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Archive for June, 2014

osc: speedup update of a project working copy

June 26th, 2014 by


recently, I pushed a commit that speeds up the update of an osc project
working copy, if most of the packages in the working copy are already up to
date (that is no update has to be performed).
The following table shows the improvements of the new code (in terms of
wall-clock time). Both project working copies were already up to date
and the packages in the home:Marcus_H project were unexpanded.

project       # number of packages  #    old code # new code
home:Marcus_H                   66        51.135s    10.653s
d:l:r:e                       1245     7:07.07min    17.804s

(the numbers for the devel:languages:ruby:extensions (d:l:r:e) project
were kindly provided by darix – thanks!).

Technically, we just reduced the number of http requests for packages
that are already up to date by using the backend’s getprojectsourceinfo
call (/source/project?view=info&package=pkg_1…&package=pkg_n).
Note: currently, such a reduction is not possible for packages that have
a _service file, because a small change in the backend is needed (see [1]).
Consequently, there are no time improvements for such packages.

If you want to test the new code, use the osc package from the
devel:tools:scm repo (http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/devel:/tools:/scm/).
Feedback is always welcome! 🙂

Next, my plan is to improve the speed of an update of a single package
working copy (again by reducing the number of http requests).

[1] http://lists.opensuse.org/opensuse-buildservice/2014-06/msg00067.html

Using docker 1.0 on openSUSE 13.1

June 16th, 2014 by

There is quite some buzz around docker and no one can avoid to read about it. So I wanted to try it out. Since version 1.0 is now out some things got even smoother it seems.
Here is the short version of the commands:

  1. Add the Virtualization repository
    zypper ar http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/Virtualization/openSUSE_13.1 docker
    zypper ref
  2. Install docker
    zypper in docker
  3. Start the docker service
    systemctl start docker
  4. Then for example search for openSUSE based containers in the docker registry
    docker search opensuse

    This should provide the same list as using this web page:


  5. For now we are going to download and use Flavio Castelli’s 12.3 container by first pulling it
    docker pull flavio/opensuse-12-3

    Depending on your connection that may take some time or finish quite quickly with output looking like this:

    # docker pull flavio/opensuse-12-3
     Pulling repository flavio/opensuse-12-3
     7b4864b5c142: Download complete
     3ac0450b90b3: Download complete
  6. If that worked well, you are ready to use that container. For example check what RPM’s are installed by simply issuing
     docker run flavio/opensuse-12-3 rpm -qa

Now you are ready to pull and use containers. If you want to build your own containers the following blog post by Flavio Castelli might be of interest to you:


GNOME 3.12 classic on openSUSE 13.1

June 16th, 2014 by
GNOME 3.12 classic running on openSUSE 13.1

GNOME 3.12 classic running on openSUSE 13.1

Just in case gnome does not open in the classic mode after selecting it as session from display manager, then edit /usr/share/applications/gnome-shell-classic.desktop and change the Exec line to read Exec=/usr/bin/gnome-shell --mode=classic

You can also switch to classic mode from within the running gnome session by doing Alt+F2 > gnome-shell -r --mode=classic

openSUSE 13.2 Artwork Proposal

June 13th, 2014 by

Dear Geekos,

at the openSUSE Conference 14, Kenneth Wimer presented some new ideas and guidelines about branding. This includes a color set, as well as some new design elements.

You can watch his talk here.

I have taken the chance to prepare a light wallpaper proposal, based on this color set


It is of course a proposal, and you are invited to hack on it, improve it, or create something new. The SVG source is available here.

And done…. new images available

June 12th, 2014 by


It took a bit but I am happy to report that all openSUSE 13.1 images in Amazon EC2, Google Compute Engine and Microsoft Azure public cloud environments have been refreshed. After the latest round of the GNU-TLS and OpenSSL fixes the security was, as usual, extremely efficient in providing fixed packages and these have been available in all cloud images via zypper up since last Friday. As of today the base images available in the public cloud frameworks contain the fixes by default.

In Amazon the new images are as follows:

  • ap-northeast-1: ami-79296078
  • ap-southeast-1: ami-84a7fbd6
  • ap-southeast-2: ami-41cbae7b
  • eu-west-1: ami-b56aa4c2
  • sa-east-1: ami-bffb54a2
  • us-east-1: ami-5e708d36
  • us-west-1: ami-16f2f553
  • us-west-2: ami-b7097487

In Google compute engine the image name is: opensuse-13-1-v20140609

The old image (opensuse131-v20140417) has been deprecated. To access the image you will need to add –image=opensuse-cloud/global/images/opensuse-13-1-v20140609 as the openSUSE images are not yet fully integrated into the GCE framework. Still working on that part with Google. This image also has upgrades to the google-cloud-sdk package and enable the bq (big-query) command. The gcloud command is still a bit rough around the edges, but the gcutil command should work as expected. Eventually gcutil is going to be deprecated by Google thus there is work to be done to fix the integration issues with the gcloud command. If anyone has time to work on that please send submit request to the google-cloud-sdk package in the Cloud:Tools project in OBS. Unfortunately Google still hasn’t posted the source anywhere for open collaboration 🙁 . They’ll get there eventually. I will try and push any changes upstream.

In Azure just search for openSUSE in the Gallery, it’s more of a point an click thing 😉

And that’s a wrap. Not certain we will be able to improve on the speed of such fire drill updates, but we’ll try to keep refreshing images as quickly as time allows when critical vulnerabilities in the core libraries get exposed.

Have a lot of fun….

Want Factory Restore/System Rescue for Linux?

June 12th, 2014 by

Considering that My sCool Server will be deployed in many schools, some in remote places and Linux system administration knowledge is quite rare, and users quite new to this whole Linux way of doing thing, there are bound to be instances where some bug between chair and the keyboard, online update gone haywire, or may be “it just happened on it’s own” kind of thing, will make something stop working as configured. We needed a way to get the system in it’s original “Factory” setting easily and quickly. Enter recovery-kit.

Disable firefox addon compatibility check after update

June 1st, 2014 by

Running this command before launching firefox after update will disable the pesky addon compatibility check at start.

sed -i -e "s@lastAppVersion\", \".*@lastAppVersion\", \"$(rpm -q --queryformat %{VERSION} MozillaFirefox)\"\)\;@" ~/.mozilla/firefox/*/prefs.js