Showing posts with label mama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mama. Show all posts

Monday, May 1, 2017

Village of Us

It takes a village, it takes us all
To raise them up, to answer the call.

How can I help? What can I do?
A village of us, STARTS WITH YOU!

A mother's resolve, a child's plea
All for the sake of family.

More than a "why," so much bigger than "how"
No time for waiting, someday is now.

So much to plan, even more to discuss
It takes a village, a village of us.

A Village of Us refers to the old saying that "it takes a village to raise a child."  But not just any village, or the obscure idea of a village.  A village of US.  I don't know why my brain never stops churning, but the other day on my way to work, the idea of "a village of us" popped into my mind.  Maybe because I grew up in a village, maybe because I truly believe in the it takes a village mindset.  Or maybe because these things have a way of finding us when we need them most.

When you see my #VillageofUs on my cookbook posts, I'm referring to my village of friends, family, coworkers, and followers that are helping me raise money for adoption.  Hopefully, it will be for our own adoption, but if not, I plan to pay it forward to another adoptive family.  Village of Us means doing your part, whether it be financial, emotional, or actually becoming an adoptive parent/grandparent/sibling/friend.  Because it takes a village of us to help connect orphans with families, and families with children.  Please share and repost this message with #VillageofUs.  Thank you so much for being a part of our village.  I'm grateful to be a part of yours as well. 

Update!  We have officially started the process of international adoption.  It will be a long process, but I will try to keep everyone updated when I can.  In the meantime, please continue to share our blog, cookbook, and story to help us raise funds.  We trust that God will provide the funds needed to complete this adoption.  One way may be through the help of friends and family like you.  With that in mind, we ask that you consider being a part of our village.  Please pray that God will make it possible for us to bring our son/daughter home.  If you would like to contribute to our adoption fund or help us share our story, please visit

Friday, March 17, 2017

I Thought I Was Done

I thought I was done, but then I slept
Into my dreams you slowly crept.

In different forms, in different light
Never the same, but always mine.

I'm not sure how you'll come to be
My sweet little baby, just find me.

I thought I was done, but here you are
In my thoughts and in my heart.

~written August 2016 around 3am
while snuggling/rocking my Emma

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

The only thing better than drinking wine in your wedding dress with your BFF...

Yes, I'm still a huge Friends fan.  And yes, I still fantasize about whipping out my wedding dress on a random Friday night, sitting on the couch, and drinking wine with Shawna.  But, the odds of us 1. having a night alone to drink wine, and 2. fitting into our pre-baby 8-10 years ago dresses are, well.... let's just say we don't get much time alone.

But back to the only thing to do with your old wedding dress that's more fun than that....

Letting your little girls try it on!

Talk about excited kiddos!  I realized the other day that I'd never actually shown them my dress.  In fact, I hadn't opened it once since having it preserved in a box to be stored in my closet these past 10 years.  Since 20 year old Michael told me when we got married that we could renew our vows and do fun stuff like taking anniversary pictures in our wedding attire IF I could still fit into it (he said with a laugh and very little apparent faith), I couldn't help but break it out to test the theory.  You see, we have our first big milestone anniversary this summer and I'm plotting a pretty snazzy anniversary shoot, just to prove to 20 year old Michael it can be done. (side note - I'm shockingly close to getting it zipped!)

These two, on the other hand, had to be clipped and cinched in and still basically had to hold it up to stay on.  But they didn't care.  Give a girl a tiara and a giant sparkly dress and she is happy!  Annalyn kept saying that she felt like a princess and a "wedding girl" and didn't want to take it off.  She looked so pretty and grown up and I couldn't help but hope that she will want to wear my dress someday (not that I would blame her for wanting her own.  After all, I do have a backup daughter...)

Planning to have this one framed to give to her some day. 
Like when she's 35.

Emelina chose this special moment to try out all her funny faces.  She spanned just about every silly, happy expression she could muster.  She had a harder time holding it up and the clip I used wasn't holding as well for her since there was more fabric overlapping.  But she got to be "Cinderella" for awhile, too.  I just love how her personality is developing lately!

At some point, just fell over and was eaten by tulle.

Then came this precious, classic Emma face:

And this sweet baby:

I used some of the pictures to make a collage mug for Michael.  I intended to keep it for his birthday, but I was too excited to show him the pictures to not give it to him when it came.  All in all, it was a sweet little Friday afternoon experience and we all enjoyed a little walk down memory lane to the day when Mama got to dress like a princess and marry her prince.  Even if I have to share him with these little princesses.

To be continued...

in 30+ years...

when/if we let them out of their towers...

