6122 Dokumente gefunden

Glacial dynamics of the Laurentide Ice Sheet along a land-to-sea transect in East Canada

The Labrador Sea is a pivotal region for the climate system of Earth, as it is home to the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) current. The AMOC has been influenced by the growth and decay of large ice sheets on both shores of the Labrador Sea during the Quaternary period. This thesis…

The interaction of asthma risk genes with cigarette smoke and their influence on airway morphology, physiology and signaling…

Asthma bronchiale is a chronic inflammatory airway disease with no intervention method or cure available. Its early life development is influenced by both host and environmental factors, which act independently but can also interact with each other. Genetic studies identified ORMDL3 and Scca1 as asthma…

Application of Finite Element Method on interface-controlled damage of light-metal alloys

Damage to interfaces between light-metal alloys and solid structures or liquid environments is a critical topic, given the widespread use of these materials in lightweight construction, automotive, and aeronautical applications. Therefore, the development of models to describe the relevant physicochemical…

Essays on Empirical Finance: Out-of-sample Methods and Applications

Financial research faces a replication crisis as many empirical studies of long-short investment strategies (originally developed in the U.S. equity market) cannot be replicated or are susceptible to p-hacking, data snooping, HARKing (i.e. hypothesising after the results are known) and are therefore…

Deletion of the microbially regulated enzyme hexokinase 2 in intestinal epithelial cells protects from intestinal inflammation…

Upregulation of glycolytic enzymes as well as glycolysis in general has been observed in a plethora of immune cells and some non-immunological cells. In our study, we show upregulation of the glycolytic pace-maker enzyme Hexokinase 2 (HK2) in intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) upon intestinal inflammation…

AuTiO2 vs. TiO2 – In-vitro Vergleich von nanostrukturierten goldbeschichteten Titanoberflächen mit klassischem TiO2 bezüglich…

Titan ist seit seiner Einführung als Biomaterial vor über 50 Jahren meistens Implantatwerkstoff der ersten Wahl. Eine einzigartige Kombination aus mechanischen und biologischen Eigenschaften sind die Hauptvorteile gegenüber alternativen Materialien. Dennoch gibt es Optimierungspotenzial, weswegen vor…

Untersuchung von Minimaler Resterkrankung (MRD) in der Reinduktionsphase des mittleren Risikoarms der Studie ALL-BFM 2000…

Die Minimalen Resterkrankung (MRD) zu frühen Therapiezeitpunkten ist für die akute lymphoblastische Leukämie (ALL) ein wichtiger prognostischer Faktor und wird zur risikoadaptierten Stratifizierung in Behandlungsgruppen verwendet. Die Geschwindigkeit der MRD-Elimination war auch innerhalb der mittleren…

Full-Stokes equations : solution strategies and parameter identification with application to ice sheet models

Melting of glaciers is an important factor in sea level rise. We try to estimate the future development of glaciers with simulations. They help us to prepare and evaluate the impacts of global warming on glaciers. These simulations should be as precise as possible. Thus, a high resolution and the implementation…

Molekularbiologische und immunhistochemische Untersuchung der Schadenskaskade in neuroepithelialem Gewebe in einem Rattenmyelomeningozelenmodell…

In der Entwicklung innovativer Therapiekonzepte zur Versorgung von MMC-Patienten ist das Verständnis der zellulären und molekularen Vorgänge in der Plakode essenziell. Neben dem strukturellen Defekt der fehlerhaften Neurulation sind durch sekundäre Traumata angestoßene Läsionskaskaden im Sinne der Second-/Third-Hit-Hypothese…

Functional Analysis of Human Genetic Variants Using Zebrafish

Utilizing zebrafish as a model organism, this study investigates the genetic factors con- tributing to congenital heart defects (CHD) and cardiomyopathy (CM). Zebrafish offer unique advantages in cardiovascular research, such as optical transparency and rapid development, making them well-suited for…

Validierung potenzieller neuer Zielgene der kardialen Hypertrophie nach integrierter Analyse der gesamtgenomischen Methylierung…

Durch systematische Analyse der differentiellen Expression und der DNA-Methylierung von Herzen aus Calcineurin-transgenen Mäusen- als einem klassischen Modell der kardialen Hypertrophie- sowie Wildtypmäusen sollten neue Zielgene in der Modulation der kardialen Hypertrophie identifiziert werden.. Wir…

Umgang von Urologinnen und Urologen mit Patientinnen und Patienten mit sexuellen Problemen

Umgang von Urologinnen und Urologen mit Patientinnen und Patienten mit sexuellen Problemen. Adam Gawlik, Aglaja Stirn, Hanna Kaduszkiewicz. Sexualität wird heute als elementarer Bestandteil von Gesundheit und Lebensqualität angesehen, auch im höheren Lebensalter. Entsprechend definiert die World Health…

Synthesis and Characterization of New Diazocine Derivatives for Application in Photopharmacology and Material Science

The incorporation of photoswitchable molecules into biological or technical systems is a promising approach for the selective control of such processes at the molecular level. The diazocine exhibits excellent switching efficiency and very high quantum yields. However, the initial diazocine has some weaknesses.…

Genome-Wide Association Studies in Rare Neurological Diseases

Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) are a widespread and purposeful tool to reveal associations between genotypes and phenotypes, even when individual genetic differences only have small phenotypic effects. In this thesis, an overview of the steps standardly involved in these analyses is given. Using…

Scheduling and Packing Problems : Algorithms and Complexity

Scheduling and packing problems are among the most studied in theoretical computer science. This is, in part, due to their high amount of practical applications, but also because they are interesting from a theoretical point of view: Most of these problems are NP-hard, so we cannot expect to solve all…

The Role of Domesticated Plasmids in The Plant-Associated Lifestyle of Pantoea agglomerans : A Genetic and Functional Investigation

Many bacterial genomes reported to date have shown the presence of more than one replicon apart from the main chromosome. Understanding the advantages of such multipartite genomes is key to uncovering the evolutionary origins of plasmids acting as secondary replicons. Most mobile plasmids are known to…

ALD Agglomerated Permanent Micromagnets for MEMS Applications

PowderMEMS® introduces a novel technique leveraging atomic layer deposition (ALD) to agglomerate powder materials into rigid, organic-free permanent micromagnets for micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS). A low-temperature ALD process (75 °C) using aluminum oxide was developed to address MEMS fabrication…

Expressionsprofil der Toll-like-Rezeptoren von humanen Stammzellen aus Milchzähnen

Die Pulpa, in diesem Fall von Milchzähnen, dient als Ressource von mesenchymalen Stammzellen (stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth (SHED)). SHED, die besondere regenerative und entzündungsresistente Eigenschaften besitzen, kommunizieren über vielfältige Wege mit ihrer Umgebung und werden…

Compositional dynamics and functional role of the microbial communities associated with the invasive ctenophore species Mnemiopsis…

While the concept of metaorganisms has gained importance, research on host-microbiome interactions remains limited, mainly focusing on humans and a few model organisms. Expanding our understanding is especially critical in the context of invasive species like certain marine organisms, which can profoundly…

Evaluation von CD30-Expression mittels digitaler Bildanalyse im Vergleich zur konventionellen lichtmikroskopischen Bestimmung…

Die zielgerichtete Therapie mit Brentuximab Vedotin (BV) wurde für CD30-positive kutane T-Zell-Lymphome (CL) nach vorangeganger Systemtherapie zur Therapie zugelassen. Die Therapie seltener Subtypen CL ist herausfordernd und aufgrund der geringen Inzidenz mangelt es an evidenzbasierten Therapieoptionen.…


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