Ad Exchange News

  • The New Yahoo! Ad Platform: APT (Was: AMP, APEX)

    Amid the Advertising Week hubbub in New York City, Yahoo! has announced the launch of its new ad platform, APT, largely dependent on the Right Media Exchange acquired last year by Yahoo!. With Yahoo!’s Newspaper Consortium desperate for revenues, they will be the first to try out the new platform followed by advertisers, agencies and […]

  • Please Welcome, The AOL Advertising Exchange, BidPlace

    It’s official. AOL’s long-rumored entry into the advertising exchange business is here and covered in today’s edition of MediaWeek by Mike Shields among other online news outlets. According to the release: “BidPlace will allow advertisers to submit bids for CPM, CPC and CPA advertising on AOL, on select partner sites and on Platform-A’s third-party network, […]

  • Latency Rears Its Ugly Head at RightMedia

    A favorite bugaboo with which publishers like to challenge ad exchanges and networks is latency – the amount of time it takes to serve an ad. RightMedia appears to be suffering a bad case of it according to yesterday’s VentureBeat. VB adds that there is a ton of research out there saying the loss in […]

  • Right Media Offers Ad Exchange Comment on Net Imperative

    Roger Williams, Director of International Marketing at Right Media, was able to place a nice article in UK’s Net Imperative on online advertising exchanges entitled, “Platforms for Change“. Within the advertiser-focused article are the basics to the Right Media Exchange story including providing tools to advertisers that allow efficient targeting through an open auction. Williams […]

  • Four Ad Exchanges Featured on ClickZ

    ClickZ media buying writer, Tessa Wegert, completes the second of her two-parter on ad exchanges this week. See #2 on ClickZ: “Getting to Know the Ad Exchanges.” Wegert highlights just four of the ad exchanges – only Google/DoubleClick, Yahoo!’s Right Media Exchange (RMX), ContextWeb’s ADSDAQ and Microsoft AdECN were worthy of mention to Wegert. (GlamX, […]

  • Turn Opens New York Office

    In Friday’s edition of MediaPost, Turn, Inc. announced that it has opened a four-person New York office to serve as its East Coast headquarters. “Jim Clark, the company’s regional vice president for East Coast sales, will lead the branch, which is expected to add two more people by year’s end.” For the complete release on […]

  • BlueKai Enters With New Advertising Exchange

    According to CNET‘s Stephanie Olsen, Bellevue, Washington-based, BlueKai will unveil its new ad exchange on Monday. After raising a $3.1 million investment from Redpoint Ventures in Q1 of this year, the company founded by Medio Systems and Revenue Science advertising executive Omar Tawakol is ready to tell what all the secrecy has been about these […]

  • Ad Exchanges Featured on ClickZ

    In ClickZ today, writer Tessa Wegert elevates the ad exchange cause with her article entitled, “Understanding Ad Exchanges.” Ironically, the article is sponsored by ad network, Tribal Fusion. Not sure how TF felt about it – oh well. Wegert discusses one of the main differences between ad networks and exchanges: ad networks act as middlemen, […]

  • Glam Gets on the Ad Exchange Bandwagon with GlamX

    The creative, vertical ad network, Glam Media, has once again reinvented itself with yesterday’s announcement regarding the first vertical ad exchange. From the press release: “GlamX Ad Exchange enables advertisers to target by audience, content and placement effectively connecting publishers, advertisers, agencies and networks in one innovative platform.” OK, well, still sounds like an an […]

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