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Hunt for the Miracle Hand Cream

Every winter, I struggle with dry, cracked hands.  It's a combination of dry air, working with my hands and lots of paper, and washing them like crazy in an effort to minimize sharing all my patients cough/cold/flu germs this time of year.  After using this Vaseline hand cream for the last couple years (and loving it), it just wasn't working this season.  Perhaps my skin has changed, or maybe it's just not cutting it anymore.  Either way, I was on the hunt for a new hand cream, especially to have at work.  Like any good millennial would do, I asked the Facebook world for recommendations.  And, just like I knew they would, several of my friends came to my aid with recommendations.  Here are a few of them that I've tried so far:  (I ended up stopping after 5 because I found some I really liked!)

Monday, September 14, 2015

Tired, Hired, & Admired: What I "knew" about myself at 30 when I was 18

As I come up on my 30th birthday, I can't help but reminisce about how much I've always looked forward to being 30. Opposite of most people, I couldn't wait to grow up at age 18.  I was tired of high school life.  Not like most people my age who just wanted to "break free" from their parents- my parents are great.  I was just itching for what came next.  I'm one of those people who always has a plan, always has a list, and always looks ahead.  It's one of my biggest strengths and at the same time, something I have to constantly remind myself to temper. One way that I've found to help appease this urge to always be moving forward is to take a moment to look back.  Look at where I was, where I hoped to be, and how far I've come.  Even if I'm not exactly what or who I always thought I would be by age 30, I am awfully grateful and proud of these 30 years.  Here's what 18 year old Ashley, in all my infinite wisdom, "knew" about me at 30: 

high school graduation
18 years old

Friday, September 12, 2014

Oatmeal Scotchies (includes recipe for lactation cookie)

If you're a breastfeeding mom these days, you've probably heard of lactation cookies.  They are usually some type of oatmeal cookie with added ingredients thought to boost lactation:  oatmeal, flax, and brewer's yeast.  Honestly, I've read it from several sources,  but never looked too closely at the validity of these claims. I've been cooking with flax seeds and ground flax for awhile, so the only one unusual to me was the brewer's yeast.  From what I could tell, it seems to be safe (it's the same yeast used to make beer), so even if it doesn't magically increase your milk, it shouldn't hurt either. I decided to incorporate the ingredients into my favorite oatmeal scotchies recipe.  Note: these are not just for nursing mothers!  Even if you add those ingredients, the whole family can share them (if it's ok with mama of course!).  Here's how Mama makes it:

Oatmeal Scotchies Lactation Cookies 

makes about 4 dozen cookies
- 1 1/4 c. Flour
- 1 t. Baking soda
- 1/2 t. Salt
- 1 heaping teaspoon cinnamon
- 1/4 c. Ground flax
*-3 T. Brewers yeast, optional (*for lactation)
- 1 c. Butter, softened
- 1 1/2 c. Brown sugar
- 2 eggs
- 1 t. Vanilla extract
- 3 c. Oats (not quick cooking)
- 1 pkg. butterscotch chips 

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Late night feedings (the untold stories of Emelina's first month)

Dear Emelina,

Here's the part of your first month that won't be written down in your baby book.  The part that comes from lots of sleepless nights and post-partum hormones.  The thoughts that only come after hours and hours of feedings with mere minutes in between.  Here it is, baby girl.  The untold stories of our first month.  

- "she's never going to stop eating.  Seriously, hunny, she won't stop.  I feel like a pacifier."

- "I'm pretty sure she thinks of me as a food truck.  She sees me, wants to eat.  Hears my voice, starts eating her hands.  Hold her against my chest, she tastes me  with her little lizard tongue.  I'm definitely no more than food to her."

- "Omg!  If this child poops/pees on me one more time today I'm gonna scream!  Or cry.  Maybe both.  This is disgusting, I think she's broken." (Thoughts on your bad habit of spraying poo on us and peeing all over yourself practically every time we change your diaper.)

- "So I really hate breastfeeding.  I'm glad she's good at it and all, but there is nothing magical and sweet about it.  I'm constantly wet, sticky, and smell like milk.   I don't see what's so great about that."

- "If nothing else, we make beautiful babies, sweetheart.  Sure, they turn into that (points to crazy, emotional, exhausted toddler flailing on the floor because she refused to nap), but they start out awfully sweet.  That's how they suck you in..."

- "So I've started calling her Squishy.  I think that's my little pet name for her because she's always so squished up and her chubby little cheeks are just sooo squishy."  
Michael - "that's a horrible nickname for a baby."  
"Annalyn, what do you think we should call baby sister?" 
Annalyn - "diaper bag!"

At least she started out being sweet, right?

- Annalyn - "I want to play with Mommy's horns!"
"Those aren't horns, sweetheart. That's for Mommy's pump to make milk for baby Emma." 
Annalyn - "because Emma just drinks Mommy's milk.  She can't eat goldfish..." (Speaking from experience, Peanut?  We may never know...)

