720 Dokumente gefunden
Erstnachweis der Halmfliege Camarota curvipennis (Latreille, 1805) (Diptera: Chloropidae) für Schleswig-Holstein
Camarota curvipennis (Latreille, 1805) (Diptera: Chloropidae) wird erstmalig für Schleswig-Holstein angeführt. Die Halmfliege erreicht an der Geestkante in Dithmarschen die nördliche Grenze ihres derzeit bekannten Verbreitungsgebietes. Die Fundumstände werden dargestellt und diskutiert.
Kiel: Universitätsverlag Kiel | Kiel University Publishing, 2024
First records of Ctenochares bicolorus (Linnaeus, 1767) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) in Germany
The ichneumonine Darwin wasp Ctenochares bicolorus (Linnaeus, 1767) is reported for the first time from Germany based on a female photographed in May 2023 in a Cologne supermarket and a male caught in December 2023 in a living room in Mönchengladbach.
Kiel: Universitätsverlag Kiel | Kiel University Publishing, 2024
Nitrification inhibitor differentially regulates manganese and phosphorus shoot concentrations in maize : The pros and cons…
High soil pH can lead to Mn2+ and P deficiency, and crop yield losses. NH4 +-N fertilization can increase soil Mn2+ availability and shoot concentration. Nitrification inhibitors (NIs) such as DMPP, can lower rhizosphere soil pH, and improve plant P uptake and prevent P deficiency. It is unknown if it…
Tracing Plant- and Microbial Carbon and Nutrients Pathways in Soil with Isotope and Imaging Techniques
Plant-soil interactions form vital links between abiotic and biotic soil components and provide hotspots for microbial processes. Isotope techniques and soil enzyme kinetics are often used to unravel the complex and diverse interactions between roots, soil particles, and biota. This study aims to elucidate…
Potassium/magnesium antagonism : an investigation of its characteristics during uptake, translocation, and physiological…
The primary cause of the global occurrence of Mg deficiency is the wide potassium (K)/magnesium (Mg) ratios in the soil solution. High K concentrations have been demonstrated to suppress the uptake of Mg. In addition, mounting evidence indicated that K can suppress the translocation and physiological…
The association between selected dietary patterns and biomarkers of boron and vitamin B12 status with all-cause mortality…
Ernährungsgewohnheiten sowie die Versorgung mit Mikronährstoffen beeinflussen die menschliche Gesundheit und so auch die Lebensdauer. Bisher ist wenig bekannt über die Assoziationen zwischen Ernährungsmustern sowie dem Versorgungstatus mit Bor und Vitamin B12 und dem Langzeitüberleben in der deutschen…
Impacts of Soil Amendments and Fertilization Strategies on the Functions of Agroecosystems : with special attention to coastal…
In this dissertation, the effects of fertilization and amendments on soil properties and crop yield are studied by field and incubation experiments as well as statistical approaches such as meta-analysis. Our results show that higher soil salinity levels lead to lower soil hydrolysis and nitrification…
Mitigation of nitrous oxide emission by nitrification inhibitors : Efficacy under irrigated-induced moisture and soil pH
The objective of this PhD dissertation was to investigate how the factors of soil drying and rewetting, texture, temporary waterlogging, soil pH, drip irrigation method, and N rate regulate the effectiveness of the NIs Dicyandiamide (DCD), 3,4-Dimethylpyrazole phosphate (DMPP), and 3-Methylpyrazol combined…
Pathogenicity of the root lesion nematode Pratylenchus neglectus depends on pre-culture conditions
The ability of a plant parasitic nematode to infect and reproduce within a host plant depends on its genotype and the environmental conditions before and during infection. We studied the culturing conditions of the root lesion nematode Pratylenchus neglectus to produce inoculum for plant infection tests.…
Pathogenicity of the root lesion nematode Pratylenchus neglectus depends on pre-culture conditions
The ability of a plant parasitic nematode to infect and reproduce within a host plant depends on its genotype and the environmental conditions before and during infection. We studied the culturing conditions of the root lesion nematode Pratylenchus neglectus to produce inoculum for plant infection tests.…
[London]: Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2023
