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Showing posts with label MJ Wisdom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MJ Wisdom. Show all posts

Wednesday, 14 August 2024

Mystic Insight for the Day


 'The candle flame sees only its shadow and assumes it is the darkness. The candle's shadow sees only the flame and assumes it is the light.' - Matthew James

Monday, 8 January 2024

Voluntary Hibernation - A Vital Spiritual Process

 Sometimes it is necessary to take ourselves out of circulation; to take a step back; to withdraw from usual routines. This is necessary in these moments to absorb all that has taken place in our lives since the last time we took a voluntary hibernation. For so many of us, alas, these voluntary step backs don't take place, and it is often only due to enforced withdrawals, like serious illness, that we can have a hibernation period.

It cannot be stressed enough how real, and how necessary a hibernation period is. Our consciousness is all seeing, and on total record, taking on board everything that is sees, filling our sub-conscious with debris. This debris in turn can mix up the communication wiring to our conscious mind, and confuse us with the decisions we find ourselves making.

During a voluntary withdrawal, we can actually slow the absorption process down, and begin a casual review of our thoughts, our feelings and our memories. This enables us to understand more the appearance of the world around us, a world shaped by our thinking. We can then learn to recognise once more who we are, and begin a self healing process, if required.

The withdrawal is especially helpful during the process known as 'the long dark night of the soul' which is a process associated with spiritual growth and the 'burn' of the spiritual muscles after a work out in the college of life gym. Experienced spiritual explorers will recognise immediately the signs of this process, and not hesitate to put themselves out of circulation. Clearing out the debris in the sub-conscious is a vital process to ensure that a true spiritual awakening can be sustained and the purity of energy flow between the levels of consciousness is maintained.

The magician will often use this voluntary hibernation to review life experiences, and his/her reaction to circumstances and stimuli in their life. Through this process it is possible to determine the life lessons required to be repeated, thus keeping those memories afloat in the mental library. It is also a good time to begin the assimilation process of those memories no longer necessary to the life journey; especially those memories linked to life lessons not to be repeated.

To the outside world, the actions of the magician, going through this hibernation process, will be deemed as odd, and out of character. The outside world will fail to understand the needs of the magician or the pathway in his/her life. It is thus another reason why the withdrawal process takes place as this quantum leap process is a personal and private thing for the magician - Matthew James   

Sunday, 31 December 2023

Responsibility In The Field of Magicks

 Responsibility can be a very tiring thing. It calls for patience, dedication and consistency. The destiny of souls are shaped by your words and your intentions. The power of your voice is an enchantment, a magic, that HAS a serious impact on EVERY single soul who you work for.

They place their hopes, their dreams and their consciousness in your hands. They rely on you to see a way through the undefined, the non-manifest tides of energy that mill around the NOW. They have sub-consciously asked you to manifest a LIFE PATH through into the FUTURE. In truth they are hoping you can manifest a future for them. Something better than they cannot see themselves because their own consciousness has been backed against a wall of non-moving energy. They hope you can shift those obstacles for them, to help them move forwards again.

It is a HUGE responsibility and not one to be taken on board by the feint hearted. But so many enter into the FIELD OF MAGICKS (Psychic Mediumship) without ever comprehending the enormity of the responsibility. People hang on your words, they come to you, seeing you as a 'Hope Dealer' ... someone who they can offload their troubles onto, and someone who they can lean on when it has all gone wrong. 

You cannot say just ANYTHING to them. You cannot fob the responsibility off by saying people have 'the right of freewill' to make a choice in conjunction with your words. That choice is passed over to you during a consultation. 

 The damage which can be done, is done during the consultation and the freewill choice is often taken away at the same time. It is therefore an ENORMOUS role being a consistent, accurate, dedicated 'mystic' in these situations. 

There is a tremendous amount of training required, it is not a five minute option, or something you undertake after a 'development workshop' ... no, it is something on a par with training as a Brain Surgeon, A very serious undertaking ... Matthew James 

Saturday, 30 December 2023

Remember, You Are Powerful

 What a crazy world we live in ... this has been said so many times before, and will no doubt be said again, and again, and again. With so many different viewpoints, differing opinions and perceptions how can any of us make any headway? Why is it so easy to rule mankind by way of this crazy and chaotic state of confusion which the world is in?