- Annalyn - (knocking on my bedroom door) "Wake up, Mom!! Dad needs help!" (I walk downstairs and see Michael changing the baby.)
"Did you send her up here for help?"
Michael - "No, I didn't actually.  She just got scared when the baby started shooting poop everywhere."

- I'm officially past the "feels so good to not be pregnant I don't care what I look like" stage.  I want my clothes to fit.  I want to wear mascara.  And by golly, one of these days I'd even like to do my hair!

- I was never afraid of storms and tornadoes until I had kids.  The thought of sheltering a newborn in our closet under the stairs while my husband and toddler are in the cooler at the grocery store (also in the path of the storms) was horrifying.  As was the inside of said closet.  Thank goodness, it ended up being nothing more than a stressful afternoon. 

- This was shortly after you turned a month old, Emma, but we decided to surprise my family with a trip to IL since Papa Mark was on call and couldn't come visit us.  It was actually going really well despite the fact that you apparently hate your car seat (should make for a fun trip to Nebraska in a few weeks...) until the power went out.  Just as we were changing you and you peed all over.  So as Annalyn was bouncing between "omg this is so great, I love flashlights" and "I want to go to Anna's house," I was bathing you in the sink by candlelight. Trust me, not as relaxing as a candlelit bath should be!  Now it's 3:30 am and we are hot, sticky, and eating in the dark.  The best laid plans, baby...

Well, there you have it.  The parts of your first month I will probably forget before telling you if I hadn't written them down.  And that's ok, forgetting is why I was brave enough to have you and your future younger sibling(s) I hope to have.  Ironically, even as I write this, the whole house just lit up as the power came back on.  And already, it doesn't seem so bad.   Lets call it retrograde optimism.  Looking back on something with more optimism and fondness than you could muster at the time.  

So here's to your first month and all the wonderful awful moments that we spent up all night, tired all day, frustrated beyond belief, at the end of our ropes, yet hanging on tight and so in love and in awe of this beautiful baby girl sleeping on my chest.  Love you like crazy (even if it makes me crazy), little Squishy. 


Friday, April 25, 2014

Homestretch!! 20 End of Pregnancy Must-Haves

For me, the homestretch of pregnancy isn't marked by trimester or month or even week, but by milestones.  Not the fun ones like baby can hear your voice, or baby's lungs are developed, or baby's the size of some random fruit you've never heard of.  Oh no, I'm talking about what I've come to know as "end of pregnancy milestones" like swollen feet/ankles/hands/face/body, inability to get out of/into bed, sciatic nerve pain so bad it cripples me, and heartburn that makes me swear I'm turning into a dragon.  Guess which of these I hit this week?!  Yep, you guessed it - all of them! (though not as bad as they were with Annalyn... yet)  So I decided to compile a list of all of my end of pregnancy must-haves so that a) you can maybe use some of them, too, and b) I don't have to search for them so hard next time around.  Here's how Mama rides out those final weeks of waiting for baby:

1 -support belt - As I've probably mentioned in a previous post, this little guy has been a big help with both of my pregnancies.  Although I usually start wearing it to work late in my second trimester, these last couple months are when I really need it.  I hate to admit it, but lately I need it for work, grocery shopping, zoo trips, walk around the block, etc.  Basically any time I'm moving or lifting anything, I'm a lot less sore afterwards if I wear it. 
for me, the size large works from end of
second trimester when I need it until end of pregnancy
so it's pretty adjustable

2 -compression socks - Similar to the support belt, compression socks help hold me together in my last weeks of pregnancy.  Since I've just started to notice some swelling this week, I got out the light compression socks (sometimes listed as travel or nursing socks) that provide just a little added compression.  Some are even graded compression so they are tighter in areas you need it most (like feet and ankles).  They aren't comfortable or stylish or easy to put on in the morning, but man does it help with swelling, soreness, and tiredness after a long day at work.  With Annalyn, I eventually worked my way up to higher compression (20-30mmHg) socks (these to be exact), but I also waited until the swelling was pretty pronounced to start wearing them.  Hopefully, by starting now, I'll avoid the tighter ones a while longer.  They come in a lot of different brands/styles/colors, but I prefer the knee high athletic sock type.  They are just more comfortable than the pantyhose or trouser socks in my opinion.  Each manufacturer should have a sizing chart that may include calf measurements to ensure proper fit.  Here's a couple I've used:

(higher compression, really tight!)
(lower compression)

3 -ring holder necklace - For me, this is just another reality of end of pregnancy - eventually, my wedding ring will no longer fit.  I noticed it getting snug over the weekend (probably a combination of too much salt, too much time on my feet, and hotter temperatures), and was super excited to find this ring holder necklace on Etsy for $40.  Granted, any necklace/string/piece of yarn would work, but I liked the idea of having a clasp that would minimize wear and tear to my ring.  Plus it's shaped like a heart - win/win!  The price was right (especially compared to similar ones that were close to $200!) and the shop owners were very friendly and shipped the necklace right away.
I just love how it looks with my ring on it
so simple, but so pretty!

