Latest Translated Update
Only partial insurance laws and regulations are translated and included in this database.
For a complete database, please refer to the Chinese Version.
Law Updates From To
1   2024.04.18 Regulations Governing Public Disclosure of Information by Non-life Insurance Enterprises 
2   2024.04.18 Regulations Governing Public Disclosure of Information by Life Insurance Enterprises 
3   2024.04.17 Premium Table of Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance 
4   2024.03.27 Implementation Regulations for the Risk Spreading Mechanism of Residential Earthquake Insurance 
5   2024.03.06 Directions for Issuance of Bonds with Capital Characteristics by Insurance Companies 
6   2024.02.22 Directions for Insurance Companies to Engage in Microinsurance Business 
7   2024.01.23 Regulations Governing the Preparation of Financial Reports by Insurance Enterprises 
8   2024.01.16 Regulations Governing Appointed Actuaries and External Reviewing Actuaries of Insurance Companies 
9   2023.12.29 Regulations for the Accounting Arrangement and Procedure of Submitting Business and Financial Reports of Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance 
10   2023.12.29 Regulations for the Management of the Various Reserves for Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance 
11   2023.12.27 Regulations Governing Financial and Business Operations of Professional Reinsurance Enterprises 
12   2023.12.26 Regulations Governing Insurance Enterprises Engaging in Operating Reinsurance and Other Risk Spreading Mechanisms 
13   2023.12.18 Regulations Governing Pre-sale Procedures for Insurance Products 
14   2023.12.18 Regulations Governing Online Insurance Business and Online Insurance Services of Insurance Agent Companies and Insurance Broker Companies 
15   2023.11.29 Simple Life Insurance Act 
16   2023.10.04 Directions for Insurance Enterprises Engaging in Electronic Commerce Business 
17   2023.09.21 Regulations Governing A Same Person or Same Concerned Party Holding the Issued Shares with Voting Rights over a Particular Ratio of an Insurance Enterprise 
18   2023.09.21 Regulations Governing Qualification Requirement and Concurrent Serving Restrictions and Matters for Compliance by the Responsible Persons of Insurance Enterprises 
19   2023.08.10 Directions for Operation Outsourcing by Insurance Enterprises 
20   2023.08.04 Regulations Governing Capital Adequacy of Insurance Companies 
21   2023.07.07 Regulations Governing Business Solicitation, Policy Underwriting and Claim Adjusting of Insurance Enterprises 
22   2023.07.07 Directions for Sale of Investment-linked Insurance Products 
23   2023.07.04 Directions for Insurance Companies to Engage in Concluding Distance Insurance Contracts and Providing Insurance Services 
24   2023.07.04 Directions for Insurance Agents and Insurance Brokers to Engage in Distance Insurance Contracts and Providing Insurance Service Business 
25   2023.05.31 Personal Data Protection Act 
26   2023.04.14 Financial Supervisory Commission Order is hereby given, for the interpretive rule pursuant to Paragraph 2, Article 146 of the Insurance Act 
27   2023.03.29 Compliance Matters for Disclosure of Information on Investment-linked Insurance 
28   2023.03.24 Financial Supervisory Commission Order is hereby given, for the interpretive rule pursuant to Subparagraph 8, Paragraph 1, Article 3 of the Regulations Governing Foreign Investments by Insurance Companies 
29   2023.03.24 Financial Supervisory Commission Order is hereby given, for the interpretive rule pursuant to Subparagraph 8, Paragraph 1, Article 146 of the Insurance Act 
30   2023.02.16 Regulations Governing Foreign Investments by Insurance Companies 
31   2023.02.16 on 16 February 2023 per Order No. Jin-Guan-Bao-Cai-Zi- 11204903342 of the Financial Supervisory Commission 
32   2022.11.30 Insurance Act 
33   2022.11.25 Enforcement Rules for the Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance Act 
34   2022.11.25 Regulations for Underwriting and Claim Adjustment Procedures under Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance 
35   2022.11.11 Regulations for Establishment and Administration of Insurance Enterprises 
36   2022.09.27 Regulations Governing Implementation of Internal Control and Auditing System of Insurance Enterprises 
37   2022.09.22 Regulations Governing Insurance Brokers 
38   2022.09.22 Regulations Governing Insurance Agents 
39   2022.07.01 Required Qualification and Directions for Life Insurance Companies to Engage in Foreign-currency Denominated Non-investment-linked Life Insurance Business 
40   2022.06.29 Regulations Governing Non-Life Insurance Enterprises Engaging in Injury Insurance and Health Insurance 
41   2022.06.15 Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance Act 
42   2022.05.30 Regulations for Establishment, Transfer, or Withdraw Branch Units by Insurance Enterprises 
43   2022.05.30 Regulations Governing the Review and Management of Insurance Industry Engaging in Insurance Trust Business 
44   2022.05.30 Regulations Governing Investment of Investment-linked Insurance 
45   2022.05.20 Regulations Governing Use of Insurer's funds in Special Projects, Public Utilities and Social Welfare Enterprises 
46   2022.05.20 Regulations Governing Investments in Insurance-related Enterprises by Insurance Companies 
47   2022.05.20 Regulations Governing Derivatives Transactions Conducted by Insurance Companies 
48   2022.04.11 Regulations Governing the Implementation of Internal Control and Audit System and Business Solicitation System of Insurance Agent Companies and Insurance Broker Companies 
49   2021.11.12 Regulations Governing Real Estate Investment by Insurance Enterprises 
