How to write good /// docs for .NET API reference

The ultimate goal for .NET API docs is to have the /// XML comments in the .NET source code be the "source of truth". For MSBuild, ASP.NET Core, and EF Core, this goal has been met. However, currently the dotnet-api-docs repo remains the source of truth for core .NET API reference. This dotnet/runtime issue tracks the effort to backport .NET docs and make the dotnet/runtime repo the source of truth.

This article provides tips about writing good doc comments within the source code itself.

Good comments make for good documents

.NET API triple-slash comments are transformed into public documentation on and also appear in IntelliSense in the IDE. The comments should be:

  • Complete—empty doc entries for methods, parameters, exceptions, and so on, make the APIs feel under-supported, temporary, or trivial.
  • Correct—readers scan for critical details and become frustrated when key information is missing or incorrect.
  • Contextual—readers land on this page from search and need to know how and when to use the API, and what the code implications are.
  • Polished—poor or hasty grammar and spelling can confuse the reader and make even simple calls ambiguous; also, poor presentation communicates low investment.

Best practices

  1. Use cref instead of href to link to another type or method.

    Correct: <param name="configFile">An <see cref="XmlConfigResource" /> object.</param>

    Incorrect: <param name="configFile">An <a href="{path}/XmlConfigResource"></a> object.</param>

  2. When referencing parameters, wrap the parameter name in a <paramref> tag, for example, The offset in <paramref name="source" /> where the range begins..

  3. If you have more than one paragraph in the doc comment, separate the paragraphs with <para> tags.

  4. Wrap code examples in <code> tags within <example> tags.

  5. Use <seealso> to add links to other APIs in the autogenerated "See Also" section.

XML doc tags

Tag Purpose Example
<altmember> Adds a "See also" link to the specified API. <altmember cref="System.Console.Out" />
<c> Formats the specified text as code within a description. Gets the current version of the language compiler, in the form <c>Major.Minor.Revision.Build</c>.
<code> Formats multiple lines as code. <code language="csharp">using(logger.BeginScope("Processing request from {Address}", address)) { }</code>
<example> Adds a code example under the "Example" H2 heading. <example><code language="csharp">using(logger.BeginScope("Processing request from {Address}", address)) { }</code></example>
<exception> Describes an exception the API can throw. <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">No application identity is specified in <paramref name="identity" />.</exception>
<include> Refer to comments in another file that describe the APIs in your source code. <include file="../docs/AbsoluteLayout.xml" path="Type[@FullName='Microsoft.Maui.Controls.AbsoluteLayout']/Docs/*" />

.NET MAUI example
<inheritdoc> Inherit XML comments from base classes, interfaces, and similar methods. <inheritdoc />
<list> Creates a bulleted or numbered list. <list type="bullet"><item><description>Set the root path to the result.</description></item><item><description>Load host configuration.</description></item></list>
<para> Separates paragraphs.
<paramref> Refers to a method parameter. Returns the activity with the specified <paramref name="id" />.
<related> Adds a "See also" link to the specified article. <related type="Article" href="/https/">ADO.NET overview</related>
<see cref> Links to another API. Describes the behavior that caused a <see cref="Scroll" /> event.
<see langword> Formats the specified text as code. Gets the value of the <see langword="Accept-Ranges" /> header for an HTTP response.
<seealso> Adds a "See also" link to the specified API. <seealso cref="T:System.Single" />
<typeparamref> Refers to a type parameter. The <typeparamref name="THandler" /> is resolved from a scoped service provider.

For more information, see Recommended XML tags for C# and the C# specification. The ECMAXML spec also has good information, although be aware that there are some differences between ECMAXML and /// documentation comments (for example, cref targets are fully expanded and have prefixes in ECMAXML).

Cross references

When you use a <see cref> tag to link to another API, there's no need to add a prefix to the type name, such as T: for type or M: for method. In fact, code analysis rule CA1200 flags code comments that add a prefix to the type name in a cref tag. However, there are a couple exceptions to this rule:

  • When you want to link to the general form of a method that has more than one overload, the C# compiler doesn't currently support that. The workaround for docs is to prefix the method name with O: in source code (or Overload: in ECMAXML) and suppress rule CA1200. For example: <altmember cref="O:System.Diagnostics.Process.Kill" />.
  • When the API can't be resolved from the current context, which includes any using directives. In this case, use the fully qualified API name with a prefix.

When the <see cref> tag is converted to ECMAXML, mdoc replaces the type name with the full DocId of the API, which includes a prefix.


For authoritative guidelines about describing each symbol type and its various parts, see the .NET API docs wiki.

Empty comments

The well-known placeholder text for empty comments is To be added.. The Learn build system recognizes this text and removes it when the ECMAXML is converted into HTML, leaving an empty description.

Separate code files

If your code example is lengthy, you can put it in a separate file in the docs repo and link to it from source code in the following way:

/// <example>
/// <format type="text/markdown">
/// <![CDATA[
///  [!code-csharp[FieldAware](~/docs/samples/Microsoft.ML.Samples/Dynamic/FactorizationMachine.cs)]
/// ]]></format>
/// </example>

Language attributes

Language attributes on <code> tags are optional, but they cause the code to be formatted correctly/prettily. For example:

/// <example>
/// This sample shows the basic pattern for defining a typed client class.
///   <code language="csharp">
///     class ExampleClient
///     {
///       private readonly HttpClient _httpClient;
///       private readonly ILogger _logger;
///       // Typed clients can use constructor injection to access additional services.
///       public ExampleClient(HttpClient httpClient, ILogger&lt;ExampleClient&gt; logger)
///       {
///         _httpClient = httpClient;
///         _logger = logger;
///       }
///     }
///   </code>
/// </example>

Internal APIs

When documenting an API that's not intended to be used by consumers, use wording similar to the following:

<summary>This type supports the .NET infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.</summary>

See also