4 -notes from my hubby - This could also read supportive, understanding husband, but some days I swear the little notes he leaves me just make my whole day.  On my days off, I usually don't get up before he leaves so he will write me little notes and leave them on the table for me to find.  Honestly, this isn't a new thing, he's been doing it for years, but I love how they've evolved from notes/lists to me to notes/lists to me plus notes to Annalyn and even Emelina sometimes.  Usually they are words of encouragement, thanks, and love, with the occasional reminder thrown in (which I always appreciate now that my brain is mush half the time).  Lately they're mostly things like "be sure to rest!"  "put your feet up,"  "have fun and snuggle Annalyn," and "don't worry about the laundry, I'll do it when I get home."  Mostly, I just love that while he's drinking his morning coffee and reading the news, he's thinking about us.  Written words are such a lost art.  I still remember my best friend from high school telling me how his dad would eat breakfast on a paper plate then write his wife a note on it before he left for the day.  I remember thinking "wow, she must feel special each morning!"  And here I am a decade later with a husband who does just that (and no, I never told him that story, he's just that considerate).  Lucky lady.  A supportive spouse/partner/friend/relative is definitely key to keeping those crazy emotions in check.

5 -pregnancy pillow - Again, I'm pretty sure I've mentioned this before, but this little guy definitely helps me attempt comfort at night.  Notice how I say attempt.  I'm pretty sure I'm past the comfortable sleeping stage.  If I remember right, it comes back somewhere around 6 months postpartum when baby starts sleeping through the night.  But this curved pillow does help minimize pressure on my hips and keep me from sleeping completely flat on my back (which I find myself attempting a lot lately due to heartburn, hip/pelvic pain, and general sleep comfort).  I'm sure a body pillow would help, too, but I really do love the curved shape of this one.  If you can afford to splurge, do it!

apparently comfy for daddies, too!
(I found him this way over Easter weekend - I guess he needed nap time like Peanut)

6 -lists... lots and lots of lists.  What to pack in a hospital bag.  What we need to get out of the attic.  What needs cleaned/organized/purchased for baby.  Meals to freeze.  Pictures to take.  Plans for Annalyn.  Things to get done around the house before baby.  Things to get done at work before baby.  Numbers to call for insurance/maternity leave once baby comes.  Lists of other lists I need to make... Ok, so maybe not that last one, but you get the picture.  Lists keep me sane.  Lists help my totally preoccupied mind focus.  Lists give Michael some insight into my priorities (sometimes they're even numbered).  Lists are a must for this mama.

7 -water - this might seem like a strange addition to the list, but water intake is so important at this stage.  Water helps minimize swelling (sounds counter intuitive, but it's true).  I try very hard to consciously drink more water, especially at work.  I don't really have any secret tricks to help with this one, but I've tried fun water bottles, straws, adding lemon slices, etc.  To be honest, nothing seems to work better than the other for me.  I just know that I have to do it.

8 -TUMS! - I hope the old wives' tale is true that the more heartburn you have, the more hair baby will have, because if so, Emelina will have lots like Annalyn did!  Just like last time, I have constant heartburn.  I have heartburn when I'm hungry.  Heartburn after eating.  More heartburn after drinking lots of water (yes, even water does it!).  And heaven forbid I wake up at night because, WOW, more heartburn!  Hence the Tums - about 6-8 a day to be exact.  On the bright side, my kids and I should have super strong bones!

9 -comfy shoes - This is an absolute must for any mama-to-be, but especially those of us required to be on our feet a lot.  I recommend shoes that stretch but have support, and about a half a size bigger than usual for the end of pregnancy swelling and/or thick compression socks.  I have two pairs that I'm currently rotating and both seem to stand up to my 13 hour days.  One is a pair of black leather Sperry's that I've had for a couple years, so they're very broken in and comfy (sorry, can't find the exact link, I've had them forever!).  The other is these Sketchers Go Walks, also in black, because basically everything I wear to work is black or at least goes with black.  They are very light, don't even need broken in, and don't look completely ridiculous with skirts/dresses (a major plus for me lately!).

