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Ronaldus Laing

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Wikidata Ronaldus Laing
Res apud Vicidata repertae:
Ronaldus Laing: imago
Ronaldus Laing: imago
Nativitas: 7 Octobris 1927; Glasgovia
Obitus: 23 Augusti 1989; Torpetopolis
Patria: Britanniarum Regnum


Proles: Paul Laing

Ronaldus Laing (natus die 7 Octobris 1927; ictu cordis mortuus die 23 Augusti 1989) fuit psychiatricus sive psychologus Scoticus qui multum de morbo mentis, praecipue de psychosi usu cognota, scripsit.

Laing fuit sub inspirationem? Caroli Marx et existentialistae Sartre, etiam motum contra psychiatriam de? morbus dissidentiae phreneticae? confirmavit. Suam theoria inspirationem? ad librum Anti-Oedipus dedit.

  • 1960 : The Divided Self: An Existential Study in Sanity and Madness. Harmondsworth: Penguin.
  • 1961 : The Self and Others. Londinii: Tavistock Publications. apud Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing
  • 1964 (cum Aaron Esterson) : Sanity, Madness and the Family. Londinii: Penguin Books.
  • 1964 (cum D. G. Cooper) : Reason and Violence: A Decade of Sartre's Philosophy. Ed. 2a. Londinii: Tavistock Publications Ltd.
  • 1966 (cum H. Phillipson et A. R. Lee) : Interpersonal Perception: A Theory and a Method of Research. Londinii: Tavistock.
  • 1967 : The Politics of Experience and the Bird of Paradise. Harmondsworth: Penguin.
  • 1970 : Knots. Londinii: Penguin. fragmentum
  • 1971 : The Politics of the Family and Other Essays. Londinii: Tavistock Publications.
  • 1976 : Do You Love Me? An Entertainment in Conversation and Verse Novi Eboraci: Pantheon Books.
  • 1976 : Sonnets. Londinii: Michael Joseph.
  • 1976 : The Facts of Life. Londinii: Penguin.
  • 1977 : Conversations with Adam and Natasha. Novi Eboraci: Pantheon.
  • 1982 : The Voice of Experience: Experience, Science and Psychiatry. Harmondsworth: Penguin.
  • 1985 : Wisdom, Madness and Folly: The Making of a Psychiatrist 1927-1957. Londinii: Macmillan.
  • 1995 (auctore B. Mullan) : Mad to be Normal: Conversations with R.D. Laing. Londiniin: Free Association Books.
  • 1992 (cum R. Russell) : R. D. Laing and Me: Lessons in Love. Novi Eboraci: Hillgarth Press.


[recensere | fontem recensere]
  • Boyers, R., et R. Orrill, edd. 1971. Laing and Anti-Psychiatry. Novi Eboraci: Salamagundi Press.
  • Burston, Daniel. 1996. The Wing of Madness: The Life and Work of R. D. Laing. Cantabrigiae Massachusettensium: Harvard University Press.
  • Burston, Daniel. 2000. The Crucible of Experience: R. D. Laing and the Crisis of Psychotherapy. Cantabrigiae Massachusettensium: Harvard University Press.
  • Clay, John. 1996. R.D. Laing: A Divided Self. Londinii: Hodder & Stoughton.
  • Collier, A. 1977. R. D. Laing: The Philosophy and Politics of Psychotherapy. Novi Eboraci: Pantheon.
  • Evans, R. I. 1976. R. D. Laing, The Man and His Ideas. Novi Eboraci: E. P. Dutton.
  • Friedenberg, E. Z. 1973. R. D. Laing. Novi Eboraci: Viking Press.
  • Miller, G. 2004. R.D. Laing. Edinburgi: Edinburgh University Press.
  • Laing, Adrian. 1994. R. D. Laing: A Biography. Londinii: Peter Owen
  • Kotowicz, Z. 1997. R.D. Laing and the Paths of Anti-Psychiatry. Londinii: Taylor & Francis.
  • Mullan, B., Ed. 1997. R.D. Laing: Creative Destroyer. Londinii: Cassell & Co.
  • Mullan, B. 1999. R.D. Laing: A Personal View. Londinii: Duckworth.
  • Raschid, S., Ed. 2005. R.D. Laing: Contemporary Perspectives. Londinii: Free Association Books.

Pelliculae et ludi de R. D. Laing

[recensere | fontem recensere]
  • Asylum 1972. Documentarium a Petro Robinson directum.
  • Did you used to be R.D. Laing? 1989. Documentarium a Kirk Tougas et Tom Shandel factum.
  • Did you use to be R.D. Laing? 2000. Ludus scaenicus.
  • Family Life 1971. Pellicula a Ken Loach facta.

Nexus externi

[recensere | fontem recensere]
  • De hoc homine in Indice Interretiali Pellicularum (Anglice)