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Weyer, Matthias, 1521-1560

LC control 99009884
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingWeyer, Matthias, 1521-1560
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Variant(s)M. W. (Matthias Weyer), 1521-1560
W., M. (Matthias Weyer), 1521-1560
Weyer, Matthew, 1521-1560
Wijers, Mathijs, 1521-1560
Wyers, Mathijs, 1521-1560
Wijer, Matthijs, 1521-1560
Weyer, Matthes, 1521-1560
Weyerus, Matthaeus, 1521-1560
Wier, Matthijs, 1521-1560
Other standard no.0000000048296489
LocatedAntwerp (Belgium Wesel (North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany)
Birth date1521
Death date1560-04-25
Place of birthGrave (Netherlands)
Place of deathWesel (North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany)
Field of activityTheology Spiritualism
Profession or occupationTheologians Mystics Authors
Special noteData provided by the ESTC/BL
Found inHis The narrow path of divine truth described from living practice and experience of its three great steps, viz. Purgation, illumination & union according to the testimony of the holy scriptures; as also of Thomas a Kempis, the German divinity, Thauler, and such like. Or the sayings of Matthew Weyer reduced into order in three books, 1683: signed (M.W.)
Koch, H. Deutscher biographische index, 1986 (Weyer, Matthias, 1521-1560; Theologe)
Short title catalogue Netherlands, viewed on Oct. 23rd, 2024 (Wijers, Mathijs; born 1521; died 1560; Wyers, Mathijs; W., M.; M.W.; Wijer, Matthijs; Weyer, Matthes; Weyer, Matthias; Weyerus, Matthaeus)
German Wikipedia, viewed October 25th, 2024 (Mathijs Wier (also Matthias, Matthes, Mattaeus Weyer; born 1520 or 1521 probably in Grave in North Brabant; died April 25, 1560 in Wesel) was a merchant and mystic who worked in the Lower Rhine region. He and his brother Arnd lived for a time as merchants in Antwerp, later he lived in Wesel. His sayings and writings (...) were first published in 1563 by Pieter Overd'hage and in 1569 by Dirck Mullem and printed in Wesel in the Low Franconian language.)