Christiana Albertina 85.2024
aus: Christiana Albertina : Forschungen und Berichte aus der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Die Christiana Albertina wurde 1966 als Kieler Universitätszeitschrift gegründet und ist seither wichtiges Instrument zur Verbreitung und Dokumentation der Geschichte, Entwicklungen und Leistungen der CAU nach innen und außen. Heft 85 enthält thematisch weitgefächerte Beiträge zu den Diamond Chairs von…
Kiel: Universitätsverlag Kiel | Kiel University Publishing, 2024
Untersuchungen zur quantitativen Erfassung von Masse- und Stoffströmen im Futterbaubetrieb
Milchvieh-/Futterbausysteme sind durch komplexe Masse- und Nährstoffflüsse gekennzeichnet, in denen die Futterströme bisher wenig quantifiziert wurden. Fehlende Ertragsdaten wirken sich aber auf die Bewirtschaftung der Futterflächen bis hin zu falschen Systemanalysen aus. Desgleichen weisen verschiedene…
Kiel: Selbstverlag des Instituts für Pflanzenbau und Pflanzenzüchtung, 2024
PCR-gestützter Nachweis von pflanzenparasitären Nematoden
Root lesion nematodes of the genus Pratylenchus pose a threat to global cereal production. The traditional identification by counting nematodes under the microscope is laborious and time-consuming. We have established a protocol for quantifying nematodes within cereal roots by RT-qPCR. This method holds…
Editorial: Mineral nutrition and plant stress tolerance
In conclusion, the articles included in this Research Topic contribute to our understanding of the efficacy of various nutrients in alleviating diverse stresses and plant nutrient relations, while illustrating the need for more such research. A better understanding of different nutrient elements could…
Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA, 2024
The Mechanism of the Development and Maintenance of Sexual Dimorphism in the Dioecious Mulberry Plant (Morus alba)
Intersexual differentiation is crucial for the speciation and maintenance of dioecious plants, but the underlying mechanisms, including the genes involved, are still poorly understood. Here, we focused on a typical dioicous plant Morus alba, to explore the molecular footprints relevant to sex evolution…
Basel: MDPI AG, 2024
Molecular studies on root lesion nematode resistance in cereals
My work consisted of three main work packages. The first focused on developing a RT-qPCR detection assay to identify and quantify Pratylenchus neglectus in infected cereal roots. I evaluated species-specific primers and root lesion nematode sequences, selecting the optimal primer combination for its…
DNA-based assessment of root lesion nematode infections in cereal roots
Root lesion nematodes (RLN) of the genus Pratylenchus are causing significant damage in cereal production worldwide. Due to climate change and without efficient and environment-friendly treatments, the damages through RLNs are predicted to increase. Microscopic assessments of RLNs in the field and the…
[London]: Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2023
Rhizosphere Processes and Microbial Functions under Successive Wheat Rotational Positions
Wheat is an important staple crop worldwide, and the increasing demand for wheat requires more intensive cropping systems, such as monoculture. However, continuous cultivation of wheat contributes to a decline in grain yield and quality, possibly due to increased weed infestation and the proliferation…
Erster Nachweis der Raubfliege Tolmerus cowini Hobby, 1946 für Schleswig-Holstein (Diptera: Asilidae)
Die in der Roten Liste der Raubfliegen Deutschlands als sehr selten klassifizierte Raubfliegenart Tolmerus cowini wurde 2022 auf der Insel Trischen erstmals für Schleswig-Holstein nachgewiesen. Weitere Vorkommen sind lediglich von wenigen Fundorten im Binnenland und von drei ostfriesischen Inseln bekannt.…
Kiel: Universitätsverlag Kiel | Kiel University Publishing, 2024
Plasma ferritin, zinc and copper in the general population : metabolic correlates and associations with body composition
This thesis aimed to assess the iron, zinc and copper status of an elderly cohort from Northern Germany and to investigate their relationship with dietary intake and body composition. Plasma ferritin levels – as proxy for iron status – were determined using immunoturbidimetry in 460 participants (aged…