Curious how AIM addresses your post-cookie challenges …… lean more

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When your invite is ready, we'll email you to create your account, but don't want our note to get lost in your overstuffed inbox.
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I'm drowning in email!
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Your lockrMail invite!
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Knock! Knock! It's your inbox genie
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Are you ready for inboxzero status?
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**Bonus points for the funniest answer! We may even bump up your invite :)
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Thanks for your continued interest in lockrMail!
We already have you on our waitlist. We're extremely hard at work building you the best way to protect and organize your inbox.
We'll be releasing more invites for early-access soon – can't wait to have you onboard!

lockr is the first consumer-focused platform for identity, consent and data.

the value exchange of the Internet – trading user data for subsidized access to digital content – was originally negotiated without consumers at the table. impending signal loss across operating systems and browsers presents a unique opportunity to redefine this model while honoring consumer choice and consent.

lockr is building the means for this revolution: a universal digital identity solution for tomorrow’s consumer that is congruent with the internet economy.

lockrMail for consumers
For consumers

Unlock savings and block out spam.

Learn more about lockrMail

For publishers

a unified container for first-party data.


Group 398
For marketers

Honor consumer consent and reach engaged customers.

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