305 Dokumente gefunden

Essays on Empirical Finance: Out-of-sample Methods and Applications

Financial research faces a replication crisis as many empirical studies of long-short investment strategies (originally developed in the U.S. equity market) cannot be replicated or are susceptible to p-hacking, data snooping, HARKing (i.e. hypothesising after the results are known) and are therefore…

Essays on Management Opposition and Unionization

This dissertation explores the dynamics of management opposition to unions and the factors influencing employees’ willingness to unionize. It comprises three essays that investigate these issues through experiments and quasi-experimental methods in Germany and the United States. Essay 1 examines hiring…

Governing climate change adaptation at the Baltic Sea Coast

This dissertation investigates public preferences for coastal adaptation to climate change at the German Baltic Sea coast. Using choice experiments, it analyses preferences at the national level (Chapter 1), assesses the stability of these preferences during the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic (Chapter…

Africa's Economic Transformation: A Big Data Perspective

Africa is a continent of great economic potential. With a population of 1.5 billion at median age of 19 today, projected to reach 2.5 billion by 2050, vast natural and mineral resources, yet a share of only ∼3% in global GDP and trade, Africa's economic transformation must materialize to provide opportunities…

In memoriam Prof. Dr. Klaus-Rüdiger Veit (1943–2024)

Nachruf auf Klaus-Rüdiger Veit, ehemaliger Professor für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insbesondere Rechnungswesen, an der Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel.
Kiel: Universitätsverlag Kiel | Kiel University Publishing, 2024

In memoriam Prof. Dr. Eberhard R. Dall’Asta (1940–2024)

Nachruf auf Eberhard R. Dall'Asta, pensionierter Professor für politische Bildung, zunächst an der ehemaligen Erziehungswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der CAU und dann im Institut für Sozialwissenschaften der Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Fakultät, sowie ehemaliges Mitglied des Schleswig-Holsteinischen…
Kiel: Universitätsverlag Kiel | Kiel University Publishing, 2024

Christiana Albertina 85.2024

Die Christiana Albertina wurde 1966 als Kieler Universitätszeitschrift gegründet und ist seither wichtiges Instrument zur Verbreitung und Dokumentation der Geschichte, Entwicklungen und Leistungen der CAU nach innen und außen. Heft 85 enthält thematisch weitgefächerte Beiträge zu den Diamond Chairs von…
Kiel: Universitätsverlag Kiel | Kiel University Publishing, 2024

Essays on Households’ Contribution to Climate Change and Its Mitigation

The dissertation explores households' contribution to climate change and its mitigation. Specifically, it investigates the drivers of households' decisions to invest in solar energy systems (Chapter 2) and the trends in and distribution of greenhouse gas footprints of households in Germany (Chapters…

Central Bank Credibility, Perceived Economic Risk, and Simulated Moments

How does perceived economic risk and its interaction with the central bank’s credibility affect monetary policy? This question will be addressed through the lens of a medium-scale New Keynesian (NK) dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) framework, as outlined in the seminal work of Smets and…

Markets and Anti-Social Behavior : The Roles of Individual Price-Setting Power and Self-Selection

This dissertation contains studies adding to the existing literature about the influence of markets and specific characteristics of markets on people's (situational) moral behavior. The first study isolates the effect of price bargaining--a characteristic of markets previously untested in this context--,…

Distribution of Adaptation Finance in the Global South : A Qualitative Investigation of Current Procedures and Criteria

Global North Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) have committed to mobilise financial assistance to support climate action in the Global South. However, the finance currently available to Global South countries for climate adaptation is negligible in comparison…

Essays on international trade

This doctoral dissertation presents three papers which contribute to fill three trade literature gaps from a novel methodological perspective: • Chapter 1 proposes a two-step methodology to measure managerial skills specific to the international market. This empirical approach presents some advantages…

Trade and Climate Change : Global Value Chain and Policy Analysis

This thesis investigates the intricate relationship between international trade and climate change, employing new quantitative trade (NQT) models to analyze the impact of trade policies on global carbon emissions and economic structures. It explores counterfactual scenarios to assess the consequences…

Essays on the Management of Transdisciplinary Research and Development in the Field of Life Sciences

Societies worldwide increasingly face global challenges like pandemics and climate change. These challenges require holistic solutions which a single organization cannot provide. Hence, a collaborative approach is essential to address global issues. Moreover, an integration of knowledge, separate disciplinary…

Essays on Time Series Forecasting: Applications in Macroeconomics and Finance

In an era marked by significant economic upheavals such as the Great Recession and the COVID-19 pandemic, the need for reliable and timely forecasting tools has become increasingly urgent. In particular, the inflationary shock induced by the COVID-19 crisis and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine highlighted…

Self-Related and Society-Related Benefits in (Pseudo-) Sustainable Consumption. : A Multi-Perspective Approach

This dissertation investigates consumers’ motivations, behaviors and responses to various stimuli in a specific context: sustainable business models, that provide both, self-related and society-related benefits and can potentially induce pseudo-sustainable consumption. It further exploits the diverging…

Essays on the adoption of innovations in healthcare

Innovations in healthcare, whether in the form of new medical products, digital health services, and advanced surgical technologies, are becoming more critical due to growing economic pressures, an increasing number of multimorbid patients, and a greater diversity of challenging patient needs. Thus,…

Augmented reality-delivered product information at the point of sale : when information controllability backfires

Augmented reality-delivered product information (ARPI) can overcome the limited space at the point of sale to inform shoppers on demand and will therefore become more widespread in brick-and-mortar stores. To fill the void of academic research, this paper develops a model of how consumers process ARPI…
New York, NY: Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2022

Essays on the Management of Employee Innovativeness

This dissertation explores the determinants of employee innovativeness in a more dynamic context. Thereby, it examines how to organize innovation management to enhance employees’ 1) engagement in idea generation and 2) acceptance of innovation implementation. The focus is on employees in established…

Decision biases in revenue management revisited: Dynamic decision‐making under stationary and nonstationary demand

State-of-the-art revenue management systems combine forecasting and optimization algorithms with human decision-making. However, only a few existing contributions consider the behavioral aspects of revenue management. To extend the related research, we examine the impact of nonstationary demand and two…


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