10 -bra extenders - I don't know how it took me so long to buy these, but I finally realized that instead of buying bigger and bigger bras, I could just extend them a bit and keep wearing them.  These probably saved me a lot of money and will allow me to wear some of the same bras once baby is born.  Seriously, a game changer in the expanding chest department.  I found this 3-pack of nude/black/white extenders at Target for about $7.

11 -stretchy pants/dresses - I've worn these throughout my pregnancy, but now I'm basically down to just stretchy pants, skirts, and dresses.  For whatever reason, I hate the big elastic waist bands this pregnancy.  In fact, aside from my support belt, I can't stand to have anything tight around my waist.  Luckily, it's spring, so I can get away with wearing a lot more skirts and dresses.  The great thing about a lot of maternity dresses/skirts is that I'll be able to wear them this summer after baby is born, too.  Most are even stretchy enough to accommodate breast feeding.  Here's a few of my favorites this time around:
     - Old Navy:
these roll-panel yoga pants;
this ruffle front maxi dress in both coral and turquoise;
this chevron maxi skirt (also in black);
these low rise leggings to wear under dresses for work or when it's cool outside.

     - Target:
this Liz Lange sleeveless maxi dress in both navy and coral striped (when I find something I like at this point, I just go all out).
Another quick note:  especially in the spring/fall, light cardigans are a must!  The open front bolero kind or even button up ones that can be left open.  I don't think any of mine are actual maternity ones, just regular cardigans from my non-pregnant wardrobe (I love when I wear "normal" clothes!)

12 -ON maternity tank tops - I wear one of these jersey knit tanks almost every single day.  I use them to layer underneath tops/dresses, especially for work when I'm wearing the support belt (not very comfortable on bare skin).  They are really long so they are great to layer with many of my shirts that are starting to feel too short to wear comfortably.  Lately, I've even been sleeping in them since I've been really hot at night.  They are soft, inexpensive, and come in a variety of colors.  Plus, I was able to wear them after pregnancy, so I didn't feel bad about buying say, six of them total (watch for sales and stock up!).

13 -help/support/friends - these sort of all go together and go without saying, but everyone needs help and support from friends and family during this time.  Especially with subsequent pregnancies.  I can't do everything on my own and sometimes forget how much I need my friends, even if it's just for an afternoon out or dinner/ice cream while we try out our new nanny.  It helps so much to just vent, talk about something other than my giant belly, and enjoy some adult time.  Not to mention knowing they are all just a phone call away any time I need them.  You definitely shouldn't have to go through all this without your friends - take time to spend with them now since soon you'll be a little preoccupied with cuteness/tiredness overload.

14 -sleep/rest - perfect segue to my next point - SLEEP!  I know everyone says it, especially with your first, but sleep as much as possible now.  Not only am I ready for bed before Annalyn, but I'm starting to recall all too well the inevitable sleepless nights ahead.  I can only imagine how those first weeks will go with a toddler also in the mix.  I took full advantage of this the first time (in fact, I remember napping the morning before my water broke with Annalyn - coincidence?  Probably not.  I'm guessing my body was gearing up!).  To be honest, it's a little harder to nap when Annalyn naps since it's the only me time I get in a day, but I have been really good about going to bed after I tuck her in and sleeping in as long as possible on my days off.

15 -fruit - cold, juicy, sweet, healthy.  I just can't get enough!  Favorites have been cantaloupe, honey dew, and strawberries, but it all tastes good.  For an extra special treat, try my frozen fruit slush recipe.

16 -dry cereal - especially Cinnamon Toast Crunch.  I had the same craving at the end of my first pregnancy.  I think it's the sugar and spice part of what little girls are made of.  It'll be interesting to test this theory if I ever have a little boy... hopefully I won't crave snails and puppy dog tails (isn't that how it goes?).

17 -Quick or make ahead meals with leftovers - The other day, I made a list of some of our go-to meals that are quick, easy, and don't involve me standing over a hot stove for a long time. (Many can be found in either my Working Mama Meal post or the Freeze Ahead Meals post.)  Lately, I've just had a hard time coming up with meal plans off the top of my head, so it helped to write some ideas down to pull from each week while making grocery lists.  Especially because I just want to grill burgers every day that it's nice.   Leftovers are also clutch so I have something to take to work the next day and Michael & Annalyn have dinner.  Easy lunch ideas are another area I've been working hard to improve.  As busy as I've been, I rarely take time to make complicated lunches, so I need meals that work well in a hurry (or provide leftovers from the night before).  Especially for work days, I've really started trying to plan/prepare everything the night before so I just have to grab it in the morning - meals, snacks, drinks, everything! (including Annalyn's lunches for the nanny).

