
Sisonke Msimang:If a story moves you, act on it

TEDWomen 2016
Sisonke Msimang:If a story moves you, act on it (script)
If you are moved by Storytellers, you can do many things that the world would be a better place.
However, if you think that stories can create an illusion of solidarity, or that opponents don't like you, or that you want to invest in only the personal narrative, stories don't necessarily make the world a better place.
It might mean that you don't look at the facts but Storytellers won't expect it.
You can look for social justice beyond the media, storytellers and what you feel.
Having more curiousty, joining, not getting away from the reality, and  Storytellers can help us to dream.
And then the world would be a better place.

Words in this story.
curiousty / noun/  curious / adj/
solidarity /  unanimity, unity, like-mindedness, agreement
catalyst / encouragement, incentive, inspiration, stimulus
orphanage /  nursery school
oppression /  pressure, tyranny, violence


Latif Nasser: The amazing story of the man who gave us modern pain relief

TED 2015
Latif Nasser: The amazing story of the man who gave us modern pain relief (script)
Pain is not only a kind of alarm bell.
For a long time, it's been thought that pain is your body's way of signaling an injury. However, there are many cases that cannot be explained.
In fact, pain is the most complex human experience. It involves your past life, your current life, your interactions, and evern your family. The idaes can explain that people feel pain and live through it.
Bonica worked for other doctors because he wanted other docters to understand about people's pain neatly. He was also a doctor and he thought that the goal was not to make patients better but feel better.
(Bonica who was also a doctor worked so that other doctors could understand about people's pain neatly.)
He had felt the pain himself but he worked really hard to heal other people's pain. It was not his job but it was his own effective way to ease his pain.
People feel pain have fulfilling their lives.  Thus you feel pain.
When you notice it, your pain will be relieved.

Words in this story
anesthesiology / an・es・the・si・ol・o・gy /`ænəsθìːziάlədʒi/the branch of medicine concerned with anesthesia and anesthetics.
circus / circle / cycle / bicycle


Caroline Paul: To raise brave girls, encourage adventure

TEDWomen 2016
Caroline Paul: To raise brave girls, encourage adventure (script)
Women and girls are often thought that they don't have courage and they don't do brave something.
It is because women continue to be told that staying calm but don't do something that is dangerous since they were kids. Then they must say the same things to their daughters again when they grew up.
However, girls are in trouble because they have to do the same things and job that boys do from now.  They can do that if they have a little bit more courage. They feel fear now, but it can change it to they can feel exhilaration if they practice it.
Adults try to stop saying  "don't do something that is dangerous".
The risky plays are, for example, to skateboard, climb trees and etc., are really important. It can teach hazard assessment, delayed gratification, resilience, confidence to all kids, even girls and they can learn valuable life lessons.
We, women also have to start practicing bravery. We cannot teach our girls until we teach ourselves. Even if we cannot protect girls or we won't be there to guide them, they can walk and adventure in their own ways if we can raise their bravery.

Words in this story
attributes / regard something as being caused by (someone or something).
helpless / incapable, powerless, impotent, weak
 caution / attention, alarm, warning, alert
exhilaration / rapture, great delight, joy, bliss
insists / demand, command, require
 assess /  evaluate, judge, gauge, rate, estimate

Eduardo Briceño: How to get better at the things you care about

TEDxManhattanBeach 2016
Eduardo Briceño: How to get better at the things you care about (script)
Don't be satisfied that you tried your best or you spent a lot of time working hard.
We need to learn more how to efficiently get better at the things we care about.
In our thoughts that we do anything, there are the learning zones and the performance zones. The learning zone works to improve our goals. It forces into what we haven't mastered yet. We can learn many things from mistakes. The learning zone maximizes our growth and our future performance.
The performance zone maximizes our immediate performance. It forces into what we have already mastered and we try to minimize mistakes. It hinders our growth if we spend almost all of our time in it. So this is the reason that we work hard but not improve much.
The way to high performance is to alternate between the learning zone which purposefully builds our skills and the performance zone which can apply its skills.
Additionally, it is important to emulate by finding members with whom we exchange ideas, by sharing what we want to get better at, by asking questions about what we don't know. It takes much time though continuing and improving them, and you can get better what you want to do.

Words in this story
stagnation / delay
emulate /  compete with,  follow


Latif Nasser: You have no idea where camels really come from

TED 2016
Latif Nasser: You have no idea where camels really come from (script)
The trigger in this story was the rust-colored thing that is about the size of the palm of your hand lying on the surface.
Look at it carefully and try to scrutinize it. Try to ask someone about it. Try to nick the edge a little and detect the scent of it. People probably want to know something well that is important.
Try to build a hypothesis beyond the ordinary level.  Then you can see the perspective of the world anew.
No one would have an idea that the rust-colored thing was a Giant Arctic camel.

Words in this story
scrutinize /  examine, inspect, survey, study
detect / find out, discover


Brian Little: Who are you, really? The puzzle of personality

TED 2016
Brian Little: Who are you, really? The puzzle of personality  (script)
It is not necessary for you to be a certain type of person.
Our characters always present opposite side. For example, there is a person who is open to experience versus who are closed. A person is diligent versus languid, extrovert versus introvert, and agreeable versus neurotic. They influence your life. However, their communication way is only different or expression way is different.
Thus even if you see the same thing, you show it the different way. You are sometimes like some other person, but you are like no other person.
It is important that you are you more than how to use your characters.
Your own way maks people understand you and love you.
Overdoing is not necessary. Who are you? You are you.

Words in this story
assertive /
agreeable / enjoyable and pleasurable; pleasant.
diligent / industrious, hard-working
languid /  slow and relaxed,dull, sluggish
extrovert/ an outgoing, overtly expressive person.
introvert / a shy, reticent, and typically self-centered person.


Daniel Levitin: How to stay calm when you know you'll be stressed

TED 2015
Daniel Levitin: How to stay calm when you know you'll be stressed (script)
Our brain releases cortisol which is toxic when it performs under stress. However, it cannot be stopped. It raises our heart rate, it modulates adrenaline levels and it clouds our thinking. Additionally, we all are going to fail sometimes. We have to recognize that all of us are flawed.
Thus we need to train ourselves to think ahead to these kinds of situations. It's called pre-mortem which you look ahead and you try to figure out what you can do to prevent wrong things from happening or to minimize the damage.
If you prepare something or you think ahead of time to the questions that you might be able to ask that will push the conversation forward, you can avoid the worst situations.
You are probably busy every day. It means that you are in stress. Pre-mortem keeps you calm.