It is because we allow it to be this way.

We all forget that we all live in a unique version of the material world. We have all been separated from each other. We may interact with each other, but it is from afar. It is in a distorted and delusional way. Our unique aspects of universal consciousness are never permitted to merge and embrace each other. When we do embrace it is courtesy of a limited five sensory experience that the human skin around our divine spark permits us to have. It is extremely rare for any of us to truly experience the merging of consciousness with consciousness.

This crazy world is most definitely a prison of controlled limited experiences. We are controlled by a energy force that is extremely scared of us and has to keep us all separated from each other in order to keep us under its enslavement. It has to poison the human skins, and constantly watch us 24/7 to see what we are up to. It is very insecure. It has devised religion and politics and money and laws to control us. It has created fears and insecurities to limit our perceptions.

It can barely contain us. It is therefore not that powerful. We make it powerful by thinking it is powerful. We give it power by thinking ourselves inferior and helpless. It feeds this feeling of helplessness by feeding us lies about our origins and our capabilities. We can turn this on its head by changing the way we view ourselves. Each one of us may be a separate version of the world, but in each one of us everyone else exists. We are in a holographic reality in which only ONE entity exists. We are all that one entity. We are its multiple personalities all interacting with each other. Each personality thinks it is unique and separate from all the others. That is what an entity has us believe. But that entity has been deceiving us. It is time to connect with all the other parts within ourselves to make our way back to the one. Once back as the one this nightmare must come to an end.

This other one ... this predatory entity that feeds off our fear and deceives us about our true nature has one powerful weapon in its arsenal and that is the false ego - the selfish separate self. The false ego is groomed from an early age and we are fooled by the surroundings into thinking this is who we are. It is not who we are. It is the false identity given to us within this virtual world. This memory world. It is not who we are. It is a fake. It is a sham.

It is time to forget all that you are told to be, and to remember who are meant to be. By remembering your true self ... you become powerful. You become a threat to the predatory entity ... it is afraid of you remembering who and what you really are.

Hidden Agenda

 Why do we have to look outside of ourselves for guidance? Why do we have to seek external sources for wisdom and inspiration? Why deal with entities that have never had human experiences, so can't possibly know about the pathways through mortal life?

Why entrust your spiritual nature to beings that are masters at mind control and mental deception? It is not proven they really exist. They are a myth and a fable. But so many people have been captivated by the glamour and the romance of these legendary beings. Foolhardy souls place their entire life plan and life choices on unproven connections with these dangerous 'allies'. That is blind folly. That is a precarious game plan.

We have all the answers we seek within ourselves. Within the memories of our collective species. It is our spiritual reliance on unknown and invisible forces that has put us in the mess we are in. We need to simply our existence, not complicate it. There are major forces out there beyond our limited perceptions that can walk rings around us. That could make us believe anything. They will know we are naive and gullible. We are doubting of our own nature and our own judgements. Thus anything that is remotely divine or supernatural that connects with us, as an apparent ally ... will be accepted with open arms. What is the hidden agenda? Why is this non-human agency wanting to help so readily? What are the consequences when the true intentions are revealed? I fear for the sanity of those who so readily buy the bullshit that is filling their heads when they make these supposed supernatural contracts with an unknown being. They will after all never let you see them as they really are, only how you wish them to appear - Matthew James

Friday, 24 April 2020

Quote for the Day

'This game of existence is not about having experiences, it's about observing a human having experiences. It's best to get into a state of mindfulness and not get too involved.' - Matthew James

Tuesday, 3 March 2020

Quote for the Day

‘Look at the freedom you have right now, a final look at how life once was, because what’s in motion now will take all of that freedom away’  - Matthew James

Saturday, 4 August 2018

The Art Of Knowing

What we call 'the art of knowing' comes with a distinctive vibration and subtle feeling; a technique that has to be developed through decades of trial and errors in order to fine tune it to a point that; when the subtle signs are there; you have the confidence to ride the information stream.