18 -pregnancy journal/blog - to capture all the memories, good and bad.   With Annalyn, I kept a very detailed daily journal, and my intention was to do so with this pregnancy, but it just didn't pan out.  Honestly, it's easier and more fun to blog about it anyway.  I am grateful to be able to look back and compare, especially for times like now when everyone at work keeps telling me things like "you're soooo much bigger than last time!" and "wow, they must have your due date wrong, because you're about to pop!"  Well, actually, my measurements and weight are exactly the same - as in down to the centimeter and pound.  At one point they were actually slightly smaller.  And judging by this picture and my comments in my old journal, I'm way less swollen and uncomfortable at this point.  So I'm glad I can go back and look, even if it's just to prove to myself that I'm right where I should be.   Not to mention, it's nice to be prepared for what's coming next and remember what my doctor suggested to help, or I found that worked best.

19 -prenatal Pilates video - although I admittedly don't do this nearly as often as I should/did with Annalyn, it does help with flexibility.  I struggle with hip problems and sciatic nerve pain throughout pregnancy, but by the end it's pretty much impossible to do most of these exercises.  But it doesn't stop me from trying.  And Annalyn - oh man, a two year old "dancing to pilates with Mama!" is hilarious!  I even lay a little blanket down for her as her mat.

20 -massage roller - I had almost forgotten how much I loved this thing until I rediscovered it last week.  Looks simple, but feels great on a sore back.  They had them at our childbirth class we went to before Annalyn was born and I loved them so much I found them online later that same night.  I especially like to sit on our ottoman and lean over a pillow on the couch - have to get creative when you can't just lay on your belly for a massage.  They also offer prenatal massages at our hospital (and probably some spas?), but I'm freaked out by the idea of people touching me.  Not just pregnant, always.  I also have a thing about pedicures, so I'm still struggling to reach my toes enough to keep them painted.  But I digress... back to the Omni massage rollers

This might seem like a lengthy list, but I tried to cover all areas - clothes, food, tangibles, intangibles, you name it.  Literally anything I might need/want during my last couple months (weeks!) of pregnancy.  Granted, many of these I've used throughout pregnancy and even afterwards, but this is my go-to list for the time being.  Don't think you have to go out and buy all of the clothes/products I suggested - everyone and every pregnancy is different - but if you happen to experience some of the same things, here's a reference to come back to.  What are/were your go-to's as you counted down to D-day?  (fun fact:  my due date is on actual D-day this time.   One of my favorite patients who's also a veteran got quite a kick out of that when he asked me when D-day was, meaning my due date.)  

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Maternity Photos: What My Girls Have Taught Me About Self-Image

Maternity or bump photos have become a pretty common part of pregnancy these days, designed to help celebrate and commemorate pregnancy.  Many mamas enjoy an excuse to dress up and take pictures to celebrate the belly.  Others dread being in front of a camera, but decide to take a few anyway so they can look back and remember what it felt like to have that precious little person growing inside them.  Or just to show the kids what they did to our bodies and hold it over their heads forever (we do get to do that, right?).  Personally, I have absolutely loved having my friend, Shawna, take these pictures for me with both my pregnancies.  (Because who better to capture an intimate moment than your BFF?)


With Annalyn, I remember wanting to capture all the excitement and impatience we were feeling waiting for our first born.  I waited until I had a pretty huge 34 week belly and could barely get my rings on due to the swelling and water retention.  And exactly 3 weeks later, she was born.  I love looking back at those pictures and remembering the suspense, struggles, and wonder of those last 3 weeks.  Even the swollen fingers/ankles, chubby cheeks, and love handles can't undo the beauty in those pictures. 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Making Mama Moment: Admitting I Need a Break

Really for the first time in my last two years of motherhood, I finally admitted to myself and Michael that I just needed a break.  Like most working mothers, I've always seen work as my "me time" and could never understand why Michael felt he needed self time outside of that.  At work I get adult conversation, stimulating problem solving, and time outside of the house (granted dealing with the public can be a lot like dealing with toddlers - they're stubborn, don't always make sense, and yell for no reason.  But in general, I have pretty great patients and I enjoy seeing them when I'm there).  I've always loved that my schedule also gives me entire days off with Annalyn, so it's like having the best of both worlds.  But in reality, that just doesn't exist.  When I'm at work, I feel guilty that I'm away from her and not home to cook/eat dinner every night with my family.  When I'm at home, I have days that I get frustrated and overwhelmed and oh so tired, then I feel guilty for wishing I could have a break from her when I was just wishing the opposite 12 hours ago.  Don't get me wrong, I absolutely cherish my days with her.  In fact, I miss our Mama-Peanut alone time over Michael's breaks, despite the amazing family time that we get. 

