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Green Day “demastered” their 1994 album Dookie into 15 “obscure, obsolete, and inconvenient” formats, like wax cylinder, Fisher Price record, Teddy Ruxpin, and player piano roll. This is amazing.

Discussion  4 comments

Ryan N Edited

This is so great. I highly recommend clicking into each de-mastered format because they're all delightful in different ways.

Eric M

I have owned this album on CD, cassette, streamed digitally, and just recently purchased the 30th anniversary vinyl. And now I may own it via toothbrush. Amazing.

Gaelen Marsden

I'd love to hear an interview with Brain about how the collaboration came about and how they when about the project. I imagine it would have been a lot of fun.

Mark Fisher

Wonderful! And informative:

X-ray records, also known as “ribs” or “bone music,” originated in the USSR in the 1950s as a way to bootleg banned Western music. By cutting grooves into actual X-rays, music could be copied and distributed outside official channels. Green Day’s “Coming Clean” has been etched into real X-rays in this same method, creating a recording that is uniquely unmatched in its specifically terrible quality. Best played at 70 RPM.

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