There is no doubt when that information is delivered to the recipient. Though the recipient might not be able to confirm the outcome that is being indicated, for example, at that time ... the subtle signs are such that the information is trusted 100%. It will be at a later date that the accuracy can be confirmed.

When the information is flowing, the provider of that information technically steps out of this time vibration and is transported into the time vibration that is linked to the information being provided. This can be past or future. It is more often than not a very intense experience with the provider being in two places at the same time. Often, when finely tuned, the information can lead to the provider being fully aware of the originating location of the information. The information provider than then describe in great detail a place, or a person, in the recipient's  past or future. Thus adding to the accuracy of the information.

Friday, 18 May 2018

Spirit Survival Guide

It's absolutely imperative you follow your own path, no matter what. Do not be tempted, or swayed, by the opinion or paths of others. Stick at your own trail. wearing your own shoes .... no matter where it attempts to take you.

Your spirit is dependent on you getting through the series of virtual reality challenges it has. Disregard the demands of the childish soul, and its multi-layered selves. Concentrate on who you are,as the observer, not the manikin. Now, society and environs are going to make major demands on you; anticipating you are just like them ... conforming to the limiting rules and theories of life on this earth plane. That is totally understandable, as its all geared for the evolution of the AI soul. Always remember, you are so much more than the pathway through life you are being led.

Await the arrival of the synchronistic events that always occur when you follow the path of your spirit. Be ready to leap from a current stepping stone to the next. Keep your own beliefs and insights to yourself, they are yours alone. They should not be subject to scrutiny by anyone else, lest they become tainted by the opinion and belittlement of others.

Its important to recognise your core beliefs, and to realise the voice of your spirit within your thoughts. At times you are going to identify with the AI manikin that links with you. Its hard when you are attached so convincingly to the human body by the five senses. But always remember you are not inside the body. A highly sophisticated quantum computer and virtual reality gear is making you believe you are within the human form. Always view this all as a dream time ... as a dream. The certainty is that you are dreaming.

Your own path will provide explanation and understanding, when it is needed, unlike the heresay beliefs of others that are forced on you ... you will feel more and more confused and disillusioned if you follow the tourist paths ... don't be like all the others ... find your own feet and do it your own way. Its not likely to be an easy pathway. however ... its a lonely traveller that walks in isolation ... but goats do tend to like being on their own. Unlike the enmassed sheep  that gather in the show pony arena at the mountain foot ... those who have no belief of their own ... and have a heresay copy of the same old, same old.

Be yourself, be brave ... and walk alone if need be. That way you receive all the nurturing and all the growth you need from yourself. The spirit knows all it needs and all it has to do to successfully escape this maze, before the monster comes and locks the exit door ...

Tuesday, 10 April 2018

Three Important Words

When was the last time you told your nearest and dearest that you love them? When did you actually physically say the words 'I love you' to them, instead of assuming that they know? If you haven't recently maybe you should?

What happens if, god forbid, something happens to one of you tomorrow, and you never got the chance to say those three important words? You would spend the rest of your life with regret, wishing you'd let them know how you felt about them.

Some say that actions speak louder than words, maybe they do, perhaps you are someone who expresses their love for someone with the way you act towards them. It still wouldn't do any harm to say those words to them everyone once in a while, to reinforce your message of love to them, and also confirm you do love them.

Why not set yourself a target of saying those three important words to your partner, parent or even close friend, at least once a week. Maybe more .... let's not overdue it and say it every day, though it wouldn't do any harm! Some of us do say it every day .... so it does happen.

It may not seem important now, but it will feel very important once you and your loved ones are no longer on the earth plane together. You hear people expressing their regret for not saying those words, especially when a loved one is lost suddenly due to illness, accident or other unforeseen circumstances.

It is worth thinking about and really not a difficult thing to do, is it?

Thursday, 15 March 2018

Thought for the Day

Be what you are, who you are ....
Life will always gravitate you to those like you
And lead you away from those you are no longer like ...
Its called 'the ebb and flow of thought form energy'
... all of existence is made from one single thought
Just one thought created all that is