But now that she's mastered the art of fit-throwing, learning to use the potty (yet refusing to go #2 on the potty most days), testing me at every turn, and absolutely demanding every single second of my undivided attention, I just get tired.  Tired of being unable to meet her ridiculous demands that cause the fits (one last week was initiated by me making toast for myself... "no!! Mama doesn't like toast!"  Seriously?).  Tired of not being able to even figure out why she's throwing a fit.  Tired of having no "safe" spot for anything now that she's figured out how to manipulate her environment to reach just about everything in the house (including opening doors, climbing my drawer pulls, using chairs/stools/toys as ladders, and jumping over the couch to evade the baby gates).  Tired of  being stuck in the house because it's been so incredibly COLD this winter.  Tired of how guilty I feel for getting so frustrated by the end of the day when I know I won't see her until basically bedtime the next day.

Sure, I could blame the hormones and I'm sure they have a lot to do with the tired feeling, too, but a lot of it is just the fact that Annalyn and I are so similar.  We are both very obsessive, like to get our way, know exactly what we want, and figure out how to get it at all costs.  Someday, I'll probably admire some of those qualities in her.  But for now, they make for one exhausting two year old!  My mother insists that she'll grow out of it just like I did, but even she admits that Peanut may have even more stamina than I did at that age.  Now, don't get me wrong - Annalyn and I have lots of good days together, too.  Lately she takes most of her afternoon naps snuggled up with me on the couch.  She helps me make lunch and dinner, and loves to go to doctors' appointments and run errands with me.  We play with baby dolls and her play kitchen.  I paint her toenails and style her hair to match mine.  Deep down, I think we both sense that her time as an only child is about over and we are eating up every second of it.

On the flip side, I'm preparing for bringing another baby into our family.  I find myself thinking things like "how am I ever going to divide my attention when she insists on having it all the time?" and "she needs to learn to cope now before Emelina gets here." And boy, do I remember how much time/energy newborns take!  In reality, we will all have to adjust in good time and be thankful for lots of help/support when the time comes if we need it.  It's just what expecting mamas do - we plan ahead.  And thanks to my newfound nesting instinct, I've been in super-obsessive planning/organizing/stressing mode.  Which brings me to my point - I needed a break.

So I made the hard-for-me decision to ask our babysitter to come for a few hours on one of my personal days so I could just have some Ashley time - not Mama time, not pharmacist time, Ashley time.  I can rationalize it to myself because it's not cutting out any of the time I'd normally have with her - it's time I'd normally spend at work.  Michael's never been so supportive as when I mentioned that I was thinking about doing it.  He absolutely agreed that I needed it.  Even if it was to just go to a Starbucks, order a venti decaf white mocha and knit for a couple hours (since I've been really worried about not having time to finish Emelina's baby blanket - guess who's jealous of that now that she knows it's for tummy baby?).   So here I am at Starbucks, just sitting.  Not entertaining Annalyn as she tries to escape her chair or protecting my drink from her ever-increasing reach.  Not rushing to eat before the next patient walks up and needs my attention.  Not answering phones while trying to swallow.  Not trying to manage two windows, a drive-thru, and three phone lines all at once.  Just sitting and sipping my drink, blogging without guarding my keyboard, and trying to get motivated to knit while I have the chance.  Before this, I met a friend for brunch and some much-needed girl talk, and next I'm getting groceries in peace in preparation for our BFF visit this weekend.  Yes, it was hard for me to admit to myself that I needed this.  But yes, it was good for me, too.  Because like my dear hubby reminded me, I'm still Ashley, a person outside of being a mother and a wife and a pharmacist.  Obviously those are huge parts of who I am and I can't just turn them off, but it's ok to physically and emotionally take a break from it all to just relax.  Hopefully this will get me one step closer to learning to ask for help when I need it.  If not, I bet the newborn/jealous two year old combo will do the trick here in a few months!

Hope you all can take some time this week just for yourselves.  Even if it's just for an hour or two to run errands or check in with a friend.  I must say, it's really been helpful for me! 

Happy Friday, everyone!



Tuesday, August 27, 2013

12 Weight Watchers Essentials

As I've talked about in past posts, I used Weight Watchers online to lose the baby weight after Annalyn was born.  I found it incredibly simple, educational, and healthier than most fad diet plans.  It taught me about portion control, choosing healthier snacks, and recognizing not only what, but also why I was eating (boredom, upset, etc. vs. actual hunger).  After 2 months of following the plan, I was back to my pre-pregnancy weight, and a few months later I was about 10 lbs. less than that.  Between the online tools, recipes, and even iPhone apps, it was very easy to track what I was eating and learn more about choosing healthier alternatives.  Eventually I got to where I didn't even need to track my daily points because I'd made so many wonderful changes that it was second nature to eat healthily. It definitely made me a believer.

