
LBreakout2 for Windows

  • Free

  • In English
  • V 2.6.5
  • 3.9

  • Security Status

Free arkinoid clone with more than 50 levels

LBreakout2 is a nice, free (gpl) Windows game, being part of the category PC games with subcategory Classics (more specifically Arkanoid). This game is a delight for any classic video game fan.

More about LBreakout2

Since we added this game to our catalog in 2006, it has managed to reach 14,405 downloads, and last week it had 9 downloads.

The game version is 2.5.1 and was updated on 11/24/2006. It's available for users with the operating system Windows 95 and prior versions, and you can get it only in English.

LBreakout2 is a slick game that will require less free space than the average game in the section PC games. It's a game very heavily used in many countries such as United Kingdom, Hungary, and United States.

The successor to LBreakout offers you a new challenge in more than 50 levels with loads of new bonuses (goldshower, joker, explosive balls, bonus magnet .

. . ), maluses (chaos, darkness, weak balls, malus magnet . . . ) and special bricks (growing bricks, explosive bricks, regenerative bricks . . . ). If you are still hungry for more after that you can create your own levelsets with the integrated level editor.

Program available in other languages

LBreakout2 for PC

  • Free

  • In English
  • V 2.6.5
  • 3.9

  • Security Status

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