Seal of Biliteracy
Students across the country are being recognized for their multilingualism and multiliteracy skills. Join DRC in celebrating your students’ achievements with the national Seal of Biliteracy and Pathway Awards!
Los estudiantes de todo el país están siendo reconocidos por sus habilidades de multilingüismo y multialfabetización. ¡Unase a DRC para celebrar los logros de sus estudiantes con el Sello Nacional de Alfabetización Bilingüe (Seal of Biliteracy) y los Premios Pathway (Pathway Awards)!
DRC and the Seal of Biliteracy/Pathway Awards Programs
DRC is proud to support the Seal of Biliteracy initiative and national movement for districts and states to recognize and award students who have attained proficiency in two or more languages by high school graduation. DRC also supports states and districts who are instituting a Bilingual/Multilingual Pathway Awards program, as students take significant steps towards developing biliteracy from preschool to high school.
Learn More about the Seal of Biliteracy and Pathway Awards Programs
Click here to learn more about the Seal of Biliteracy and Pathway Awards programs and why you should consider implementing them in your districts and schools.
Oklahoma has joined other states in including a Seal of Biliteracy on high school diploma’s designating a graduate as bilingual. Click here to watch a video to learn more how schools are recognizing high school graduates who have attained a high level of proficiency in one or more languages in addition to English.
Participate in the Seal of Biliteracy and Pathway Awards National Testing Window
We offer a dedicated test window for both the Seal of Biliteracy and Pathway Awards program goals and initiatives, using LAS Links Español to measure student proficiency skills in language and literacy in Spanish. Districts will be able to use LAS Links Online Español B to assess students’ Spanish language proficiency during the testing window.
Districts may sign up at any time prior to the test window opening. Discounted pricing will be offered for districts and states that participate in the window. Pricing includes the LAS Links Español assessment, scoring, and an on-demand student report for each assessed student.
Please contact LAS Links Customer Service at 800-538-9547 to place your order.