Saturday, March 07, 2009

2nd Munny show - Tomkat

Here's an image of my latest custom Munny creation.


Randall and Christy Hatch said...

That's funny!

sponie said...

This one is totally a surprise and unexpected. Very funny! You'll have to tell me what the lucky tie in is though. Great likenesses. Looks like you drafted a barbie in there for Katie. Tom looks very convincing!

Mario said...

This thing came out amazing craig!

Craig Mackay said...

Thanks, guys!

Dorota said...

Nice!! What is Munny? Sorry I don't know

Craig Mackay said...

Thanks Dorota! I think the following link will explain better than I can.

Basically it's a Do It Yourself Vinyl toy that you paint in your own style. Kind of like what you guys did for the Cheshire Cat show and the Chicken Little stuff I see around your area at DCP. :)

Craig Mackay said...

Thanks all for your comments!

Christy - Thanks a lot, sis!

Dad - Yeah, I changed the theme at the last minute so it didn't really fit the "Lucky" theme.

Mario - Thanks man! Yours was great too! Let's do more of these!!

Vince M said...

Great concept, execution and caricatures, Craig. The Tiger in the previous post is gorgeous too!

Craig Mackay said...

Thanks, Vince!

Erik D. Martin said...

haha these are really cool man- they look like they would be really fun to paint! gota try it some time!

Whitney Pollett said...

WOOOOAAaaaah....these are all so cooool.
Are these little guys for sale??

Craig Mackay said...

Thanks, guys!

Erik - I'd love to see your take! :)

Whitney - With my student loans and this economy everything's for sale! ;)

Whitney Pollett said...

I want a Munny!!
These are awesome Craig!!

and seriously, are you selling these babies??

Craig Mackay said...

Whitney - Thanks, I'm flattered! :) Both the Tiger Munny and the TomKat will be available for sale when I get them back in June. We can touch base then if you're still interested.

Magnus Rex said...

oh man craig...comedy...