Then came and holidays and like a lot of people, I let my diet get a little less healthy.  Between all the travel, stress, and deaths of loved ones in the next few months, I pretty much went back to eating anything and any time.  I planned Annalyn's meals perfectly, but my own seemed more of an afterthought, usually some sort of comfort food involving lots of cheese (probably my biggest weekness)

some of the many tools on the iPhone app

With just 5 weeks until my little brother's wedding, I finally found the motivation I needed to recommit to my healthy diet plan.  I rejoined WW and was very excited to see that they actually saved all my recipes/favorites/etc., including the recipes I entered on my own (the online tools include a recipe builder which is perfect for me!).   After only a week, I'm 5 lbs. down and feeling better already. 

In honor of my recommitment to a healthier diet, here's some of my WW essentials:

1.  Nonfat Greek Yogurt - This stuff is great when it comes to remaking recipes.  Use it in place of sour cream, mayonnaise, dressing, and more.  This lightened up chicken salad is proof of it's magic. (
about 3/4 c. served in whole wheat pita pocket is around 6-7 WW points, depending on type of pita, etc) 
Just this weekend, I used it in a red potato salad that's only 4 pts per serving (coming soon!) along with this baked Dijon dill chicken at only 3 pts per 4 oz. piece of chicken.

2.  Salsa with veggies - Salsa is a great WW snack, especially when eaten with carrots/snap peas instead of chips.  I made up a big batch of this restaurant style pineapple salsa to have on hand.  2 pts for 1/2 c. salsa and 1 c. carrots/snap peas.

3.  Fat free evaporated milk - This can be used in place of cream in recipes such as this corn chowder (9 pts per serving) and this slow cooker mac 'n cheese.


4.  Fresh Vegetable Soup - Here's a recipe no WW can do without!  Full of fresh veggies and flavor, this soup is only 2 pts per cup or 3 pts for 2 cups.  I just made a big batch and put in mason jars in the fridge.  Half the battle is having healthy food available when the hunger strikes!  If you don't buy it, you won't eat it and vise versa, right?  Even Peanut loved this nutrient-packed dish.

5.  Fat free Cool Whip, low-fat yogurt, and sugar free pudding mix - with these three things you can make all kinds of concoctions to suit any sweet craving.  Experiment with different flavors of yogurt and pudding mixes, or add in some fruit or mini-chocolate chips (another tip:  using the mini's allows more chocolate flavor by using less!).  This was one of the start-up tips Shawna gave me, so it's been tried several times between the two of us!

6.  Overnight Refrigerator Oatmeal - I prefer steel cut, but Michael likes rolled oats - either one works fine.  I love that I can make us a filling, low-fat breakfast the night before, pop it in the fridge, and easily heat it up in the morning.  My general formula is: 1/4 c. oats, 1/4 c. skim milk, 1/4 c. low-fat yogurt, 1-2 t. ground flax, 1/2 t. cinnamon.  (for Michael:  1/2 c. rolled oats, 1/2 c. milk, 1/4 c. yogurt, 1/2 t. cinnamon)  The next morning, add in fruit, a tablespoon of jam, or whatever else you like in your oatmeal.  Having a filling breakfast helps me get to lunch without a snack.  7 pts well spent!

7.  Banana Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies - A recent addition to my list, I found this recipe on Pinterest and was surprised with the results.  Mash 2 ripe bananas, add 1 c. rolled oats, 1/2 c. mini chocolate chips, and 1 t. cinnamon.  Mix well and bake for 15-20 minutes at 350 degrees.  Makes about 16 cookies, 2 pts each or 3 pts for 2 cookies.  Because sometimes you just need some chocolate!

8.  Snack sized Ziplock bags - Not a food exactly, but these are great for portion controlled snacks.  One of the biggest parts of WW is actually measuring portion sizes, not guessing.  For instance, I'm in love with these edamame crisps from Trader Joes.  So, I measure out portion sizes in these bags and write the point total on each.  Ready to grab healthy snacks = setting yourself up to succeed!

9.  Fresh fruit & veggies - This might be a no-brainer, but fresh fruit, veggies, and salads are all great for WW diet plans and healthy diets in general.

10.  Natural or homemade applesauce - With the natural sweetness of apples, there's no need to add sugar (cinnamon, sure, but sugar, no).  Add this to oatmeal, eat on its own or topped with granola for a low point snack or breakfast.

11.  Diced tomatoes - Stock your pantry with a few cans of these - they are zero points and make a great base for sauces, soups, and casseroles.

12.  WW Ice Cream Candy Bars - Now I don't usually buy too much of the actual WW food products, simply because they are somewhat expensive and I make most of our meals.  But these are outstanding!  They taste just like the Snickers ice cream bars and at only 4 pts per bar, they are a semi-guilt free treat.