50   2021.10.28 Regulations Governing Postal Simple Life Insurance Operations 
51   2021.06.24 Regulations Governing the Operation by Insurance Enterprises of Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance 
52   2021.06.24 Payment Standards of the Compulsory Automobiles Liability Insurance 
53   2021.01.26 Directions for Insurance Enterprises, Insurance Agent Companies and Insurance Broker Companies Engaging in Telemarketing Business 
54   2021.01.08 Regulations Governing the Supervision of Insurance Solicitors 
55   2020.05.21 Directions Concerning Compliance with the Paragraph 1, Article 139-1 of Insurance Act Regarding the Reporting for Holding the Issued Shares with Voting Rights 
56   2020.04.28 Regulations Governing Transactions Other Than Loans between Insurance Enterprises and Interested Parties 
57   2019.09.27 The Rules of Management for Motor Vehicle Accident Compensation Fund 
58   2019.09.19 Regulations Governing Management of Insurance Guaranty Funds 
59   2019.09.16 Regulations Governing the Taiwan Residential Earthquake Insurance Fund 
60   2019.05.09 Regulations for Establishment and Administration of Foreign Insurance Enterprises 
61   2019.05.08 Regulations Governing Insurance Surveyors 
62   2018.12.21 Mandatory and Prohibitory Provisions of Standard Form Contract for Automobile Insurance 
63   2018.11.09 Regulations Governing Implementation of Internal Control and Audit System for Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Terrorism Financing of Insurance Companies, Post Offices Engaging in Simple Life Insurance Business and Other Financial Institutions Designated by the Financial Supervisory Commission 
64   2018.11.09 Directions Governing Internal Control System of Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Terrorism Financing of Insurance Sector 
65   2017.12.29 Jin-Guan-Bao-Zong-Zi-10600117691 
66   2017.08.18 Regulations Governing Offshore Insurance Branches 
67   2017.06.27 Jin-Guan-Bao-Zong-Zi-10602561997 
68   2017.05.31 Directions for Collecting Premiums Authorized by Insurance Enterprises 
69   2016.12.30 Regulations Governing Foreign Exchange Business of Insurance Enterprises 
70   2016.05.25 Regulations Governing Manner of Written Consent, Scope of Business and Other Matters of Compliance Prescribed by Paragraph 2, Article 177-1 of Insurance Act 
71   2016.04.08 Jin-Guan-Bao-Shou-Zi-10502540567 
72   2016.01.25 Regulations on Reporting the Information of Structured Products Linked to Investment-linked Insurance Products to the Financial Supervisory Commission- Designated Institution by Life Insurance Companies 
73   2015.10.07 Regulations Governing Permission for Establishment of Branch Units and Subsidiaries in Hong Kong and Macau by Taiwan-area Insurance Institutions 
74   2015.06.18 Regulations Governing Deposit of Bond and Acquirement of Insurance by Insurance Agents, Insurance Brokers and Insurance Surveyors 
75   2015.04.10 Regulations for Extending Loans by Insurance Enterprises to Interested Parties 
76   2014.12.10 Jin-Guan-Bao-Shou-Zi-10302553001 
77   2014.11.05 Regulations Governing Permission of Insurance Business Transactions and Investment Between the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area 
78   2014.10.06 Jin-Guan-Bao-Shou-Zi-10302549351 
79   2014.09.09 Jin-Guan-Bao-Cai-Zi-10302507061 
80   2013.11.07 Jin-Guan-Bao-Shou-Zi-10202552758 
81   2013.06.04 Jin-Guan-Bao-Shou-Zi-10202545341 
82   2012.10.12 Regulations Governing the Standards for and Appraisal of Insurance Enterprises' Admitted Assets 
83   2012.05.28 Jin-Guan-Bao-Li-Zi-10102009141 
84   2012.04.05 Jin-Guan-Bao-Li-Zi-10102540661 
85   2011.06.29 The Organic Act of Insurance Bureau, Financial Supervisory Commission 
86   2009.02.23 Directions for Review of Establishment of Liaison Offices by Foreign Insurance Institutions 
87   2007.12.26 Regulations Governing the Management of the Insurance Association 
88   2006.12.08 Self-Regulatory Rules for the Handling of Derivatives Trading by Insurance Enterprises 
89   2005.11.07 Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance Policy 
90   2005.10.28 Financial-Supervisory-Insurance-IV-09402104983 
91   2005.08.22 Policy Provisions for Public Liability Insurance Purchased by Operators of Mechanical Amusement Facilities 
92   2005.07.11 Financial-Supervisory-Insurance-IV-09402562221 
93   2005.07.01 Directions for the Review and Approval of Reinsurance Brokering Business Conducted by Insurance Broker Companies 
94   2005.06.28 Model Provisions for Interest-Sensitive Annuity Insurance Policies (Type B) 
95   2005.06.28 Model Provisions for Individual Immediate Annuity Insurance Policies (Conventional, or with Guaranteed Benefits) 
96   2005.06.28 Model Provisions for Interest-Sensitive Annuity Insurance Policies (Type A) 
97   2005.06.28 Model Provisions for Individual Deferred Annuity Insurance Policies (Conventional, or with Guaranteed Benefits) 
98   2005.06.01 Financial-Supervisory-Insurance-IV-09402561231 
99   2005.05.26 Financial-Supervisory-Insurance-IV-09402561251 
100   2005.05.24 Directions for Interest-Sensitive Annuity Insurance Policy Premium Rates 
101   2005.05.05 Financial-Supervisory-Insurance-IV-09402561341 
102   2004.04.05 Guidelines for Handling Assessment of Assets, Loans Overdue, Receivable on Demand and Bad Debts by Insurance Enterprises. 
103   2003.07.02 Enforcement Rules for the Insurance Act 
104   2002.07.03 Taiwan-Finance-Insurance-0910750616 
105   2001.11.14 Electronic Signatures Act 

This site belongs to : Taiwan Insurance Institute

Chinese-English Website and Database Maintain : Lex Data Inc.

Translations by Winkler Partners