14 Dokumente gefunden

Essays on Agri-food markets in West and Central Africa

The cumulative dissertation presents eight contributions that attempt to shed light on the issues regarding price transmission and cost pass-through on agri-food supply chains and value chains in West and Central Africa. Given recent attempts on trade expansion in Sub-Sahara Africa, price signals are…

Nutrition Transition with Accelerating Urbanization? Empirical Evidence from Rural China

Although rapid urbanization is often considered as one of the most important drivers for changing dietary patterns, little attention has been paid to rural areas despite the profound transformation they have undergone. Using longitudinal data from the China Health and Nutrition Survey (CHNS) for the…
Basel: MDPI AG, 2021

Theoretical analysis of price transmission : a case of joint production

In order to improve the market-based relationships between the stakeholders of the food chain and to increase transparency along the chain it is necessary not only to detect the incomplete price relationship, but also to identify the causes of its malfunctioning. A number of studies investigate the mechanism…

Einkommensdiversifikation landwirtschaftlicher Haushalte in Schleswig-Holstein

Angesichts sich ändernder agrarpolitischer und wirtschaftlicher Rahmenbedingungen gewinnen alternative Einkommensquellen in der Landwirtschaft an Bedeutung. Ziel der Arbeit ist, Fragestellungen nach dem Ausmaß, der Bedeutung und den Bestimmungsgründen der Einkommensdiversifikation landwirtschaftlicher Haushalte…

The Transfer of Farm Family Businesses in Northern Germany and Austria

The transfer of family businesses from one generation to the next can be considered as an event with far-reaching effects for the business. Investments and decisions about restructuring the business are closely tied to succession considerations. This paper analyzes successions plans in the primary sector…
Kiel: Selbstverlag des Instituts für Ernährungswirtschaft und Verbrauchslehre, 2004

The impact of policy reform on productivity and efficiency in Chinese agriculture : A distance function approach

The study is devoted to the measurement of productivity and efficiency change in Chinese farming sector over the reform process in the 1980s and 1990s. Within an output distance function framework,an index of total factor productivity is decomposed into technical and allocative efficiency, technical…
Kiel: Selbstverlag des Instituts für Ernährungswirtschaft und Verbrauchslehre, 2004

Succession in Agriculture : A Probit and a Competing Risk Analysis

The present study examines family and farm characteristics affecting the choice and the timing of intergenerational farm transfers.Using survey data which are linked to accounting data for 272 farms in Northern Germany, we use a probit approach to examine whether specific farm and family characteristics…
Kiel: Selbstverlag des Instituts für Ernährungswirtschaft und Verbrauchslehre, 2004

Farm household decisions under various tax policies : Comparative static results and evidence from household data

The study is devoted to the comparative static analysis and econometric estimation of farm household decisions under both standard and agricultural taxes. Accounting for labor market constraints a non-separable model is constructed implying increasing per-unit costs of accessing labor markets.To control…
Kiel: Selbstverlag des Instituts für Ernährungswirtschaft und Verbrauchslehre, 2003

Agriculture on the Move : Exploring Regional Differences in Farm Exit Rates

This paper investigates the relationship between farm exits and various farm,family,  and regional characteristics during the period of 1991 to 1999. Using county-level data for 326 regions in western Germany, econometric cross section estimations indicate that exits from farming are strongly influenced…
Kiel: Selbstverlag des Instituts für Ernährungswirtschaft und Verbrauchslehre, 2003

Intergenerational Succession on Family Farms : Evidence from Survey Data

This study examines family farms and characteristics affecting farm succession. Based on a farm survey, three aspects of succession are analysed in the paper: the probability of family succession; the likelihood of having a successor designated; and the timing of succession. Large and specialised farms…
Kiel: Selbstverlag des Instituts für Ernährungswirtschaft und Verbrauchslehre, 2002

Market Power of German Food and Beverage Industries on International Markets

In this paper the existence and magnitude of market power for German beer, cocoa powder, chocolate, and sugar confectionary exporters are tested. Two theoretical approaches are employed, the 'pricing to market' (PTM) and the 'residual demand elasticity' (RDE) approach. Even though all markets show a…
Kiel: Selbstverlag des Instituts für Ernährungswirtschaft und Verbrauchslehre, 2000

Die Europäische Agrarpolitik im Spannungsfeld von Osterweiterung und WTO-Verhandlungen : Eine polit-ökonomische Analyse der…

Der Artikel umfasst eine quantitative polit-ökonomische Analyse aktueller und zukünftiger Reformen der Gemeinsamen Europäischen Agrarpolitik unter unterschiedlichen Szenarios einer zukünftigen EU-Osterweiterung und zukünftigen WTO-Verhandlungen. Theoretische Grundlage der Analysen ist ein politisches…
Kiel: Selbstverlag des Instituts für Ernährungswirtschaft und Verbrauchslehre, 2000

Market Power of the German Beer Industry on Export Markets : An Empirical Study

In this paper the existence and magnitude of market power for the German beer exporters is tested. Two theoretical approaches to model incomplete competition on international markets are employed, the ‘pricing to market’ (PTM) model the ‘residual demand elasticity’ (RDE) approach. Estimations for both…
Kiel: Selbstverlag des Instituts für Ernährungswirtschaft und Verbrauchslehre, 1999

Analysis of productivity growth within a distance function approach : An application to European dairy farms

A detailed decomposition of the sources of the Total Factor Productivity (TFP) growth index within an output distance function framework was carried out, looking at the following components: technical change, change in technical efficiency, scale component, and violations of the profit maximizing assumption…
Kiel: Selbstverlag des Instituts für Ernährungswirtschaft und Verbrauchslehre, 1999