for Snyk Security in Jira Cloud:

A Notice to Europe and Australia Users

  • Please note that when using a SnykApp integration, we don't control our partners' use of your Snyk data and we can't be sure from where they host or access your data. Take a look at the terms you have in place with our partner for more details about how they use your data.

Privacy and security

Privacy policy

Atlassian's privacy policy is not applicable to the use of this app. Please refer to the privacy policy provided by this app's partner.

Partner privacy policy


Integration Details

Snyk Security in Jira Cloud integrates with your Atlassian product. This remote service can:

  • Delete data from the host application
  • Write data to the host application
  • Read data from the host application
