Our publishing principles outline Luxe Digital’s editorial approach and the enforceable standards our team must follow when publishing content.
Luxe Digital adheres to the editorial guidelines of the American Press Institute. We support trustworthy and independent journalism, strict and transparent research methodology, and quality content written by humans for humans.
Below are more details on our publishing principles, together with other relevant information, to help you understand how Luxe Digital operates.
To report inaccuracies or request a correction, please contact [email protected].
Luxe Digital editorial standards:
- Publishing principles
- Research & product review methodology
- Copyright policy
- Privacy policy
- Terms & conditions
- Advertising
- About us
- Contact
Luxe Digital is strict about ensuring that all editorial news content published is factually accurate, balanced, ethical, and well-researched.
1. Editorial Independence
As a consumer-centric publication, Luxe Digital’s editorial independence and integrity are critical to our operations. Our Editor in Chief is responsible for ensuring standards are upheld and holds editorial power in content delivery.
Additionally, Luxe Digital has a duty to ensure that the gathering and presentation of news and information are accurate according to the recognized standards of objective journalism. Our editorial standards require reasonable efforts to ensure accuracy in all fact-based content.
Here are the core guidelines of our code of conduct:
- We don’t accept products from companies or from their PR firms in exchange for guaranteed positive coverage.
- We do not accept preconditions for coverage that require us to say certain things.
- We do not allow the subjects of our reporting to preview or approve interview questions or review our content before we publish it.
- We do not allow our team to cover people or companies where they have a personal conflict of interest.
2. Accuracy and corrections
We value accuracy, believing it to be the cornerstone of any media outlet’s credibility. As such, we pledge to strive for the highest levels of factual accuracy. We also commit to addressing inaccuracies as soon as they are highlighted to the editorial team.
If a correction is required, our editors will promptly issue an update that removes the inaccurate information and adds a notice of correction that explains the error.
3. Fairness and balance of views
Luxe Digital ensures that the gathering and distribution of news and information are impartial according to the standards of objective journalism. We ensure that factual material is presented with reasonable fairness and balance and that writers’ expressions of opinion are not based on significantly inaccurate factual material or omission of key facts.
4. Privacy and avoidance of harm
We believe that privacy is necessary for human dignity and that every person should expect that their privacy will be reasonably respected.
Luxe Digital respects this right and recognizes the responsibility for protecting privacy and preventing harm by avoiding intruding on a person’s reasonable expectations of privacy unless doing so is sufficiently in the public interest.
5. Integrity and transparency
Luxe Digital recognizes that integrity and transparency are essential to maintaining trust with its audiences and those who participate in or are otherwise directly affected by our content. We commit to avoiding misleading material and ensuring that the gathering and presentation of news and information are impartial according to the recognized standards of objective journalism.
Luxe Digital avoids publishing material that has been gathered by deceptive or unfair means unless doing so is sufficiently in the public interest. Luxe Digital also ensures that conflicts of interest are avoided or adequately disclosed and that they do not influence published material.
Luxe Digital editorial standards and policies: