its pronounced “labyrinth zone”

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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Anonymous asked:

Hey Kermit, you mentioned that your joker kin is dating fluttershy, have you considered opening up to her a bit more? She might be able to provide you with some solace, as she is a kind and compassionate soul. If she knew how you were struggling, I’m sure she would want to help.

the-muppet-joker answered:

Heh. I am not simply “dating” Fluttershy. My Joker kintype is in Homestuck Kismesis with her, Dumbhead! They are erotically battling to the death in my mindscape. Fluttershy has Joker’s blood all over her and a very serious expression on her face. Joker is missing an arm and is facedown on the ground, growling and panting like an animal. You will never understand our bond due to woke liberal brainwashing UwUifying the intense nature of the Homestuck Kismesis bond!

He’s kinda real for this one.

do you think the trolls ever try to think up valid human  names?



Kanaya: Yes I Have Noticed.  Why?


Kanaya: You’re Right But I…Don’t Think Anyone Would Ever Name A Human That…

Karkat: *pulling out a piece of paper and a pen and scribbling a doodle* THIS IS MY PERSONSONA, HIS NAME IS FUCK DAMNSHIT.

Kanaya: *trying not laugh* Oh My Gog

Kanaya: I Want A Personsona

*Karkat gives Kanaya a piece of paper and the pen and watches her as she draws*


Kanaya: Her Name…Is Nook Eater 


i don't think vriska on beforus would be some kind of badass pirate outlaw i think she'd have a white-collar office job from 9-2 that she actually thinks is kind of interesting and after that goes home to her government-assigned foster kids who her relationship with happens to be the closest equivalent to a cigarette mom (which i know is contradicted by the white collar job just bear with me here) the troll race will ever witness. except instead of cigarettes she smokes a bug or something



Karkat’s gender, HIC, and the Virgin Mary


Karkat says he really admires HIC because of her ability to keep shit together as a leader and I can’t help but think of what HIC represents for other characters

In the beta verse, Grandpa ran away from her, Nanna grew up resenting her, on the alpha verse Grandma English both resented her and ran away from her, while Pops June just sorta, stayed, just passively accepted the Crocker name and became heiress without any negative feelings being canonized. It really feels like out of everyone June is the most receptive of HIC because of how she represents femininty

HIC is hyper feminine and has the persona of Betty Crocker, a 50s housewife, the way that she haunts other people who struggle with femininity just seems representative of that as well, Roxy resents her, Nanna wanted to learn her tricks to take her down someday, Grandpa just straight up ran away from her, and it just feels in line with their relationships with feminity, Jake being the most avoidant dreaming of being this hyper masculine fever dream and Jane trying to subvert feminity but never managing to do so despite her being really masculine, loving to wear mustaches, interest in hard boiled detectives, but still trapped by the limitations set by HIC’s brainwashing of her.

The Collide segment also has those girls that grew to resent feminity being the ones to battle against HIC


And that’s a general theme in Homestuck that LEADERSHIP IS FEMININE, Roxy is described as a great leader by her ability to stitch the team together and trying to be there for her friends, but also by Vriska taking the lead in the end while Karkat just bitterly fades into the role of just listening. June and Meenah are also leaders of their sessions, and June specially had this thing of really looking up to Vriska, similar to Karkat and HIC, of looking up to someone who was a victim of their society’s ideals of being a leader and whatnot.

And the relationship I wanna highlight is KARKAT, KANAYA AND HIC, because there are a lot of conections, the most obvious one being Karkat and Kanaya who are really close friends, but also how they subtly contrast each other. Karkat wants to be a masculine badass leader, Kanaya wants to bring back the troll species, they both do not accomplish it how they wanted. Karkat is not a leader by the end, he just listens to Vriska’s plan while bitterly on the back, Kanaya fails to protect the matriorb and only gets it back way later, their attempts at fulfilling their caste and gender expectations fail

And also it’s really telling how Karkat keeps having female role models (HIC and Kanaya, Vriska takes his leader position, he sucks up to Jade and Terezi melding with crushes) while the one male role models he could have (Kankri and Signless) he just denies their existence basically.

Another point is that Kanaya is the child of a virgin mother and comes back from the dead, she is a Jesus figure, not Karkat. 

And the relationship between HIC and Kanaya is also one based on their roles


Both want the Matriorb, both want to bring the troll species back, but both are unable to without Roxy. Kanaya and HIC both have this relationship of wanting to fulfill their porpoises of “mothers” for the whole species despite not having the ability to do so on their own.

And that just talks to homestuck’s theme of DESIRED ROLE VS REALIZED ROLE

Karkat wants to be a badass hero, but he is much happier when he is listening and doting after his friends, he is “the mom friend” while Kanaya admits that she is really bad at auspitism despite constantly being told to do that, Roxy and Vriska take the lead of their sessions despite Dirk wanting to control things on his session and Karkat attempting to be that. None of the characters fulfill their desired roles because it’s not for them. 


The only place where Karkat manages to be a leader is on the non canonical black hole on the Candy timeline, the tl where everything went wrong and everyone is unhappy, Jane fulfilled her role as HIC’s sucessor, Jake is in an unhappy hetero marriage, Dirk managed to make a big impact by literally dying, June got a rushed and shallow marriage, they all fulfilled their roles based straight and cis ideals, and they’re all unhappy.

(That’s a reason why I hate Com Kat, he’s clearly unhappy and married with a 19 yo that had a crush on him when he was 15, and ppl still worship as a badass warrior)

THE POINT IS, Karkat is transfem and constantly worshipping female figures in his life, showed at his unhappiest when he’s in a “masculine” role, and a lot of his traits are muddled with Kanaya’s, the mom friend, the one who listens, when Kanaya much like EVERY HOMESTUCK CHARACTER is happier when they DON’T HAVE TO FULFILL THEIR GENDER ROLES