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Valles Regum

Coordinata: 25°44′27″N 32°36′8″E / 25.74083°N 32.60222°E / 25.74083; 32.60222
E Vicipaedia
Locus vallis inter Colles Thebanos, ad orientem Nili versus, October 1988 (sagitta rubra locum monstrat).

Valles Regum (Arabice وادي الملوك Wādī al Mulūk[1]), vel Valles Portarum Regum (Arabice وادي ابواب الملوك Wādī Abwāb al Mulūk[2]), est valles in Aegypto ubi, paene quingentos annos, a saeculo sexto decimo ad saeculum undecimum a.C.n. (a domu duodevicensima ad domum vicensimam Aegypti antiquae), sepulcra e saxo penitus sculpta pro potentibus Regni Novi pharaonibus nobilibusque excavabantur.[3][4] Valles in occidentali Nili ripa patet, ante Thebas (hodiernam Luxor), intra cor Necropolis Thebanae.[5] Consistit haec vadio[6] in binis vallibus: Valle Orientali (ubi plurima sepulcra regalia sita sunt) et Valle Occidentali.

Stratigraphia vallis.

Novo conclave anno 2005 duobusque aditibus anno 2008 repertis,[7] valles putatur comprehendere sexaginta tria sepulcra et conclavia (magnitudinis a KV54, fovea simplice, ad KV5, sepulcrum multiplex, cui plus quam 120 conclavia sunt).[8] Valles fuit principale maiorum personarum regalium nobiliumque praestantium Aegyptii Regni Novi sepulcretum. Sepulcra regalia, scaenis e mythologia Aegyptia ornata, indicationes aevi fidium rituumque funereorum retinent. Antiquitate autem praedatores paene omnia sepulcra aperuisse praedati esse videntur, sed indicia opulentiae auctoritatisque pharaonum nihilominus manent.

Haec regio est locus explorationis archaeologicae et Aegyptologicae e saeculo duodevicensimo exeunte, atque eius sepulcra iam investigationes et studium stimulant. Valles temporibus recentioribus sepulcro Tutankhamun rumoribusque maledicti pharaonum[9] innotuit, vallesque est unus e clarissimis orbis terrarum sitibus archaeologicis. Qui anno 1979 factus est situs patrimonii totius mundi, una cum reliquo Necropolis Thebanae.[10] Exploratio, excavatio, conservatioque scientifica in valle pergunt, ac nova peregrinationis sedes nuper aperta est.

Publicum vallis nomen antiquitate fuit Magna et Augusta Necropolis Millionum Annorum Pharaonis, Vita, Vires, Valetudo in Occidente Thebarum,[11] ac Ta-sekhet-ma'at ('Magnus Ager').[12] De nomine, vide litteras hieroglyphicas infra.

O1 O1
N23 Z1
Panorama vallis, ad septentriones spectans.
Mons al-Qurn in valle dominatur.
Despectus in mediam Valles Orientalem, regionem circa KV62 monstrans.
Aditus ad sepulcrum regale, anno 1821 adumbratus.
Sepulcrum Twosret et Setnakhte, andronem descendentem monstrans.
Sepulcrum Rhamsis III, KV11.
  1. Trismegistos. . www.trismegistos.org .
  2. Reeves et Wilkinson 1996: 6.
  3. Maspero 1913: 182.
  4. Theban Mapping Project.
  5. Siliotti 1997: 13.
  6. Vide lemma "Wadi" apud "Lexicon Latinum Hodiernum", auctore Petro Lucusaltiano Latinophilo, ubi dicitur "Wadi, m vadio, onis, f [2014]; alveus (plerumque) aridus, m [NLL p.410,2] {vadio est verbum linguae esperanticae}".
  7. Zahi Hawass. "Spotlight Interview: 2008". The Plateau: Official Website for Dr. Zahi Hawass 
  8. "Valley of the Kings". Theban Mapping Project 
  9. "Egypt's "King Tut Curse" Caused by Tomb Toxins?". National Geographic .
  10. "Ancient Thebes and its necropolis." UNESCO Work Heritage Sites.
  11. Anglice The Great and Majestic Necropolis of the Millions of Years of the Pharaoh, Life, Strength, Health in The West of Thebes.
  12. Siliotti 1997: 12-13.


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  • Davis, Theodore M. 2001. The Tomb of Siphtah with the Tomb of Queen Tiyi. Londinii: Gerald Duckworth & Co Ltd. ISBN 0715630733.
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  • Hornung, Erik. 1990. The Valley of the Kings: Horizon of Eternity. Novi Eboraci: Timken.
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  • Reeves, Nicholas. 1990. Valley of the Kings: The Decline of a Royal Necropolis. Londinii: Keegan Paul. ISBN 0710303688.
  • Reeves, Nicholas, et Richard H. Wilkinson. 1996. The Complete Valley of the Kings. Londinii: Thames and Hudson. ISBN 0500050805.
  • Reeves, Nicolas, et Richard H. Wilkinson. 2008. The Complete Valley of the Kings. Londinii: Thames & Hudson.
  • Romer, John. 1981. Valley of the Kings. Henry Holt. ISBN 0805009930.
  • Rossi, Corinna. 2001. Dimensions and Slope in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Dynasty Royal Tombs. Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 87: 73–80. The Egyptian Exploration Society. doi:10.2307/3822372. ISSN 0307-5133. JSTOR 3822372.
  • Sampsell, Bonnie M. 2003. A Traveler's Guide to the Geology of Egypt. Cairi: American University Press. ISBN 977424785X.
  • Siliotti, Alberto. 1997. Guide to the Valley of the Kings. Barnes and Noble. ISBN 8880954962.
  • Strudwick, Nigel, et Helen Strudwick. 1999. Thebes in Egypt. Cornell University. ISBN 0801486165.
  • Weeks, Kent R. 2000. Atlas of the Valley of the Kings. Cairi: American University in Cairo Press.
  • Weeks, Kent R. 2000. KV 5: A Preliminary Report on the Excavation of the Tomb of the Sons of Ramesses II in the Valley of the Kings. Cairi: American University Press. ISBN 9774245741.
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  • Weigall, Arthur. 1910. A Guide to the Antiquities of Upper Egypt. Londinii: Mentheun & Co. ISBN 1425338062.
  • Wilkinson, Richard H. 1994. Valley of the Sun Kings: New Explorations in the Tombs of the Pharaohs. Tucsoniae: University of Arizona Egyptian Expedition. ISBN 0964995808.
  • Wilkinson, Richard H. 1993. The paths of Re: Symbolism in the royal tombs of Wadi Biban El Moluk. KMT 4(3).
  • Wilkinson, Richard H., et Kent R. Weeks. 2016. The Oxford Handbook of the Valley of the Kings. Novi Eboraci: Oxford University Press.

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